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<zombu2> n3glv you have to remove some mesa stuff thats interfering
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<tuxmax> hi do existe a linux cubietruck image can run avi?
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<Bushmills> tuxmax: a kernel and modules for supporting the video hardware which you can run with the distribution you're already using ought to be enough
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<n3glv> Bushmills: I could play w/o acceleration
<n3glv> gxine
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<Bushmills> n3glv: full HD?
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<tuxmax> hi inave ubuntu image on a cubietruck but the video d'ont working
<tuxmax> how install cedarx driver
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<Grefor> can i dual boot yet? android nand linux sd?
<JohnDoe_71Rus> yes. just insert sd card
<zombu2> googleing is a talent most ppl lost in the last couple years
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<tuxmax> how can change the resolution of hdmi
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<Grefor> JohnDoe it can corrupt android boot tables unless you modify script.bin i have no idea how to do this
<n3glv> depends, if it is a sd image it should not corrupt
<shineworld> hi all
<n3glv> gm
<shineworld> afternoon in Italy :)
<n3glv> ah
<n3glv> not quite 10am here
<JohnDoe_71Rus> shineworld: hi
<shineworld> JohnDoe_71Rus, :)
<shineworld> Yesterday if was down due a big issue in a big Italian datacentre
<JohnDoe_71Rus> Grefor: i use android 1.05 nand and cubieez sd. no corrupt. Suspected corrupt memory android over 1.05
<n3glv> all of italy?
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<Grefor> i tried it with android stock and android 1.06 also with cubieez
<shineworld> by my knows android has nand enablings in script.bin end nand.ko in init.script
<Grefor> odd
<shineworld> if your linux don't set nand in script.bin and don't load nand.ko I guess the system is safe
<n3glv> I have debian on truck, but need to get mali turned on and running
<n3glv> the sd I have with mali etc, boots into some resolution so high my monitor shuts off
<n3glv> and have had no success in fixing it
<shineworld> sorry I don't have any experience with linux at moment (I'm an android boy)
<n3glv> I have an issue with new android phone and linux too
<n3glv> no usb driver for it
<n3glv> so no adb
<n3glv> no adb=no unlocking bootloader
<n3glv> and no root
<n3glv> su rather
<n3glv> if I could figure out adb over wifi, maybe I could do more
<tuxmax> how can change resolution on my cubirtruck
<JohnDoe_71Rus> script.bin edit?
<tuxmax> how edit this
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<tuxmax> i get error whan do make
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<thomask> hi, I'm trying for weeks to get android on cubie with connected hdmi to turn-off display after some idle time... but whatever display connected keeps on for days. Anybody here has a tipp?
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<shineworld> me not. I'm using LVDS displays and to shut down the display (or dimming it) I'm using a PWM backlight control
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<shineworld> at memory.... display turnoff/on should be matter of PowerManagement....
<shineworld> At least with CB1 (openbox) there's not impl.of that
<buZz> xset -dpms off
<buZz> but arduino does not use X
<buZz> ehr
<buZz> android does not use X
<shineworld> buZz, asked for android
<buZz> yeah i dno
<buZz> tried asking in #android? :)
<shineworld> there's in cubieboard kernel (I know only lichee) driver commands to put ON/OFF the display....
<shineworld> some of them are controlled usually by PowerManager service
<shineworld> thomask, what cb and os are you using ?
<thomask> shineworld: I'm using cubieboard2 A20 and android 4.2.
<shineworld> ah ok so ct-droid1 sources (1.05 or over)
<thomask> shineworld: in android settings there is no setting for screen timeout or similar
<shineworld> cool ... I'm looking sources
<thomask> shineworld: I recently could try the same thing on a wandboard quad... they have this setting... but it has no influence and simply didn't work
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<shineworld> perhaps is supposed that "cubieboard is set top box" which don't works with batteries and don't require powermanager services :)
<shineworld> like display timout management
<shineworld> I'm melt'ing google 4.2.2_r1 sources with cubieboard sources.... take a while
<shineworld> s/melt'ing/meld'ing/g
<thomask> shineworld: coooool
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<shineworld> just a question.... what are reasons to close HDMI output on a TV from CB ?
<buZz> why not just turn off the tv :P
<shineworld> +1
<thomask> shineworld: it is hooked to a touchscreen which is wall-mounted... and is used to control my blinds in the home
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<thomask> shineworld: it has no "off" button even which is accessible. a touch event on the ELO-touchscreen should wake it up again... actually just like android does for roughly 45390495439454 phones
<shineworld> ah so HDMI isn' connected on a TV but to a display close to touch
<shineworld> ok ...
<tuxmax> how change resolution on cubietruck
<shineworld> you could call directly the device driver commands using a shell command in android.... I guess (I'm checking) that powermanager isn't present fully
<shineworld> a sec for a c sample
<buZz> tuxmax: edit script.bin
<tuxmax> the system in in tne nand how can modifie script.bin
<shineworld> look at /support/display
<shineworld> now you have to find what driver cmd shutdown/shutup display and substitute to PWN output control used by me
<shineworld> then build and place the bin in /system/bin and you can invoke it by android java
<shineworld> this is ONLY if you would to invest a lot of time to add powermanager features
<shineworld> *don't would invest
<shineworld> just change openbox path with your to get includes
<shineworld> I've got a similar issue because powermanager is also responsable to control display dimming after prefixed time....
<thomask> shineworld: it's not about the time... but I will give this a shot. shineworld, you rock. I think I will need some time to figure out how to do everything as I'm quite new to this stuff. Thank you so much
<shineworld> unfortunately my PC is very busy and meld is long..... already buiding android os at -j8.....
<shineworld> I need to upgrade it
<tuxmax> $ git clone git://github.com/linux-sunxi/sunxi-tools.git
<tuxmax> $ cd sunxi-tools
<tuxmax> $ make
<tuxmax> when i do make i get error
<tuxmax> gcc -g -00 -Wall ...
<shineworld> thomask, looking at ct-droid1 (1.05) sources are more rich than old cb1 (openbox) and Display parts implements a lot of things... try to check /frameworks/base and you will find surely a feature to your needs.
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<ginypig> Hey, having some trouble
<ginypig> I edited the /etc/network file and it stopped booting afterwards
<ginypig> Most likely that is not the reason its not booting
<ginypig> It cycles trough link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0)
<ginypig> COMRESET failed (errno=-16)
<ginypig> link is slow to respond... etc
<ginypig> limiting SATA link speed to 1.5 Gbps
<ginypig> hard resetting link etc etc.
<ginypig> at the end it just hangs on Wawiting for root device /dev/sda1
<ginypig> just in case i restored the /etc/network/interface via live usb
<ginypig> but ofcourse no results
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<zombu2> hdd bad
<ginypig> zombu2: any pro tips?
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<zombu2> try other hdd
<ginypig> I don't have any
<zombu2> guess you sol
<ginypig> sol?
<zombu2> shit out of luck
<zombu2> reformat it and try again
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<Grefor> has anyone got the usb hub problem?
<Grefor> connecting a usb mouse keyboard to a hub n than hooking it to cb2 cubieez 1.0 doesnt work
<Grefor> however both work when hooking up directly to usb ports also a ext usb hdd hooked to the hub does work
<n3glv> Grefor: more power
<n3glv> ie powered hub
<zombu2> ^^
<n3glv> hi zombu2
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<Grefor> power is sufficient usb hub has its own power
<zombu2> yoyo
<n3glv_McWifi> u should call me
<Grefor> 3.5A
<zombu2> not 1.1 compatible
<n3glv_McWifi> Grefor: dmesg / lsusb show the hub?
<n3glv_McWifi> btw, OTG port is off on most linux
<Grefor> i use 2x usb ports not mini usb
<Grefor> ill check but im new to linux so let me figure it out a sec
<n3glv_McWifi> in root shell
<n3glv_McWifi> dmesg should show unplug and replug of hub and any devices
<n3glv_McWifi> lsusb can also show all usb connected
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<Grefor> yes lsusb does list them
<Grefor> both mouse an keyboard
<n3glv_McWifi> should work
<n3glv_McWifi> do you see them with dmesg?
<Grefor> the hub also works coz i can acces an ext hdd connected to it however if i connect the hub i have to unplug keyboard mouse :p
<Grefor> no one has had thulis issue here?
<n3glv_McWifi> I have MAJOR problems trying to run external usb hdd
<Grefor> really?
<Grefor> on cubieez 1.0?
<n3glv_McWifi> yes on my truck
<Grefor> oh i have cb2
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<n3glv_McWifi> SAME
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<n3glv_McWifi> but I have sata and more ram
<n3glv_McWifi> and vga
<Grefor> so ext sata gives problems?
<n3glv_McWifi> USB HARD DRIVES
<n3glv_McWifi> ISSUES
<n3glv_McWifi> I think it's mostly power.. not 100% sure
<Grefor> odd no issue there for me maybe coz i use hub to counter power isdue
<Grefor> hooking up usb hdd ditectly to cb doesnt work wont start spinning up
<Grefor> but input devices wont worj over hub i might have found solution
<Grefor> but i dont understand the steps to et it fixed lol
<n3glv_McWifi> is that forum specific to cb2 / cubieez?
<Grefor> a fix for opensus fedora will work for deb?
<Grefor> nope
<Grefor> thats why i havent tried yet plus i dont get the steps :p
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<Grefor> there is no 71.seat.rules
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<rigo88> hi
<rigo88> i have a debian on an sdcard and the download via filezilla and lxde remote desktop connection is pretty slow / the speed isbouncing.
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<tuxmax> how can install cedarx with vlc
<Grefor> i have not tested it
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