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<whitequark> using an intact DLP projector for curing SLA resin
<whitequark> /cc DocScrutinizer05 roh
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<DocScrutinizer05> whitequa1k: err what's with your nick? Nice makerbot... maybe. I miss photos
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<DocScrutinizer05> FUCK! suckers stole my bike, basically Sunday noon before the noses of me and my landlord, from our house's backside garden
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<wpwrak> must have been robin hood, taking from the rich. now that you're a company owner ...
<DocScrutinizer05> hahaha
<DocScrutinizer05> how are company owners linked to "rich"?
<DocScrutinizer05> actually it took my last cent to found this friggin company. Literally
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<DocScrutinizer05> and then out of our garden >:-( 49.448842, 11.055079
<DocScrutinizer05> I'm tempted to grab the 9mm P9 and have a walk around the block, that sucker might still be around
<wpwrak> you have the wrong neighbours. "Yogabewegung" won't help. you should have picked a place next to the "Ninja Ronin Fight Club"
<wpwrak> probably too many cameras around for that sort of "unbureaucratic" solution ...
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah, it evidently didn't. My landlord was sitting in her Yogastudio and meditating, and when she opened her eyes she seen the read wheel of my bike vanishing aroung the corner of our house out of garden direction street (there's a ~7m long path from street to our garden)
<wpwrak> besides, to be properly badass, you'd need a pump gun and a bazooka on your back
<DocScrutinizer05> the P9 is faster
<DocScrutinizer05> and more accurate
<DocScrutinizer05> my landlord is more pissed than I am, though
<wpwrak> i hope you left some dimethylmercury on the saddle
<DocScrutinizer05> alas not
<DocScrutinizer05> but my landlord wasn't completely averse about the idea to have mines and pitfalls and self-triggered guns in our garden now
<DocScrutinizer05> the bike was 180EUR, 5 yeras ago. Aside from me not being able to afford a new one right away, the loss is not really terrible. It's the psychologic damage that hurts
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<wpwrak> yeah, such things suck
<wpwrak> at least they didn't break into your home. i had that happen once (in lausanne, luckily, i wasn't in). not nice :(
<DocScrutinizer05> had that three times
<DocScrutinizer05> plus a few more, by police
<wpwrak> yuck. and why police ? neighbours didn't like your explosives ?
<DocScrutinizer05> nah, in the early 80s "political" reasons, in the late 80s, mid 90s for collecting ticket fees
<DocScrutinizer05> yes, they did such stuff
<wpwrak> wow, must have been some tickets
<DocScrutinizer05> knock 5:30 in the morning, break/lockpick the door, pull you out of your bed and tell you you either pay those 20EUR ticket now or you go to prison until you did
<DocScrutinizer05> I don't like police, and they don't like me
<larsc> not with that attitude
<wpwrak> "Die Polizei – Dein Freund und Helfer" - since at least 1926 ...
<DocScrutinizer05> well, once another of my landlords, a real gangster, simply broke open the door of my flat and had *everything* removed by a transporter/trucking, while I was at work (that sucker tried to make all lodgers go away so he could refurbish and sell the house for a good price). When I came home and found the door open and flat empty I called police who simply did *nothing* except letting me know that it's probably me who's at fault
<wpwrak> with that sort of police, who needs criminals ?
<DocScrutinizer05> unlike me, that landlord actually did 2+ years in jail for exactly similar stuff, yet police told me "well, there will be a reason why somebody - or even your landlord - removed your stuff. Have a nice day"
<DocScrutinizer05> after this event I moved to a new flat (obviously), whose landlord thought it's OK to break my door lock since he wanted to visit the flat. sure he is allowed to visit my flat, but only when I open the door for him
<DocScrutinizer05> s/visit/inspect/
<qi-bot> DocScrutinizer05 meant: "after this event I moved to a new flat (obviously), whose landlord thought it's OK to break my door lock since he wanted to inspect the flat. sure he is allowed to inspect my flat, but only when I open the door for him"
<DocScrutinizer05> after that I got me a P9
<DocScrutinizer05> now I have the best landlord you can possibly find, and a nice little house with a awesome garden. But _some_ shit happens every year, inevitably
<wpwrak> you seem to be very lucky with your landlords
<wpwrak> yeah, better a sleepy yoga lady than a bunch of gangsters
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<DocScrutinizer05> dang, 90 minutes already since bike got stolen, and still my adrenaline increases instead of normalizing
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<wpwrak> ah well, take a beer and watch some "dirty harry" movie, that'll help to relax
whitequa1k is now known as whitequark
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: got disconnected
<whitequark> why do you miss photos? there are literally hundreds of photos on instructables page
<DocScrutinizer05> seems I look at a different page than you
<whitequark> it's linked from hackaday page
<DocScrutinizer05> has exactly one photo for me, of a 3D printout
<whitequark> try "view all steps" button
<whitequark> a bit below the text and photos
<DocScrutinizer05> aaah
<wpwrak> grmbl. fooled by blx again.
<DocScrutinizer05> blx?
<wpwrak> "Branch with link, and exchange instruction set." on ARM
<wpwrak> if the LSb is clear, this changes to the ARM instruction set. if it is set, it changes to Thumb
<wpwrak> it's important to bear this in mind when constructing your own function pointers, since a merry jump to &function will not do what you expect ...
<wpwrak> well, in the case of ptr = &fn, it should. but not if you make things a bit more complicated
<wpwrak> like, in a boot loader
<larsc> why would your function not be aligned to 32bit?
<whitequark> larsc: you want bootloader to be in Thumb to make it smaller
<whitequark> hence, must not forget to set the low bit. and the address itself is aligned, of course.
<wpwrak> well, it is. but the cortex m0+ only has thumb ...
<whitequark> though I don't know how wpwrak manages to miss that; all ways to get a function pointer I know set that bit
<whitequark> including assembly
<larsc> ah, ok I assumed it switched to thumb when it shouldnt
<larsc> the other way around makes more sense
<larsc> whitequark: maybe he jumps in the middle of a function
<wpwrak> whitequark: well, it's actually ptr = APP_BASE; :) where APP_BASE is the offset the application has
<whitequark> ah... that's probably the only way
<whitequark> larsc: assembler would set the low bit if you refer to a label. and how else would you get an address to jump?
<wpwrak> to be "safe", i would have had to define a suitable symbol in the linker, declare that a function, etc.
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<whitequark> yep, that's how I'd do that
<wpwrak> but now it works. mission accomplished :)
<larsc> whitequark: do math operations on the label
<whitequark> larsc: do you know a single case when that's simpler than something else?
<whitequark> (btw, if you only add/subtract whole instructions, that won't throw off the T bit)
<larsc> no, but you never know what kind of crazy ideas wpwrak has
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<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: aah, that funny stuff
<DocScrutinizer05> we had much fun with it in N900, since the OMAP3530 has a si-err that makes your whole stuff go BOOM when you try to switch between instr sets
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<wpwrak> ah yes, much fun to be had with this sort of bug :)
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<whitequark> ow ow ow ow ow
* whitequark tried to make an attachment for his vacuum cleaner to add a corrugated hose to suck in chips
<whitequark> and I accidentally make it into a giant whistle
<whitequark> judging by the pain, it's *at least* 100dB
<DocScrutinizer05> hahahahaha
<DocScrutinizer05> why do you want to suck in chips?
<whitequark> because I don't want them all over... well... everything?
<DocScrutinizer05> sounds a bit weird unless it's potato chips spilled on the floor
<whitequark> right now I just keep vacuum cleaner hose manually near the cutter
<whitequark> but this gets tiresome fast
<DocScrutinizer05> I know of component placer tools that work with vacuum to pick up the chips, but they don't suck them in
<whitequark> ohh no
<whitequark> "chip" is material cut by endmill
<DocScrutinizer05> yay, what a mess
<DocScrutinizer05> ooh, would you want a handfull of those chips like from that bag full of them I got somewhere, to practice Galden soldering BGA stuff?
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: mhmm seems a bit bothersome for you to send them to me from DE
* DocScrutinizer05 still wonders where to get that dirty harry video from
<DocScrutinizer05> whitequark: why? I throw them into an envelope and write your addr and place a stamp on it
<whitequark> though maybe it makes sense. Think I threw out all my BGA scrap on my previous relocation
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: then it would be very nice of you :)
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<DocScrutinizer05> just tell me when you really can use more of them
<DocScrutinizer05> and /msg your full(!) addr please
<DocScrutinizer05> sso I can C&P and print it out and attach it to the envelope
<DocScrutinizer05> or do you rather want a few hundred of those small critters too - I think it's FETs or sth
<DocScrutinizer05> or transistors
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<DocScrutinizer05> now don't frustrate me by not sending your addr
<DocScrutinizer05> whitequark: ^^^
<whitequark> sorry, was away making clamps
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: hmm, you're sending me chips in factory packaging?
<whitequark> maybe you'll even say they work?
<DocScrutinizer05> nfc
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<whitequark> well... doesn't matter. it's more convenient to store them this way
<whitequark> so.. thanks
<whitequark> your camera is pretty good. N900?
<whitequark> wpwrak: adding to our earlier acrylic discussion. today I found 1000mmx1500mm sheets for about $30 each
<whitequark> that seems a good price, except I have no clue how to carry that over public transport
<whitequark> since my only alternative is 500x300mm sheets for $15 each I think I'll find a way
<DocScrutinizer05> yep, N900 cam
<DocScrutinizer05> more convenient to upload to share-service
<wpwrak> whitequark: did you ask then if they can cut them for you ? they may also sell smaller pieces even if they only list the large sheets they get from the factory
<whitequark> wpwrak: it's a wholesale store. Leroy Merlin if you heard
<whitequark> they seem to be internationally known
<whitequark> they can cut it, but only by one axis. doesn't help very much
<wpwrak> 1 m x small sounds manageable
<whitequark> and no, apparently they require you to buy whole sheet before cutting. my guess is they reduce the losses on pieces no one wants this way
<DocScrutinizer05> sure
<DocScrutinizer05> I however think even 100*150 is manageable
<DocScrutinizer05> depending on situation in you rpublic transport
<DocScrutinizer05> or cut it up into two pieces, either 100*75 or 150*50, whaever is better to handle by you
<DocScrutinizer05> ok, hope that envelope doesn't cant in the post machinery
<DocScrutinizer05> two stamps a -.58 should suffice I guess
<whitequark> no clue. isn't it by weight?
<DocScrutinizer05> weight and size
<DocScrutinizer05> hmm
* DocScrutinizer05 puts a 3. stamp on
<whitequark> 3 EUR? that sounds like a lot
<DocScrutinizer05> nah, 3* -.58
<DocScrutinizer05> I got no scales
<whitequark> seems like you can order a mark electronically and print it as a qrcode? that's really cool
<whitequark> s/mark/stamp/
<qi-bot> whitequark meant: "seems like you can order a stamp electronically and print it as a qrcode? that's really cool"
<DocScrutinizer05> whitequark: yep, that should work, but I bet only on windoof
<whitequark> uh?
<DocScrutinizer05> they want to make sure you don't print it twice
<whitequark> I bet they just give you a PDF to print in response. why would you ever want to involve your OS in that?
<whitequark> ...
<whitequark> surely they know that scanners exist?
<DocScrutinizer05> I'd not bet a penny on DeuteschePost IT
<whitequark> state-run postal services seem to be universally hated round the world, aren't they?
<DocScrutinizer05> they are particularly one thing: stupid and on a technical level of last millenium
<whitequark> claim to support linux
<DocScrutinizer05> wow
<whitequark> well, of course. they write below that only thing you need is something to read PDFs
<whitequark> the only proper way to prevent stamp cloning is a crypto signature on every single stamp
<whitequark> I bet that is exactly what they did
<DocScrutinizer05> you still need a fast global database
<whitequark> not that hard... encode cost+unique id+sha1 signature in the qr code. you need about 30 bytes
<whitequark> well, yes. but considering only thing it needs is to check 64-bit numbers for uniqueness, it's not hard by any measure
<whitequark> you could write it in fucking JavaScript and put on a single server and it'll still work
<DocScrutinizer05> given their sorters do >1000 envelopes per minute, it maybe is
<whitequark> let me just tell you that this kind of problem is solved for a bunch of years
<DocScrutinizer05> mhm
<whitequark> since webdev is more or less what I get paid, I know a thing or two about backend tech
<whitequark> *get paid for
<DocScrutinizer05> RTT od <20ms? WAN
<DocScrutinizer05> of*
<whitequark> ok... you'll have to run replicas on every sorter
<DocScrutinizer05> that won't help to stop one letter in every sorter passing with a stamp clone
<whitequark> how are you going to make them go into sorter at exact same time?
<whitequark> and if they achieve consistency in, say, 1 minute after sorting a letter, which is NOT hard, you're already covered
<DocScrutinizer05> I don't say it can't work. I just say it's not easy, particularly when a Post-drone wrote the specs
<whitequark> I mean, you don't even need ideal catch rate. you just need to make cost of tricking the system higher than cost of stamps
<whitequark> sure. they maybe can hire one guy with a brain
<whitequark> that's more than enough
<DocScrutinizer05> that's not how those entities make decisions
<whitequark> you should deal with RU post for a few months, DE post will become heaven to you then :p
<DocScrutinizer05> mind you, 30 years ago it was a *crime* to connect your own equipment to the telephone jack here in Germany
<DocScrutinizer05> and they outright denied stuff like 9600baud modems could ever work
<whitequark> I know. and not only in germany afaik. US started with this shit
<whitequark> because your phone was actually property of telco
<whitequark> fortunately someone with half a brain in the govt killed that monopoly
<DocScrutinizer05> they argued on a technical level, claiming that your equipment could make the whole system explode
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<whitequark> I'm sure they knew well that it isn't true but fought to protect their monopoly
<whitequark> and control
<DocScrutinizer05> FAX needed to get registered, to avoid somebody calling your number not knowing about the FAX there and then falling dead from shock when it starts beepng
<whitequark> lol
<DocScrutinizer05> and the FAX ID had to get coded into the device by post employee, to avoid forgery
<DocScrutinizer05> 9k6 modems (from USA, ZyXEL back when) were outright forbidden, they said it would ruin the german phone network, creating crosstalk to other lines
<whitequark> ugh
<DocScrutinizer05> or check out BTX and cept
<whitequark> didn't they even use twisted pair?
<DocScrutinizer05> incrdible
<DocScrutinizer05> sure they do and always did
<whitequark> then their claim is absurd
<DocScrutinizer05> Post is absurd
<whitequark> basic physics
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<DocScrutinizer05> it's "we haven't finished internal evaluation yet, so it's considered dangerous"
<DocScrutinizer05> and those modems could do stuff like automatically dial numbers :-O
<DocScrutinizer05> even with 11 or 12 pulses, or DT;F A-D
<DocScrutinizer05> DTMF*
<whitequark> yes, you could make someone's life hell
<DocScrutinizer05> Post had a darknet on <11>0.... for almost 100 years
<whitequark> I did that once, using a GSM modem in fact. was surprised no one at telco blocked me after a ~day of such network abuse
<whitequark> (don't ask why :p)
<DocScrutinizer05> old POST phones (for internal use) had a double-0 eleventh hole in the rotary dial
<whitequark> wait, 100 years?! that's neat
<DocScrutinizer05> not really but almost
<DocScrutinizer05> ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> for sure 50
<DocScrutinizer05> "00" been the internal always-free out-of-band line between exchanges
<DocScrutinizer05> and there been even a <12> level
<DocScrutinizer05> twelfe pulses
<DocScrutinizer05> you could call it "000"
<DocScrutinizer05> I suspect that been for technical service
<whitequark> we need to go deeper
<whitequark> also I suggest calling them A, B, ...
<DocScrutinizer05> switching dudes always can intercept any established call. "<beep beep> Sorry sir, there's an international R-call for you! do you want to accept?"
<DocScrutinizer05> I dunno if they used <11> or <12> level for that
<whitequark> R-call?
<DocScrutinizer05> reverse charging
<DocScrutinizer05> you pay the fee
* whitequark is so happy he lives in the age of VoIP
<DocScrutinizer05> post rules say there's a mandatory beep tone when the switching taps your call, but it's known there are ways to avoid that tone
<whitequark> been using my Moscow direct number attached to SIP the whole time I was in Dublin, for maybe a buck per hour
<DocScrutinizer05> yep
<DocScrutinizer05> I did same in Taipei
<whitequark> not to mention my SIP provider actually selects the nearest gateway and charges you same price regardless of whoever you call
<whitequark> wherever in the world they are
<DocScrutinizer05> alas .tw internet is just too crappy for VoIP
<whitequark> well, almost same
<whitequark> eh? I used SIP while on EDGE (!)
<DocScrutinizer05> particularly international links
<whitequark> except for really bad latency it was fine
<whitequark> in fact I think SIP codec is more efficient than GSM itself, so even after IP overhead there's still some space left in a single GPRS slot
<DocScrutinizer05> depends on codec
<DocScrutinizer05> iLBC might
<whitequark> and LTE here in Moscow even has latency (bandwidth too) comparable to landline, i.e. basically none
<DocScrutinizer05> speex?
<whitequark> G711
<DocScrutinizer05> I forgot about that stuff when twinkle gone zombie state
<whitequark> I use linphone. it's shitty but it works
<whitequark> well, on desktop. on android it doesn't. no echo cancellation whatsoever
<whitequark> of course that is unusable
<DocScrutinizer05> I wish somebody would write a qt4 GUI for twinkle core
<DocScrutinizer05> or even qtm
<DocScrutinizer05> qml
<whitequark> doesn't sound very hard
<DocScrutinizer05> whatever the recent hype
<DocScrutinizer05> I wonder whether to write "electronic junk for practicing" on the envelope
<whitequark> "used electronics"
<whitequark> is the usual thing to write
<DocScrutinizer05> so your customs doesn't start to check how much is one S3C2442 or similar
* whitequark ponders how to debug said BGA soldering
<DocScrutinizer05> xray?
<DocScrutinizer05> :-D
<whitequark> I know a guy with a homebrew xray machine... never thought that'll come in handy
<DocScrutinizer05> or simply delaminate the PCB
<whitequark> not sure whether it can make nice pictures though. likely not
<whitequark> yep, could work as well. especially with pbfree, which I guess I will have to use
<DocScrutinizer05> sand paper
<whitequark> right
<whitequark> uh. how do you call a set of wires joined together in plastic?
<whitequark> dictionary fails me
<DocScrutinizer05> sorry, I get a weird error on this URL
<DocScrutinizer05> I call that a flat ribbon cable
<whitequark> that's it, thanks
<whitequark> it's funny. this one has a six-color rainbow AND is sold in russia
<whitequark> guess my line of thinking
<DocScrutinizer05> hehe
<DocScrutinizer05> you shouldn't order this cable, rather try to find one with onyl red white blue
<DocScrutinizer05> might even come for free, Putin paing for it
<DocScrutinizer05> paying*
<whitequark> sadly some of our MPs could say literally that, and not even be sarcastic a little tiny bit
<whitequark> most of them
<whitequark> I mean, they recently managed to ban a *mathematics textbook* because it was, wait for it
<whitequark> enough.
<whitequark> not
<whitequark> patriotic
<whitequark> I'm fucking outta here
<whitequark> it really feels like someone swapped our news outlets with the onion
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<DocScrutinizer05> it's always same. first find a sufficiently small minority inside your own people and define them as "they", beat them up or imprison or kill them, the rest is "us" and will be happy with it
<whitequark> I know.
<DocScrutinizer05> or, if you can't find a dispensable national minority, use some other nation as "them"
<whitequark> btw did I tell? I recently *accidentally* discovered that my passport has an embedded NFC chip
<whitequark> with absolutely no indication whatsoever
<whitequark> given NFC can be read from 10m... scary
<DocScrutinizer05> nothing a microwave can't fix
<DocScrutinizer05> mine as well has RFID chip, but it's clearly tagged on the outside even
<whitequark> well... seems to be marginally useful, e.g. lufthansa checkin terminals seem to be able to read it
<whitequark> or maybe they scan the letters, I don't know. there's some optics. but it's dumb to use optics if you can use NFC
<larsc> in the UK you can use the RFID at border controler
<larsc> the checkin terminals typically just scan the letters
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* DocScrutinizer05 HMM's @ - searches the "OFF" pin
<DocScrutinizer05> actually that R7/R8 divider directly on V(in) already disqualifies the design for my purposes
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<DocScrutinizer05> maybe PFI pin could get abused to work as "OFF", so the chip doesn't draw *any* measurable quiescent current from V(in)?
<DocScrutinizer05> then, OTOH, we probably don't even want that complete shutdown, the twl4030 bupbat shouldn't usually power the RTC, we would want battery connected directly and losslessly to V(in) of TWL4030, when system powered down
<DocScrutinizer05> I wonder if those allegedly max 0.42mA quiescent current the chip may consume are tolerable for a device with LiIon battery depleted to 3.0V needing to power RTC for another several weeks until device gets recharged
<DocScrutinizer05> shouldn't discharge battery further to V(LiIon-kill-cell)
<DocScrutinizer05> hmmmm
<DocScrutinizer05> whitequark: putting your letter to the letterbox. o/
<wpwrak> doesn't the battery generally have a "hard" built-in cut-off ?
<wpwrak> e.g., the gta02 battery had such a thing