<pointfree> carl0s: the main purpose of building with the shell scripts is to also get output files like cyfitter_cfg.cfgdump, p3archdump.txt, *-db1.dtx, and *-db2.dtx
<pointfree> e.g:
<pointfree> 1,2
<pointfree> One can clearly see the path along the grid in the *.route file.
<pointfree> They provide a lot of insight into how the PSoC is configured.
<pointfree> 1,3
<pointfree> 4,3
<pointfree> 4,5 ... at most one from the coordinate pair changes in each row because you are routing along a grid.
<pointfree> The task is to get a function to map the coordinates to registers and bytes in cyfitter_cfg.cfgdump for different tile types (HC, HV_L, HV_R, PI, HS, VS, etc). That information can now be found from files like p3archdump.txt (the switch matrices)
<pointfree> Once the mapping is known, pretty much all you need to now is the min and max bounds of the coordinates, and you're in business.
<pointfree> (Just to be clear, the min and max bounds of the coordinates are already known)
<pointfree> Also, shell scripts make automated reverse engineering easier.
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<lain> rqou: lol
<rqou> lain:: how do you like cross-mod interactions? :P http://i.imgur.com/Rci16j3.jpg
<lain> ehehe
<rqou> anyways, i'm currently working on various conflicts
<rqou> e.g. potion id conflicts
<rqou> lots of staring at NEI's "dump" screen
<rqou> i'm also going to have to get mcedit to run some stats to make sure i'm not somehow missing some critical resource
<rqou> like copper :P
<lain> lol
<rqou> thank god we no longer have to manually solve block/item id conflicts
<lain> this is why we always just used a pack :P
<rqou> now we just get stupid things like dimension id conflicts :P
<lain> though one time we made our own, by which I mean a friend made one for us and I watched as she spent weeks resolving conflicts :P
<rqou> as far as i can tell there aren't actually too many
<rqou> the biggest problem is that i don't know now biomes o plenty interacts with all of the other mods that want to add biomes
<lain> probably much better these days :D
<rqou> next i'll also have to work on hotkey conflicts :P
<rqou> this should be easier with a real (non-laptop) keyboard :P
<lain> those are fun
<rqou> i already have a hotkey conflict between nei and baubles
<rqou> both want the "O" key
<lain> there are some really obnoxious hotkeys
<lain> like that one that sorts your inventory
<rqou> heh mob ai doesn't seem to understand BoP tiny cacti :P
<lain> but.. hotkeys are client side
<rqou> heh i just flew past a terrain gen "conflict"
<rqou> buildcraft tried to generate an oil well where minefactory reloaded tried to generate a sewage lake
<lain> did it become a sewage well? or an oil lake perhaps
<lain> :D
<rqou> no, the flowing oil just overwrote the sewage
<lain> haha
<rqou> also, some mod makes deserts have really annoying distance fogging
<lain> which minimap are you going with?
<rqou> aand deserts still generate next to swamps :P
<rqou> journeymap
<lain> hm never heard
<lain> does it support cave view underground? if so, is that allowed?
<rqou> i'll look into turning it off
<rqou> i don't like cave view
<lain> aw
<rqou> imo mob view is fine though
<lain> see I feel the opposite :P
<rqou> i guess i don't really appriciate combat in minecraft
<rqou> which is funny because i've actually tried playing spellbound caves
<rqou> hmm i just ran into another great cross-mod interaction
<rqou> a witchery guard and a thaumcraft eldrich guardian attaching each other
<lain> haha
<rqou> also basically every mod has better ai than vanilla
<rqou> i wonder what happened to mojang's "ai expert" they hired years ago?
<lain> for 1.7 I'm sure
<lain> vanilla ai is pretty good these days
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<rqou> why is video game ai so difficult anyways? performance constraints?
<lain> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<lain> there was an amusing bug in the zombie ai for ages, actually I wonder if that was 1.7 era?
<lain> it caused huge lag because the zom ai would get stuck in an infinite loop trying to path to an unreachable player
<rqou> there've always been zombie ai bugs :P
<rqou> wtf
<rqou> a* isn't that hard
<lain> a lot of things aren't that hard
<lain> and yet, minecraft :D
<lain> seems it was even present in 1.9
<rqou> oh sh*t i almost forgot about mtvre
<rqou> i need to actually start driving down already
<rqou> thanks silicon valley traffic
<rqou> oh btw lain have you seen the reverse dns for fpgacraft1/2? :P
<whitequark> fpgacraft?
<rqou> a minecraft server
<rqou> azonenberg said it was ok :P
<rqou> fpgacraft is the irc bridge
<rqou> but it's not set up yet
<rqou> the current plan is for one heavily modded (so that it can nerdsnipe) server and one vanilla server
<whitequark> ...
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<rqou> anyways, not sure if minecraft is a worse timesink or mmorpgs are :P
<rqou> also i swear my sd card is copying slower and slower
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<lain> rqou: if you're filling it up, it is
<lain> rqou: and yeah, love the rdns :D
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<carl0s> thanks for the detailed explanation pointfree, i was trying to do project builds faster but it seems not possible.
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<rqou> lain: i figured out why the ic2 mod makes dungeon chests suck a lot
<rqou> it apparently decides to add copper/tin with a weight of 100
<rqou> most other weights are <20
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<lain> hah
<rqou> fortunately minetweaker can nuke loot entries
<rqou> also, i think i fixed all the potion id conflicts
<rqou> hmm does amidst work on modded minecraft?
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<rqou> apparently loading *the entire world* into mcedit takes about 10gb of ram :P
<lain> lol
<rqou> it actually loaded
<rqou> and then i tried to launch minecraft again and java complained that it couldn't allocate enough ram
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<rqou> blargh, more config fixes still needed
<rqou> forgot to turn off forestry's oregen
<rqou> every friggin mod decides to add copper to the world
<lain> some recipes require metal from a specific mod
<lain> which is annoying
<rqou> that's almost entirely fixed now
<lain> ah ok
<rqou> i also kinda like how TE's copper distribution forces you to actually mine higher
<rqou> it goes no lower than y level 40
<rqou> forestry ores are way too common
<rqou> (never mind them being redundant in the first place)
<rqou> i might actually have to bump up TE's ore distribution
<rqou> it seems pretty low
<rqou> ravines are great for subjectively checking ore distributions
<lain> :)
<rqou> hmm the distribution subjectively looks "off" but the numbers seem right
<rqou> subjectively i see too much lead and not enough tin
<rqou> but the numbers say that both are the same rarity
<rqou> also tin is less than copper for some reason?
<rqou> lain what's your experience with mod resource consumption?
<rqou> hmm lead distribution might actually be ok
<rqou> i didn't realize how much thermal expansion uses lead
<rqou> ic2 basically doesn't/didn't
<lain> rqou: resource consumption on the server?
<rqou> no, mod resource consumption
<lain> or you mean like how much resources you need to use stuff
<rqou> copper/tin/iron/etc.
<rqou> i'm trying to tweak oregen
<lain> yeah I dunno, it's been too long
<rqou> also i seem to feel ic2 uranium is actually too common
<rqou> eh f*ck it i'll just increase the tin rarity
<rqou> copper has a ridiculously high probability for some reason
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<rqou> lain: alright, i have a server just about ready to run
<rqou> need to just find a less crappy spawn
<rqou> you probably don't want one in a desert right next to a thaumcraft eldrich obelisk :P
<lain> :D
<lain> fucking wisps
<lain> pecking at you
<lain> "welcome to the world! *zap*"
<rqou> no, obelisks spawn agressive clerics/guardians
<rqou> even worse
<lain> hah
<rqou> this spawn was also right next to a wichery villiage
<rqou> probably too early for that too :P
<rqou> hmm i wonder how possible it is to explicitly compute a desirable seed?
<rqou> also, where is azonenberg? conference?
<lain> yeah I dunno, he's been gone a while
<rqou> hrmmm, a peninsula
<rqou> :(
<rqou> for a server type environment i actually want spawn to be a forest
<rqou> i would take a peninsula for my personal world
<lain> hehe
<lain> use the seed "gimme a forest dammit"
<lain> maybe it'll work :<
<rqou> hrrm "Attempted to add a EntityItem to the world with a invalid item"
<rqou> i'm just going to ignore this problem :P
<rqou> right next to a snow biome and a tained biome
<rqou> next seed :P
<lain> hee
<rqou> i love the aesthetic of snow biomes but they're a pain to build in
<rqou> hmm i have a candidate seed
<rqou> mostly forest, but still a bit too close to a witchery village
<rqou> also no normal/normal biomes nearby
<rqou> hmm i'm strangely drawn to this world seed but i probably shouldn't do it
<rqou> a bog island with a project red volcano right next to it
<rqou> and a dead forest biome
<rqou> hmm i wonder if mods that failed to deterministically use the world seed got fixed?
<rqou> hmm i have a great seed but it generates a really f*cked up looking village
<rqou> i'll probably take it
<lain> haha
<rqou> this seed is pretty boring
<rqou> but it's server-friendly
<rqou> hmm i don't know if i should wait for azonenberg to come back or not
<rqou> anyways, spawn is a beach next to plains
<rqou> about as lame as you can get :P
<rqou> alright, this will probably deploy first thing tomorrow
<rqou> i really should sleep now
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<rqou> anyways, sleep time for real now
<pie__> so does fpgacraft have fpgas or what
<rqou> it might at some point
<rqou> it's supposed to be April fool's 2018 to have a yosys->redstone flow
<pie__> hrhr
<lain> :3
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