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<whitequark> cr1901_modern: then why talk about it.
<whitequark> rqou: if you just need libm, use fdlibm
<rqou> what about the overall question of "can i trust japaric? is this stable enough to actually use?"
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<whitequark> sure
<whitequark> the foundational parts (like svd2rust, cortex-m, etc, crates) are very stable
<whitequark> the RTFM framework is still evolving
<whitequark> but it doesn't look to me like it will have dramatic changes after this point
<rqou> hmm ok
<rqou> one last concern i have is that the RTFM framework seems to be an excellent way to write bug-free embedded software, but it's different and incompatible with traditional shitty practices
<rqou> which probably doesn't matter in my case i guess since it's a greenfield project
<rqou> e.g. doesn't have a clusterf*ck of freertos/nucleus/threadx/blobs in it
<awygle> chibios is pretty good, as far as free c rtoses go
<rqou> yeah, bunnie and xobs seem to really like it
<awygle> plus is smol
<rqou> i used to think freertos was good until i actually used it
<awygle> and has gone to space
<rqou> the freertos design is pretty old and slow
<awygle> it was pretty easy to port to MSP430 also
<rqou> oh yeah porting freertos is a disaster for some reason
<awygle> crappy abstractions
<rqou> i don't get why "push rN, swap stack, pop rN" is so hard
<rqou> cortex-m MPU support in freertos is also pretty borked
<rqou> as well as needing _both_ svc and pendsv for some reason??
<awygle> i should do a riscv port
<awygle> except i have other things going on
<rqou> someone should just implement a cortex-m style nvic for risc-v
<rqou> in RU or some other non-western country of course (because patents)
<awygle> the fossi folks are looking for RTL projects for GSoC, suggest that to them
<rqou> the rust rtfm framework basically hijacks the nvic into a scheduler
<awygle> i am familiar with it yeah
<rqou> it doesn't have a very traditional "threads" model
<rqou> but the more i think about it the more i feel a traditional "threads" model is pretty useless for a microcontroller/real-time system anyways
<awygle> my firmware for my cubesat transceiver ended up being something like an actor model on top of chibios
<awygle> really anything primarily event-driven works pretty well. ee(some numbers, maybe 143?) taught us to use statecharts
<awygle> 149, whoops
<rqou> yeah i never took that
<awygle> was pretty good
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<rqou> O_o STM32F765 looks like a really neat part
<rqou> double-precision fpu, 216 mhz
<rqou> and the LQFP100 part is $13 in quantity 1
<rqou> azonenberg_work: how come the newer faster parts are cheaper than the old slow parts?
<rqou> also O_o the STM32H7 (unfortunately not available yet)
<rqou> 400 MHz core
<rqou> is this a microcontroller or a full SoC?
<rqou> also what "[Cortex-M7] features a 6-stage superscalar pipeline with branch prediction"
<azonenberg_work> rqou: probably a die shrink
<rqou> should totally just run linux on this thing :P
<rqou> the H7?
<rqou> ST claims that it can go so fast because it has L1 caches
<rqou> wait the F7 has L1 cache too
<rqou> so yeah, maybe the H7 is a die shrink
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<rqou> i actually want an STM32F7 linux board now
<rqou> i should make one for the lulz
<rqou> i wonder if linux-on-cortexm actually works or not
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<rqou> i should make an STM32F7 linux-optimized board and gift one to landley so that he can become even more sad at the clusterf*ck that is the linux cortex-m port :P :P
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<whitequark> what
<whitequark> why the fuck is there a linux cortex-m port
<whitequark> that's stupid
<rqou> yeah, it exists
<rqou> according to landley some companies have actually shipped products with it
<rqou> it's not upstream or rebased to anything modern of course
<rqou> apparently the abi is a disaster
<rqou> but i don't know anything about it
<jn> stm32 has seen a *lot* of mainline commits
<rqou> wait what
<jn> what's even weirder: there seems to be an stm32 based on cortex-a, now
<rqou> jn: i thought there was only the emcraft fork?
<rqou> no there isn't
<rqou> unless it's unannounced?
<jn> it might not have been announced, but there was a patchset on the lkml :)
<rqou> what the fuck
<jn> (unless it's an elaborate prank, but i don't think so)
<rqou> must be a new unannounced product
<rqou> wait, so cortex-m support is also upstream?
<rqou> i wonder what landley was being sad about?
<jn> yes
<jn> maybe the situation *was* a lot worse
<rqou> maybe there are still silently abi issues
<jn> that's possible, i haven't looked that closely :)
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<rqou> hmm yeah entry-v7m.S was added back in 2013
<rqou> i really need to figure out what exactly landley was sad about
<rqou> and yes, i still think linux-on-cortex-m is a stupid idea
<rqou> why are linux .S files all full of incomprehensible ifdefs?
<rqou> and a crapton of macros
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<rqou> also this http://blog.japaric.io/stack-overflow-protection/ is a really obvious idea and i can't believe i didn't think of that
<rqou> japaric's ideas all seem excellent so far
<rqou> but it still feels weird to me that "no, you cannot do <thing that was never a good idea but embedded people did anyways because embedded code quality is a joke>"
<cr1901_modern> >whitequark: cr1901_modern: then why talk about it.
<cr1901_modern> My point was "There's usually a crate for $X already." But here, rqou (doesn't have sine for whatever reason): https://github.com/japaric/m
<rqou> yeah, i'll figure it out
<rqou> btw, imho the rust ecosystem needs more "math" crates
<rqou> but apparently the "math" functions that i tend to need aren't quite the math functions that other people want
<rqou> i mostly want stuff for linear algebra, discrete math (finite fields, elliptic curves, etc.), linear signals and systems, DSP, etc.
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<implr> rqou: the stm32f7-disco is a fairly nice board if you don't want to make your own for a bga400 part
<implr> has a touch lcd, ethernet i think, some extra ram
<implr> except for the... questionable decision of exposing gpio via an arduino header
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<cr1901_modern> daveshah: Cleaned up everything in arachne-pnr and icestorm. There's a version mismatch in the binary chip DB _despite_ them clearly being the same version looking in a hex editor
<cr1901_modern> wait a second...
<cr1901_modern> daveshah: Ignore for now. Something's _very_ weird
<daveshah> cr1901_modern: Are the binary chipdbs in the same folder as arachne-pnr? I think that's what the Windows build needs.
<cr1901_modern> daveshah: No they aren't. But shouldn't it have returned a "file not found" error?
<daveshah> cr1901_modern: Not if you have old chipdbs in that folder. Otherwise I think it should
<cr1901_modern> daveshah: No old chipdbs in the folder where I expect them to be... huh...
<cr1901_modern> this is weird...
<daveshah> cr1901_modern: What happens if you delete the chipdbs wherever they are? Does it then given a not found error?
<cr1901_modern> daveshah: Yes
<daveshah> cr1901_modern: Good start. Can you send me the binary chipdb causing the problem?
<cr1901_modern> daveshah: This didn't use to be a- oh ffs... I see at least part of the issue now
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<cr1901_modern> daveshah: I will send it if necessary, but I think my issue is orthogonal
<daveshah> c1901_modern: OK, let me know if you want me to look at anything
<cr1901_modern> daveshah: So, indeed there was a version mismatch. This didn't use to happen despite me using the "generic" make target.
<cr1901_modern> daveshah: I'm checking my old backups of the repo on my NAS for hints
<daveshah> cr1901_modern: Interesting. Just to check, what folder are the binary chipdbs being loaded from?
<cr1901_modern> daveshah: In each case (tests, general usage), where the arachne-pnr binary lives
<cr1901_modern> daveshah: So the truth of the matter is arachne-pnr on msys64 will work fine with the *nix defaults. I should probably add a patch for this like I did w/ yosys
<daveshah> cr1901_modern: I see the problem. The makefile puts them in the "proper" share folder.
<daveshah> cr1901_modern: blame on the Makefile suggests no changes to those lines for >1 year
<cr1901_modern> daveshah: I know... so I guess I copied the chipdbs manually?
<cr1901_modern> But I don't trust myself to have remembered to do that if arachne-pnr silently didn't crash :P
<daveshah> cr1901_modern: Yes, that's all I can think happened. Then the chipdb format was stable for a long time until I, and possibly others when Clifford merged a load of PRs, changed it.
<cr1901_modern> (which it only started crashing in Dec. My last successfuly build was Sep 29-Oct 1 thereabouts)
<cr1901_modern> daveshah: According to recycle bin, I remembered to copy the chipdbs during the Sep 29 build
<daveshah> cr1901_modern: OK. This all makes sense then. I suggest that ../share/arachne-pnr is used on "normal" mingw builds, unless the `mxebuild` Make target is used.
* cr1901_modern agrees
<cr1901_modern> daveshah: I'll do that patch in a few mins. It's basic conditional logic similar to my yosys patch
<daveshah> cr1901_modern: Great, that would be brilliant
<cr1901_modern> There's no way for me to verify what past-me was thinking b/c I didn't back it up, but...
* cr1901_modern is taking a photo
<cr1901_modern> daveshah: https://imgur.com/a/c5cS4 Past me knew he needed to copy the binaries to the bin directory.
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<cr1901_modern> (Notice the times)
<cr1901_modern> (and the locations)
<cr1901_modern> I don't remember what caused me to copy them at this point :(. I don't remember arachne crashing back then. I don't recall any insns that told me to do it either.
<cr1901_modern> tldr: This whole fiasco was due to user error and I have no idea why I did it right the first time :P.
<daveshah> cr1901_modern: Yeah, it's funny how these things get forgotten. One of the reasons I've decided to start backing up my `.histfile`.
<daveshah> cr1901_modern: It was caused by bad documentation not user error :)
<cr1901_modern> :). Thanks, that makes me feel better
<cr1901_modern> daveshah: Hmmm, I _might_ have a histfile that could shed light
* cr1901_modern checks
<cr1901_modern> btw I use https://github.com/laurent22/rsync-time-backup . Excellent fire-and-forget backups.
<cr1901_modern> nope my .bash_history doesn't have anything useful :(
<cr1901_modern> ahh well... it's lost to time. But it's refreshing to have an icestorm that works again :D
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<daveshah> cr1901_modern: Thanks! Clifford will have to merge it though, I don't have any privileges on arachne-pnr
<cr1901_modern> Oh I thought you did lol
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<mithro> morning everyone!
<mithro> daveshah: Morning!
<daveshah> mithro: Hi!
<mithro> daveshah: Should I take another look at the Verilog -> XML converter? It should be ready to merge right?
<daveshah> mithro: Yes, it's worth a look. I just added some little things to make the conversion process more painless.
<daveshah> mithro: Currently in Makefile hell trying to get Makefile.w and XML generation to work together, and seeing some weird stuff...
<mithro> daveshah: Ahh - let me help you with that -- the Makefiles are a bit of a mess
<daveshah> mithro: The main problem seems to be that my XML targets and w targets are colliding in some way
<mithro> daveshah: Pastebin an error message?
<daveshah> The Python command shouldn't be executed basically
<daveshah> But this is in a Makefile that should never have anything to do with w.mk
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<mithro> daveshah: Can you push your makefile changes somewhere?
<mithro> daveshah: I'm not currently happy with the `ALTERNATIVE_TO` syntax - but we can fix that up in a later CL
<daveshah> mithro: sorry, rather ironically the windows key on my computer keyboard has failed stuck down. Will push makefiles when I've dug out my spare.
<mithro> daveshah: Go into that directory and type what?
<daveshah> `make -f Makefile.gen`
<daveshah> You might need to `touch sim.v` first
<mithro> 1acc7b5478d44af6735645c518bacd949e42b50b ?
<mithro> daveshah: Do you have uncommitted changes?
<daveshah> Sorry, I've been really stupid. Wait a second.
<daveshah> mithro: Left some debugging in gen.mk - pull again and it should go to the error
<daveshah> mithro: Basically the problem is that it's trying to generate pb_type.xml as well as pb_type.*.xml, whereas I'm trying to make it only generate pb_type.*.xml
<mithro> daveshah: I have a fix for you
<mithro> daveshah: I think you want something closer to this -> https://github.com/daveshah1/symbiflow-arch-defs/pull/1
<daveshah> mithro: Thanks
<mithro> daveshah: Let me redo the W stuff
<daveshah> mithro: Yes, at the moment I think your PR will fail because it will also try and generate a pb_type from sim.v which is not valid Verilog (but AFAICS model generation should be done directly from sim.v, hence the sed to strip it)
<daveshah> mithro: Could be solved by calling it something like sim.wv instead which makes me more comfortable than a file ending in *.v which isn't Verilog
<mithro> daveshah: A quick fix is "if USE_W -- $(filter-out pb_type.xml,$PB_TYPE_XML)"
<daveshah> mithro: Thanks, I've integrated with a few tweaks and `make -f Makefile.xml` is working now.
<daveshah> But `make -f Makefile.gen` still fails in the same way....
<daveshah> I just can't see how they would behave differently, as Makefile.gen just calls all the Makefile.*s in order
<daveshah> Have pushed latest to Master
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<daveshah> mithro: Fixed it
<daveshah> It was a really nasty one
<daveshah> in `gen.mk`, the variable `MAKEFILES` was being filled with the name of all Makefiles to run in order for the for loop
<daveshah> This caused each sub `make` to load all of these makefiles, which caused a conflict and broke the XML generation
<daveshah> By renaming this variable to `GEN_MAKEFILES` it works properly
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<mithro> daveshah: I'm suggesting this change to the way the templating works -> https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs/pull/42
<rqou> cr1901_modern: um, looks like your arachne-pnr bug is my fault (indirectly) :P
<rqou> afaik Clifford only ever uses the mxebin target to build Windows binaries
<rqou> but i wanted to use make install and might have suggested to make both of them work correctly
<azonenberg> jn: cortex-a based stm32? innnnteresting
<azonenberg> omap/sitara competitor?
<rqou> and, i have a secret patch that changes arachne-pnr to search in the unix-style share directory
<rqou> that i never upstreamed because i didn't want to deal with bikesheds
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<unixb0y> hello, I have a problem with reStructuredText.
<unixb0y> How do I do a manual linebreak? :D
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<unixb0y> My problem is that when I use the "| text....." method, everything's indented to the right instead of remaining nicely on the left.
<rqou> the traditional desktop permission model was a mistake: https://twitter.com/rqou_/status/965691769907113984
<rqou> why are/were any of these things possible?
<daveshah> mithro: looks good. I might have more time tomorrow to look at the actual architecture conversion
<mithro> daveshah: I should have some other stuff for you tomorrow
<rqou> also wtf themida _still exists_?!
<unixb0y> Ok I figured out how to do it.
<unixb0y> mithro: You can merge :)
<daveshah> mithro: Great, I'll do coursework this evening and SymbiFlow tomorrow then...
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<rqou> azonenberg: any good recent academic work on automated deobfuscation?
<rqou> also, any work on automated obfuscation to defeat automated deobfuscation?
<rqou> i'm curious how "oldschool" exe packers stand up to modern techniques
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<whitequark> rqou: because it evolved from the windows 95 approach of "any process can write to the memory of any other process"?
<rqou> lol
<rqou> i thought win9x actually had memory protection, but it also had a global shared rwx page containing critical data
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<whitequark> memory protection yes, permission model no
<whitequark> so you could just WriteProcessMemory
<rqou> lol you can still do that
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<sorear> *mumble* process_vm_writev
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<whitequark> sorear: this requires you to have the port for the process
<whitequark> and getting a port is a goddamn pain in the ass on recent osx
<whitequark> i think on 13 you *have* to go through launchd
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<sorear> does gdb still need to be run with elevated privileges? haven't touched osx in a while
<sorear> also, process_vm_writev is the linux name
<whitequark> oh, on darwin it's just vm_write, I mixed these up
<whitequark> gdb can be signed but I could never actually do it successfully
<whitequark> it's a pain in the ass
<rqou> does suid root no longer work on macos?
<whitequark> not sure
<rqou> oh wait is this the task_for_pid "entitlement" thing?
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<rqou> unixb0y you really need to get a BNC
<unixb0y> what?
<rqou> you keep pinging out
<unixb0y> what does BNC stand for?
<rqou> bouncer
<unixb0y> I see. found it on wikipedia
<unixb0y> sorry
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