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<digshadow> azonenberg: sem is officially offline now
<digshadow> but I have a pallet jack to move it
<rqou> wait, why offline?
<digshadow> rqou: that space its in has been contested for a while
<digshadow> part of why the sem in it hasn't been getting use
<rqou> ah so offline due to moving, not due to "broken"
<digshadow> correct
<rqou> i thought you had somehow broken it :P
<rqou> in other news, monoprice power cords seem completely legit
<rqou> 14awg cu just as claimed
<rqou> no wonder i had to pay like $3 each instead of $0.03 each :P :P
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<lain> monoprice is great for most stuff, uuuusually cheap too
<lain> though I've had issues with their shorter (like <3ft) usb extension cables failing
<rqou> in other news, i discovered today that plugging/unplugging the coaxial cable from my modem will occasionally trip the gfci (rcd for brits/europeans)
<rqou> that's totally not an indication of a problem or anything, right? :P
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<rqou> digshadow: due to "reasons" i have some ambarella camera ISP chips for you to decap
<digshadow> rqou: that you want decapped
<digshadow> or just to add to my massive chip hoard
<digshadow> btw SEM is loaded into POD
<digshadow> two more items to load in
<rqou> just for the hoard
<digshadow> then hopefully I can get it moved to my lab
<digshadow> went to harbor freight today and now proud owner of the world's finest pallet jack
<digshadow> btw
<digshadow> got a 7 series dev board of some sort
<digshadow> basically scrap though
<rqou> broken?
<digshadow> so might decap that when I get some time
<digshadow> eh
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<digshadow> its special thingy
<digshadow> it might be a v7
<digshadow> would you crave it
<digshadow> if it could be made to work?
<rqou> depends on how much effort fixing it would be
<rqou> i would want one if it's a simple problem
<rqou> oh btw i have a semi-dead avr dragon for the decap pile
<rqou> now you can have some avr die images
<rqou> just curious, how big is the chip hoard at this point?
<digshadow> it might be simple
<digshadow> did you wan that in pounds?
<digshadow> there is seriously a certain ram chip
<digshadow> where I literally have over a pound of dies
<rqou> why?
<rqou> it's just ram, isn't it?
<digshadow> I was using them for shimming lapping stuff
<rqou> ah, that makes a lot of sense
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<digshadow> I didn't need that many though
<digshadow> to be honest
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<rqou> so other than ram dies, how large is the chip hoard? :P
<digshadow> well all my chips fit on a single wired shelving unit fwiw
<azonenberg> a pound of dies??
<azonenberg> how many chips is that
<azonenberg> How many DIMMs did you murder to get it?
<digshadow> they are old ram chips
<azonenberg> how many PCs, for that matter :p
<digshadow> dies were pretty large
<digshadow> azonenberg: think I have a picture
<digshadow> something like that
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<rqou> finally reached a milestone on my "clean my room" project - the computer desk is finally presentable: https://goo.gl/photos/389bHnqLDsJMuZqF7
<rqou> the rest of the room is still a giant mess though
<rqou> but this at least means that there is now swap space to start systematically cleaning one region at a time
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<qu1j0t3> rqou++
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<digshadow1> rqou: your monitors are not symmetric
<digshadow1> dumpster dived?
<pie__> one does not simply buy hardware
<digshadow1> not when you have a students budget anyway
<pie__> :C
<lain> I need to start making money again so I can upgrade my monitors
<lain> I have a pair of dell 24" IPS monitors, and I calibrated them to match, but the brightness on one is fading faster than the other, and one of them is developing discoloration in the backlight
<lain> if you just fill the screen with white, there's sorta purple-ish splotches around the edge on one of them
<lain> yay aging.
<pie__> i need to start making money.
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