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<DocScrutinizer05> yes, it does (usually)
<DocScrutinizer05> but you shouldn't rely on it. For 2 reasons: 1) it will terribly abuse the cell 2) it might make charging the battery really hard to start - thanks to battery detection not noticing a rudimentary voltage
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<DocScrutinizer05> and 3) of 2: there are fake chinese batteries that don't have any protective circuitry
<wpwrak> heh, aiming for compatibility with the new "industry standard" :)
<DocScrutinizer05> hehe
<DocScrutinizer05> the problem with this chip is actually that it eats considerable quiescent current even when device is off
<DocScrutinizer05> about ten to hundred times as much as twl4030 is supposed to use in power-down mode
<wpwrak> eww
<DocScrutinizer05> a cell discharged to - say - 3.0V has maybe 30mAh left over til it reaches 2.5V
<DocScrutinizer05> those should suffice for several months of device siting in shelf in power-down mode
<DocScrutinizer05> IQ VIN Quiescent Current Charger Off, Not Switching, VOUT = 3.3V, No l 60 120 215 μA
<wpwrak> for six months and 30 mAh, you could afford only 6 uA
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<DocScrutinizer05> 6uA seems about the quiescent current I'd accept without frowning
<DocScrutinizer05> I start frowning at nn uA and gasping at nnn uA
<DocScrutinizer05> but much worse that high quescent current is the fact that it doesn't stop at any voltage threshold
<wpwrak> so it'll just suck the battery dry
<DocScrutinizer05> exactly
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<wpwrak> interesting: an open web rendering proxy:
<wpwrak> some people in the security community are already salivating over it :)
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<DocScrutinizer05> virtuallyfun.superglobalmegacorp C'MON
<DocScrutinizer05> ok, another 4h for a bit of fun:
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: c't hacks still hasn't arrived here :(
<whitequark> seems like they didn't send current issue at the end!
<wpwrak> give those poor postal workers a bit of time to read it ...
<whitequark> lol
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* whitequark bought that acrylic, though it was more like $45
<whitequark> now I have more acrylic I could use in my whole life
<wpwrak> a few weeks later, whitequark buys a car, to make it easier to transport more of these sheets
<wpwrak> to what size did they cut it for you ? and how thick is it ?
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<whitequark> wpwrak: 1000x500
<whitequark> x3
<whitequark> it is surprisingly heavy
<wpwrak> 3 mm ... so 2D cuts
<whitequark> yep
<wpwrak> you'll be going back to them when you move into 3D :)
<whitequark> nope
<whitequark> no sheets thicker than 4mm
<wpwrak> sissies
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<whitequark> hrm. no blades in the box with the jig saw.
<whitequark> dicks. their next model by cost has one. I thought they'll place one with this one too :/
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<wpwrak> well, you want to get a nice bade anyway. nothing too coarse.
<whitequark> hmmm, any advice on that?
<whitequark> for wood, acrylic, maybe aluminium profile, *maybe* very thin steel
<wpwrak> if you can find something specifically for acrylic, you may try it
<wpwrak> else, just get the one with the smallest teeth. that would usually be one for metal.
<whitequark> I see... thanks!
<wpwrak> small teeth = smooth cuts and not a lot of kicking and bouncing of the machine
<wpwrak> drawback: heat could become an issue. but let's see how it goes.
<whitequark> hm... if you keep a sheet of acrylic in air and bounce it back and forth, it produces a funky noise
<whitequark> wobwobwobwob
<wpwrak> yes, you get this with many materials :)
<whitequark> lemme cut something from it
* whitequark sighs
<whitequark> I have 13 mains sockets right now, and I need at least two more
<whitequark> starting to wonder whether I will fry something in the walls
<whitequark> that would be unfortunate. and reminds me, I should probably get a fire extunguisher
<wpwrak> maybe time to install smoke detectors inside the walls :)
<whitequark> uhhhh
<whitequark> I have a blob of acrylic all over my endmill.
<whitequark> how the fuck do I remove it.
<wpwrak> ;-))
<wpwrak> remove endmill. then gently turn the acrylic along with the endmill's windings
<wpwrak> next time, lower spindle speed :)
<whitequark> can't turn
<whitequark> it's welded well
<wpwrak> then make a length-wise cut with a cutter
<wpwrak> what size endmill did you use ?
<whitequark> 1mm
<wpwrak> reasonable enough
<wpwrak> ah, that's those 1x5 mm monsters
<wpwrak> that'll be a bit more difficult then. maybe try to dissolve it
<wpwrak> acetone may do the trick
<wpwrak> you could also try to heat it gently and then try to spin it off
<wpwrak> if all else fails, pyrolysis with a hot flame
<whitequark> oooooh, flame
<whitequark> that I can make
<whitequark> brb
<wpwrak> why am i not surprised ...
<whitequark> worked really well
<whitequark> is it bad for endmills to become red hot?
<wpwrak> we'll see ...
<wpwrak> next time, less hot flame ...
<whitequark> russian flame not have "less hot" setting. russian flame burn like sun at all time.
<wpwrak> ;-)
<wpwrak> at least it seems that your heat source was of a chemical nature
<whitequark> filthy westerner, you not know that "sun" mean thermonuclear?!
* whitequark ponders on the metaphysical consequences of wearing a fake russian accent while actually being russian
<whitequark> so. you say 18k rpm is too much
<wpwrak> (sun) oops :)
<wpwrak> the acrylic seems to be of that opinion
<whitequark> let's try 8k
<wpwrak> what's your feed rate ?
<whitequark> 100mm/min with 8k
<whitequark> calculated by g-wizard, for which I paid $70 and therefore it is infallible
<wpwrak> hmm
<whitequark> no, 8k results in mostly same
<wpwrak> i use 2 mm/s with a 3.175 mm endmill
<whitequark> #YOLO
<wpwrak> 6500 rpm here
<whitequark> interesting
<wpwrak> higher feed rate should actually make it less likely to melt
<whitequark> exactly
<wpwrak> maybe your "acrylic" isn't really acrylic ...
<whitequark> ow. dropped that endmill and broke it.
<whitequark> I only have three left...
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<whitequark> fortunately I already ordered 20 more :p
<wpwrak> yeah, i can vividly imagine that these 1x5 mm mills break REALLY easily ;-)
<whitequark> they do.
<wpwrak> hopefully shorter ones
<whitequark> well... my material is 3mm. so need at least 4mm of length.
<whitequark> ok, S2000 F30
<wpwrak> or a thicker mill
<wpwrak> ?
<wpwrak> for all those cases and fixtures, i use the 3.175 mm endmill. of course, i use acrylic for 3D, so my pieces are even thicker than yours
<whitequark> damn, that just made it much worse
<whitequark> basically the melted blob of acrylic on the endmill destroys everything on its path
<whitequark> okay... F500 S13000
<whitequark> again recommended by gwizard
<whitequark> and with tool d=3.175
<whitequark> oh my god the screams
<whitequark> day 10: We are now practically covered in red-hot acrylic. I have never heard material scream this loud. All hope is gone.
<whitequark> okay... for "fine finish" it recommends S12350 F52
<whitequark> ugh no.
<whitequark> oooooh got it
<whitequark> wrong direction.
<whitequark> if cutter is to the right of material, all the gross chips are left on the garbage side
<whitequark> frankly, the sounds it produces while milling truly are horrifying
<wpwrak> "chips" what on earth are you doing ?
<whitequark> chips = cut material, isn't it?
<wpwrak> "chips" is usually large bits. what you should get is something like sawdust
<whitequark> no. I get huge melted acrylic strands
<wpwrak> i'm beginning to realize how things went wrong in chernobyl ...
<larsc> so what are your neighbors thinking about all the noises from your appartment?
<whitequark> larsc: if they come over, I'll tell them to fuck off
<whitequark> this is a good retribution for 1 year of almost constant drilling of walls
<wpwrak> "let's hope they kill each other before anyone of them gets out catches us" ?
<wpwrak> #s/out/out/ and/
<wpwrak> :)
<wpwrak> maybe reducing the milling depth could lower the heat production (and also the screeching). i do 2 mm at a time. but you could also try less
<wpwrak> still puzzling, though
<whitequark> hmmm, that makes sense
<wpwrak> and, how is it going ? are the neighbours already undusting their guns ?
<whitequark> nah no one came
<whitequark> guns huh
* whitequark plans to make a railgun sometimes
<whitequark> fun fact: it's not classified as a "weapon" under russian law
<wpwrak> cause of death: "physics"
<whitequark> well, you can write that for literally every case
<whitequark> "life is a sexually-transmitted disease with 100% mortality"
<larsc> for now
<wpwrak> now we know what he's working on in his spare time
<whitequark> lol
<larsc> my personal clone army
<wpwrak> hmm, first you make yourself immortal and invulnerable, and then you create competitors with the same characteristics ?
<larsc> I'm only working on the first problem
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusb/fw/: DFU: support multiple sets of flash operations; support multiple alt settings (master)
<wpwrak> an eternal life, scared of attackers and accidents ? hmm
<larsc> I once wondered if you wouldn't die of natural causes if there was a threshold where the chance of having been in a life ending accident basically becomes 99.9999% so that it is impossible to live beyound that age
<whitequark> well... it will never become 100%
<whitequark> then you just have to decide where to cut off
<larsc> e.g. lets say there is a one in a million chance you get run over by a car, how long would you have to live that you were eventually run over by a car
<whitequark> that also all assumes a typical life
<whitequark> if you don't walk on roads, you're not going to get hit by a car
<wpwrak> whitequark: sometimes cars and up on sidewalks or in houses ...
<wpwrak> #s/and/end/
<wpwrak> seems that his neighbours got him in the end. or maybe it was the acrylic.
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