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<zrafa> wpwrak: my WWII scope which rodo gave me
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<wpwrak> zrafa: hmm, better than nothing ... though not much :(
<wpwrak> zrafa: as a first test, you could look at VDD and nRESET. trigger on nRESET falling. then see if VDD is stable. pick a slow time basis, something like 10 ms/div or slower.
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<wpwrak> zrafa: if that looks okay, proceed with SWD_CLK vs. nRESET. see if the clock pulses appear and whether they have a good shape.
<wpwrak> zrafa: finally, you'd go to SWD_DIO vs. SWD_CLK, triggering on SWD_CLK. that will show you a lot of things ... if they stay on the screen long enough
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<wpwrak> you really need to get a DSO for such things :)
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<zrafa> wpwrak: I will try and let you know how our experiments go ;)
<zrafa> thanks a lot btw
<wpwrak> no problem :)
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<whitequa1k> DocScrutinizer05: (putin) true
<whitequa1k> (mass media) no, they did better. they just destroyed whatever they could (all staff basically resigned) and then blocked everything else
<whitequa1k> there's a huge (government-known) protest scheduled tomorrow
<whitequa1k> today actually
<whitequa1k> I'm pondering going there but not quite sure. people were beaten and imprisoned for months before...
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<nicksydney> DocScrutinizer05: might find this interesting
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<kyak> DocScrutinizer05: so you have your own opinion on Ukraine subject? That's great!
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<whitequark> before you ask: I've checked and all the news fragments they're using are genuine
<whitequark> wpwrak: any idea wtf is this?
<whitequark> wpwrak: also, those cheap .2mm endmills are worthless
<whitequark> the deflection is up to a millimeter. the head travels in a straight line at 10 or 20 mm/min, the end of the endmill travels in huge circles almost up to 1mm in dia
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* kyak doesn't cry at all while watching
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: you'll like
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<wpwrak> (bonus pack) luxury toothpicks ?
<wpwrak> try going MUCH slower ?
<wpwrak> i'm amazed that they survive 1 mm deflection. are they made of rubber ?
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<whitequark> wpwrak: well, they were sold as HSS
<whitequark> keep in mind they're 4mm long and 0.2mm thick
<whitequark> 5mm long even
<whitequark> I'm a bit at a loss to who thought this is a good idea
<whitequark> or perhaps, I now understand much better why are they so cheap
<wpwrak> these are drills, not endmills :)
<whitequark> well, they were sold as endmills!
<wpwrak> at 0.2 mm, plan on a length of 0.5 mm +/- 0.1 mm
<wpwrak> (for an endmill)
<whitequark> actually
<whitequark> it is possible that you are right
<whitequark> endmill should have a flat end, right?
<wpwrak> depends. most do, but it can have almost any shape
<whitequark> well I mean, if it's conical, then it is certainly not an endmill, right?
<wpwrak> it could still be an endmill. a conical one :)
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> what is a difference between a conical endmill and a drill then?
<wpwrak> but you probably know for sure that any drill will be conical :)
<wpwrak> not sure how exactly they differ if they have similar shapes. the endmill cuts anywhere along the thread but maybe drills do, too
<whitequark> I'm faaaairly certain that it does have a conical end
<wpwrak> endmills are designed for lateral loads while drills aren't. so they're shorter and usually harder
<whitequark> my eyes don't quite have enough resolution to figure this out, even with a loupe
<whitequark> lemme take a picture
<wpwrak> at some size it gets hard to see the difference
<wpwrak> but anyway, they'e far too long to be normal endmills
<wpwrak> typical diameter to height ratio at small sizes is in the order of 1:2
<wpwrak> well, maybe a bit more. 1:4 seems more typical
<wpwrak> though some make them shorter
<wpwrak> below 1 mm, it gets closer to 1:3
<wpwrak> e.g., i see in a shop one for 0.3 mm -> 1 mm
<whitequark> grr, not good enough
<whitequark> I'm at rigidity limit of my tripod...
<wpwrak> above diameters of about 2-3 mm, the length can considerably increase. seems that you're at a point there where the softer materials are hardly a burden anymore
<wpwrak> e.g., that same shop has one with 3 mm -> 52 mm
<wpwrak> looks like a drill :)
<wpwrak> try moving it sideways at 0.5 mm/s or slower, see if it still dances around
<wpwrak> btw, you're lucky that it's HSS. if it was tungsten, you'd have chopped it right off at 10 mm/s
<whitequark> can't get a better pic
<whitequark> tbh I'm not sure I even understand what is it at the end
<whitequark> or in fact I can
<whitequark> wpwrak:
<whitequark> another endmill/drill(?) though
<wpwrak> looks like a drill
<wpwrak> maybe the cn->en dictionary has drill -> bit (they're synonymous after all) and the cn->en dictionary has bit -> endmill
<whitequark> with less chromatic aberration:
<whitequark> definitely does look like a drill
<whitequark> okay, time for more angry amazon reviews
<wpwrak> good picture. and yes, it's till a drill :)
<wpwrak> #s/till/still/
<whitequark> (picture) yeah, this camera's pretty amazing. quite a good microscope in fact!
<whitequark> hahaha lolwhat, it says "carbide" in description but "tungsten steel" below
<wpwrak> dilithium-plastic :)
<DocScrutinizer05> usual, tungsten steel with tungsten carbide finish or cutting stones
<wpwrak> but according to the amazon reviews, someone got it to work for pcbs. of course, running very slowly, but that's already clear from the shape
<DocScrutinizer05> oops nope, they say tungsten steel BLADE
<whitequark> hahaha
<whitequark> I bought two sets of endmills from different amazon vendors
<whitequark> now I look at them and there's exactly same handwriting on labels
<whitequark> ccccccdcecigibilitjigvbthegidhvdlflfhfubnuvf
<whitequark> er
<larsc> bless you!
* whitequark giggles
<whitequark> I accidentally triggered yubikey, if you're curious
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<whitequark> wpwrak: so I finally got some plywood for victim material
<whitequark> idea: mill out a grid of depressions on the bottom side. place nuts inside. wait for squirrels to appear
<whitequark> er, I meant: use bolts to quickly move fixture on the top side without unscrewing the sheet completely
<whitequark> 6mm plywood... not very much headroom but should work
<whitequark> say, an M3 nut is 2.4mm thick. mill out a 3mm deep depression. use a 12mm screw. then actually use the remains of my 6mm sheet in this way:
<whitequark> cut out a small rectangular piece. drill hole for screw. mill off material off half the piece where the workpiece will be
<whitequark> what do you think?
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<wpwrak> whitequark: for comparison, here's a 12 mil endmill, usable length 18 mil:
<wpwrak> and here 12 mil, usable length 18 mil:
<wpwrak> (wood) why not just: 1) put wood on mill, 2) put workpiece on top, 3) fix workpiece with clamps, making it push down on wood. i.e., keep things simple :)
<wpwrak> i also made some fancy fixtures (of aluminium, no less) at first but then never used them ...
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<CYB3R> Hi all!
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<DocScrutinizer05> dang, Ukraina goes hot
<DocScrutinizer05> and of course Russia is going "Oh, they gather tanks and weapons behind the frontier. This looks like a serious threat agianst our own troops' ability to move in there. So let's move in there before it is too late"
<DocScrutinizer05> the Georgia model
<DocScrutinizer05> :-(
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<whitequark> wpwrak: well yes, that is exactly what I want to do
<whitequark> how are you going to attach clamps to wood?
<wpwrak> not to the wood but to the thing on top
<wpwrak> well, unless you have to glue it to the wood. depends on the use
<wpwrak> if you have to glue, maybe take plastic-laminated wood. that would have a smooth surface. and then clamp the wood
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<DocScrutinizer05> glueing the PCB is probably never a really nice idea, unless it's only about drilling holes all way through
<DocScrutinizer05> Z axis undefined when glueing
<DocScrutinizer05> not that it would drift, once you glued it, but for sure you can't define beforehand where the PCB will be on Z-axis
<DocScrutinizer05> which is particularly nasty since generally you want to make sure that PCB is parallel plane to your CNC table and thus the X/Y-plane
<DocScrutinizer05> maybe your controller sw can cope with non-level non-"horizontal" surface of PCB, then all you need to do is taking values for 3 precise level measurepoints
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<wpwrak> glue, raise bit a little, then position the head in the "on pcb" position, release the bit, drop it on the pcb, then tighten again
<wpwrak> (where "glue" = double-sided adhesive tape)
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<DocScrutinizer05> doesn't help *at all* to make your PCB in level with your X/Y-axis plane
<DocScrutinizer05> it will most likely on level just in one line that runs through the point where you did your calibration procedure
<DocScrutinizer05> worst case you even got two layers (or 3 :-o )of your DS-stickytape on one location of PCB. But even when you don't mess stuff up like that, and you avoid to have bubbles between PCB and sticky, you still don't know how hard you pressed the PCB to the stickytape and how much the stickytape flattened by that pressure
<DocScrutinizer05> well, scientific approach would be to probe level/height of your (PCB) surface every maybe 2 or 5mm, in a grid. Then from that set of coords create a 3D-model of your (PCB) object in your CNC controller software. Then the CNC controller sw can decide how far down the mill tool has to get moved on a particular X/Y position to make a hole/trench of excatl n.nnn mm depth at that location
<DocScrutinizer05> when you use your tool head for this, you can even calibrate out any X/X-dependant Z-errors of your CNC
<DocScrutinizer05> s,X/X,X/Y,
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<DocScrutinizer05> s,X/X,X/Y,
<DocScrutinizer05> doesn't help
<DocScrutinizer05> s,p,B,
<DocScrutinizer05> s/B/p/
<DocScrutinizer05> o.O
<qi-bot> DocScrutinizer05 meant: "s,p,p,"
<DocScrutinizer05> LOL
<DocScrutinizer05> long live unicode: ^͜^
<DocScrutinizer05> incredible
<DocScrutinizer05> almost as weird as %coffee
<DocScrutinizer05> oops
<DocScrutinizer05> meh! I thought I had %coffee like ♪♫
<DocScrutinizer05> ☕
<CYB3R> http://☃.net
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<DocScrutinizer05> WTF!?
<DocScrutinizer05> W T 1F595 ?
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<DocScrutinizer05> dang, my system not even knows ��
<DocScrutinizer05> U+1F4A9
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<wpwrak> for a bit of weekend relaxation, i found this nice rogue-like:
<DocScrutinizer05> Oh my. what were those called? text adventures?
<wpwrak> rogue-like :)
<wpwrak> it's a pretty funny one. very tongue-in-cheek
<wpwrak> to run it, if the binary doesn't work, you need ...
<DocScrutinizer05> I wonder what happened to Elite (recent sequel). I think Braben(?) should have finally finished it.
<wpwrak> and then these instructions: (apply patch after unzipping)
<wpwrak> elite ... that's from before the war, right ?
<wpwrak> i mean the one with napoleon
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<DocScrutinizer05> yes, that's from before the KT-impact
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<DocScrutinizer05> I wonder if they eventually will offer "Elite: Dangerous" for linux too
<DocScrutinizer05> I mean, when they can offer for osx
<DocScrutinizer05> ((age)) this should answer it ;-) >>Elite © 1984 David Braben & Ian Bell. Frontier © 1993 David Braben, Frontier: First Encounters © 1995 David Braben and Elite: Dangerous © 2012, 2013 Frontier Developments plc.<<
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<DocScrutinizer05> I first played Elite on a Schneider CPC64
<DocScrutinizer05> 464
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<DocScrutinizer05> I admit it was much more fun on Amiga1000 with color monitor