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<whitequark> wow, coolant is so awesome
<whitequark> I decided I'll just fucking flood the entire area, and that worked perfectly
<whitequark> I have a perfect mirror finish and only broken one endmill, and even that one because of stupidity
<DocScrutinizer51> :-)
<DocScrutinizer51> so you did my basin suggestion?
<whitequark> nope, simply poured water all over that
<DocScrutinizer51> btw it's not just cooling, it also acts as lubricant and transports away the dust
<whitequark> one downside, now everything is covered with sludge and/or water
<whitequark> and given that my table clamps and table are wooden...
<whitequark> well, victim table
<DocScrutinizer51> wax goes a long way
<whitequark> don't have any
<DocScrutinizer51> parafin oil
<whitequark> neither that
<whitequark> I think I have earwax but probably not enough to make a basin
<whitequark> :p
<DocScrutinizer51> or simply parafin (candle)
<whitequark> why the hell would I have any candles? it's 2014
<DocScrutinizer51> not for basin, to seal wood
<whitequark> oooooh
<whitequark> yes, good idea
<whitequark> fuck. no. I did not figure it out.
<whitequark> another broken endmill.
<whitequark> fucking shit.
<DocScrutinizer05> it just occurred to me that the lateral force on the endmill bit is identical to the lateral force on the PCB
<DocScrutinizer05> when your clamps are a bit loose, it might move away PCB before endmill breaks
<DocScrutinizer05> if you even had sonsors there, dang nice stuff you could do
<DocScrutinizer05> s/son/sen/
<qi-bot> DocScrutinizer05 meant: "if you even had sensors there, dang nice stuff you could do"
<DocScrutinizer05> 350 devices, 400 donors, 73555
<DocScrutinizer05> ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> aesthetic numbers
<DocScrutinizer05> though I wonder how the HECK somebody managed to donate 5 EUR
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<wpwrak> a diffusely symbolic token of appreciation :)
<wpwrak> what was the largest donation you received ?
<wpwrak> (endmill broken by stupidity) yeah, that's a common cause of death there ;-)
<wpwrak> (sensors) i don't think you want your clamps loose enough for anything like that to happen. loose workpieces give you all sorts of exciting new problems
<wpwrak> in any case, i'd try to work with lower feed rates. at those breakneck speeds, it's no surprise the endmills die like files
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<whitequark> sooo... it seems the main reason is that at first pass, water simply disperses very quickly from surface of acrylic
<whitequark> and later it tends to stay there
<whitequark> so I changed initial depth to .5mm and pour a LOT of water right on endmill at all times while milling the initial groove
<whitequark> thankfully there is nothing in my cnc that can rust!
<wpwrak> if you want to go the water route, you may indeed want to think of using a basin
<wpwrak> hah, final last words :)
<wpwrak> the wood will of course be useless in a basin, but you could just use acrylic as victim material
<whitequark> mhmmm
<whitequark> no, I just placed a lot of tissues under the machine
<wpwrak> ;-)))
<wpwrak> let's hope you're right about there being no parts that could rust :)
<whitequark> btw, it's not like I *want* to use those breakneck feeds
<whitequark> I have to, kinda
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<wpwrak> obsessive-compulsive ? ;-)
<whitequark> lol
<whitequark> no, I mean at lower feeds acrylic really tends to accumulate on the endmill
<wpwrak> even with all the water ?
<whitequark> yeah
<wpwrak> with my mill, most of it is reduced to powder. some strings may remain, but they just fall off after a while and don't get in the way
<whitequark> do you use water?
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<wpwrak> naturally humidified air :)
<whitequark> naturally ?
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<wpwrak> the air in buenos aires is usually fairly humid
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<wpwrak> my powder is a bit more coarse. i don't think i have a picture from the middle of a run. have to take one the next time i mill something.
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<whitequark> wpwrak: so I settled on 7000rpm 560mm/min for 1.2mm endmill
<whitequark> (I broke all the smaller ones)
<whitequark> it doesn't stress the endmill too much and leaves a really nice finish
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<DocScrutinizer05> (diffusely symbolic token) the funny part in it: you can only select multiples of 10.-
<DocScrutinizer05> (largest donation) 4k iirc
<DocScrutinizer05> (want clamps loose enough) this wasn't a suggestion but a assumption to develop a suggestion on
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<DocScrutinizer05> (basin) you know those vacuum cleaners that have a combined vacuum and waterjet nozzle? does that give you some idea for alternatives to basin and lots of water?
<DocScrutinizer05> what became of your whistler tool?
<DocScrutinizer05> is that a vacuum that can cope with water?
<DocScrutinizer05> of course you as well could use a huge bottle with two pipes for in and out of air, to collect the water _outside_ of the vacuum cleaner
<DocScrutinizer05> fill it with water
<DocScrutinizer05> mount a 1mm syringe needle to the end of tube/hose and attach that to the spindle head/motor so it adds a constant tiny jet of water on the endmill, attach the vacuum hose next to it, so it will instantly suck up all the water from your acrylic surface - incl the acrylic dust
<DocScrutinizer05> you probably even could cut the end of the vaccum hose at a 45° angle so the end can hoover 1mm above the acrylic surface and the hose rises at 45° form surface. Then cut an aperture into the hose exactly above center of the ellipsoid footprint, where you insert the endmill and syringe needle
<DocScrutinizer05> the air flow inside that vacuum hose end will be perfect :-) some air from top along spindle axis, to blow away the water and slurry. And most air from circumference of hose footprint along acr. surface and going straigt up into the hose, taking all the water and slurry with it
<DocScrutinizer05> also the downward air along spindle axis will avoid any water creeping up the tool bit / spindle to the motor
<DocScrutinizer05> sounds like a mad useful extension for your CNC
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: yes, that was the idea
<whitequark> except for a first proto, I'll just make a small reservoir for collecting used coolant
<whitequark> well... by the way
<whitequark> I bought a centrifugal pump, it has a DC motor
<whitequark> how do you regulate power of such beast?
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<wpwrak> military-grade resistors ?
<eintopf> hi
<eintopf> wpwrak: do you are a expert in workqueue? :(
<eintopf> s/workqueue/workqueues
<qi-bot> eintopf meant: "wpwrak: do you are a expert in workqueues? :("
<eintopf> and I mean linux workqueues
<eintopf> ...
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<wpwrak> hmm, what does an expert "in workqueues" do ? :) i have used them in the past. i don't use them often enough that i would get the API right from memory.
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<whitequark> wpwrak: no, I said "regulate"
<whitequark> meaning, what do I do? limit voltage? limit current?
<whitequark> could also just plug it in reverse (to somewhat reduce pumping power)
<wpwrak> both ? :) but yes, i'd adjust voltage and let current follow
<whitequark> hmm. so, an LM317
<wpwrak> reverse thrust also sounds interesting, though. please make sure you include the audio track when you make a video of that :)
<whitequark> audio track? what's about it?
<whitequark> I've did reverse trust trick on this specific pump in the past, it's nothing special really
<whitequark> it just works worse, and in this case that's exactly what I want
<wpwrak> oh, you mean constant reversal
<wpwrak> (lm317) maybe you could also cook something with a PWM. not sure. that's more DocScrutinizer05's domain.
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<whitequark> well, I have LM317 on hand and don't care about power so...
<whitequark> though, going from 24V to ~10V would dissipate some massive amount of heat
<whitequark> btw, I bought sulfuric acid
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<wpwrak> steadily working your way up towards HCl :)
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<whitequark> meh no
<whitequark> I decided I will still etch with persulphate, but add a fishtank heater and aerator to it
<wpwrak> i'm already looking forward to the euphoric outburst when you finally get drunk enough to dare to try it ;-)
<whitequark> at 50°C persulphate should work very well
<wpwrak> how to put a nail into the wall: method #1: place pointy end on wall, take hammer, hit non-pointy end a few times. method #2: fix nail with structure that's independent of building, lift building with crane, repeatedly move building sideways to make it bump into nail, release nail from fixture, return building to original position.
<wpwrak> why choose method #2 ? because you don't risk hitting your fingers with the hammer
<whitequark> remind me again how do I avoid corrosion while storing and using HCl in a 20sq.m flat
<wpwrak> btw, i think the next nobel prize for literature should go to gcc. i asked it to make a little gpio-polling loop. instead, it wrote an epic poem about redundancy, inefficiency, and bloat ...
<whitequark> with no balcony or a ventilation slot to attach to
<wpwrak> how about using two plastic containers ? one opening down, the other opening up. ventilate on open window from time to time to avoid excessive cl buildup
<whitequark> constant maintenance or acidic corrosion, awesome choice
<wpwrak> (containers) the "airtight" type
<whitequark> also do you know that HCl eats through plastic?
<wpwrak> well, you'll probably access it often enough that the maintenance will be quite implicit
<whitequark> well, not technically "eats", it extracts the plastifier basically, and the base matrix becomes extremely brittle
<wpwrak> well, buy only a quantity you can reasonably expect to use within the next, say, 5 years
<whitequark> last time it ate through bottle in 1
<wpwrak> get a real bottle :)
<wpwrak> maybe ask a chemist how they do it. they're probably a simpler way than what i'm describing
<zrafa> or watch breaking bad
<zrafa> and get ideas from there :)
<wpwrak> yeah, it may have "dual" uses when getting unexpected visitors
<whitequark> ew
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<DocScrutinizer05> (lm317) DC-motors you operate like buck converter, with FET based PWM and clamp diode
<DocScrutinizer05> HCL storage - baby simple: give it some victim material, probably weak NaOH solution enclosed in a sealed container together with the HCl bottle works just *great*
<wpwrak> ah yes. even easier. or maybe baking soda. not as aggressive as raw NaOH.
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<DocScrutinizer05> CaOH
<DocScrutinizer05> you'll want wet phase
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<DocScrutinizer05> hi dos1
<DocScrutinizer05> or stuff like Mg or Al
<wpwrak> isn't CaOH about as wet as NaHCO3 ?
<DocScrutinizer05> depends on how much water you add ;-)
<wpwrak> yeah :)
<wpwrak> but do you actually need to add water ? the Cl is likely to spend a lot of time buzzing around
<dos1> hello
<DocScrutinizer05> sure, but I tell you what I don't like about backing soda: the CO2 it releases. NaOH + HCl -> NaCl + H2O
<wpwrak> ah, i see
<DocScrutinizer05> CaOH alias chalk is probably the best
<wpwrak> yeah, if it really gets bad, the co2 could begin to act as a buffer. though i kind doubt whitequark would get near such quantities
<DocScrutinizer05> well Ca(OH)2
<wpwrak> yeah, sounds tame enough, including the CaCl2 you get in the end
<wpwrak> actually ... no, wrong reaction ...
<wpwrak> you get an explosive ;-) Ca(ClO3)2
<wpwrak> plus some CaCl2
<wpwrak> 6 Ca(OH)2 + 6 Cl2 = 5 CaCl2 + Ca(ClO3)2 + 6 H2O
<DocScrutinizer05> huh??
<wpwrak> you don't believe it ?
<DocScrutinizer05> where the heck is there any Cl2 ?
<wpwrak> it's that what escapes from the HCl ?
<DocScrutinizer05> HCl != Cl2
<wpwrak> well, whether HCl or H2+Cl2 escapes, you get some CaCl2 and maybe a bit of Ca(ClO3)2
<wpwrak> neither sounds overly worrying to me. it's not as if the quantities we're talking about were particularly large
<DocScrutinizer05> would be weird to get a pretty exlosive substance from every single vomiting on chalk
<wpwrak> and in case of a spill, it would be just CaCl2 (and H2O)
<DocScrutinizer05> prlly the Cro Magnon had already discovered the gunpower then
<wpwrak> happens to you often ? :)
<DocScrutinizer05> actually nope, I thinke last time I puked been last millenium
<wpwrak> but yes, it's probably HCl and not Cl2 that escapes
<DocScrutinizer05> due to a rotten ham on some pizza
<wpwrak> yum ;-)
<eintopf> mhhh, yumyum noodles...
<DocScrutinizer05> however the feel like puking is more constant by the month recently
<wpwrak> ah, those soldering fumes ...
* wpwrak nogs knowingly
<DocScrutinizer05> or, according to the old german proverb: "ich kann gar nicht so viel essen wie ich kotzen moechte"
<wpwrak> #s/nog/nod/
<wpwrak> first finish neo900, then you can food-bounce all you want ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> not cause of soldering, cause of other members of my species
<DocScrutinizer05> from an evolutionary aspect, we need another huge meteorite or a pandemic disease
<wpwrak> Malthusian catastrophe not happening fast enough ?
<DocScrutinizer05> whatever it is, it's already overdue
<DocScrutinizer05> random sidenote: funny name: "Steinunn Sigurðardóttir"
<wpwrak> ah yes, those icelanders
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah, those sons and dottiers
<DocScrutinizer05> greatly simplifies genealogy though
<DocScrutinizer05> I can already tell the "first" name of her father ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> Also you never have to wonder if that's a male or female first name :-D
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<DocScrutinizer05> annoying however gets the name plate on your family door
<wpwrak> use apartment numbers ?
<DocScrutinizer05> particularly when multiple generations live in one household
<wpwrak> e.g., in argentina, nobody puts a name on the door. it's all by address
<DocScrutinizer05> heh, I bet that has advantages
<DocScrutinizer05> add to that a lax registration office practice, and you're quite safe from unadvertised visits
<DocScrutinizer05> afaik in USA it's similarly lax, that's maybe one of the reasons why parking tickets are not on the owner but on the car
<wpwrak> well, there are those who visit robin hood style, taking from the (suspected) rich, giving to the self-identified needy. for these, name or number don't really matter. at least not the simpler ones
<DocScrutinizer05> sure. For those I had a few nice surprises installed when I'd live where you do
<DocScrutinizer05> you know, along the line P99 (actually not P9)
<wpwrak> cause of death: own booby trap :)
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<DocScrutinizer05> depends on your confidence in your own acting and in your projects
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<wpwrak> yeah. i try to err on the side of caution, especially when it comes to designing deadly traps :)
<wpwrak> and if you know Dr. Strangelove, then you can also appreciate why MAD wouldn't be an effective deterrent
<DocScrutinizer05> sorry, the last one doesn't make sense to me, prolly because of me not really knowing "Dr. Strangelove"
<DocScrutinizer05> I tend to design such traps with at least triple ANDed trigger, with a unusual but loud and obvious warning on every single trigger getting pulled. A similarly unusual but fool proof big emergency stop button. And no instant deadly force, rather start with something that I'm even more immune against than most others: high voltage ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> a very good first defense line is an electronic dog, loud and nasty, with the speaker right behind the door
<wpwrak> (Dr. Strangelove) ah, one of the best movies ever made. very nice pitch-black humor.
<wpwrak> (no immediate lethal force) ah, dragging out the experience. well, why not :)
<DocScrutinizer05> (loud) probably an evil growl and some snuffle like a grisly bear is more effective than loud barking ;-)
<wpwrak> make a little robot arm that scratches on the door, with tungsten claws :)
<DocScrutinizer05> 180dB 8kHz is also quite effective
<DocScrutinizer05> (robot) lol - just thought about exactly same . At a height of at least 1.50m
<DocScrutinizer05> better 1.80m
<DocScrutinizer05> 3s after the 8kHz attack, gas kicks in, all still in front of the door, when somebody tries to open it
<DocScrutinizer05> break it
<wpwrak> the arm would also be dual-purpose - if they get in, those tungsten claws could teach them the error of their ways
<DocScrutinizer05> yup
<wpwrak> tarantino style :)
<DocScrutinizer05> well, when somebody already got in, you can do only two things: knock them out for at least 30min, or lock them in for at least same time
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<DocScrutinizer05> several kW of focused microwave energy might do
<DocScrutinizer05> or tasers
<wpwrak> sharks. with lasers.
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<DocScrutinizer05> hah