<zombu2> ima use the radxa to flash the truck
<mhoney> maybe you got a bad board
<zombu2> maybe
<zombu2> which would be bad
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<zombu2> heh radxa rock board works to flash it haha
<zombu2> how ironic
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<zombu2> great flash failed
<mhoney> sounds like your board might have got zapped by static
<zombu2> there s no way
<zombu2> it s in a plastic enclosure and the pc's are not connected to grid power
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<mhoney> how can you tell if 2d acceleration is enabled?
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<mhoney> hows the speed on the radxa wireless?
<zombu2> fastest i ve seen was about 60 mbit
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<arpan> Hi, need help with I2C on cubietruck
<arpan> check this log http://pastebin.com/TLvpk8zf
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<arpan> i2cdetect is responding to every slave address
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<FR^2> arpan: I can't help you I assume. But don't you have to enable those pins for i2c or such first? (No idea..)
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<Computer> Hi, Does anyone have phone number to Cubieboard Europe? I tried last week with emails but nobody replied me yet.. :(
<lauri> mhoney: what about my blogpost? :P
<arpan> FR^2: No problem. The issue is even without connecting any devices the i2cdetect get responses from all address (almost 128 devices) on selected bus, only device connected should respond. Check end part of log.
<lauri> can anyone confirm that this adapter is compatible with Cubietruck? http://www.ebay.com/itm/221210052912
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<Computer> It would be fine.. because the truck and the cubieboard has the same dc connector
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<Computer> <lauri> yes, It will be good..
<lauri> wow, the signal-to-noise ratio of this channel has dropped .. ./
<lauri> Computer: thank you, can you suggest some other adapters aswell
<lauri> harry: this approach is going to get you nowhere
<harry> Thanks lauri, i need tvd drivers desparately. i've already started thinking CT as waste of time / mony after 2 days of search about proper drivers
* FR^2 .oO( Parrots for the win! )
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<lauri> harry: I haven't read about anyone using TV input
<lauri> harry: And I am using Cubietruck on a dailiy basis
<lauri> harry: Considering the current status I am glad that connectors **on the board** are usable
<harry> it has 4xTVIN on CN9 and i want to use that to record from analog video source (e.g. tv etc)
<lauri> harry: Under "Troublesome" it says "TV Decoder (Analog in, no driver, no datasheet)"
<lauri> So at this point I would say "Forget about it..."
<harry> do have some GOOD board in mind for my requirement. i baught CT after comparing so many of them !!!! :((
<lauri> harry: what?
<harry> i want to make a Personal Video Recoder to record live tv using composite socket
<lauri> harry: Well just comparing the hardware is going to get you nowhere
<lauri> harry: You have to consider software support aswell...
<harry> do you have any good alternate in mind ???
<lauri> harry: nope, I haven't paid attention to analog TV inputs.. it's pretty obsolete technology..
<FR^2> A small x86 pc ;)
<FR^2> but even there you might have to struggle with issues with drivers...
<lauri> Yeah probably PC with some TV capture cards would be a good idea
<harry> i guess so but i want to make it VERY handy
<lauri> consider video encoding aswel..
<lauri> you're not going to put raw uncompressed video feed to harddisk..
<harry> yes i want h264
<harry> see this https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CBwQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.viaembedded.com%2Fen%2Fproducts%2Fboards%2F2150%2F1%2FVAB-820_(Pico-ITX).html&ei=ERygU9fJL8mJuASLwILgAg&usg=AFQjCNFy_ZItMPNbZaV9jOGvfPZq4QoGrA&bvm=bv.68911936,d.c2E
<harry> this is > $240 and i can do a mini itx pc in that much
<lauri> Well Cubietruck's hardware video encoder has no driver to my knowledge
<lauri> With a PC you'll have same issue, hardware 264 encoders are not so well supported by (open-source) software
<lauri> And encoding 264 in realtime on generic CPU is troublesome if not impossible
<harry> yes i'm aware of that
<harry> i can do that on PC but i need it on some small factor soc
<harry> i'm sure it is possible
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<lauri> I added some screenshots of soc-config in action: https://github.com/v6sa/soc-config/
<arpan> Hi, need help with I2C on cubietruck
<arpan> check this log http://pastebin.com/TLvpk8zf
<harry> thanks lauri but what i need do is to find ALTERNATE to CT
<harry> bye
<jelly> lauri: quick, package it in Debian!!
<lauri> jelly: I need to patch up some thing and I can make it installable via pip install soc-config ;)
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<lauri> arpan: what are you attempting to do?
<arpan> @lauri: Connect a sensor with i2c to cubietruck, but before that want to find out devices already present on i2c bus.
<arpan> lauri: the output of i2cdetect itself raises issue, see the end part of log.
<lauri> arpan: this is a half-baked article about i2c
<lauri> you output looks fish
<lauri> *fishy
<lauri> as if it detects devices on all addresses
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<lauri> are you sure you don't have some problem with the electrical connection?
<lauri> or the problem might be that the driver is reporting something incorrectly
<lauri> I am of course not an expert on I2C
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<arpan> lauri: yes, that's the problem. I have checked on 2 CT boards (one with sensor connected, other no connection) with same SDcard setup and got the same results as in log. So don't think electrical connection is a problem.
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<lauri> arpan: what kernel you're running?
<FR^2> lauri: cool article!
<arpan> lauri: Linux Kernel 3.4.79+ linux-sunxi by mmplayer for cubian. So I guess the problem is either in I2C bus driver or I2C Sunxi char driver.
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<lauri> I am also on 3.4.79
<lauri> FR^2: It needs a little bit more work :P
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<arpan> lauri: can you provide/point me to the kernel source and config file, if i2cdetect in your CT is not fishy. Could you pls check it out ?
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<Grefor> can apt-get update break it ?
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<lauri> arpan: I used the one that Igor Pecovnik's script provides by default
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<EGM> Hello
<EGM> Is anyone here having problems with installation to NAND because of new version of boot0 (3.0.0) shipped on newer Cubieboard2?
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<Flashtek> Good afternoon y'all
<Flashtek> Cubie w/ PoE support ?
<Flashtek> let me rephrase...
<Flashtek> I am looking for a device, just like the cubietruck, that will be powered by PoE. Are there any known issues with doing this ??? I would also like, ideally, to run Debian or a stripped out Ubuntu on the device. Doable ?
<joph> you won't be able to use gbit ethernet
<Flashtek> that's fine
<joph> you could also use the cubieboard with PoE
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<n3glv> Flashtek: you can use poe converter
<n3glv> gm neil
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<Flashtek> greetings Jeffy
<Flashtek> I need to get my hands on one of those cubietrucks
<Flashtek> and sure, a PoE splitter does the job, but having it native would be well sexy
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<Grefor> power over ethernet?
<Flashtek> Grefor: yes
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<mhoney> Flashtek use a poe injector
<n3glv> mhoney: that's what I told the pommie wanker
<n3glv> (known Flashtek for years)
<n3glv> or putting this another way, he knows of cubietruck from me on other irc...
<mhoney> I've used those for raspberry pi's and they work pretty good
<n3glv> ya
<Flashtek> I just wanted an all in one solution
<n3glv> can backpower the newer pi from usb though
<Flashtek> mhoney: and the bit that's needed would be splitter, not injector
<mhoney> true, you need both sides
<Flashtek> We already have PoE switch
<n3glv> Flashtek: they work both ways
<n3glv> just need two
<Flashtek> one
<n3glv> well......... what you thing a truck would do with 48v?
<n3glv> GO BOOM?
<mhoney> yah, ive never heard of a 5volt poe switch
<mhoney> i think 24volt is the lowest standard
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<Flashtek> deal with it and down step it
<mhoney> bah.. just make it solar powered
<n3glv> a 3terminal regulator would be easy
<n3glv> OR
<n3glv> just grab a 5v cigar lighter plug and wire it in
<n3glv> 99% of them can tolerate 24v
<n3glv> oh wait, no
<n3glv> truck needs more amps
<n3glv> 7805 is easy enough
<n3glv> and could handle 32v or maybe 37
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<Flashtek> ok, perhaps I should ask a better question
<Flashtek> Is there, in production, a single board system that has onboard WiFi (that supports monitor mode) and Bluetooth that can be PoE deployed and ideally has external aerial connections for the BT and WiFi ???
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<rm> and also does it come with a free pony
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<Flashtek> am I really asking too much ?
<n3glv> no, you're a POMMIE!
<Flashtek> n3glv: awaken
<Flashtek> OI
<n3glv> Flashtek: going out the door
<Flashtek> alright, I found the info another way
<lauri> jelly: sudo pip install socle ;)
<lauri> jelly: The main menu should pop up at least, other stuff is most probably broken. I refactored the whole codetree to accommodate changes for pip
<lauri> And it's called now socle, don't ask me why: https://github.com/v6sa/socle
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<Fangorn> Hello, all
<Fangorn> anyone use cubietruck with battery?
<zeRez> hi guysd
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<n3glv_McWifi> rehi Flashtek
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