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<wpwrak> wow, i'm good. implemented a little EP0 protocol on ybox, and it worked on the first try.
<wpwrak> usb, where has all your fight gone ? it's not like you to give in without at least a night of struggle
<DocScrutinizer05> USB lost patience, knowing about how long it had to wait for wpwrak's nights no arrive
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<wpwrak> ;-)
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<whitequark> fun fact
<whitequark> HDPE has lower melting point than PMMA, yet is much easier to machine
<whitequark> I guess because it's less hard → less friction → less heat
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<DocScrutinizer05> HDPE?
<DocScrutinizer05> the stuff coke bottles are nowadays made of?
<whitequark> no, just the coke bottle caps
<whitequark> coke bottles are PET
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<whitequark> there are also some other containers made out of HDPE, e.g. flux
<whitequark> added a coolant pump
<whitequark> *everything* is soaked in water
<whitequark> I was prepared for whatever's under CNC to be soaked
<whitequark> but
<whitequark> turns out the pump literally leaks more than it pumps
<whitequark> WTF, Voronezh factory
* whitequark wonders if they ever heard of QA... guess not
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<DocScrutinizer05> LOL
<whitequark> don't repeat my mistake: no buying of russian-made components
<whitequark> I swear, chinese ones are better
<whitequark> they at least somewhat work most of the time
<whitequark> that electrolyte acid bottle is covered in something oily
<whitequark> *PLEASE* don't tell me it leaks too
<larsc> the acid desolved the bottle
<whitequark> nah that's unlikely
<whitequark> the bottle is made out of LDPE or maybe MDPE
<whitequark> either way, polyethylene is not in general dissolved by acids, except strong oxidizers
<whitequark> and it has no plastifier for acid to absorb
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<DocScrutinizer05> electrolyte bottle?
<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> it's an electrolyte for lead acid batteries → approx 30% H2SO4 plus some kind of deshittifier
<whitequark> hopefully that doesn't interact in plating process or in fact enhances it, although I would still prefer pure acid
<DocScrutinizer05> eeek
<whitequark> maybe I can extract it
<whitequark> hm... by distillation? though not sure I am aroused by a pot of boiling sulfuric acid somewhere in my house
<whitequark> hard to say without knowing what exactly that additive is
<whitequark> according to, one of the components could be diethylenetriaminepentamethylphosphonic acid
<DocScrutinizer05> take care, buddy
<whitequark> nah, I'll just use it as is
<whitequark> seems like the additive is mostly fluorosurfactants, a few organic acids and a metal sulphate
<whitequark> lead or cadmium, I *hope* it is lead
<whitequark> or maybe it's just pure acid
<whitequark> yep, vendor says it is pure acid
<whitequark> good
<DocScrutinizer05> is it *that* hard to get something simple like sulfuric acid in .ru?
<DocScrutinizer05> I mean, stuff labeled as "pure sulfuric acid"
<DocScrutinizer05> I dunno what's the situation now, last time I bought such stuff in next drugstore or pharmacy, but that's like 40 years ago
<DocScrutinizer05> last chemical experiments (1kg of flash powder based on Mg an KMnO4) been with support of a friend who had a chemicals store
<DocScrutinizer05> about 15 years ago
<DocScrutinizer05> btw that was a pretty disappointing experience, mostly due to lack of a proper mill to crack the KMnO4 crystals into proper dust
<DocScrutinizer05> probably should have tried some recrystallization
<DocScrutinizer05> btw the "underwater thunderstorm" experiment is really cool ;-). You could aslo test your battery acid this way, I guess. layer some ethanol over sulfuric acid in a small test tube you better place into a huger water bath, then throw one crystal of KMnO4 into that
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: yes, exactly that hard
<wpwrak> keep on searching for the right formula. Pro Tip: if the patent application contains the string "stabilize with FOOD", then you're on the right track.
<whitequark> there is 1 shop I found which will send dilute 15% acid to individuals
<whitequark> and it only ships from SPb, which is rather inconvenient
<whitequark> acids >15% aren't sold to individuals under any circumstances whatsoever
<whitequark> well, not quite. specifically: sulfuric acid >45%, hydrochloric acid >15%, acetic acid >80%
<whitequark> also, acetone >60%, toluene >70%, permanganate >40%, nitromethane and nitroethane >40%
<whitequark> and a bunch of other things as well
<whitequark> no regulation for other mineral acids
<whitequark> despite that, there are very very few vendors who send even diluted acids to individuals
<wpwrak> so put "whitequart industries" in the first line of the address :)
<whitequark> nah, they'll ask you to pay in the appropriate way companies do
<DocScrutinizer05> wtf do you dilute acetone and permanganate with?
<wpwrak> or find a supplier nearby so that you can visit them with a bottle of vodka. a fair trade: you bring a bottle of vodka, you leave with a bottle of concentrated whatever.
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: acetone → water, permanganate... I guess water too
<DocScrutinizer05> err
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: peroxide ? :)
<DocScrutinizer05> KMnO4 in water isn't stable
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: ethanol then?
<DocScrutinizer05> and I doubt acetone will mix with water
<whitequark> acetone absolutely does, it is quite polar
<wpwrak> whatever sludge the ministry of nuclear waste disposal pays you to get rid of for them ?
<DocScrutinizer05> so you say you can't get any crystalline KMnO4?
<whitequark> I don't think so
<DocScrutinizer05> weird
<whitequark> used in organic synthesis as oxidizer
<DocScrutinizer05> I however wonder what those 40% are meant
<whitequark> basically if you want to do any organic synthesis you're fucked, because all common compounds are restricted
<whitequark> "can be used to make narcotic drugs", my ass
<whitequark> hands and brain also can be used for that, better restrict them too
<DocScrutinizer05> KMnO4 is not really soluble in water to amounts of >40% of weight or volume, or mol, I guess
<whitequark> I have no clue
<DocScrutinizer05> anyway, bluebox alarm, the zombie leaves his cage
<DocScrutinizer05> o/
<whitequark> "Schadenfreudenburg" hahaha
<whitequark> look at this pump:
<whitequark> seems like they put a rubber ring around the motor and so made it separate the two parts, turbine compartment and motor compartment
<whitequark> except outer case has a crack so water gets in the back compartment
<whitequark> ugh.
<DocScrutinizer51> whitequark: indeed ugh
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<wpwrak> time for a reboot ...
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer51: you'll like
<whitequark> well. seems everyone here would like it :p
* wpwrak goes for the booze. hopes not to wake up before the day of engineering shame has ended.
<whitequark> giggle
<whitequark> wpwrak: my comment (have you read it already?):
<larsc> omg1 they keep multiplying
<wpwrak> hehe, well put :)
<wpwrak> pro tip: catch the skull "sideways". then it'll be caught in the paddle, move left and right but no fly odd (until you move the paddle away)
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<DocScrutinizer05> well, lucky enough I had my my last Absolut100 *before* I ran into this
<whitequark> you drink vodka?
<DocScrutinizer05> sure, nothing else usually
<DocScrutinizer05> this "game" is shite though, I keep the arrow keys hammered and nothing moves
<DocScrutinizer05> :-(
<DocScrutinizer05> while the "ball" bounces out
<whitequark> hmmm
<whitequark> thats weird
<DocScrutinizer05> huuuuge delays
<whitequark> do you use IE6 ?
<whitequark> oh, delays. so you run latest chrome on pdp-11? :p
<DocScrutinizer05> WUT?
<whitequark> what I mean is that any recent-ish browser on recent-ish machine shouldn't have any problems *shrug*
<whitequark> sadly JS games have thrown us back in performance by factor of somewhere between 100-1000
<DocScrutinizer05> jr@saturn:~> time for ((i=0; i<1000000; i++)); do :; done
<DocScrutinizer05> real 0m3.826s
<DocScrutinizer05> user 0m3.761s
<DocScrutinizer05> sys 0m0.060s
<whitequark> will be a while before moore's law catches on. or maybe we'll never regain it, seeing as JS is strictly single core and moore's law works on multicore for several years
<whitequark> 4.8s on my machine
<dos1> 4.8s and game works nice on Konqueror
<whitequark> I'm impressed, what is this beast you run that a ivy bridge i7 with 12G of RAM and an SSD can't beat?
<DocScrutinizer05> i5
<DocScrutinizer05> 8G, SSD
<dos1> but I think it's using onkeypress instead of onkeydown/up, so the "delay" may depend on the key repeat delay
<whitequark> though, I wonder what is the bottleneck in this test
<dos1> laptop, i5, 8G and SSD here ;)
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: cat /proc/cpuinfo | head -n 30|grep 'cache size'
<DocScrutinizer05> cache size : 6144 KB
<whitequark> mine is 4096 KB, so my guess is likely right
<dos1> 3072 KB
<whitequark> it's cache-bound
<whitequark> that's basically a fork() benchmark
<DocScrutinizer05> booze down to zilch, gotta leave to get more
<whitequark> so you're just sitting there alone drinking vodka?
<whitequark> are you sure you aren't russian and/or alcoholic? :p
<DocScrutinizer05> I did, now it's over
<DocScrutinizer05> no, I drank vodka and am still listening to B52s
<DocScrutinizer05> and that's actually something I missed a lot, just sitting there and listening music with a glass of vodka
<DocScrutinizer05> and now I'm again in fron of this brainkiller
<DocScrutinizer05> o/
<whitequark> okay...
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<wpwrak> real 0m7.663s, sigh
<wpwrak> still not too bad for an old Q6600
<wpwrak> shows that things haven't improved much in the last demi-decade
<whitequark> wpwrak: well, if fork performance is the only critical thing to you... ;)
<wpwrak> (brainkiller) that would be then, i guess :)
<larsc> I though he meant the vodka
<wpwrak> (cpu performance) i suppose it's not all that different in may other aspects
<wpwrak> larsc: hehe ;-) indeed, let's celebrate the traditional values ! :) nastrovje !
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<larsc> could also be some kind of medication though. "I'm on prescribed brainkillers, the extra strong ones"
<wpwrak> ah, that's the new anti-zombie vaccination, isn't it ?
<larsc> already deleted
<larsc> at least that comment does not seem to be visible
<whitequark> visible for me
<whitequark> weird
<whitequark> visible for me even in incognito mode...
<larsc> ah, now it is
<whitequark> er, posted it as a reply to the wrong person :/
<whitequark> crappy interface
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<larsc> well better late then never "[PATCH v2] fs: FAT: Add support for DOS 1.x formatted volumes"
<whitequark> lol
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<whitequark> a guy using arduino in production, not understanding how power management works
<whitequark> why am I not surprised...
<larsc> well, does he have to?
<wpwrak> larsc: (dos 1.x) so we're seeing the first fallout from the source code release :)
<whitequark> larsc: he claims to be a professional embedded developer
<whitequark> and says that EE community is close-minded for not appraising his work
* whitequark shrugs
<wpwrak> "RMs are not necessarily cheaper than AVRs, " huh ?
<whitequark> hm?
<wpwrak> didn't you mean the opposite ?
<whitequark> whoops
<whitequark> well, I corrected myself in some next message anyway
<whitequark> I made parametric gcode for milling a container out of acrylic:
<wpwrak> let's see how long until you snap out of this "g-code as source" mindset :)
<whitequark> so far I haven't found a CAM which works for me
<whitequark> well, there's pcb-gcode which mostly works (but is for other things), and inkscape gcode plugin (which is also for other things and really only good for generating sequences of points
<wpwrak> by the time you get to 3D, you'll have to, in one way or another
<whitequark> wpwrak: what do you use?
<whitequark> 3D... well, if I need an arbitrary mesh, then sure, need some kind of CAM
<wpwrak> for 3D ? fped :)
<wpwrak> for 2D, fped (and happy with it) or kicad, depending on what it is i'm doing
<whitequark> but mostly I don't want or need arbitrary mesh. I need a pocket here, a profile there.. which can be perfectly done with some handy gcode routines
<whitequark> and when gcode will get a little unwieldy, I have plans for my own CAM :p
<wpwrak> ;-)
<whitequark> based on a pure functional DSL, manipulating contours (and sometimes meshes), then spitting out them as gcode
<whitequark> operations such as: make a contour for a primitive or a set of points; apply affine transform; intersect/union/subtract contours; pocket/profile by contour (with const TEA of course)
<whitequark> I just need to bind to / port libarea/libkbool, and its insides gross me out *really badly*
<whitequark> who the fuck even writes like that
<whitequark> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<whitequark> wpwrak: maybe that CAM will once be able to eat contours from FreeCAD, like heekscnc is supposed to (but the published version doesn't actually work)
<whitequark> (and heekscnc is so horrible to use anyway, it's even much worse than freecad)
<whitequark> *heekscad
<whitequark> wpwrak: I do agree this approach is too repetitive though, e.g. manually writing out four egdes is not fun at all
<whitequark> and that doesn't decompose into gcode subroutines cleanly
<whitequark> hence, my own CAM
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<Guest54638> do you have noise from you NN spk or headphones?
<Guest54638> background noise, hiss,fissile that's noticeable when listening to music?
<Guest54638> I find it more noticeable when using ear pieces than big headphones