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<pie_> tfw your friend asks for your opinion on an embedded heisenbug
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<rqou> wow, installing sagemath seems to require installing python-<everything>
<rqou> why is a computer algebra system _this_ complicated?
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<rqou> man, f*ck latex
<rqou> somehow i have some latex that ipython renders just fine, but it can't export a pdf because f*ck you
<rqou> "missing $ inserted"
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* pie_ scratches head
<pie_> rqou, how does one render latex with ipython?
<pie_> wouldnt you normally output with ipython and render with latex
<pie_> (i havent done ir)
<pie_> *it
<rqou> When it works, there's File->Download as->PDF via LaTeX
<rqou> but if it doesn't, it just says "missing $ inserted, f*ck you"
<rqou> i gave up and used "print preview" to export a pdf instead
<rqou> Browser: 1 LaTex: 0
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<Wallbraker> Maybe not the right place to ask. But are there any Foss FPGA designs out there? Like RTL for FPGAs themselves.
<rqou> there's the pile of shit called opencores
<rqou> and the perpetually-unknown librecores
<rqou> m-labs does a bunch of fpga stuff
<Wallbraker> Hehe aren't those parts to run on a FPGA?
<rqou> oooh, you mean the actual design _of_ the FPGA
<rqou> to my knowledge this doesn't exist
<rqou> azonenberg?
<Wallbraker> (I know it's really hard and I'm mostly just dreaming)
<Wallbraker> Ah thanks, shame.
<jn> ^ there's this, but it doesn't even have a license
<jn> (or maybe it does now?)
<rqou> ok, there's research papers i guess
<Wallbraker> Ah cool thanks
<Wallbraker> That looks quite dead, maybe something to start from.
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<azonenberg> Wallbraker: So
<azonenberg> I am not aware of any FPGAs that are f/oss, however
<azonenberg> I do have a synthesizeable, fully functional, bitstream-compatible verilog model of a CPLD
<azonenberg> the XC2C32A, to be specific
<azonenberg> it's fairly inefficient and follows the actual silicon structure closely without any attempts to optimize for running on an FPGA, so it uses a lot of LUTs
<azonenberg> But it does work and has been tested in hardware
<azonenberg> fills about half of an xc7a100t, iirc, for 32 macrocells
<azonenberg> and can run actual coolrunner bitstreams
<azonenberg> I made it a while ago to verify that me and rqou actually understood the bitstream format
<Wallbraker> azonenberg: Oh that's really cool!
<azonenberg> Wallbraker: In general this channel is (so far) mostly about taking existing FPGAs with binary-blob compilers and making our own f/oss toolchains for them
<azonenberg> however, open HDL designs to run on FPGAs (with proprietary or f/oss toolchains) come up in conversation fairly often
<azonenberg> Creation of a fully open FPGA from scratch (i.e. new silicon) is very much on the long-term roadmap
<azonenberg> however we're a long way from even thinking about specifics
<Wallbraker> Yeah, that's what I figured. But I thought you guys might at least knew of some projects
<Wallbraker> nods
<azonenberg> Once we have a team with solid experience in EDA tool design and understanding of existing architectures, we can try and develop our own based on what we learned
<azonenberg> I'm aware of one class project years ago that actually got fabbed but they didnt release full specifics that i know of ,and i think the toolchain was just manually bit twiddling
<azonenberg> This is the coolrunner model
<azonenberg> That plus the xilinx coolrunner-2 documentation should be enough to understand how it works
<azonenberg> The HDL in the model is commented/structured with the assumption that the reader is already somewhat familiar with coolrunner microarchitecture so i didnt necessarily explain all of the subtleties of how various bits fit together
<Wallbraker> I'm going to FOSDEM and I'm hoping to talk to the chips4makers person there. He is doing some retro CPU stuff for ASIC in order to setup a FOSS toolchain for bringing designs to ASICs. Dunno how much vaporware that is.
<azonenberg> Sounds cool but i'm not holding my breath
<Wallbraker> Ah thanks!
<azonenberg> Right now if i want to get a design actually running any time soon, FPGA is the way to go
<Wallbraker> Same
<azonenberg> So i'm just trying to open that up as much as i can
<azonenberg> I actually havent played much with icestorm and the other low-end open toolchains
<azonenberg> Because they're too small for the stuff i have in mind
<azonenberg> i work with large artixes and have plans for ultrascale designs down the road
<Wallbraker> Tho he works for a research institute that does ASICs so he would be the guy to do it.
<Wallbraker> Looks like the guys behind YoSys are working on Artix 7 support
<azonenberg> It's not just the yosys folks
<azonenberg> the group calls themselves "project x-ray"
<azonenberg> most of them hang out in here
<Wallbraker> Ah right
<azonenberg> They're working on 7 series in general, artix and kintex are both in progress
<Wallbraker> Cool
<azonenberg> So far the team's main focus has been bitstream format RE but i hear that they have some VPR place-and-route in progress
<azonenberg> We have a guy here (awygle) who is doing research into parallel PAR
<azonenberg> not like 4-8 cores
<azonenberg> we want thousands
<azonenberg> no idea if/when anything will come from it but the dream is to fill a large ultrascale or something in minutes on a giant pile of ec2 systems etc
<Wallbraker> Nice nice
<azonenberg> we've met up and chatted bunch (he's local to me) about architecture and plans but i havent seen code yet
<azonenberg> I'm in the middle of remodeling a house i bought and trying to get it livable before my current landlord kicks me out (he wants to move back into his house, coming home from wherever he's at)
<azonenberg> so progress has been slow on my end too lol
<Wallbraker> I'm always bit skeptical to super many core systems. Looking at the amazing number of hoops GPUs jump through save memory bandwidth
<azonenberg> We wanted to do a distributed memory architecture
<azonenberg> like, racks of servers each doing different parts of the problem
<azonenberg> talking back and forth over ethernet etc
<azonenberg> using something like MPI
<azonenberg> this gives you massively more ram bandwidth (among other things) than a single system
<azonenberg> But with higher latency as you bounce from node to node
<awygle> I am still working on this but I've been disrupted by my recent health issues
<azonenberg> The hard part is structuring your program such that the increased CPU and bandwidth buys you more performance than you lose from latency
<awygle> Hi Wallbraker, welcome
<azonenberg> awygle: No worries, take your time recovering
<Wallbraker> Right
<azonenberg> i'm getting over dental surgery myself
<azonenberg> Had three wisdom teeth pulled a while back and still cant open my mouth all the way without pain
<azonenberg> awygle: oh, so my new house is starting to look like a proper... something, now
<Wallbraker> GPUs just run multiple "programs" at the same time and have lots of read and writes going at the same time. So they switch quickly between them
<awygle> azonenberg: yeah I saw, congrats
<Wallbraker> Thanks o/
<azonenberg> Wallbraker: normally its one program and you just run different thread contexts in and out
<azonenberg> And they switch to latency-hide as soon as you get a LLC miss
<azonenberg> awygle: That U-shaped piece you see there was a PAIN to build
<awygle> GPUs are weird but fun
<azonenberg> so many cuts and bends
<azonenberg> then i had to get in with the angle grinder to polish all of the cut marks because i dont have the right kind of bolt cutters to get a smooth flat finish
<Wallbraker> azonenberg: Yeah same program ;)
<awygle> Anyway I'm going back to bed (and turning off phone notifications lol)
<azonenberg> so i have to grind out all of the sharp edges that would damage the cables
<azonenberg> awygle: go sleep lol
<Wallbraker> Spent a large part of my masters optimising code for AMD GPUs.
<azonenberg> Wallbraker: oh cool
<azonenberg> I built a parallel password bruteforcer back in... wow was it really ten years ago?
<azonenberg> just when CUDA was getting hot
<Wallbraker> Cool cool
<azonenberg> at the time i had the best performance of any known tool for BSD-MD5 hashes
<Wallbraker> Nice!
<azonenberg> did some fun dirty tricks like storing "strings" packed 4 bytes at a time in registers
<azonenberg> i implemented strcat() with bitshifts and stuff on registers
<azonenberg> never touched ram
<Wallbraker> Oh nice
<azonenberg> oh and using duff's device so i only had one conditional branch during the entire function
<azonenberg> not one per loop iteration
<azonenberg> Wonder if i still have the code somewhere
<azonenberg> that was my freshman year in a parallel computing class
<Wallbraker> I spent a large time battling the compiler to emit the code I wanted it to emit. :P
<azonenberg> I segfaulted the compiler more than a few times
<azonenberg> and got it into infinite loops
<azonenberg> And caused kernel panics and corrupted framebuffers more times than i could count
<azonenberg> unsure if it was the drivers or the GPUs lacking memory protection but overwriting framebuffers and/or kernel ram from a bad pointer on the GPU was stupid-easy in those days
<azonenberg> One bad poitner and your display fills with colored snow
<azonenberg> if you're lucky X crashes and your system reboots
<azonenberg> your x server8
<Wallbraker> XP?
<Wallbraker> Haha
<azonenberg> if less lucky you have to hard reset the system
<azonenberg> no, ubuntu... 8.04 or thereabouts
<azonenberg> i'm a debian shop these days
<Wallbraker> Ah okay
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<Wallbraker> I'm still on Ubuntu, I don't want to tinker with the OS I'm using anymore. :)
<Wallbraker> Just have it work
<azonenberg> That was why i switched to debian
<azonenberg> ubuntu kept trying to pretend to be osx
<azonenberg> while actually being linux
<azonenberg> and it ended up failing hard at being either
<azonenberg> that and the frequent updates meant things broke fairly often
<azonenberg> With debian i can go a couple of years before doing any updates other than security patches
<Wallbraker> I do like having up to date stuff. And i grew to like Unity.
<Wallbraker> Still prefer it to Gnome-Shell, which I feel is a big step in design
<Wallbraker> Step back
<azonenberg> yeah thats what made me leave
<azonenberg> I run XFCE now
<Wallbraker> Heh okay
<azonenberg> with clearlooks it has a nice clean simple look somewhat like win7 but less brightly colored and without the fancy glass
<azonenberg> Stays out of my way
<Wallbraker> Right
<Wallbraker> ^ that's the ASIC guy, I want to see how feasible there is if he can actually make something.
<Wallbraker> I mean the link is, Prf_Jakob is me on the computer :p
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<rqou> f*cking problem sets
<rqou> my classes all suck :(
<azonenberg> oh? studying vacuum cleaner engineering?
<rqou> lol
* azonenberg hides
<rqou> power electronics
<rqou> was my last choice and now i'm stuck with it
<rqou> also nonlinear systems
<rqou> because apparently i like torturing myself and learning too much about controls
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<qu1j0t3> did somebody paste some stuff about flexible pcb printing in here last week? I lost scrollback and a friend
<qu1j0t3> might be able to use the info
<pointfree> qu1j0t3: Maybe that was me talking about printing electronics with inkjet printers.
<qu1j0t3> pointfree: YES
<qu1j0t3> pointfree: if you have some pointers, a friend just asked about it. Thank!
<pointfree> qu1j0t3: Here's the log of that conversation:;
<pointfree> cyrozap had concerns about silver particle-based ink being used for high frequency antennas. There is a company, Liquid X Printed Metal that makes a particle-free inkjet ink
<qu1j0t3> pointfree: Oh, brilliant, thanks for looking that up
<pointfree> some papers I read about inkjet printer antennas say particle-free ink is better for high frequency
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<pointfree> qu1j0t3: I've moved on to drawing circuits on paper with graphite and graphine. I just ordered a box of these pencils ...14B is the softest graphite pencil I've ever seen (I thought they only made them as soft as 9B)
<pointfree> softer pencil graphite is more conductive, harder pencil graphite is more resistive
<pointfree> One can draw working capacitors on paper as two parallel lines with the paper between serving as the dialectric
<qu1j0t3> nice!
<pointfree> qu1j0t3: a diode can be drawn as a funnel and box
<qu1j0t3> that is fascinating. would make a lovely video
<pointfree> I have have also seen a working pencil and paper JFET transistor
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<pointfree> btw graphene is a better conductor than copper, silver, and silicon ...graphene is a single layer of graphite. You can get it with piece of scotch tape.
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<pointfree> qu1j0t3: So there you have it: resistors, diodes, capacitors, transistors with pencil, paper, paper clips for terminals, and perhaps some scotch tape for getting a graphene layer. I have it in my mind to do a pencil & paper fpga YouTube video series.
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* genii slides qu1j0t3 a fresh mug of the good stuff
<pointfree> This morning I was drawing a Hilbert space filling curve to serve a compact, high capacity capacitor possibly for use as a battery for my pencil and paper computer.
<qu1j0t3> genii: thanks
<qu1j0t3> pointfree: hah
<qu1j0t3> pointfree: soon you'll want a plotter with the pencil fitted
<pointfree> So I could draw a capacitive keyboard for input and use capacitors for memory and hopefully put a Forth interpreter on it. Not sure how to do a display though...
<pointfree> qu1j0t3: I thought I saw pencil based printer a while ago... it was kind of a joke project at the time, but now I want one.
<genii> Do you guys think conductive ink on Kapton is feasible for a flexible flat cable? Would be a tiny BGA mounted with a fanout and a few pulldown resistors
<pointfree> I wish I had thought of this when I was still in school.
<genii> Not sure how vias might work though
<pointfree> (not sure where to buy. Contact methode I guess)
<qu1j0t3> pointfree: WHat about an X-Y plotter though? Still obtainium
<genii> Laser cutter with swappable heads and put a pencil?
* genii ducks
<qu1j0t3> o_o
<qu1j0t3> pity X-Y plotters don't get more love
* qu1j0t3 is heavily into X-Y CRTs at the moment
<genii> qu1j0t3: I was also thinking about UV laser from something like a Bluray for silkscreening
<qu1j0t3> curing a gel or something?
<genii> For UV curable stencil before etching
<qu1j0t3> great idea
<genii> The diameter of the beam is tiny though, might need to find exact distance to get something like a 0.1mm trace
<qu1j0t3> and probably quite low power, but lasers are cheap and plentiful on ebay
<qu1j0t3> at any power level
<pointfree> qu1j0t3: Looking for xy plotter with highest accuracy. I need a capacitive touch panel with as fine a pitch as I can get.
<qu1j0t3> pointfree: i guess 3d printers is the way to go now...
<qu1j0t3> pointfree: hardware
<pointfree> Liquid X Printed Metal can get traces in the order of nm (22nm)
<qu1j0t3> incredible
<genii> Interesting
<pointfree> Seems I can't just buy a bottle, but they will customize the ink to your needs and they seem open to prototyping use.
<genii> From what specs I can find, Bluray laser focus diameter is something on the order of 550 to 580 nanometer
<qu1j0t3> it doesn't sound like the right tool
<qu1j0t3> it will only have enough power for reading
<genii> qu1j0t3: I blew one up last week ( bluray UV laser)
<genii> qu1j0t3: But before it went kablooie it got warm enough beam to make holding your hand in front of it very uncomfortable
<qu1j0t3> be careful with your eyes and UV
<qu1j0t3> i would be using goggles
<genii> I used my welding goggles
<qu1j0t3> hmmm
<qu1j0t3> they may not be designed to block UV
<genii> ( high enough rated for watching solar eclipses )
<qu1j0t3> yeah, but that's visible light
<qu1j0t3> you can't be sure it's blocking UV
<genii> Hm, interesting point
<pointfree> So clay is mixed into graphite increase hardness/resistivity. I'd like to fill an inkjet cartridge with the clay and have the printer mix that with the other graphene ink (like color mixing) to control resistivity.
<genii> Clay is comprised of fairly large particles though
<pointfree> yeah..
<genii> Why not carbon, they used to silkscreen carbon resistors directly onto boards before
<pointfree> genii: Good idea. They happen to mix carbon into graphite pencils as well.
<pointfree> genii: It seems pure cabon inkjet ink is already easy to get.
<pointfree> *carbon
<genii> I think the suspension medium might be the key there
<genii> If you had a medium which entirely evaporates you'd know it was only carbon remaining
<genii> Or if you're printing on something like plexi acetone could etch the carbon into the surface
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<carl0s> Hi, has anybody tried to compile icestorm/arachne on Ubuntu 17.10? seems like glibc got updated to 2.26 and it dropped support for xlocale header file.
<carl0s> and i can't compile icestorm nor arachne because of this (here's a picture of the make failure!topic/fpga-wars-explorando-el-lado-libre/zjCIiQRbxto)
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<kc8apf> carl0s: carl0s: I don't see any issues filed at
<carl0s> yep, wanted to confirm that someone else is getting the same error, then fill the issue reports
<kc8apf> If there isn't an issue, either no one's tried it or no one has talked about it.
<kc8apf> either way, an issue will help track it down
<carl0s> i will fill it later today :)
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