<q3k> awygle: isn't this dead as a dodo?
* awygle shrugs
<awygle> i just thought it was cool
<awygle> i've been thinking a lot about open source firmwares
<q3k> ugh, their repo
<q3k> they have tarballs in there.
<q3k> (of code that's right next to it, extracted)
<q3k> not to mention the lack of comments, apart from the commented out code.
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<sorear> as long as it doesn't have .DS_Store files I'm happy
<q3k> you can lint out .DS_Store files
<q3k> you can't fix an engineering culture mistake like this
<Bike> are there three distinct versioning systems here
<q3k> s,mistake,problem,
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<awygle> the build system at $DAYJOB is so bad i barely notice such things anymore
<awygle> (they know that, to be fair, and are working on fixing it)
<q3k> i get paid to fix shit like this so I notice immediately :P
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<unixb0y_> I setup a BNC 😊
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<eduardo__> q3k: opnmessd was probably a funded reserach project of the south korean university. They had the requirement written in the funding to publish everything on github, but did stiock with theior old development practise.
<eduardo__> q3k: they had no intention to build a community, but only to get funding for their team.
<eduardo__> q3k: it is a project in itself to build a sustainable community arround a sw project. for which you usually dont get funding ( do you listen f****** Darpa?)
<eduardo__> q3k: reserach funding is time limited, so after funding terminates, the project falls appart.
<eduardo__> q3k: you can only hope that enough was left after the project that someone can pick up the parts (which sometimes is possible if the original project people wanted tp leave something which can ba taken up by someone else)
<rqou> oh wtf, jupyter managed to f*ck up my previous problem set pdf
<eduardo__> q3k: if ther original people didnt care about the people who will come after them, then it is usually just garbage which they left behind.
<rqou> converting it again yields different (correct) results
<rqou> why is is so friggin hard to just format some pretty equations?!
<azonenberg> wtf
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<rqou> data entry error?
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<rqou> i f*cking hate all of these equation formatting tools
<rqou> i should make my own, with blackjack and hookers :P
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<rqou> awygle you currently work at data io?
<rqou> no wonder you're always sad :P
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<eduardo> q3k: openssd was sponsored by indilinx which went bankrupt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indilinx
<eduardo> q3k: the Ip was bought by ocz
<eduardo> q3k: its now all Toshiba.
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<q3k> eduardo: yeah, it's more or less what I expected
<eduardo> q3k: here you can see the overall architecture http://www.mangoboard.com/main/view.asp?idx=497&pageNo=1&cate1=9&cate2=150&cate3=
<eduardo> q3k: So the question is if there is any code which is useful and worth the be salvaged from that project and put into a proper git repository. It might be that the design is very HW specific.
<eduardo> q3k: where you are currently located? (thats relevant for invoicing)
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<awygle> rqou: data io is actually a great place to work. the work isn't terribly inspiring but my bosses have been nothing but great so far
<awygle> I just like to whine :-P
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<unixb0y> Hey guys what’s the best way to get data out of the FPGA (debugging)?
<unixb0y> Like a register value
<ZipCPU> I use a debugging bus. https://github.com/ZipCPU/dbgbus
<cr1901_modern> awygle: I was given an old Data I/O EPROM programmer. I scrapped it for parts when I couldn't get it to work. The 41256 DRAM lives on in my PC AT. The LCD and keypad I use for parts. The 8088-5 is a spare.
<cr1901_modern> Probably not my proudest moment collecting vintage crap, but it is what it is :/
<unixb0y> Thanks, I'll have a look at that. @ZipCPU
<rqou> years ago my father's employer had an already-ancient-back-then parallel port data io programmer
<rqou> the programmer worked just fine, but they had lost the software install media and nobody wanted to deal with that
<rqou> so there was an ancient computer connected to the programmer that could only have data exchanged using floppy disks
<rqou> at some point someone got the machine infected with a nasty virus
<unixb0y> ZipCPU: Should I try this? http://zipcpu.com/blog/2017/06/28/dbgbus-goal.html
<rqou> nobody could get it removed, so eventually somebody figured out how to "neuter" some floppy disks so that it would not infect new machines
<rqou> but the virus though it was infected and wouldn't reinfect it
<ZipCPU> unixb0y: That was sort of the purpose. There are actually *many* posts on the topic at zipcpu.com, perhaps not as well organized as I might like.
<unixb0y> ZipCPU: Okay :D I must say your website is pretty neat, esp. "Avoiding FPGA hell" ;)
<ZipCPU> Been there too, huh?
<unixb0y> Sure ;)
<unixb0y> I currently need a way to check if my module does the right things as my VGA module isn't done yet...
<rqou> so the de-facto procedure to program something was "get a special red floppy, disable the normal endpoint AV, copy a hex file onto it, and transfer to the programmer machine"
<unixb0y> My project is kind of educational-oriented so I want to eventually have a nice graphical output. But for now, console output of the algorithm itself would be awesome
<rqou> I'm sure there won't be any compliance issues with this solution at all :P
<ZipCPU> The other cool thing about the debugging bus, is that you can place wbscope's on it and get a debugging trace out from anywhere within your design.
<ZipCPU> There's an example of that in the demo project that I pointed you at earlier.
<unixb0y> Very nice!
<unixb0y> Unfortunately, I just lost a part of my IRC history *facepalm*
<ZipCPU> I should mention, I've also connected graphics to that C++ based interface. It's just necessarily fast.
<unixb0y> right after you wrote your message
<ZipCPU> Which part, the https://github.com/ZipCPU/dbgbus?
* pointfree is going to Mountain View Reverse Engineering (in Sunnyvale) tonight https://www.meetup.com/Mountain-View-Reverse-Engineering-Meetup/events/247296266/
<unixb0y> Oh cool!
<unixb0y> yeah probably
<unixb0y> yup that was it
<unixb0y> thanks man (y) keep up the good work!
<rqou> azonenberg: idk if you missed me asking earlier, but do you know much about the state of the art in automated deobfuscation and/or better obfuscation?
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<awygle> cr1901_modern: apparently those old DRAM modules are worth a fortune, and old customers always complain that we won't sell them for a song anymore
<awygle> (or so i've eavesdropped from coworkers)
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<cr1901_modern> Uhhh... you can get a pack of 9 for fairly cheap on Ebay.
<rqou> i guess it depends on what type exactly?
<rqou> maybe pre-FPM dram is really expensive?
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<rqou> legacy hardware is legacy
<rqou> i remember reading a report from ~2012 complaining yet again about counterfeit parts in us military supply chains and they actually mentioned some specific part numbers
<rqou> USG was trying to buy an XC3000-series
<rqou> aka "what did you think would happen?"
<awygle> maybe that's not the particular part, I'm pretty sure we don't even support EPROM programmers for $HILARIOUS_SUM
<awygle> Or maybe we charge to upcheck them for production *shrug*
<rqou> so if someone asked data io "i lost my install floppy from the late 1980s" would they help?
<awygle> Depends on the product I expect. Worth asking.
<rqou> lol my father doesn't actually have that ancient programmer anymore so it's moot
<azonenberg_work> rqou: i do not
<rqou> awygle: just to make you sad, I've obtained a TL866 programmer instead
<azonenberg_work> rqou: if they needed xc4000 series i'd say go to RPI and buy up the stuff the "advanced computer hardware design" class uses
<azonenberg_work> then they'll have to upgrade :D
<rqou> lolol
<rqou> not even an old virtex-2?
<rqou> i thought that was the classic university lab device
<awygle> Random Fpga thought - if you synthesized a module, P&R'd it, parsed the bitstream output, and then annotated the synthesized net list with RLOC constraints according to the placement, could you fake relocatable prerouted subcircuits
<jn> i think this wan't here yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0h0T2cQvDE BGA rework of a playstation 4
<awygle> I guess you'd have to convince the placer not to scatter your circuit all over the mostly empty chip...
<rqou> jn: yeah, these repairers are ridiculously hardcore
<rqou> azonenberg_work: so I was looking at random pictures of counterfeit parts, and there's a really fun one i never even though about:
<rqou> after decap there's an ink dot on the die :P
<azonenberg_work> wut?
<azonenberg_work> lol
<azonenberg_work> i'm surprised the ink survived decap
<rqou> oh, ceramic lid package in this specific case
<azonenberg_work> awygle: this is what AREA_GROUP is for
<rqou> a counterfeit Pentium
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<rqou> but wow, so blatant
<rqou> i understand remarking pulls, but ink-marked dies?
<azonenberg_work> lol
<azonenberg_work> Who's gonna open it up and check?
<azonenberg_work> it looks good, it acts kinda-sorta correct when you turn it on
<azonenberg_work> sure, it might randomly not work some of the time but... :P
<awygle> azonenberg_work: oh cool. Will that save you the P&R time?
<rqou> also apparently people remark resistors?!
<rqou> why? who bothers to do that?
<azonenberg_work> lolwut
<rqou> yeah, apparently people have counterfeited "more expensive" passives
<awygle> Oh no I see that's just for the "plz no smear" component
<rqou> e.g. remarking non-low-esr caps as low-esr
<rqou> or carbon film resistors as metal film
<rqou> heh apparently even ioa has an example of a fake chip
<rqou> except i could immediately tell which one is fake because the font is wrong
<rqou> heh, Cory Hall whiteboards are great
<rqou> there's one right here that simultaneously has a diagram of a blockchain soft fork and a diagram of a mos gate
<lain> rqou: what were they re-marking as Pentiums??
<rqou> it was still a Pentium die
<rqou> just with an ink dot (wafer testing failed)
<lain> ooh
<lain> lol wow
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