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<pie_> <qu1j0t3> that will be more true once we have proper public access to the last 1000 years of published research, but sure
<pie_> to be fair im not sure what one could say about smaller universities :P
<qu1j0t3> they still have subscriptions and such though?
<qu1j0t3> and SOME library
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<awygle> i feel like smaller universities usually have a decent network for inter-library loan too
<qu1j0t3> decentralisation is such a good thing
<qu1j0t3> several countries have Federal university systems and it's such a good idea
<kc8apf> slightly more 7-series docs up on
<cr1901_modern> qu1j0t3: "Pineapple on pizza is okay actually" ... is that a fact?
<qu1j0t3> try it and see!
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<whitequark> rqou: you need to sleep less AND to take more stimulants
<rqou> wat
<rqou> what's the context for that comment?
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<rohitksingh_work> whitequark: Hi! I tend to sleep *so* much (more than 8 hours). Any ideas to reduce that? :p
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<whitequark> rqou: 01:20 < rqou> oh btw on the topic of ENOTIME: whitequark you joked to sleep less, but i find that that makes things even worse
<whitequark> rohitksingh_work: more stimulants?
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<sorear> I need to try that then
<rqou> whitequark: i'm trying to switch to biphasic sleep as awygle recommended
<rqou> might work since apparently i've actually done that before without realizing
<rohitksingh_work> whitequark: I'm all ears! I haven't taken any yet. Which ones would you recommend?
<rqou> caffeine? :P
<rqou> (not very effective for me)
<rohitksingh_work> rqou: same for me....not very effective on me..sigh
<awygle> something something you're just not using enough
* awygle takes a dramatic sip of coffee
<rqou> it can get me awake, but i won't be any more energized or productive
<awygle> if i'm burned out in the afternoon sometimes i'll take a coffee nap. cup of coffee, 30 minutes rest/sleep, back to work. also effective on road trips.
<whitequark> caffeine is a really useless stimulant mostly
<whitequark> rohitksingh_work: start with modafinil
<rqou> "Modafinil is currently classified as a Schedule IV controlled substance under United States federal law"
<sorear> i suspect you'll find it's significantly easier to acquire in berkeley than e.g. methylphenidate
<rqou> lol
<sorear> since it acquired a reputation at some point as a ~ hip nootropic ~
<rqou> i'm not very well connected with "that part" of the berkeley culture
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<rqou> i'm apparently so innocent i haven't "even" tried "edibles"
<rohitksingh_work> whitequark: awesome! thanks! \o/ "For most healthy people, 30-50 mg of modafinil will be plenty. It lasts 6-8 hours; " ( So I guess 30-50mg is good?
<whitequark> rqou: Sch IV, also known as "basically permitted"
<rqou> so is it basically "ask your doctor about <xxx> today"
<whitequark> rqou: what do you mean?
<awygle> why hasn't anyone given me this drug? i've seen like four sleep doctors for most of these things it treats
<whitequark> modafinil has no accepted medical use in the united states
<whitequark> because united states sucks ass
<rqou> ah, typical tagline in (us-only?) direct drug marketing to consumers
<whitequark> rqou: i know
<whitequark> (us-only, yes)
<rqou> gotta have those dick pills yo :P
<rohitksingh_work> :D
<rqou> huh, apparently most of the direct drug marketing _isn't_ cialis anymore
<rqou> pharma companies need to market things that are even more ~profitable~
<rqou> wtf is wrong with US healthcare?
<awygle> i feel like i see Lunesta ads all the time
<awygle> which according to this wikipedia article doesn't even work but will still addict you
<rqou> brilliant
<awygle> whitequark: since we're talking about drugs, can you recommend a sleep aid that won't result in me sleepwalking on my broken foot?
<awygle> (apparently ambien is strongly contraindicated for broken bones)
<whitequark> lol ambien
<whitequark> awygle: melatonin 0.3mg (*not* 3mg as it's often sold)
<awygle> yeah, i have that after the whole rqou vodka thing
<rqou> lol
<whitequark> the what
<rqou> that was only a hack that i used _once_
<rqou> the janky dilution
<rqou> before my order of "real" 0.3mg melatonin came in
<awygle> i am under the impression that that's more for "i'm not getting sleepy when i should" rather than "i am having a hard time sleeping in this uncomfortable cast", which is more what i'm looking for
<whitequark> awygle: oh!
<whitequark> well...
<rqou> awygle: do you have a better way to split 3mg into 0.3mg? i don't even own a scale that works down to that low
<whitequark> most of the sleep aid drugs interact with one of the two sites on GABA receptors
<whitequark> the pill is not 3mg
<whitequark> (of course)
<rqou> yeah, but still
<whitequark> that said, volumetric titration is 100% fine
<awygle> rqou: i probably would not have done it that way because 'sleep aid' + 'alcohol' sounds like trouble (even though my understanding is that's not how melatonin works)
<awygle> also i sleep like shit if i drink
<rqou> it's only 5ml of alcohol after dividing
<rqou> which isn't nearly enough to get you drunk
<awygle> "well, the bottle's already open..."
<rqou> lol
<whitequark> awygle: 'sleep aid' plus 'alcohol' is only bad if the sleep aid acts on GABA receptors (again)
<awygle> actually that's not a big risk with vodka, i hate vodka
<awygle> whitequark: right, i know it doesn't work that way
<awygle> me at 8pm: "i'll just submit a quick patch to this library". me at 11pm: "gcc is almost finished compiling stage 2"
<azonenberg> lol @ scrollback
<azonenberg> meanwhile i'm playing with some DSP stuff
<azonenberg> and realizing just how much calculus i've forgotten since sophomore year
<rqou> lol
<rqou> i always sucked at calculus
<rqou> but my intuition for signals/linear systems is ok
<rqou> what are you working on?
<rqou> lol i'm actually failing at calculus _right now_ :P
<azonenberg> i'm trying to create a filter that is the inverse of a first order high-pass filter with -3 dB point at 61.5 MHz
<awygle> i love calculus. i'm crap at stats tho
<azonenberg> As in, given a signal passed through this HPF postprocess to recover the original (assuming no noise / infinite sampling resolution for the time being)
<rqou> wait, this system isn't minimum-phase?
<azonenberg> minimum phase?
<rqou> i don't think the inverse is stable
<azonenberg> tl;dr i'm trying to build a channel equalizer
<azonenberg> I have a signal that goes from low tens of MHz to low single digit GHz
<azonenberg> the channel has significant rolloff on the low end
<azonenberg> i'm approximating it as a first order LPF, the curve fits experimental data pretty well
<azonenberg> This is postprocessing for now, not realtime, so performance isnt a huge issue
<rqou> wait no i'm wrong
<rqou> herp derp
<rqou> i haven't done signals for a while either
<sorear> the inverse of a LPF requires infinite gain at infinite frequency
<azonenberg> sorear: this is a HPF
<azonenberg> And i dont need performance down to DC
<sorear> so the inverse can only be realized over a finite passband
<azonenberg> lowest frequnecy of interest is 10 MHz
<azonenberg> highest i guess would be nyquist which is 20 GHz
<azonenberg> but realistically, 5-10 GHz is about the analog b/w limit
<azonenberg> Call it 10 MHz to 10 GHz for simplicity
<rqou> also what sorear said
<azonenberg> My curve fitting says that the impulse response of the channel is approximately -3.8655e8 * exp(-3.8655e8 * T)
* rqou needs to review this material
<azonenberg> for T in seconds
* sorear is not familiar with filters enough to know the vernacular
<azonenberg> So now i need to create a FIR that inverts it
<azonenberg> Can i just create a second filter with impulse response of 1/(that)?
<rqou> i don't think a FIR filter can work
<azonenberg> rqou: oh?
<rqou> first of all, the naive "try to cancel poles/zeros with zeros/poles" approach has issues but i don't remember exactly what they are :P
<azonenberg> i was hoping i could just convolve the signal with an inverse filter
<rqou> but also a FIR filter can only have zeros at the origin
<rqou> try an IIR filter?
<azonenberg> meaning? (this is well past the limits of my DSP, i dont usually do more than convolving with a Gaussian lol)
<rqou> one way to think about it is that an FIR filter can only "remember" previous values of the input
<azonenberg> And?
<rqou> but an IIR filter can "remember" previous values of both the input and the output
<azonenberg> I'm OK with a filter that introduces a phase shift
<azonenberg> if that helps at all
<azonenberg> a significant shift i mean
<rqou> so an IIR filter can generate an infinite impluse response because of this structure
<azonenberg> I dont need infinite for this, do i? Can't i just truncate at some point?
<rqou> well, maybe
<rqou> IIR filters tend to end up smaller
<awygle> but less stable, iirc
<rqou> yes
<rqou> IIR filters can become unstable but FIR filters can't
<azonenberg> At this point in the game i dont care about speed or size
<rqou> you need to implement them more carefully so that quantization or other errors can't stack up
<azonenberg> I'm just trying to determine if the data can be salvaged in post or if i have to think about board-level tweaks
<rqou> iirc byuu_san tried to do a FIR filter for audio low pass filtering and it required several hundred taps vs an IIR filtering requiring iirc three taps
<azonenberg> i'm ok with a thousand-tap FIR if thats what it takes
<azonenberg> again this is a PoC, i can optimize later
<rqou> why don't you just implement it as an IIR? :P
<azonenberg> Either way, i have to design the filter :p
<rqou> you can always turn IIR filters into FIR filters by setting half the constants to zero
<sorear> azonenberg: fourier transform, divide by the estimated transfer function, done?
<awygle> "invert the frequency response" works in the ideal case, azonenberg
<rqou> um, not at zeros
<awygle> right
<rqou> but yes, in the ideal case
<awygle> you can cheat that singularity in various ways
<rqou> hopefully not involving breaking out the bayes rule :P
<sorear> FIR and IIR have better latency and throughput than FT methods but involve more thinking
<awygle> to ideally approximate i think you need to know the noise level, and maybe the signal level too? but who cares
<azonenberg> yeah i was thinking if i did any FT it would be to design the filter
<azonenberg> not for the filter itself
<awygle> right, FFT, invert frequency response, IFFT back
<rqou> nah i wouldn't implement it that way
<awygle> do some clipping at zero/infinity
<awygle> that's the lazy way
<rqou> find inverse frequency response, IFFT, try to truncate time-domain result and convolve
<rqou> azonenberg: actually have you just tried this ^ naive method?
<awygle> according to this google result calculating the LMS inverse involves "solving a Toeplitz matrix within the framework of the Levinson-Durbin algorithm" ^_^
<azonenberg> Starting to fall asleep at the desk
<rqou> the problem is that in general this inverse isn't possible
<azonenberg> Soo gonna have to try tomorrow
<sorear> cut off the input at frequences above the point where SNR < 1
<awygle> rqou: won't the inverse of a first order LPF have a singularity only at infinity?
<azonenberg> again, this is a HPF
<azonenberg> not a LPF
<awygle> o
<azonenberg> Yes its bizarre :)
<awygle> ... your channel fades more at low frequencies?
<rqou> is this an optical fiber?
<awygle> are you transmitting in magnetic media or something? lol
<azonenberg> tl;dr an amplifier that says it's for 1 MHz to 6 GHz has significant rolloff below 100 MHz
<azonenberg> and i'm trying to avoid a board respin to fix the AFE
<azonenberg> so i want to salvage the low frequency components
<rqou> wait, are you applying postprocessing, preemphasis, or both?
<azonenberg> Postprocessing
<azonenberg> I cannot control the input signal
<sorear> cut off the input at frequences blow the point where SNR < 1, then
<sorear> *below
<rqou> i don't think this is possible without more information
<awygle> yeah i think you can just window the FT before inverting it... or something
<rqou> if you've filtered out some information and it's below your noise level, it's gone
<awygle> rqou: you're talking about "math possible". think "engineering possible".
<sorear> this is about equalization, not resurrection
<azonenberg> rqou: its not below the noise level
<rqou> oh hmm
<azonenberg> it's maybe 15 dB down
<rqou> then you can probably just try the naive way i mentioned earlier
* awygle remembers a time where he would have killed for 15 dB of margin
<sorear> the goal is to turn an amplifier with a gradual rolloff below 100Mhz, into one with a sharp cutoff at 1-10MHz
<rqou> design the desired inverse filter in the frequency domain and then convert to a time domain impulse response
<azonenberg> awygle: that's not 15 dB of noise margin
<azonenberg> i mean, my low frequencies are attenuated 15 dB with respect to the high
<sorear> this will work fine as long as you have at least 15 dB of noise margin
<rqou> unfortunately i'm not very experienced with actually designing systems like this
<rqou> i only know the math :P
<awygle> azonenberg: i understand
<rqou> i tried to do a deconvolution once and it didn't work
<awygle> rqou: Berkeley (TM)
<rqou> yes
<rqou> very
<awygle> god why am i awake. goodnight ##openfpga
<azonenberg> Lol i shojuld sleep too
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<mithro> rqou: I'm guessing you haven't had any chance to work on the verilog to pb_type converter at all?
<rqou> sorry no
<rqou> trying to juggle too many things
<rqou> ironically this converter would actually work a lot better with vhdl
<rqou> thanks to the entity/architecture split that verilog doesn't have
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<rqou> "The $1 million reduction in licensing and acquisitions is a necessary response to the combination of the ongoing exploitation by publishers, and the current year’s permanent reduction in campus funding."
<rqou> i guess we really do need open access and sci-hub
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<rqou> also holy **** quite a few of these resources cost the university >$10k a year
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<pie_> meanwhile uni builds new stadium or something
<pie_> but yeah :C
<rqou> so i have the spreadsheet of the proposed cuts, and it really does add up to $1m
<rqou> most of the items aren't that expensive, but adding up all the nickel-and-diming _really does_ give you $1m
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<awygle> "such as faculty compensation"
<awygle> s/faculty/administrator/
<rqou> that's yet another different fight
<awygle> also please explain to me how "it costs more, so we have to spend less" makes sense lol
<rqou> "it costs more and the budget got cut so we now have to spend less"
<rqou> although looking at the spreadsheet it seems a bunch of things that are being canceled are the dead tree versions only
<rqou> (i don't want to post the spreadsheet publicly because they presumably set the permissions to "UCB only" for a reason)
<awygle> yeah that's fine, i don't actually care that much lol
<rqou> > i guess we really do need open access and sci-hub
<awygle> we need that anyway because not everyone is at $BIGUNI
<pie_> awygle, eveythings price went up so we have to reduce the overall cost back to the original?
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<cyrozap> awygle: Nice find, maybe we should add that here:
<rqou> i love how IRC is forever :P
<awygle> I miss AIM sometimes
<rqou> i never used it much
<rqou> i had no friends
<rqou> also wtf snes9x is still around
<awygle> yup
<awygle> still my snes emu of choice
<rqou> not higan?
<rqou> higan is too slow?
<awygle> too irritating to set up last time I tried
<rqou> you make byuu sad :P
<rqou> (although tbh i've also never used higan)
<pie_> dunno where i got this link, kinda neat
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