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<rooted> hello , how can i enable wifi in CT , first installation using Lubuntu
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<rooted> in lubuntu i dont have network manager
<rooted> help ?
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<hypno> wpa_supplicant ?
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<rooted> its not installed too
<rooted> ive just installed Lubuntu desktop
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<rooted> ive did the wpa_passprase , edit network intefacces, etc nothing , simply nothing , cant find the network-manager , even modprobe is not available as a command here...
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<rooted> wtf! lubuntu 1.02 is shit! i wonder why did they made the image the first time if its not adding wifi option!
<mhoney> wifi works great on the debian image
<rooted> will switch to it , why the hell then they made lubuntu at the first time!?
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<nighty-_> ganbold, is cubietruck now supported by FreeBSD ?
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<zombu2> wifi works just fine after you load the module on boot
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<Fangorn_SPB> Hello, All!
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<Fangorn_SPB> I'm intresting about connect cubie to lcd, over lvds. Anybody do it?
<Fangorn_SPB> I found baseboard, it's nice. But where i can get/buy lvds cable for it?
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<Fangorn_SPB> Anybody here?
<froese> 129 to be exact *g*
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<Fangorn_SPB> Hi, All...
<n3glv> yo
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