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<DocScrutinizer05> I wonder if Putin's plans particularly regarding that eurasian trade union were actually coordinated with this ukraine mess we see now. Result seems more like damaging to the original idea
<DocScrutinizer05> also impact on russian economy already is massive
<whitequark> already?
<whitequark> some source for that?
<DocScrutinizer05> whitequark: one question regarding propaganda: here TV says Janukovic lost support even of 2/3 of his own party. Is that info available in russia too, and what do you think of it?
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> how would you evaluate "is that info available in russia"?
<whitequark> I mean, it's not china here to control all existing media. there are media outlets stating that Yanukovich lost most of support he had, of course
<whitequark> what I think of it? he wasn't too competent and chickened out where he shouldn't. IOW not a good leader. and what is his function besides that?
<whitequark> there's not really very much reasons for even supporters of his party to follow them anymore
<whitequark> many*
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<DocScrutinizer05> I meant what do you think of the info. true or not. But when it's even available in Russia then it prolly is true
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<DocScrutinizer05> I wondered whether this might be propaganda of our western media, just like the "fascists took over the government and are killing people in the streets" is in Russia
<whitequark> ahh
<wpwrak> it was kind cute in those videos, when they dusted off the nazis.
<DocScrutinizer05> it's just too thick. EU is supporting fascists to make them become part of NATO or what?
<whitequark> I think that was the logic
<DocScrutinizer05> heck, didn't Russia win WW2, against the fascists, together with their allies that now support fascists in Kiev?
<wpwrak> EU supports whatever gets the people who matter money. that thing with peaceful european unity and such it just for the sheep
<wpwrak> and don't forget that most of the participants on WW2 didn't really disagree so much with the nazis but just started to worry that they could get too powerful
<wpwrak> with russia, there's no such problem. they'rea already big and scary. so no reason to get excited
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah, and Hitler isn't dead, he lives on in an apartment in New York
<DocScrutinizer05> and has tea with Obama each friday afternoon
<DocScrutinizer05> occasionally Zarkozi joins the party
<DocScrutinizer05> and maggi thatcher
<DocScrutinizer05> I'd be surprised when you couldn't find reports about it in Russian TV
<whitequark> comparisons of Putin with Hitler are popular with armchair geopoliticists though
<DocScrutinizer05> hmm, that's not what I said
<wpwrak> comparisons with pretty much anyone you don't like with hitler are kinda popular :)
<whitequark> :p
<DocScrutinizer05> but comparison of Russian TV news with NS propaganda, yeah, I'd be willing to actually see where they differ
<DocScrutinizer05> ooh, apropos propaganda: you heard about those russian protection troops in Krim now found Tartar terrorists who carried tons of C4 and a rifle that only russian troops are supposed to have access to?
<DocScrutinizer05> quite embarrassing for russian troops that they lose their guns to terrorists
<DocScrutinizer05> and of course when they busted those terrorists, they "send some joker with a brownie. And you'll see it all complete"
<whitequark> there was speculation that terroristic acts in Volgograd were state-sponsored
<whitequark> at Dec 30 2013
<whitequark> while I'm not very eager to jump at that conspiracy train, the evidence was rather interesting
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* DocScrutinizer05 listens to and wonders if thinks really ever change at all
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<DocScrutinizer05> not like this was any the same problem, but the methods don't differ
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<DocScrutinizer05> whitequark: what I referred to sounded like it happened today or yesterday
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<whitequark> oooh nice, a class action lawsuit against mtgox:
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<whitequark> caption: "Between times, mention that Ukraine is our strategic partner" "Ukraine is our strategic partner"
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<sharek> hi all
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<sharek> please, anyone can help me? I disabled the gp2x menu at start according the wiki, but I'm trying to clear the screen at boot (ash starts fine, with some text overlapped) the man of ash don't clarify me nothing about that
<sharek> *at boot= after boot
<sharek> maybe disabling openwrt splash screen?
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<larsc> sounds like a plan
<larsc> running `reset` should also fix it, iirc
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<sharek> larsc: you talk to me?
<sharek> i'm talking about ben nanonote
<sharek> (sorry about that)
<sharek> in inittab ?
<sharek> tty1::respawn:/bin/ash --login
<sharek> this is my current line
<sharek> no, i want the boot process do it for me
<sharek> without type every time i boot the ben
<sharek> clear or reset
<sharek> disabling bootsplash sounds good, is the best choice (i prefer verbose :) but I don't know how to do that
<sharek> openwork bootsplash is cool, but isn't useful
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<sharek> fixed: added command in /etc/profile... dirty ;,,(
<sharek> bye!
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<paul_boddie> sharek: In case no-one responded already, I found that "clear" targeted at the console did the trick.
<paul_boddie> At some point I'll probably figure out the bootsplash stuff, but "clear" is a quick hack.
<paul_boddie> As the link indicates, I put this in the /etc/preinit file, which is the thing the OpenWrt kernel wants to call as its init program, I think.
* paul_boddie hopes that sharek reads the logs.
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<whitequark> no wpwrak?!
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: I received the hypophosphite, 1kg of it
<whitequark> I am surely by now not on a communist list but also on terrorist list in America
<DocScrutinizer05> hmm, terrorist list? why that?
<whitequark> terrorists surely make meth to undermine glorious american capitalist dream
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<DocScrutinizer05> MtGox - HAHA I wasn't aware of the details. Now I see why not a single further request to accept bitcoins been uttered towards Neo900 during last month
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: fyi: BTC is back to $650, presumably after announce that in UK it is not subject to VAT
<whitequark> mtgox didn't even make a sizable dent.
<whitequark> nor it was ever widely used in Europe (which I think is your primary audience?)
<DocScrutinizer05> I won't touch such crap like bitcoin with a 10-feet-pole
<dos1> mtgox wasn't widely used for something like last year
<dos1> and its problems are not bitcoin related - it was NIH syndrom of mtgox devs resulting in crappy, buggy PHP code :P
<whitequark> ^ that
<whitequark> there is absolutely nothing in the mtgox case which was caused by bitcoin or even technology at all, and everything caused by managerial incompetence and/or fraud
<DocScrutinizer05> exactly
<whitequark> so what's wrong with bitcoin?
<DocScrutinizer05> which is the core problem of bitcoin (as well as paypal btw)
<whitequark> how do you mean?
<dos1> the only problem with bitcoin I can see is that with "standard" currencies, when bank software makes terrible mistakes, usually they can reverse that - at least to some extend
<DocScrutinizer05> I'd rather print my own currency than trust in that of some other shady geek
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<dos1> with bitcoin it's hardly reversible
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: bitcoin protocol is entirely published and has been verified by thousands of cryptoanalysts, malicious and not, to be secure
<dos1> DocScrutinizer05: "shady geeks" you refer to are just other bitcoin users like anyone else
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<DocScrutinizer05> so what? the concept still is not backed up by anybody trustworthy
<dos1> it doesn't have to
<DocScrutinizer05> actually it's not backed up by anything
<whitequark> define "backed up"
<dos1> you don't have to use any exchange at all in fact
<dos1> and the protocol is backed by pretty strong math
<whitequark> or better, explain what specifically you are afraid of
<ysionneau> well, you need to buy the first bitcoins
<ysionneau> or you need someone kind enough to give you some
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: if you are afraid that as a merchant you will lose your bitcoins due to untrusted third party, there's been several solutions to that
<dos1> ysionneau: you can buy btc from some other person
<ysionneau> ah yes indeed
<whitequark> 1) if you want to store your funds in bitcoin, there are wallets which do not depend on any external server and are entirely open-source
<whitequark> in fact you do not even need an internet connection
<DocScrutinizer05> I'm afraid I better "trade" with kauri shells than bitcoins
<whitequark> 2) if you want rather to immediately receive USD, that is not a problem too. is a service for merchants which accepts BTC and in the next second gives old good USD to you.
<whitequark> so you don't even have to deal with BTC at all
<whitequark> most merchants I'm aware of are using coinbase or similar services, of course
<DocScrutinizer05> whitequark: and whom I sue when that transaction at coinbase fails?
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: coinbase. they have a proper license and a contract covering your ass
<DocScrutinizer05> with paypal I at least know they are a registered bank at least in Luxemburg
<whitequark> besides, you may simply not do anything until you get paid in USD
<DocScrutinizer05> which doesn't help much when they decide they freeze my account
<whitequark> again, you do not have to store anything for significant time on coinbase. you do not hold bitcoins or are exposed to risks related to fluctuating rate
<DocScrutinizer05> honestly, pay me in kauri shells please. I don't accept bitcoins, neither Che Guevara devotionals
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<DocScrutinizer05> there's even a number of officially accepted currencies we won't accept as payment
<whitequark> also, no chargebacks with bitcoins
<DocScrutinizer05> exactly
<whitequark> isn't that good for you? when I bought my M1, wolfgang complained that he only charged me via VISA because he was sure I wasn't going to make a chargeback
<whitequark> that would cost him plenty
<DocScrutinizer05> let me out it simple: when my classical bank will accept it as payment to my account, I'm fine with it
<DocScrutinizer05> s/out/put
<qi-bot> DocScrutinizer05 meant: "let me put it simple: when my classical bank will accept it as payment to my account, I'm fine with it"
<whitequark> yeah, when my classical bank stops raping me in the ass for attempting an international payment, I'll maybe make a transfer to you with USD
<DocScrutinizer05> not my problem
<DocScrutinizer05> I rather take the risk of chargebacks that the risk of dealing with bitcoins and all that ensues, incl explaining those transaction to tax office
<whitequark> Germany issued an official statement on bitcoin taxation btw
<DocScrutinizer05> s/that/than
<qi-bot> DocScrutinizer05 meant: "I rather take the risk of chargebacks than the risk of dealing with bitcoins and all than ensues, incl explaining those transaction to tax office"
<DocScrutinizer05> see "PRIVATE"? aka "intra-company"
<whitequark> though yes, I can see how that can be problematic for you. now you're talking sensible
<whitequark> >Member of Parliament Frank Schaeffler considers Bitcoin mining as private money creation, and says that the same fiscal and legal rules should apply to Euros and Bitcoins
<whitequark> same legal rules
<DocScrutinizer05> "member of Neo900 group Joerg Reisenweber considers bitcoins a PITA and that they should not get accepted by any serious business"
<DocScrutinizer05> "fiscal and legal rules" is about how they treat you right so you'll regret ever touching that thing
<DocScrutinizer05> it's NOT about your rights
<whitequark> okay, you have a point
<DocScrutinizer05> it's about your liabilities
<DocScrutinizer05> "private money creation" is basically a crime
<DocScrutinizer05> at least almost
<whitequark> Ministry of Finance doesn't quite think so
<DocScrutinizer05> one step from trial
<whitequark> though I agree we'll have to wait a little longer to see how the whole policy will look like
<DocScrutinizer05> I'm afraid when we discuss this another hour, I will accept Kauri shells *only*
<whitequark> you seem to have gained a level or two of paranoia, I wonder why :)
<DocScrutinizer05> because my experience with banks and authorities
<DocScrutinizer05> and because I expected axactly the Mtgox thing happen from beginning, I even suspect the whole bitcoin plot been tailored to pull off exactly that
<DocScrutinizer05> they created a new business and as such it hadn't installed any proper surveillance rules by any authority
<DocScrutinizer05> dealing with Kauri shells, would I hand my fortune to a traveling salesman who promises to me he keeps them safe and I can access them any time?
<DocScrutinizer05> "where can I find you?" "Oh, in Hong Kong"
<whitequark> nah, you keep them yourself or deal in gold
<whitequark> which is exactly what all reasonable people did: avoided mtgox at all
<whitequark> I shall remind you that "mtgox" means "magic the gathering online exchange". if THAT doesn't ring any bells, you must be dumb as a brick
<whitequark> no, probably even dumber
<whitequark> even while mtgox worked you could only withdraw USD (and I think BTC?) twice a year
<dos1> during last year or so it was complete PITA to withdraw anything from them
<whitequark> I honestly do not understand why so many people sticked to mtgox at all
<dos1> and withdrawing BTC was PITA even longer
<whitequark> it was just plain out miserable
<whitequark> I never dealt with them after a brief look at how they worked, for the matter
<DocScrutinizer05> I do not understand why so many people invest in bitcoins
<DocScrutinizer05> every advantage I could imagine you possibly could come up is actually a disadvantage in my book
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<sharek> hi
<dos1> bitcoins are pretty cool if you're not afraid of price fluctations and you know how to get taxing sorted out
<DocScrutinizer05> ooh, "cool" for sure is an argument for a company to deal with bitcoins ;-)
<whitequark> bitcoins are valuable as a technology. on other hand, people are quite hyped up on it and that drives their market value up unreasonably
<dos1> you said about "people investing in bitcoins", not companies :)
<whitequark> this is inevitable for any new technology though
<DocScrutinizer05> hmm, I consider AmEx cooler
<dos1> anyway, as a technology, it's really awesome and when you look at how it works, it might spawn lots of amazing things based on similar blockchain/proof-of-work concepts ,even not related to money
<DocScrutinizer05> even Diners is "cooler" than BTC
<dos1> I'm a big fan of BTC-the-technology
<whitequark> bitcoin's single most important achievement is showing that currency may be backed not by threat of violence but a mathematical proof
<dos1> with BTC-the-economy I'm a bit more careful though ;)
<whitequark> no one can or ever will be able to freeze your account in BTC or forbid to transfer funds to someone they did not like
<DocScrutinizer05> uhuh
<DocScrutinizer05> I can even think of iptables rules that stop bitcoin
<whitequark> and where would you add those rules?
<dos1> quite easy to workaround, I'd say
<DocScrutinizer05> and 100% monitoring by agnecies guaranteed
<whitequark> bitcoin inherently has a public ledger. it is monitored not only by agencies but all parties that may be interested
<dos1> and you can prepare "cold transaction" offline and just inject it somewhere else to the online chain
<whitequark> in fact, bitcoin is *not* anonymous in the slightest
<dos1> bitcoin is pseudonymous by design
<DocScrutinizer05> so much for coolness
<whitequark> it is rather sad to see how much FUD spreads bitcoin
<whitequark> dare I guess someone--perhaps those "traditional" banks--are afraid of it? ;)
<DocScrutinizer05> maybe
<DocScrutinizer05> but something isn't good just becuase bad entities are afraid of it
<DocScrutinizer05> maybe it's even worse than those bad entities
<whitequark> that's what they want you to believe
<DocScrutinizer05> that's what my logic tells me
<DocScrutinizer05> I never liked any form of electronix payment
<whitequark> heh. anyway. I have studied the technological basis for it extensively and used it also, not for speculation but rather for useful payments
<DocScrutinizer05> because it has potential to surveillance that we recently learned is not feeling confortable
<whitequark> and while it is certainly flawed I consider it a step forward
<DocScrutinizer05> forward direction 1984
<DocScrutinizer05> sure
<DocScrutinizer05> BTC is the solution for a problem that doesn't eist. and it creates new problems for which there is no solution (except ignoring them)
<DocScrutinizer05> exist, even
<whitequark> if you want to hide your identity, there's Zerocoin
<whitequark> a bitcoin extension using provable crypto to ensure coins cannot be traced
<DocScrutinizer05> BS, there is real money for that
<DocScrutinizer05> everything else is a delusion
<whitequark> you mean "cash"? quite inconvenient for me to handle you cash when you're 2000km from me
<DocScrutinizer05> perfect anonymity - on 2000km distance you won't know me
<whitequark> well, decide what you want. no trade via internet at all?
<whitequark> perhaps you suggest we all just go back to shepherding. surely no 1984 that way
<DocScrutinizer05> huh? was it me who asked for perfect anonymity?
<whitequark> what was your 1984 comment all about?
<whitequark> that there can be no untraceable electronic payment? I just told you that there is
<DocScrutinizer05> haha
<DocScrutinizer05> there is no untraceable electronic. period
<DocScrutinizer05> I get it that this been a ps to your last statement, no an answer to my last one
<whitequark> an answer
<DocScrutinizer05> and you're dpoing those zerocoin transactions on your abacus and transfer info via smoke signals?
<whitequark> that is one valid way to do it, yes
<DocScrutinizer05> go ahead, write a RFC, I might become a fan
<whitequark> I'm practically serious. go print a transaction, inject it from any public computer or public WiFi you have access to
<whitequark> of course, if an agent is standing right behind your back, it is traceable. but so is cash.
<DocScrutinizer05> or wait, I think I consider coins made of silver (or other metal, or even paper) more convenient to use
<DocScrutinizer05> no computer needed
<whitequark> now let me pay for neo900 with silver coins
<whitequark> OH WAIT
<whitequark> I can't, for some reason you fail to understand
<DocScrutinizer05> and once everybody accepts that dealing with currency involves a computer, you might one day find real money not being accepted anymore
<roh> well.. people do.
<roh> its called euro and plastic card *ducks*
<DocScrutinizer05> meh, sorry, afk
<roh> np
<whitequark> for that matter, there are physical manifestations of bitcoin, if you need that kind of convenience. you can get metal coins, you can print the code on paper
<whitequark> (also what roh said)
<DocScrutinizer05> ((now let me pay for neo900 with silver coins)) [2014-03-04 13:15:39] <DocScrutinizer05> let me put it simple: when my classical bank will accept it as payment to my account, I'm fine with it
<DocScrutinizer05> I'm not accepting any direct payment to my hand, please make all payments to Neo900 bank account
<DocScrutinizer05> I'm not dealing drugs, you know ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> my bank is estabilshing a minimum level of accountability for any transaction I have to handle. No way to establish that when you pass money to me directly
<DocScrutinizer05> you know how paypal started, and what's been the original purpose.
<larsc> take over the world
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: I don't think I follow
<whitequark> I don't buy groceries with bank transfer
<whitequark> do you equate all retail sector with dealing drugs or what?
<DocScrutinizer05> you hardly buy groceries for several hundred EUR
<DocScrutinizer05> and regularly you hold them in your hand while paying and take away
<whitequark> that actually happened quite a bit with my family, buying groceries for entire family for 2w or 4w
<DocScrutinizer05> you're free to visit me at Nue and pay for a Neo900 I hand to you, in silver coins
<whitequark> so what are you bothered with, possibility of fraud? or nonaccountability of transaction by your bank?
<DocScrutinizer05> or do you order at a grocery 200km away from your home, and send the money in advance, in a snailmail letter?
<wpwrak> is it rant day already ? :)
<DocScrutinizer05> yup
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: not 200km but I ordered groceries from 20km away from my home, and send money in advance (if through VISA)
<DocScrutinizer05> AHA!
<DocScrutinizer05> see, you can do same for Neo900
<whitequark> but not with bitcoins, because... tell me why exactly?
<whitequark> I want to understand
<wpwrak> groceries that need to be shipped for 20 km ... that must have been a crate of mineral water not containing vodka
<DocScrutinizer05> try to convince my bank to accept bitcoins and I don't mind
<whitequark> wpwrak: nah. think of it as amazon for groceries
<whitequark> they have a wide logistics network and no retail stores. hence cheaper product for same quality, and *very* cheap delivery
<DocScrutinizer05> ((now let me pay for neo900 with silver coins)) [2014-03-04 13:15:39] <DocScrutinizer05> let me put it simple: when my classical bank will accept it as payment to my account, I'm fine with it
<whitequark> on order of $2 per order of a dozen kg
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: so your final and only requirement is that you want your bank to accept bitcoins
<whitequark> it can't be helped then, we'll just have to wait. *shrug*
<DocScrutinizer05> why should I want that
<whitequark> requirement for accepting bitcoins, I mean
<DocScrutinizer05> I actually have no word in what my bank accepts as currency
<wpwrak> whitequark: he dosn't want your money :)
<whitequark> wpwrak: figured it already
<DocScrutinizer05> yes, exactly, I don't want any money, I want my bank to handle that money
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: so to hprase it another way, you want solely your bank to deal with your money
<whitequark> I see
<DocScrutinizer05> I never will touch it
<wpwrak> it's dirty anyway
<wpwrak> well, unless you get it laundered
<wpwrak> maybe ask at your bank if they offer that service
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: okay, I understand your position now. nothing to add here.
<DocScrutinizer05> I'm running a business which can't hold silver coins in a kitty under the pillow. and I have a hard time with accounting when I pay money to the account that is not my money
<whitequark> well, it seems other businesses cope with no problems. but I am in no position to give advice on running a business
<DocScrutinizer05> try to pay with bitcoins at farnel, or digikey
<DocScrutinizer05> or your grocery
<DocScrutinizer05> why do you think my business is any different to theirs?
<DocScrutinizer05> I told you [2014-03-04 14:14:22] <DocScrutinizer05> you're free to visit me at Nue and pay for a Neo900 I hand to you, in silver coins
<whitequark> I pay my homeowner and VoIP bills with BTC. I've bought games and tech with BTC before. I'm planning to buy my next work laptop with BTC.
<DocScrutinizer05> I#ll write a reciepe and fine
<DocScrutinizer05> you're free to do that
<whitequark> I'm not sure what are you arguing about. BTC adoption can not happen overnight. I know some people are accepting it, therefore it is totally possible.
<whitequark> of course, you are free to disregard it
<DocScrutinizer05> I'm free to not consider contracting a service that charges me a substantial share of every transaction for processing BTC. It's PITA enough to do same for CC
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: a substantial share? coinbase charges 0% below first $1m and 1% above that
<whitequark> I bet VISA charges more
<DocScrutinizer05> GDC doesn't even offer paypal, since their conditions are unbearable
<DocScrutinizer05> wtf coinbase
<whitequark> processor
<DocScrutinizer05> will it cooperate with my bank? without me handling every single transaction personally?
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<whitequark> that is the idea
<DocScrutinizer05> can it get intzegrated into webshops?
<whitequark> obviously
<whitequark> into brick and mortar shops as well
<DocScrutinizer05> mhm, then suggest it to GDC
<whitequark> I will surely do
<DocScrutinizer05> I'm not touching BTC and I'm not touching silver coins sent to me in envelopes
<DocScrutinizer05> I *only* talk tto my bank
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<DocScrutinizer05> what's not happening there on my account didn't happen
<whitequark> personal anecdote about bitcoin: I've bought a bunch, a few weeks ago
<whitequark> today they have almost exact same USD value as back then. however the RUB in my traditional bank account have devalued by at least 10% and are falling further.
<whitequark> (I hope it is obvious in no way I am defending stability of bitcoin with this anecdote)
<whitequark> sent a letter to Nikolaus
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<DocScrutinizer05> good
<sharek> anyone knows how to enable verbose mode at boot-time in NanoNote?
<sharek> I using the official OpenWRT firmware
<sharek> any help or tip can be appreciated :)
<whitequark> you mean for kernel? or userspace?
<whitequark> for kernel use parameter loglevel=1
<whitequark> er =7
<sharek> all of them can be fine :)
<whitequark> I'm not sure if userspace even has a verbose switch in general
<whitequark> ask at #openwrt perhaps
<sharek> thanks whitequark
<sharek> cat /proc/cmdline
<sharek> mem=32M console= console=ttyS0,57600n8 ubi.mtd=2 rootfstype=ubifs root=ubi0:rootfs rw rootwait consoleblank=30 quiet
<sharek> and here my next question.... (n00b) never I used the u-boot, how to change the kernel parameters?
<sharek> I tried to search about them... no one clarify me this simple point
<whitequark> prolly embedded in kerne
<whitequark> l
<pcercuei> sharek: ask in #qi-hardware
<pcercuei> for NanoNote-related stuff
<sharek> This is not the correct channel ¿?
<pcercuei> >.>
<pcercuei> sorry, I thought we were in a different one
<pcercuei> anyway. I think that the command line is hardcoded in the kernel
<pcercuei> make menuconfig -> kernel hacking
<pcercuei> should be there
<sharek> Seems the kernel sources are not in the openwrt default firmware
<sharek> thanks pcercuei
<sharek> is frustrating to do anything with this device... I love it, but is harder to use ;,,,(
<pcercuei> buy a gcw zero :)
<sharek> I have a wiz and canoo similar machine and similar result ;,,(
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<sharek> anyone use NanoNote in a osx ?
<sharek> is the only machine i have there
<CYB3R> sharek: is it any different from other *nix?
<sharek> no, is a bsd
<sharek> but, i want to use the user interface (easy click) to do that...
<sharek> without touch iptables or similar
<sharek> if broke or misconfigure anything, my geeky friend kills me
<sharek> >XD
<CYB3R> bsd is *nix too
<sharek> yes
<sharek> but this is not the question CYB3R
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<sharek> i want to configure share wifi connection with an "out of the box" osx
<CYB3R> I think you should put all you iptables routines into a single sh file
<CYB3R> then make it executable
<CYB3R> then run it whenever you need it
<sharek> use console and command line is useful when cannot do without other methods
<sharek> i think you have a prejudice with use graphical user interface?
<sharek> what's wrong with that?
<sharek> 3 or 4 clicks can do the same as many hours of commands and keypresses
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<sharek> i like the console, but not in my machines
<sharek> sorry
<sharek> i misspeled
<sharek> *but not in "not mine" machines
<sharek> in qi-hardware have an entry with link, but the link is broken
<sharek> usbnet is working fine... but I cannot make the last step, share internet
<sharek> and osx have a easy to use graphical utility for that
<sharek> root@BenNanoNote:~# ping
<sharek> PING ( 56 data bytes
<sharek> 64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=61 time=1186.279 ms
<sharek> 64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=61 time=1185.440 ms
<sharek> :)
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<sharek> bye
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<nicksydney> Flexcoin is shutting down.
<nicksydney> interesting "On March 2nd 2014 Flexcoin was attacked and robbed of all coins in the hot wallet. The attacker made off with 896 BTC"
<wpwrak> did evolution declaring dinosaurs unfit for survival mean that it had given up on life on earth ? :)
<DocScrutinizer05> uh?
<DocScrutinizer05> I wonder how the heck you can rob BTC when they actually are tracked by some infra that verifies each transaction
<DocScrutinizer05> wouldn't $somebody be able to track the single bitcoin down to the single transaction when they ever get used?
<DocScrutinizer05> on a second thought, please don't explain it to me, I don't wanna know it
<DocScrutinizer05> LOL >>All other users will be directed to Flexcoin's "Terms of service" located at "" a document which was agreed on, upon signing up with Flexcoin.<<
<DocScrutinizer05> >>We have taken every precaution to defend your bitcoins from hackers and/or intruders. However, Flexcoin Inc is not responsible for insuring any bitcoins stored in the Flexcoin system. You are entering into this agreement with Flexcoin Inc. You agree to not hold Flexcoin Inc, or Flexcoin Inc's stakeholders, or Flexcoin Inc's shareholders liable for any lost bitcoins.<< ROTFL
<DocScrutinizer05> how to plot a legal rip-off
<DocScrutinizer05> worth a ~USD 800k
<DocScrutinizer05> maybe I should start to be interested in that bitcoin stuff
<DocScrutinizer05> hard to make more money with less risk and investment
<DocScrutinizer05> WTF?! >>When transferring bitcoins from Flexcoin ID to an external bitcoin address, there is a fee of either 0.01 BTC or one-half of one percent of the total transfer amount, whichever is greater.<<
<DocScrutinizer05> 1 BTC = ~500..1000USD ?
<nicksydney> DocScrutinizer05: it's a crazy world :)
<DocScrutinizer05> s/crazy/stupid/
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<wpwrak> try a SWIFT transfer. there you'll also find charges in this order. also, you have to add a "tip" to any BTC transaction anyway, to get the miners to process it
<wpwrak> so the concept is quite well-established already. maybe they're a bit expensive
<idundidit> where's the most up to date source of information for the nanonote? Active development, experimentation, etc.
<DocScrutinizer05> which is all I seen
<DocScrutinizer05> they ask for 10$ for transferring to any destination, and for 30$ for moving BTC to "cold storage"
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<DocScrutinizer05> and regarding switft: nope, my transfer to the Galden shop been not that expensive iirc
<DocScrutinizer05> but maybe I forgot because of too much anger seeing the 30EUR going up to 60EUR
<DocScrutinizer05> ?
<wpwrak> idundidit: hmm, a number of people are using it but there's relatively little publicly visible development
<idundidit> I've had mine for a few years now... bought it from, but it's just sitting there looking lonely
<DocScrutinizer05> o/
<wpwrak> ah, so you're looking for ideas of what to do with it ? or do you have something but aren't sure how to do it ?
<wpwrak> (the latter would be an easier question :)
<idundidit> looking for ideas pretty much
<idundidit> Or at least exposure to what others are doing/have done
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: SWIFT prices can vary quite a bit. sometimes it's not too bad. sometimes it's evil.
<wpwrak> idundidit: well, i use my ben mainly for technical stuff. in a stationary role with UBB to plug into my various circuits, e.g., for in-circuit programming of microcontrollers
<idundidit> intense
<wpwrak> idundidit: i've also used it - with atben - to control a "dumb" portable display device. so there it ran on battery.
<wpwrak> (and even left the house ;-)
<idundidit> that sounds interesting
<wpwrak> some people use it to take notes or an a music player
<idundidit> That's what I've done mostly
<idundidit> I used to have it set up as a twitter feed reader a long time ago, but then they stopped using RSS
<idundidit> Everyone is impressed at college when you pull out a miniature laptop
<wpwrak> (portable display device) like this:
<wpwrak> and here in motion: (for a protest march against institutional corruption)
<idundidit> cool, haha
<wpwrak> the ben would send such images to the microcontroller (a lowly avr) in that LED stick
<wpwrak> so, these are my uses. plus a bit of toying around, like here:
<idundidit> hmm. I wonder if I'd be able to get it connected to an OBD to read car diagnostics
<wpwrak> or this ("logic analyzer", in this case displaying what the pattern generator on the ben in the rear sent out)
<idundidit> any successor to the nanonote planned?
<wpwrak> no. people occasionally talk about it but nothing concrete it happening
<wpwrak> there was a big thread about this on the mailing list, see subject "Nanonote End of life" on
<idundidit> thanks
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<idundidit> This guy has dosbox running on it, and is working on mame.
<wpwrak> ah yes, there are games, too :)
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<sharek> Hi all
<sharek> anyone knows how to enable syntax highlighting in vim-full ? (openwrt)