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<whitequark> wpwrak: no, it absolutely does get in the way
<whitequark> first, the raised edge cuts resist, means the soft underbelly of metal-plated holes is not protected from etchant
<whitequark> second, when it's high enough, it even warps resist, lowering quality substantially
<whitequark> third, there's some weird-ass interaction with plating bath, which results in huge copper crystals growing on all discontinuites
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<whitequark> I *think* it's somehow related to current density
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<whitequark> I mean, like corona discharge. don't know if I'm right, though
<whitequark> hmmm, I think endmills worked much better for drilling holes than drills, might want to try that
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<wpwrak> hmm. the hardware doesn't sound all that exciting. sw .. hmm, xor with (fixed ?) key stored in the MCU ...
<larsc> they just wanted to be the first to monetize the idea
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<whitequark> wow. just... wow. I've read recently that persulphates are good for preparing a microporous surface
<whitequark> so I decided to check whether photoresist has better adhesion on such a surface
<whitequark> I put the board in persulphate for literally five seconds, the results are amazing. it's like using an entirely different process.
<wpwrak> and, how's the new apartment ?
<whitequark> if before, I've had to be extra careful to not tear off the fragile layer, now it's entirely opposite
<whitequark> it adheres so fucking well I'm actually having problems stripping the resist layer after I don't need it
<whitequark> awesome
<wpwrak> ah, the non-explosive kind of surprise. how boring.
<pcercuei> wpwrak: it's pretty good, thanks
<whitequark> oh and the look and feel of the PCB+resist is entirely different too.
<wpwrak> pcercuei: hehe, that was actually for whitequark. but i'm glad that you're happy with yours as well :-) how's .de ? first signs of spring yet ?
<whitequark> it really does remind me of photos from industrial processes. the photoshopped ones they show you in marketing leaflets :p
<whitequark> very smooth
<pcercuei> wpwrak: actually yes, we're getting like 18°C today and 20°C tomorroz
<pcercuei> tomorrow*
<wpwrak> oh, nice. time for having beers outside :)
<pcercuei> too bad that when I come out of the office the sun is almost gone >.>
<wpwrak> lunch break ?
<whitequark> some parts are actually fubar. that's simply because I was using old values for my process
<whitequark> and goddamn printer is printing bullshit AGAIN
<whitequark> I'm starting to really hate this devil's spawn
<wpwrak> looks nice (apart from the offsets)
<whitequark> (nice) well, not quite. look closely at edges.
<wpwrak> GDI crap ?
<whitequark> they're not very clean. but this is easily fixable. and I never, ever, had such amazingly good adhesion
<whitequark> (GDI) hm, no
<whitequark> it's not postscript but I think not GDI too
<wpwrak> edges tend to be difficult under any circumstances
<whitequark> well, "difficult" is the second name for my job here :p
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<ysionneau> ah ok already pasted
<ysionneau> sorry
<larsc> pcercuei: chat less, work more, then you can leave earlier ;)
<larsc> maybe
<pcercuei> D:
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<whitequark> my notebook hinge broke and I had to make a thing
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<wpwrak> cnc-milled, i hope ?
<whitequark> of course
<whitequark> I finally figured out how cutter compensation works, yay
<whitequark> width*
<whitequark> wpwrak: I'm absolutely unable to cut anything harder than paper in straight lines.
<whitequark> there's probably some trick to that. I'm not aware of it.
<wpwrak> maybe you
<wpwrak> re going too fast ?
<wpwrak> or you're using drills as endmills
<whitequark> nonononono
<whitequark> by hand.
<whitequark> CNC works just fine
<wpwrak> oh :)
<whitequark> well, sometimes it does not, but that's shitty fixture mainly
<wpwrak> well, then don't worry. and welcome to augmented reality ;-)
<whitequark> augmented reality?
<wpwrak> using the term loosely ;-)
<whitequark> you mean cutting stuff up with CNC? well, you see
<whitequark> I have to pre-cut material to smaller pieces for my CNC to chew on
<whitequark> and that is a *nightmare*
* whitequark casts a glare full of vicious hate on a hand saw
<wpwrak> use a jig saw ?
<whitequark> I'm a bit afraid for my fingers
<wpwrak> just strictly apply pauli's exclusion principle :)
<whitequark> hehe
<whitequark> strictly saying, it happens *because of* pauli's exclusion principle
<wpwrak> besides, as long as you're cautious, you're rather unlikely to get hurt. these machines aren't particularly unsafe per se and most accidents happen when people get careless
<whitequark> well, let's say I'm not particularly strong. unless you mean fingers. :). I'm kind of afraid that the machine will want to go somewhere and I'd be unable to stop it.
<whitequark> it packs quite a bunch of power for that matter.
<wpwrak> if it goes out of control, turn it off :)
<whitequark> mhm
<whitequark> right :)
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<wpwrak> if it jumps and dances around, then you probably have an unsuitable blade
<wpwrak> or you didn't fix the piece properly.
<whitequark> unrelated: by a chance, I stumbled upon another reagent that can be used for surface activation for copper plating
<whitequark> it's copper(II) tartrate
<whitequark> *that* I'm sure is not present on any precursor list, and pyrolysis t° seems to be under 200°C (140°C for sodium tartrate, but copper will likely be different)
<whitequark> also, should be easily obtainable
<whitequark> oooh neat, this time I went much much slower with the plating process itself (limited current to 10mA), and also added Cl¯ ions to bath and made it slightly more acidic
<whitequark> seems a nice smooth layer of copper is growing inside holes
<wpwrak> i think the drug designers need to work a little harder and always point out when they involve water in their process. that should get that pesky liquid banned, too :)
<whitequark> next try I'll need to dry the activator more carefully. it boiled on PCB, and as a result I have a very flakey layer of copper deposited
<whitequark> so what I really need is to first dry it under 100°C and *then* decompose at 150°
* whitequark ponders refitting the oven he has with a thermo-profile-able PID controller
<wpwrak> that often seems to be necessary
<whitequark> hmm. I just realized what the black residue after pyrolysis is
<whitequark> that's CuO
<whitequark> seems there's a race between decomposition to CuO and to Cu
<wpwrak> hmm, mateallic, heck. yellowish, check. alas, still not gold. back to the alchemy books ...
<whitequark> hehe
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<DocScrutinizer05> inert gas ?
<DocScrutinizer05> or is the oxygen from one of the chemicals involved?
<DocScrutinizer05> seems quite natural to me when elementary copper that just pops into existence from a decomposition, at a high temperature, thends to grab some O2 when some is around
<DocScrutinizer05> tends*
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: well yeah
<whitequark> inert gas is too hard
<whitequark> probably. hm. maybe not, if it's N2
<whitequark> still a lot of hassle
<whitequark> anyway take a look?
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<whitequark> ok, I confirmed: there's both electrical conductivity and capillary effect for solver
<whitequark> *solder
<whitequark> so... I did basic plated throughhole board? this was really much easier than I thought
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<wpwrak> hmm, something seems to move around a lot. maybe it's not the board but the head ?
<wpwrak> e.g., look at the "exit holes" where the mill was inserted or retracted
<wpwrak> that would also explain all the burr
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<whitequark> hm, yes, exit holes
<whitequark> it's a bit weird
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<DocScrutinizer05> whitequark: nice!
<DocScrutinizer05> but those ends on the long holes are really weird. Like if Z axis movement causes whole spindle motor to tilt
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<DocScrutinizer05> maybe some of your bearings have some play/gap?
<DocScrutinizer05> ((<whitequark> inert gas is too hard)) heard you own some magic soup called Galden?
<DocScrutinizer05> or is that Cu-oxyde forming in a liquid phase of the process?
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<DocScrutinizer05> (( I still don't grok it. I just thought it might be tangential force created by spinning mill vs PCB which in turn bends the mill itself. But that would mean that some of those and serifs should be other way round than they actually are
<DocScrutinizer05> whitequark: how about starting and ending toolpath in the middle of a linear cut instead of at the end?
<DocScrutinizer05> you should mill 8 squares, with their particular toolpath starting at 12o'clock 3, 6, 9, and in the 4 corners at 1:30 4:30 7:30 10:30
<DocScrutinizer05> wait, how did you fix your PCB? thick doublesided (white) sticky tape? Then this might have some elastic/plastic properties, causing the PCB to slowly move away from the mill due to pressure the mill applies to PCB laterally
<DocScrutinizer05> so when you start toolpath, you mill into "upper" direction (in, above the 5 holes) further than when you end at that point after cutting the upper line which moved PCB upward slowly in the elastic sticky
<DocScrutinizer05> this would mean your toolpath started exactly left upper right of and went counter-clockwise until it came to same point from right and ended there
<DocScrutinizer05> ...while the other long hole left of this would have clockwise toolpath
<DocScrutinizer05> you should check if width of the trench is exactly what you specified and expected, or if only the serif has the correct height resp "width" in reference to the "lower" wall of trench
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