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<qu1j0t3> random link drop http://www.aoki.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp/arith/index.html 'ARITH Project: High-level Design Methodology for Integer/Galois-field Arithmetic Circuits for Embedded Systems'
<pie_> oh oops lol
<pie_> yeah what qu1j0t3 said
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<cr1901_modern> The "cookies" setting works best for reflow.- azonenberg, 2017
<lain> haha
<azonenberg_work> Hey, the other options either dont have convection on or do weird things where only the top or bottom element runs
<azonenberg_work> Also my garage is *freezing*
<azonenberg_work> its 48F in here right now with the dehumidifier and reflow oven going
<azonenberg_work> and all my servers
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<rqou> azonenberg_work: you should bikeshed over my NAS build before I order it :P
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<azonenberg_work> Send it again? to this nick
<azonenberg_work> have some time to kill waiting for epoxy to curer
<lain> azonenberg_work: did you try that epoxy we found a while back?
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<azonenberg_work> i'm using aa-bond something or other
<azonenberg_work> i included th elabel in one of my tweets
<azonenberg_work> and circuitmedic colors
<rqou> just noticed on newegg: "Products with exposed solder may contain lead, a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects and other reproductive harm."
<rqou> um... i hope devices no longer contain lead
<cr1901_modern> I *wish* it would be 48F with servers running at my house
<lain> Chinese Mystery Alloy™
* cr1901_modern cherises his computers while they last before global warming forces countries to ration computer usage
<rqou> my definitely-calibrated-and-not-from-china thermometer says it's 66F here
<rqou> lain: my mechanical engineering friends liked to use the term "Chineseium"
<rqou> this usually came up when discussing cheap shitty drill bits and screws
<lain> :D
<rqou> apparently shitty drill bits bend/break
<lain> yeah, have heard that one a lot
<rqou> and shitty screws cause galling
<rqou> who would have thought? /s
<lain> recently I saw some gallery of chinesium masterpieces
<lain> I forget where though
<lain> all manner of bent/twisted/mangled drill bits and other tooling, it was impressive
<rqou> wtf how?
<lain> ah, found it: https://i.imgur.com/d8U3i.jpg
<rqou> lol i might have seen that
<rqou> hmm apparently the ssd i was looking at went out of stock
<rqou> must resist "bigger numbers!" temptation...
<lain> I remember going monitor shopping
<lain> I was thinking maybe a 19"
<rqou> i was originally going for a 32gb ssd for $25 but it went out of stock
<lain> but the 19" was next to a 22", and the 22" was noticeably larger, I liked that
<rqou> now i'm looking at the 64gb one for $40
<lain> but then standing at the 22", there was a 24" next to that, which, once I had gotten used to staring at the 22", looked better still
<lain> then again with the 25.7" next to that
<rqou> must resist getting the 128gb one for $60
<lain> but the next one up was like a 40" tv and I was like nahhhh I'll just get the 25.7", got it home, unboxed it, "oh crap I don't even have enough desk for this. this is huge what have I done."
<rqou> the price per gb keeps going down too
<rqou> but i really don't need or want a huge os disk
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<rqou> lain, azonenberg_work: this thingy totally meets the pcie signal integrity requirements, right? :P https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00H8VVD00
<lain> holy shit.
<rqou> from my brief testing the x1 one does work
<rqou> at probably pcie v2 speeds?
<rqou> whatever, i only need it for the card edge part
<lain> I mean, it can be made to work
<lain> but I'm not convinced they did the math.
<rqou> i plan to only take the card edge part though so i don't care that much
<rqou> hmm this reminds me i still haven't build the super hacky tb-to-pcie adapter yet
<rqou> (the one that involves ripping apart the apple tb-to-gbe dongle and soldering the wires to a riser)
<lain> hm
<lain> pcie over fiber using sfps
<lain> make it so
<rqou> afaik that works just fine
<lain> what's the latency requirement? I've got 2km of fiber at the datacenter
<lain> :P
<rqou> i thought the latency didn't matter? hence fail0verflow's pcie 0.0002x?
<lain> ah right
<lain> :D
<lain> btw
<lain> another SI fail
<lain> the sata signals go through those jumpers on the left
<rqou> i am told that you can often get away with that
<lain> you can
<lain> but it's still crap
<lain> a friend owns one of those, apparently it only works at the lowest speed
<rqou> blargh pcie over sfp is actually a bit annoying
<lain> it won't link above, like, 1.5 Gbps
<rqou> because of refclk
<lain> iirc refclk is optional?
<rqou> idk, is it?
<lain> hm, maybe it is required
<lain> just disable spread spectrum and pick it up over RF
<lain> "{
<lain> :P
<lain> ok
<lain> it seems that it is not required to use the mobo-provided refclk, but only if the card provides its own 100 MHz reference that meets all the stability requirements over temperature and whatnot
<lain> the refclk distributed by the mobo is mainly for cost saving, it seems
<rqou> you can still do it though using one normal sfp and one BiDi sfp
<rqou> for the most wtf?-inducing design ever
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<rqou> offtopic: i was screwing around and discovered that the multimode fiber (LC connector) acceptance cone is huge
<rqou> you can hit it with a laser pointer
<lain> yep
<lain> hm, I forget the reason, but there's good reasons for that :P
<rqou> presumably cheaper?
<lain> there's optical reasons iirc
* lain digs out the texts
<rqou> numerical aperture?
<lain> ah here it is
<lain> hrm, well, probably you have a 62.5 um core
<azonenberg_work> 50 is more common for modern stuff
<azonenberg_work> OM2 and up
<azonenberg_work> only OM1 is 62.5
<lain> tl;dr LED sources produce divergent light, and come in surface emitting and edge emitting flavours. surface-emitting is cheaper and overfills 62.5um (calibrated to supply the correct power to 62.5um), when used with 50um a surface emitter will lose 2 dB to 5 dB due to intersecting a smaller area of the beam
<lain> edge-emitting LEDs produce a beam spot that fits within either 62.5 or 50um core, coupling about the same power into each
<lain> so most cheap stuff uses 62.5 because it's being used with surface-emitters
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<rqou> hmm my fiber is supposed to be 50um core om4
<rqou> not 62.5um
<lain> ah
<lain> interesting :3
<rqou> i can still hit the acceptance cone with a laser pointer
<rqou> (which is pretty divergent and crappy overall)
<lain> well, I'm sure the laser is overfilling it, so that's to be expected I think
<rqou> it's one of those <$5 aliexpress ones
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<lain> azonenberg_work: whatchu know 'bout CSFP?
<azonenberg_work> Next to nothing
<azonenberg_work> i only own SFP and QSFP+ optics
<azonenberg_work> and have only actually interfaced with the SFPs
<lain> the heck is QSFP+
<rqou> qsfp28?
<rqou> why do you have that?
<lain> oic
<rqou> supposedly csfp is a dual BiDi sfp
<rqou> why would you do that?
<lain> four simultaneous connections -- is this doing WDM or something?
<lain> rqou: increase density
<rqou> yeah, it's wdm
<lain> rackspace is at a premium!
<rqou> but there's no + sign
<rqou> it's only 2gbit
<lain> more jiggabits per U
<rqou> huh it's actually reasonably clever
<rqou> co-opting some ground and other "useless" pins for an extra tx/rx pair
<azonenberg_work> lain: qsfp is a single module with four lanes in it
<azonenberg_work> for 40gbe
<azonenberg_work> eight fibers
<azonenberg_work> four each way
<azonenberg_work> four GTPs
<lain> oh it actually uses 8 fibers?
<azonenberg_work> Yes
<lain> from the pics it looked like it used 2 fibers and WDM'd them
<azonenberg_work> but in one big cable
<azonenberg_work> No
<lain> ahh ok
<lain> I see
<azonenberg_work> the connector actually has 12
<azonenberg_work> but only 8 are used in 40g
<azonenberg_work> Also
<azonenberg_work> GP_DFFR #(.INIT(0)) prot_relay_ff(
<azonenberg_work> .CLK(clk_108hz),
<azonenberg_work> .nRST(input_ok)
<azonenberg_work> .Q(prot_relay_en),
<azonenberg_work> .D(input_ok),
<azonenberg_work> Does this do what i think it does?
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<azonenberg_work> i wanted something that went high on the rising clock edge if input was ok
<azonenberg_work> but went low immediately if it wasn't
<azonenberg_work> seems to be oscillating :(
<lain> mmm
<lain> that doesn't look right
<azonenberg_work> Yeah it smells wrong
<lain> I don't think it's safe to drive nRST and D from the same wire, propagation delays could fubar things
<azonenberg_work> Yeah my thought exactly
<azonenberg_work> gonna register D
<azonenberg_work> then leave nRST async
<azonenberg_work> hmmm
<rqou> it seems weird but i can't see what's wrong
<rqou> also, you claimed you had qsfp+ optics? 100gbe?
<rqou> oh wait
<rqou> 4x 10g is called qsfp+?
<rqou> i've never seen anyone specify that
<rqou> i've always seen it misused as qsfp = 4x10g for 40gbe; qsfp28 = 4x28g for 100gbe
<azonenberg_work> yeah its qsfp+
<azonenberg_work> also maybe i should go inside for a bit
<azonenberg_work> i can feel my typing speed slow
<azonenberg_work> my fingers are losing dexterity
<lain> azonenberg_work: you need usb heated mittens
<rqou> apparently they've now defined OSFP
<rqou> 8x 50gpbs for 400g ethernet
<rqou> lain, azonenberg_work: 100g optics for $50? www.ebay.com/itm/222273456259
<lain> whyyyy is it so cheap
<rqou> idk
<lain> and why did I just taste spaghetti
<lain> I haven't had spaghetti in weeks
<lain> weird.
<rqou> oh btw azonenberg_work: if my ebay 40gbe card works, can i borrow your 40gbe optics for 34c3? :P
<rqou> supposedly the ccc noc will actually give you a 40g link, but it's bring-your-own-optics
<azonenberg_work> lool
<azonenberg_work> maybe
<azonenberg_work> bear in mind, untested
<azonenberg_work> i got 3 from ebay
<azonenberg_work> at the price they quoted if even one worked, it was a good deal
<azonenberg_work> i dont have any 40g gear to check with :po
<azonenberg_work> :p *
<rqou> why does random network stuff just appear on ebay with ridiculously low prices sometimes?
<rqou> huh apparently 10gbe was ratified way back in 2002
<rqou> adoption was just slooooow
<azonenberg_work> probably somebody is upgrading and liquidating
<azonenberg_work> and lol yes
<azonenberg_work> very slow
<azonenberg_work> i bought a laptop in 2007 with 10/100 only
<azonenberg_work> didnt even have gig
<azonenberg_work> also done in garage for tonight, packing up
<azonenberg_work> bbiab
<rqou> huh my 1999 imac ppc has 100mbit ethernet
<rqou> apple was reasonably on the ball?
<rqou> this is actually now the fastest way to get data in/out of that imac other than "remove its hdd"
<lain> look up when the gigabit ethernet spec was finalized
<rqou> supposedly 1998
<rqou> the imac g3 just came out in 1998
<lain> a lot of this stuff, the delay is in uncertainty as to which standard will win
<rqou> the refreshes didn't get gbe though
<lain> companies are hesitant to invest in silicon until one of often at least two competing specs wins
<rqou> example of not winning: 10gbase-t? :P
<lain> haha
<rqou> i don't know of anybody who actually wants to deploy that
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<rqou> btw if anybody wants to take a gamble on that ebay 100g optic, the seller has two of them
<rqou> i've probably wasted enough money on ebay for this week/month :P
<rqou> azonenberg_work?
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<azonenberg> Back
<azonenberg> 10gbaseT sucks yes
<azonenberg> i much prefer 10g SFP
<lain> 10 GHz is about the useful limit of copper in general, except maybe with really exotic dielectrics and nice wide tracks to reduce loss
<lain> the future is fiber :3
<azonenberg> Yeah
* azonenberg waits for optics in the package
<azonenberg> Forget FttH
<azonenberg> I want FttFPGA
<lain> yes
<lain> I've seen some very promising work in embedded optical waveguides in pcbs
<lain> basically you can lay optics the same way you can lay copper
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<azonenberg> My first "real world" design using the greenpak tools
<azonenberg> Still a WIP
<azonenberg> Uses 33% ACMP, 10% COUNT, 25% DFF, 23% LUT
<azonenberg> Only found one PAR bug so far so i guess that's a start? :p
<azonenberg> i fully support one channel of the protection circuit (will be 3 channels per greenpak in the final design)
<azonenberg> and post rework it appears to be working to spec
<azonenberg> i still go beyond absolute max of the comparator during faults, but i exceed the max by a mere 200 mV
<azonenberg> at worst
<azonenberg> and for about 5 ns during a single cycle of ringing
<azonenberg> so i think the ESD diodes should handle it no problem
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<rqou> i wonder how "trusted" an ebay tpm can be?
<rqou> they have attestation certificates, right?
<lain> that reminds me
<lain> I wonder what the odds of finding firmware implants or other fuckery in ebay servers is
<lain> I usually buy used servers on ebay because ain't nobody afford new ones
<lain> and they last forever
<lain> but... I have to wonder :P
<lain> considering most of them are just surplus from major companies doing upgrades it's prooobably pretty unlikely I guess
<rqou> either pretty unlikely or pretty likely, depending on the origin :P
<lain> haha
<nats`> that would be a bad strategy
<nats`> you shot in the void your trojan horse
<nats`> ...
<nats`> really bad strategy taking the risk of being uncovered while having no return
<rqou> no, as in the server got an implant from the NSA while in the big company
<rqou> and the big company didn't find out
<nats`> I think there are more chance that new server bought specifically by acompany would be targeted
<rqou> right, but what if a company sells their old server that still has an implant in it?
<rqou> oh btw something unbelievably coincidental
<rqou> i was poking around the ebay seller that i got a super cheap 40gbe card from yesterday
<rqou> he is also selling a piece of equipment that my father helped design
<rqou> it's from a very small company too
<lain> nice
<rqou> unfortunately the only piece of equipment this seller has is a mechanical chassis, and he wants $175 for it
<rqou> wow, apparently "FedEx International Priority" can do CN->US in only one day
<rqou> plus a few more days to bounce around of course :P
<rqou> but the actual cross-Pacific leg was one day
<rqou> so this is why fs.com charged me more than $20 to ship some sfps
<lain> yeah
<lain> I've been amazed at how quick stuff comes from my injection molding supplier in shenzhen
<lain> by the time they send me the tracking it's already half way here
<lain> it's also freaking expensive :P
<rqou> wait, injection molding supplier?
<rqou> is this for your job or just hobby stuff?
<lain> I'm self-employed, my hobby is my job
<lain> :3
<rqou> consultant, or?
<lain> I sell a product
<lain> it was kickstarted
<lain> but it's prettymuch dead now, so I'm working on other things, starting some new stuff with a friend
<rqou> oh? what was it?
<rqou> wait, that can become a successful product?
<lain> wow rude :P
<lain> ;)
<rqou> i've been meaning to do that and kept saying "eh, maybe later"
<rqou> "i got this android thing that works most of the time"
<lain> yeah, it sold pretty well, but sales are dying off
<lain> yeah
<lain> way back, I was going to do an android app, but it requires root, and everybody just pirates that stuff anyway >.>
<rqou> it doesn't require root if you don't care about having all of the stupid bits correct
<rqou> or wait
<rqou> it does
<lain> there's a competing device called i-odd, but rebranded by zalman, which uses a 2.5" hdd/ssd, but it has some wonky firmware limitations
<rqou> it doesn't require a new kernel if you don't need all the bits correct
<lain> but they do have a usb3 version now, which beats isostick :P
<rqou> i don't care about usb3 personally
<rqou> i just need "tricks apple's shitty efi until it boots my linux"
<lain> eh, usb2 is annoying for loading tons of isos onto it
<lain> especially with 128GB and larger cards now
<lain> although isostick is doubly impaired in that regard
<lain> the stupid mcu I used is limited to 12 MByte/s
<lain> usb2 can go about 4x that
<lain> mind you, back when I first created it this was as fast as microsd could go anyway
<lain> and atmel promised a better mcu with higher speeds, but they fucked that all up
<lain> then abandoned the product line
<rqou> xmega?
<lain> avr32
<rqou> oh lol avr32
<rqou> i never understood why that existed
<lain> at the time, it had better features than most arm chips
<lain> a year or two later arm stuff really beefed up
<lain> and totally obsoleted it
<rqou> ah i see
<lain> also they had a really nice IDE
<rqou> hrm, i need to re-evaluate what i consider to be a worthwhile product :P
<lain> hehe
<rqou> atmel's ide?
<lain> it was visual studio based
<rqou> yeah, i don't use semiconductor vendor ides
<lain> but they didn't keep it up to date, and they never implemented the debugger or trace functionality for avr32
<rqou> for arm at least, i don't even use vendor toolchains
<lain> I have a $300 paper weight for avr32
<lain> it's a lovely looking device, I think it's a rebranded lauterbach
<rqou> for arm i use a really ugly hacked up version of devkitPro
<lain> nowadays I use visual studio with visualgdb
<rqou> which reminds me that i really should clean that up at some point
<rqou> wait, you use windows?
<rqou> heretic! :P
<lain> lol
<rqou> i got tired of messing with drivers on windows
<lain> I've never had driver issues with windows
<rqou> all the inifinity bajillion libusb kernel backend things
<rqou> macos is the worst
<rqou> because nobody in the world knows/cares about how to program iokit :P
<lain> lol
<rqou> the biggest problem on macos is that there's no implementation of libusb_detach_kernel_driver
<rqou> idk if it can't be done or just nobody poked iokit enough
<rqou> if a kernel driver hasn't claimed a device, libusb can talk to it
<rqou> but libusb can't kick out a kernel driver that has claimed the device
<rqou> hence the creation of "codeless kexts" which are imho the dumbest concept ever
<rqou> basically a kext that has probe/match metadata that says "that device is mine" but doesn't actually load any kernel code to bind to it
<lain> on windows I mostly use winusb
<lain> it's quite nice :3
<rqou> and these need to be signed :P
<rqou> is winusb the microsoft user-mode-usb thing?
<rqou> that libusb-<some bullshit fork version> can talk to?
<rqou> in terms of overall suckiness to write code for though, win32 is still the worst
<rqou> my personal two biggest issues: abi mess and unicode mess
<rqou> abi mess: on win32 the crt is not* considered a part of the os
<rqou> so every compiler gets to have its own
<rqou> for "value add" or something? :P
<lain> well
<rqou> which means that you can't have e.g. a FILE* on an api boundary or you'll have lots of fun
<rqou> you can't even malloc in one dll and free in another
<lain> I program in .net so I dunno about most of that nonsense :P
<rqou> * = the new universal crt fixes this
<rqou> but nobody has e.g. adopted mingw to use it
<lain> C#/.NET is now open and cross platform, so I just use that everywhere :3
<rqou> C# is tremendously better
<rqou> you still have to either deal with or ignore the unicode mess
<rqou> (btw i used to be a heretic and a c# programmer in a past life)
<rqou> (around the .net 2.0 era)
<rqou> anyways, unicode mess:
<lain> lol
<rqou> first of all, windows allows unpaired surrogates in e.g. filenames
<rqou> and, this is the worst part,
<rqou> if you're interfacing with a C-like api that gives you a "char *"
<rqou> wtf is the "char *"?
<rqou> utf-8?
<rqou> "ANSI"?
<rqou> something else?
<rqou> imho i want my higher-level-language FFI layer to have a concept of a "WrongStr"
<rqou> you can concatenate wrongstr with either bytes or strings (using Python terminology)
<rqou> doing so is automatically UB but won't cause an exception
<rqou> and you can pass it back to the FFI layer
<rqou> so you can cause some other layer of the stack to display mojibake or crash but it becomes "Not My Problem"
<rqou> and chances are it just displays mojibake and doesn't crash
<lain> or it creates a buffer overflow :3
<rqou> and then i don't have to deal with this problem anymore :P
<rqou> hopefully it doesn't create a buffer overflow because the string should probably contain at least one null in it
<rqou> you can end up with fun results though
<rqou> iirc there was once a screenshot on thedailywtf of some NSIS installer
<rqou> that displayed the message "The file C" with options yes/no/yes to all/no to all/cancel or something
<lain> lol
<rqou> and afaik what happened was that the installer somehow managed to concatenate an ascii/"ANSI"/utf-8/whatever string and a UTF-16/UCS-2 string
<lain> rqou: so you run linux as your primary OS?
<rqou> at this point yes
<lain> any particular reason you moved away from windows?
<rqou> mostly not having to mess with compilers and usb drivers nearly as much
<rqou> and configure scripts running orders of magnitude faster :P
<rqou> a tiling window manager is a neat bonus
<lain> hehe
<lain> I use allsnap for window snappage, which works out nicely
<rqou> in general i've found that messing with "lower-level" stuff is significantly less painful on linux
<lain> (on windows)
<lain> interesting
<rqou> i also make use of linux containers now
<lain> windows has containers too now
<rqou> because i got tired of vendor eda tools shitting all over the system
<rqou> wait it does?
<lain> yeeeeup
<lain> well they're basically docker containers though, which I think is separate from... LXC or whatever?
<lain> I'm not sure what the linux story is
<lain> but yes it has them, however I don't think you can run gui apps in them so it's kinda moot for eda tools
<lain> that's supposedly going to change in the future
<rqou> afaik the story is that linux grew over the years two super-powerful features: cgroups and namespaces
<rqou> eventually this "cloud" thing happened
<rqou> and people realized that cgroups+namespaces make lightweight vm-like things
<rqou> lxc was one of the tools that could use these apis to make vm-like things
<lain> I see
<rqou> and then docker and all of its associated crap appeared as containers started to take off
<rqou> also, windows containers not supporting gui doesn't surprise me at all considering how windows is architected
<rqou> with random parts of "the win32 subsystem" smeared all over the kernel and random special userspace processes
<lain> I think they've prettymuch worked all that out at this point
<lain> there was a huge effort over the past N years to fix that
<rqou> cygwin still can't call the undocumented nt kernel fork syscall
<rqou> because forked processes still can't correctly register themselves with the "win32" or "gui" stuff
<lain> it's interesting that you found low level stuff easier on linux - I found it harder, it's largely undocumented on linux :P
<rqou> mostly because i'm not dealing with the lower-level linux desktop stuff
<lain> yeah I'm not talking desktop
<lain> like.. kernel apis and such
<rqou> i mostly care about the layer below that e.g. talking to hardware
<lain> there are some books, but mailing lists were mostly "just read the source, it's self-documenting"
<rqou> i usually don't hack on the kernel directly
<rqou> i just make use of its services and write usermode code
<lain> and then if they caught wind that you were doing a commercial product or developing a non-GPL driver, wew lad.
<lain> the flames were let loose
<lain> so I moved to freebsd >_>
<lain> where people don't care wtf you do they just think unix is pretty neat™
<rqou> it's funny because (disclosure time!) i interned at national instruments
<rqou> where they have a huge kernel blob probably on par with nvidia.ko
<rqou> but nobody seems to hate NI, and NI does contribute back code afaik
<lain> lol
<lain> also in general I found the linux kernel stuff to be fairly abusive in general
<lain> and the whole... Church of Linus thing
<lain> it's like, I dunno, it just wasn't productive at all for me
<lain> which is unfortunate since linux is ~everywhere~
<rqou> hmm, i've never interacted with the community at all, so i can't comment on that
<rqou> in general i'm not good at doing the people skills :P
<lain> when I first got into freebsd, I was preparing to develop some kernel modules for something which was to run linux, but my modules were to be MIT licensed
<lain> and yeah, I don't think I ever posted directly, but I was reading through mailing list logs and stuff, and I was really put off
<lain> then someone suggested I check out freebsd, and people were super friendly and helpful and everything was really well-documented
<lain> so I jumped ship :P
<lain> at the end of the day they're all just useful tools
<rqou> eh, i've read some of the famous flamewars and didn't find it that off-putting
<rqou> i've found various technical explanations of OS concepts to be highly beneficial
<lain> yeah it was just stuff like... if you're developing non-GPL, you shouldn't expect any help
<lain> even if what yuo're doing is open (MIT/BSD/etc)
<lain> if it's not GPL, you're not welcome basically
<cr1901_modern> NetBSD community is nice. It's the only OS where I've actually gotten hardware to initialize properly using the APIs lol
<cr1901_modern> (IIRC Free is similar/uses bus_space_map and friends)
<lain> lol
<lain> I couldn't figure out how to install netbsd
<rqou> netbsd didn't seem to have documentation i could find on how to take their sh4 for dreamcast iso and make it into an "actually boots on a dreamcast" iso
<cr1901_modern> Ask on the mailing list :P? I've only dealt w/ ARM and x86.
<cr1901_modern> ARM is as simple as "write the image to an SD card and you're done"
<rqou> i don't feel like burning a stack of coasters on "hmm, maybe try this?"
<rqou> maybe some other time
<rqou> too many projects :P
<cr1901_modern> rqou: You could prob ask nbjoerg for help in #j-core depending on the mood he's in
<rqou> well, i don't even have my dreamcast on hand right now :P
<rqou> it's in the infinite-sized dumping ground of random junk known as my parents' house :P :P
<lain> lol
<rqou> alright, i'm going to try to clean my room again
<rqou> we're on like week 2 now of this sprint :P
<lain> whee
<rqou> i should probably get rid of some of my junk
<rqou> e.g. who wants a d945gsejt? (actually half serious)
<rqou> at some point i might just make a huge inventory of crap i don't want anymore and see if anyone here wants it
<rqou> and anything unclaimed will be sent to digshadow for decapping
<rqou> whitequark: opinions about monoprice power cords?
<rqou> or have you never used it?
<whitequark> this is the first time I hear the word "monoprice" in my life and the website doesn't load
<rqou> hmm interesting
<rqou> around here they're known for pretty reasonable bulk usb cables
<whitequark> most american brands, except for large multinationals, don't seem to exist much elsewhere
<rqou> i guess i'll just order one more than i need and cut one up for testing
<rqou> and then complain if it is bad
<rqou> american consumer protection is pretty good
<whitequark> maybe that's because they do everything in imperial? :P
<rqou> damn it's about $3 each for 6ft iec power cords
<rqou> 14awg
<rqou> whitequark: how much are yours?
<whitequark> rqou: do you think I remember lol?
<rqou> not even an order of magnitude?
<rqou> ok, how about "does USD$3 for a 6f 14awg power cord sound reasonable?"
<rqou> oh btw i just cut up my "heats up when device is used" power cord
<rqou> the insulation claims 0.75mm^2 wires
<whitequark> that sounds about right, especially in the US
<rqou> which is about 21awg in freedom units
<rqou> but the actual wire seems to be even less than that
<rqou> very unscientifically comparing with the holes on my wire stripper, they seem to be at most 0.60mm^2/22awg
<rqou> no wonder it was heating up
<rqou> whelp, this is going to the metal recycling
<rqou> lain
<whitequark> rqou: is it copper at all?
<whitequark> or aluminium too?
<rqou> it's copper-colored at least
<whitequark> is it copper-colored on the butt of the cut too?
<lain> rqou: hm?
<lain> oh, cheap power cords?
<rqou> yeah
<rqou> end of the cut is inconclusive but quite possibly not copper-colored
<lain> yay fire
<whitequark> rqou: is it like shiny-copper-colored or dirty-copper-colored?
<rqou> it's shiny; i'm pretty sure it's not Cu
<rqou> i just compared with a much higher quality cord that i cut up
<whitequark> I mean on the outside, not the end of the cut
<rqou> seems pretty shiny on the outside
<whitequark> well if its fake at least its high quality fake
<lain> the cheap ones are copper-coated aluminum or similar
<lain> horrible conductivity
<rqou> yeah, from what i can see this could be aluminum
<rqou> so i just scraped some of the wire with my wire cutters and it turns silver
<rqou> whitequark, lain: feel free to facepalm/headdesk very hard
<lain> typical, asdly
<lain> JW on youtube overloads these sort of cables for fun
<whitequark> rqou: lol
<lain> anybody experienced with lpddr3 ?
<rqou> it's like ddr3, but lower power :P
<lain> well, nvm, I guess the answer in my case is "simulate it and find out" heh
<rqou> i know, that's not correct
<rqou> maybe micron has a simulation model?
<rqou> i've definitely seen their "ddr.v" "ddr2.v" "ddr3.v" basically everywhere
<lain> yeah, in this case it's SI simulation but yes, the models for all components involved are at my disposal
<lain> I'm just lazy
<rqou> oh i never got a design with dram to the point where i had to do SI simulation
<rqou> i don't even know of software to do so
<lain> tl;dr micron and jedec appnote seem to suggest termination is optional on CA, depending on simulation results. intel seems to suggest it's mandatory.
<rqou> supposedly openEMS can if you can figure out how to set it up
<lain> I have hyperlynx for this
<rqou> wow, very $$$
<lain> it was not cheap :P
<lain> but I don't have a "full" license either
<lain> stupid thing has so many features
<rqou> i asked my father how he used to do SI simulation and his answer was "we didn't" :P
<lain> I think I have the 2.5D solver for hyperlynx, but without crosstalk and such
<lain> lol
<rqou> his designs just had so much timing margin that SI simulation wasn't needed
<lain> yeah
<rqou> my father also doesn't trust EDA tools that much (having seen them go from "nonexistent" to "we can (supposedly) do everything!"
<lain> EDA tools are shit
<rqou> "if the tool's answer is wrong and our board doesn't work, we're still SOL"
<lain> haha
<rqou> i also asked him how he did ERC
<lain> I mean, I still use them to get pre-layout and post-layout info on tight margins
<lain> but
<rqou> the answer was "two engineers and an array of colored highlighters"
<lain> haha
<lain> yeah I performed that task at a job where nobody knew how to ERC
<lain> eventually I taught them
<lain> minds were blown
<lain> :P
<rqou> whee, just found another sd card with yet another ubuntu installer image on it
<rqou> i swear half of my flash drives/sd cards have ubuntu installers on them
<rqou> also holy f*** it's 5am
<rqou> sleep time
<lain> in theory, the intel soc's CA outputs should be the same impedance as the traces, so any reflection will just end there
<lain> but intel is recommending I create a Vtt island and terminate all the CA signals to that through 80.6 ohms
<rqou> yeah, I don't know anything about transmission line effects
<pie_> hi guys' /Ü/
<pie_> * ^_^
<pie_> ugh keyboard layouts
<lain> hihi
<pie_> erc?
<lain> electrical rule check
<pie_> ah i remembered right then, just couldnt reverse the acronym xD
<pie_> and was lazy to google :P
<pie_> so if i ever get around to it, how do you guys figure i should learn the thing to go from "i need amassively paralel search on some specific matrix operations" to a working fpga implementation?
<pie_> so, how do i learn teh logic design i guess?
<cr1901_modern> fpga4fun website?
<pie_> (books are fine too)
* pie_ checks out site
<lain> okayyy I stopped being lazy and simulated it with an approximation of the final stackup
<lain> crapton of over/undershoot on the unterminated line
<lain> predictably
<lain> but integrity seems fine otherwise
<lain> with a single edge, there is ringing, but it damps quickly and isn't anywhere near the margins
<nats`> OMG hyperlynx :D
<nats`> which version is it ?
<lain> nats`: 9.1
<nats`> a recent one I hope old one didn't have 3D/2.5D solver
<lain> I don't have all the fancy stuff, but yes it's recent, a couple years old now
<lain> I have the 2.5D solver, but no coupled line (so no diffpair) simulation :(
<lain> I don't know if I have full 3d, hm.
<lain> I think so, but not sure
<nats`> full 3D is not really interesting in pcb sig integrity
<nats`> it becomes mandatory when you don't have reference plane anymore
<nats`> like for antenna
<lain> yeah
<lain> RF stuff
<lain> 2.5D is fine for my needs :3
<nats`> yep
<lain> but I wish I had the coupled line sim, so I can do diffpair
<lain> but it doesn't matter much
<lain> I can get by with single-ended sim, crosstalk is handled by just obeying some simple calculations for spacing
<nats`> I felt in love with SiWave but I don't talk about it anymore in ##fpga or rajkosto starts stalking me to give him a 5minute lesson on how to use it
<lain> lol
<lain> that guy.
<lain> hm.. so lpddr3 spec says max overshoot amplitude is VddCA + 0.35 = 1.55, and max undershoot is -0.35
<lain> lol, this signal gets very close to that
<lain> and they state that the maximum area above VddCA is 0.10 V-ns, and max area below Vss is again 0.10 V-ns
<qu1j0t3> pie_: I don't think it works that way, to be honest. You need to start small and work through increasingly more ambitious projects to get there?
<pie_> qu1j0t3, well yeah i figure:P
<qu1j0t3> pie_: Well i'm on the same path, maybe we can compare ntoes.
<qu1j0t3> pie_: also i have a lot of books and such
<pie_> still just doing exams righ tnow tho :(
<pie_> i want to be doing clash already
* pie_ throws a tantrum
<pie_> :P
<lain> hmmm yeah I'm violating the over/undershoot specs
<lain> so termination to Vtt island it is!
<lain> darn, was hoping to avoid that
<lain> oh well, glad I caught it now.
<pie_> anadigm dev boards expensive as fuck...
<pie_> well "expensive"
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<pie_> gah theres so little on this FPAA stuff
<pie_> *that isnt papers
<pie_> mehhh
<pie_> i wonder if you could use a down then up -converter
<pie_> though from ghz -> mhz is probablyalot
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<pie_> oops, things borked
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<pie__> is there anything for simulating/synthesizing hdl to software targets?
<pie__> idk how to describe this properly
<pie__> like...so i can write some code and get a schematic and simulate it, but not actually target real hardware with it
<ZipCPU> pie_: You can use a down then up converter. There are many advantages to be gained by it, and GHz -> MHz is one reason why you might.
<ZipCPU> pie__: Not sure how to understand what you wish to accomplish.
<marcus_c_> pie__: With Icarus you can run simulations of verilog code without any target hw if that's what you mean.
<pie__> i guess i want to just synthesize to raw logic gates?
<pie__> its probably ore effective to just simulate the hdl without synthesis but that sounds less fun :P
<ZipCPU> You can simulate Verilog code in Verilator too ... but that's not the same as simulating transistors, resistors, capacitors, diodes, etc.
<pie__> and less insight
<pie__> *more
<qu1j0t3> pie__: yes, see what marcus_c_ said. And in other environments you can too, e.g. Chisel compiles to C++ for simulation.
<pie__> ok ok but i do want to actually synthesize to something :P
<pie__> well, logic
<pie__> this is for learning not production
<qu1j0t3> pie__: not sure what you meant by "software targets"
<pie__> yeah that was not a good way t express it, i want to simulate logic components
<pie__> so like if i want to play around with stuf while looking at a digital logic book or something
<qu1j0t3> just start?
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<qu1j0t3> i used Altera Quartus, but I couldn't get ModelSim to work, so i moved to icarus and gtkwave
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<ZipCPU> pie__: If you just want to play around with digital components while reading a digital logic book, use Verilator. It won't cost you a dime, and it's sufficiently powerful to synthesize and run even a full blown CPU (.... the ZipCPU)
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<pie_> always never do this
<pie_> kek
<digshadow> rqou: fwiw I have a bunch of relatively high quality junk I'm getting rid of soon
<digshadow> like a co2 laser engraver
<digshadow> and some dev boards
<qu1j0t3> pie_: ooh look dev boards
<pie_> ooh
<azonenberg> digshadow: define engraver
<azonenberg> can it cut thin acrylic sheet?
<azonenberg> What host software does it use? Is it functional?
<pie_> no its imperative :(
<pie_> :P
<digshadow> azonenberg: its designed for part marking
<pie_> qu1j0t3, guy mentions pdp11
<digshadow> someone gave it to me
<digshadow> never got a chance to use it
<digshadow> so not how complete it is
<azonenberg> ah, ok
<azonenberg> well it would likely not be cost-effective to ship, but i do want one eventually :p
<digshadow> I was hoping to use it to mark Signetics 25120 chips
<Spida> azonenberg: wat is starshipraider actually supposed to do?
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<pie_> ok i think what i want is synthesis to gate-level netlist and apparently yosys does that
<qu1j0t3> pie_: Yeah but if you're starting out, any high level simualtion is fine. Like ZipCPU said.
<azonenberg> Spida: logic analyzer, bus pirate on steroids, etc
<pie_> qu1j0t3, i guess
<pie_> qu1j0t3, for that i can just use clash's own internal tool probably
<azonenberg> rqou: btw my new input protection circuit is clamping properly but i'm worried about capacitance still
<azonenberg> its higher than i want
<qu1j0t3> pie_: Just start. A text that I really liked was Wirth's "Digital Logic Circuits for CS undergrads"
<pie_> though i guess it cant hurt to sim the generated verilog too
<pie_> qu1j0t3, yeah i thik i have that
<pie_> qu1j0t3, i actually need to study for my mechanics exam on monday :/
<qu1j0t3> procrastination ftw!
<pie_> yeh...
<ZipCPU> pie_: Using Verilator, I've simulated some very complex FPGA dev-boards---with flash, SDRAM, SD cards, UARTs, and more.
<pie_> ZipCPU, yeah i will probably use that
<ZipCPU> Verilator is good/complete enough to allow you to plug in C++ simulations of hardware, that then your logic must interact with.
<azonenberg> ZipCPU: it can be hard to find sim models for more complex stuff
<azonenberg> like an ethernet PHY or something
<ZipCPU> I've even used a simulation of a VGA.
<ZipCPU> I built the ethernet PHY--wasn't too hard.
<azonenberg> now thats interesting... rendering to an onscreen frame buffer?
<ZipCPU> It just turned the whole thing into an echo chamber and such.
<ZipCPU> "echo chamber" ... sheesh ... turned the network port into a local echo port. That which went out, came back in.
<ZipCPU> As for the VGA ... pretty much. I built a window using GTK++, verified the sync protocol, and updated pixels on the image as the device wrote them.
<ZipCPU> It was pretty slow, but worked well.
<ZipCPU> I recently rebuilt it for an OLEDrgb too.
<pie_> though i guess code is actually orthogonal at the moment though still something i will want
<pie_> i want some "hands on" experience with hooking up digital logic blocks and stuff and simulating them
<pie_> i guess most EDA tools do that? it there something perhaps more educationally directed?
<ZipCPU> The really cool thing from my standpoint, is that when I actually got my board ... I had everything working within a weekend, and was then scratching my head wondering what to do next.
<pie_> lmao, google, figures, http://www.cburch.com/logisim/
<pie_> aw "Note: Further Logisim development is suspended indefinitely. [More information] (11 Oct 2014)"
<pie_> still it looks like it should be fine
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<azonenberg> ZipCPU: niiice
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<pie__> qu1j0t3, do you know any books with problems? wirth doesnt appear to ahve any
<qu1j0t3> pie__: It does.
<qu1j0t3> pie__: iirc?
<pie__> i ight not have scrolled enough
<pie__> yeah im not seeing any
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<qu1j0t3> hm
<pie__> i always forget howto make adders from hadders lol
<pie__> damnit
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<azonenberg_work> ZipCPU: also, loopback PHY is easy to simulate
<azonenberg_work> but one that talks to external logic and speaks e.g. TCP is a lot harder
<azonenberg_work> also if you have a bug in say link layer CRC calculation, if you have the same bug in tx and rx it wont catch that
<azonenberg_work> i preferred to test with things that actually bridged to an external test network, or possibly supplied test vectors from a pcap
<azonenberg_work> s.t. you could talk to a real network stack
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