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<wpwrak> zrafa: btw, how is the getting-swd-to-work project going ?
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<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: btw that site has a nice set of "whitepapers"/tutorials
<DocScrutinizer05> thanks for the link
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<DocScrutinizer05> actually they sound like suppliers for PCB makers, with a comprehensive "how do I create my own PCB shop" set of instructions
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<DocScrutinizer05> reading that stuff gave me some vivid ideas of some chinese PCB makers and how they might work ;-D
<wpwrak> do these mental images include gruesome industrial accidents ?
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<DocScrutinizer05> no, rather some chinese doing weird manual work that you'd expect getting done by (CNC) machines
* DocScrutinizer05 headdesks over KDE, kmail, and pcre(3)
<DocScrutinizer05> this is worse than windows ever got
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<DocScrutinizer05> I want to match a string with a regex. alas it turns out kmail supports pcre - allegedly. And I fail to adapt my tested-in-grep regex to work in kmail
<DocScrutinizer05> here's what I got in grep RE: echo 'Unsub-'|grep '.*Unsub..\?http://\(\([[:alnum:].]*\)/\)*[0-9A-Z]\{30,\}'
<DocScrutinizer05> nfc what to change to make the pattern PCRE compatible
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<wpwrak> remove the backslashes ?
<DocScrutinizer05> tried that, no dice
<wpwrak> and use perl instead of grep when testing :)
<DocScrutinizer05> hmmm
<DocScrutinizer05> I hate perl, and I don't get it
<DocScrutinizer05> I wouldn't even know how to run a simple RE in perl, without writing a script. HECK not even *within* a script
<wpwrak> perl -ne 'print if /PATTERN/'
* DocScrutinizer05 shudders and gives up
<DocScrutinizer05> btw I already tried escaping / like \/
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<wpwrak> sissy ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> but MEH, this isn't worth it
<DocScrutinizer05> your last 4 lines completely convinced me that this is a totally useless feature in kmail
<DocScrutinizer05> and particularly that KDE4 is for the arse
<DocScrutinizer05> the rexex pattern text input field is large enough to hold ~10 chars and can't get increased no matter what you do. And the regex editor that was available in KDE3 is gone in KDE4
<wpwrak> hehe ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> there's a pcredemo program allegedly, but not on my machine
<DocScrutinizer05> the only pcre related executable is pcre-config, which is *extremely* useful¡, since it *prints* a few config settings
<DocScrutinizer05> OMG
<DocScrutinizer05> perl DAFAQ!
* wpwrak likes perl :)
<DocScrutinizer05> I bet on that. It creates an opportunity to scare others with suggestions like "perl -ne 'print if /PATTERN/' " as an alternative for grep
<wpwrak> sigh. not as an alternative to grep but as a way to test PCRE with the ultimate authority of what is PCRE and what isn't
<DocScrutinizer05> I don't see that working
<wpwrak> PCRE = Perl-compatible, no ? so use perl to make sure your RE is indeed 100% perl-compatible
<DocScrutinizer05> toldya I don't get perl
<DocScrutinizer05> and I honestly doubt I want to find out why 'print if /.*Unsub..\?http://\(\([[:alnum:].]*\)/\)*[0-9A-Z]\{30,\}/' does whatever it does, and where the text to grep comes from
<wpwrak> wo kein wille ist, da ist auch kein weg :)
<DocScrutinizer05> when perl is an interpreter then I'd expect any text I pipe into it will get executed
<DocScrutinizer05> and I honestly doubt perl will accept // in a pattern terminated by / /
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<wpwrak> alright. you need backslashes for the forward slashes
<wpwrak> perl would let you avoid that (mX...X instead of /.../), but i doubt kmail goes that far
<DocScrutinizer05> kmail doesn't need *any* / / around the pattern. Mind you, it calls a library function, not a perl interpreter
<wpwrak> then use mX...X in perl
<DocScrutinizer05> so the pattern gets passed to that lib on stack, as string, i'd guess
<wpwrak> hee hee, dfu works. at long last :)
<DocScrutinizer05> honestly, you love perl?? do a "man perl" to *maybe* find out what the parameters -n and -e do. I guess I hardly ever seen a more useless unix manpage
<wpwrak> well, i tend to use perl for more complicated things. so no -n. -e can be handy at times.
<wpwrak> and if want some more pretty regexps, then there's this:
<DocScrutinizer05> wtf do regexps help me when I can't find out how to use the fucking perl executable, since no docs about commandline options
<wpwrak> perl --help ?
<DocScrutinizer05> worse than windows, really
<DocScrutinizer05> honestly somebody should suffer for this. They did nearly everything to make that stuff as intangible and obfuscated as possible
<DocScrutinizer05> Begun in 1993 (see perlhist), Perl version 5 is nearly a complete rewrite that provides the following additional benefits:
<DocScrutinizer05> · modularity and reusability using innumerable modules
<DocScrutinizer05> Described in perlmod, perlmodlib, and perlmodinstall.
<DocScrutinizer05> · embeddable and extensible
<wpwrak> they had a little pet DocScrutinizer05 in a cage. they showed their work to him every day. when he started to rant and rage, then the knew they were doing it right :)
<DocScrutinizer05> sure. Makes absolutely lot of sense to start a sentence lowercase, then inmidst the sentence continue Uppercase
<DocScrutinizer05> somebody must have smoked real strong stuff before writing this BS
<DocScrutinizer05> and that's a *manpage*
<wpwrak> i'll never understand why they didn't call "man perlfunc" "man perlfun" ...
<DocScrutinizer05> compare "man perl" to e.g. "man python" and you maybe get a frip on why I'm upset
<DocScrutinizer05> grip*
<DocScrutinizer05> or "man awk", or probably whatever you want to pick
<DocScrutinizer05> only tcl is similarly useless
<DocScrutinizer05> some gnu tools at least have the dignity to outright refuse to share *any* info in manpage, it just redirects you to "info" which aiui is Stallman's revenge to UNIX
<DocScrutinizer05> strange I never heard the term "infopages", only "manpages"
<DocScrutinizer05> now we also got "perlpages", uh?
<DocScrutinizer05> make that >> · modularity and reusability using innumerable modules. As described in perlmod, perlmodlib, and perlmodinstall.<< and I'd stop ranting about this particular thing. Not that this would change my general notion about that concotion a 0/00
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<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: :-S it works in perl, but not in kmail :-(
<DocScrutinizer05> now I'm really pissed, and out of ideas
<DocScrutinizer05> BWAHAAAHHAAAAHAA! >>This Appendix contains a brief but hopefully sufficient and covering introduction to the world of regular expressions. It documents regular expressions in the form available within Kate, which is not compatible with the regular expressions of perl, nor with those of for example grep.
<DocScrutinizer05> >>The POSIX notation of classes, [:<class name>:] is currently not supported.<<
<DocScrutinizer05> *great*
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: yeah, is great resource
<whitequark> I use it quite a bit
<DocScrutinizer05> and BOOOM, as soon as you know about such great simplifications like >>[:<class name>:] is currently not supported.<< and use \w instead, it starts working
<DocScrutinizer05> whitequark: yep, I can see why
<whitequark> ugh. I recently dropped my laptop accidentally
<whitequark> the shear stress pretty much destroyed the stuff used in the lid to attach to hinges
<whitequark> they should've done that out of carbide or something, not cast Al
<whitequark> I would actually try to make a replacement with my CNC, except, as I've said, it's *cast* Al. the shape is pretty much impossible to recreate on a 3-axis machine
<whitequark> and I suspect even fancy 5-axis one
<whitequark> hmmm, I actually have an idea...
<whitequark> I'll just drill the lid through and put a bunch of M2 screws through. problem solved.
<whitequark> not very beautiful, but very effective.
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<whitequark> this actually worked really well.
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<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: congratulations on getting it to work ! and shame on those who a) invent pompous acronyms like PCRE, just to b) completely miss the point
<wpwrak> whitequark: you're lucky they didn't put anything in the corner where you made your holes :)
<whitequark> wpwrak: it's 3mm thick and most of that is cast Al frame
<whitequark> there's simply no place and no reason to put anything there
<wpwrak> 3 mm ? Al is robust, you don't need much of it. so, 2 x 0.7 mm of Al, leaving room for an FPC and some 1 mm components. and who needs a reason ? :)
<whitequark> well, it means some useless components would be destroyed. how does it matter, since they're already useless? ;)
<wpwrak> a good designer makes them useless but vital
<larsc> argh, when did the birds start mimicing the sound of alarm clocks?
<wpwrak> Angry Birds Evolution
<DocScrutinizer05> larsc: several years ago actually
<wpwrak> btw, what's even more evil are doorbell sounds in music. especially if you're waiting for some delivery
<wpwrak> larsc: DocScrutinizer05 trained them
<larsc> "Starlings have been known to learn the high-pitched, duo-toned screech of a car alarm"
<larsc> I think that's what I'm hearing
<larsc> non-stop all day long
<wpwrak> makes me wonder how long until they'll learn to bark ...
<larsc> "Then there's the fawn-breasted bower bird in Papua New Guinea which learnt the sounds made by workmen mending a tin roof: the noise of hammering, sawing - even the rattles of a stray ball-bearing rolling around inside a paint can"
<wpwrak> avian pest control tip: be nice to the cats in the neighbourhood - don't feed them but attach wood to vertical structures they can't climb on their own
<wpwrak> that already sounds more like an urban legend :)
<larsc> "his father used to call his Jack Russell terrier with a distinctive whistle. The local starlings soon learnt to imitate it and quickly learnt how to "call" the dog to the bottom of the garden"
<wpwrak> damn. now they have a guard dog. need a bigger cat then
<wpwrak> lucky for you, felines grow considerably larger than canines. maybe you'll need to keep a few tigers in the end, but you can win that arms race
<larsc> I got out the guitar and I think I scared them away
<wpwrak> oh, cruel and unusual punishment
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<DocScrutinizer05> lol
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<eintopf> good morning :-)
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: dude, I just realized: in order to properly pyrolyse copper hypophosphite, I need a way to very uniformly heat PCB up to 200°C
<whitequark> ... galden!
<DocScrutinizer05> err
<whitequark> need to buy a deep fryer today
<DocScrutinizer05> [2014-03-20 21:32:43] <DocScrutinizer05> ((<whitequark> inert gas is too hard)) heard you own some magic soup called Galden?
<whitequark> whoops
<whitequark> seems I should reread logs more often, sorry about that
<whitequark> that being said, I wonder, how galden would actually work on t° below 230°?
<DocScrutinizer05> not
<whitequark> hm.
<whitequark> well, it surely has some vapor pressure even at room temp
<DocScrutinizer05> like water not working at 70°
<DocScrutinizer05> unless you lower the pressure
<whitequark> yes, it would be just the usual convective transfer
<whitequark> albeit with a somewhat more efficient transfer medium
<DocScrutinizer05> sure, you can dunk stuff into 180° galden
<DocScrutinizer05> it will still be inert
<whitequark> hm, yes, that'll work too
<whitequark> pyrolysis isn't that sensitive as actual components
<DocScrutinizer05> for sure not
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: I just realized why I missed your suggestion about galden
<whitequark> your line of thought: "need inert gas → galden". mine: "need uniform heat transfer → galden"
<whitequark> my brain thinks they're completely disjoint and unrelated
<whitequark> despite being basically about exact same thing
<DocScrutinizer05> my "line of thought" usually is holistic
<whitequark> sure
<whitequark> I just realized I actually remembered your suggestion about inert gas, but didn't associate it with this problem at all
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<DocScrutinizer05> well, that regex been a true PITA but it been worth it. Already two spam mails kicked out
<DocScrutinizer05> funny enough how all those spams look pretty identical, though (fake?) topic is a new one each single time, also URLs are identically structured but different domains
<DocScrutinizer05> meh! FFS! Received: from (unknown []) Received: from (unknown [])
<DocScrutinizer05> Received: from (unknown []) Received: from (unknown []) Received: from (unknown []) Received: from (unknown []) Received: from (unknown []) Received: from (unknown [])
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<DocScrutinizer05> bulgaria, romania. MHM
<DocScrutinizer05> actually: inetnum: - || netname: FIBER-UPLOAD-SRL || descr: FIBER UPLOAD SRL || descr: ION BREZOIANU, NR 27 || descr: BUCURESTI ROMANIA
<DocScrutinizer05> inetnum: - 5netname: VPS-Bulgaria-Lt ddescr: Network for clients
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: you tried spamassassin?
<whitequark> it works amazingly well for me, no worse than e.g. gmail
<whitequark> in fact sometimes it's better than gmail, since it filters personally my spam
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<DocScrutinizer05> I'm not using gmail, steer clear of that, they are worse than NSA in my book. Spamassassin otoh doesn't consider those terse mails particularly spam-alike
<DocScrutinizer05> 76% :
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<zerous> could any one suggest me a good noctua air cooler for an i5 4th generation build ?
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: what I do is raise the score for BAYES_99 above threshold
<whitequark> iow BAYES_99 = instant spam
<whitequark> "shortcircuit BAYES_99 spam" in spamassassin
<DocScrutinizer05> mhm
<whitequark> works amazingly well
<DocScrutinizer05> I already wondered where to configure SA
<whitequark> SA config is worth tweaking. did that once several years ago... I have maybe 5 spam emails in my inbox in a year
<DocScrutinizer05> but right now I'm kinda excited, since I just got informed that my company is official since yesterday
<whitequark> well, maybe 20... not a lot
<whitequark> and SA has only marked maybe 2 emails as spam erroneously in about 5 years I'm using it
<whitequark> including automated notifications and the like
<wpwrak> these are about the only ones you'd actually notice :)
<DocScrutinizer05> damn, such a company isn't healthy for my privacy
<DocScrutinizer05> and google maps has 5 years old photos :-/
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<wpwrak> google maps has pictures of you ? didn't imagine you as the kind of guy who's pose for the streetview car :)
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<DocScrutinizer05> not of me, only of a house I later on used to live in
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<DocScrutinizer05> well, actually I might have lived in that house already when the pictures where taken
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