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<rqou> hmm firefox gets really really sad when you leave it open and then go on vacation for like three weeks
<lain> also true of chrome
<rqou> now i have to work on a great prerequisite before i can get any work done: clean my room :P
<rqou> and unpack from vacation/33c3
<rqou> hmm at least one of my "from 33c3" files seems to be legit and hopefully didn't pwn my system
<rqou> i really should get a scratch airgapped machine
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<rqou> arrgh linux really needs to work on fixing 10bit color support
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<rqou> unfortunately this doesn't actually work very well
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<lain> ooh
<lain> too bad it doesn't scale properly across the different pixel densities
<lain> azonenberg and I had a discussion about that a while back
<rqou> colors are also a bit f*cked
<rqou> (the middle screen is 10bit)
<lain> aha
<rqou> but enabling that breaks firefox and some other programs in exciting ways
<rqou> but only on linux
<rqou> windows works fine
<lain> and, lol I found some tools for doing a mem dump of a hyper-v guest from the host
<lain> so I'm going to try to dump the gits game executable from memory
<rqou> except that windows breaks because it's deep color
<rqou> i need to get my hackintosh vm working so i can see what happens
<rqou> (also because i have tons of photos i need to edit)
<rqou> but the photos don't fit on my macbook
<rqou> my macbook also isn't new enough to even drive the middle screen at full bit depth and frame rate and resolution
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<jn__> someone has been adding hyper-v compatible devices to qemu
<rqou> now can someone please patch the nvidia driver "incompatibility?" :P
<jn__> rqou: kvm folks are trying :)
<rqou> i mean, you can probably just apply a code patch to the driver
<rqou> sure there's a sig check, but it's a check during load time afaik
<rqou> it doesn't verify the in memory image does it?
<rqou> i know patchguard exists, but afaik it doesn't protect drivers?
<lain> oh the vm has decided to do that thing where windows update stalls for 5 hours trying to find its own ass
* lain kicks it
<rqou> you mean, every day? :P
<rqou> correction: every second tuesday of the month
<lain> lol
<lain> I've only had this issue on some new installs
<rqou> i don't get why windows sucks so hard at updating
<rqou> it can barely update just the OS
<rqou> whereas apt can update the os and most applications and not break every time
<lain> I've never really had issues with windows updating, except on new installs where sometimes it'll stall for a while
<lain> but yeah
<lain> I think their new update mechanism is getting to where windows updates *should* be
<rqou> why does it keep having "need to update the updater to install the update" problems?
<rqou> how come apt basically never has that?
<Guest52767> ohey rqou
<rqou> hi Guest52767
Guest52767 is now known as gruetzkopf
<gruetzkopf> there.
<gruetzkopf> still need to unpack too :D
<rqou> oh right, that guy from 33c3
<rqou> (one of them at least :P )
* jn__ <-- another one
<rqou> further on my todo list: sort out which people i spoke to at 33c3 and which people wanted me to do things :P :P
* rqou is really bad with names (both irl and virtual)
* jn__ whispers "leak secret $CHIP_COMPANY datasheets!" :)
<balrog> hey gruetzkopf
<rqou> i remember projects much better
<balrog> good to meet you :p
<gruetzkopf> ohey balrog :D
<rqou> i really need to expedite the "fix k40 laser cutter" project
<rqou> it's (physically) blocking most of my lab area
<rqou> i actually just got back to berkeley today
<rqou> i was at my parents' house
<rqou> because apparently my car decided that its steering column lock module should throw a self test error
<rqou> at the same time that one of the tire pressure sensors stopped working
<gruetzkopf> oh tire pressure sensors
<rqou> i wonder how often they actually detect flat tires as opposed to malfunctioning?
<rqou> also, afaik it's only dumb americans that can't even put enough air in their tires :P :P
<rqou> anyways, car electronics are for some reason really security through obscurity
<jn__> rqou: yes, a few people at our hackerspace like to explore car security
<rqou> anyone software unrestrict a tesla yet?
<rqou> or change a VIN?
<rqou> or change an odometer?
<rqou> (a digital odometer of course, not one of those analog gear ones :P )
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<lain> tesla is a bit nutty about this
<lain> someone found an ethernet port in a tesla (it wasn't an rj45, but it had ethernet signalling)
<lain> and then they get a call from tesla
<lain> "did you connect to the diagnostics port?"
<lain> rip.
<rqou> so if i ever work on a tesla i need to drive it into a faraday cage first?
<lain> it's probably going to log the event and send it back to the mothership later anyway
<lain> keep it in the cage forever :<
<rqou> pull its sim?
<lain> or at least until you can figure out where it sends that :D
<rqou> i assume it has a sim?
<lain> yeah, although I imagine they also monitor for that
<lain> dunno, presumably yeah
<rqou> it could be one of those weird oldschool cdma phones that were registered by magic
<rqou> (afaik only the US ever had these)
<rqou> also afaik only the US really gave a shit about cdma for those europeans following along :P
<lain> :D
<lain> yeah some cdma providers iirc are based on the imei rather than the imsi, but I think the phones tended to have the imsi baked in
<lain> which is why changing phones was such a hassle
* jn__ reads that as "Carrier Direct Memory Access" and probably isn't too far off ;)
<lain> at least with 4g even cdma carriers like verizon use sims now
<rqou> i'm still wishing for someone to figure out how to hack my nexus 6p into a dual sim version
<rqou> it has the hardware for it
<rqou> but google apparently disabled it
<rqou> and apparently huawei didn't leak too much in this case :P
<lain> ooh this has a lot more info than the article I read about the tesla ethernet
<lain> this is the one I read ^
<rqou> i'm still disappointed why nobody has made a dual sim phone capable of all of gsm+cdma+umts+evdo+lte
<rqou> or maybe the chinese market has one?
<lain> I'm just going to use data-only on my handheld computer design if it ever works :D
<lain> it has a sierra wireless 4g modem which I think is compatible with basically everything
<rqou> hmm that reminds me i still need to make a breakout for my sierra em7455
<lain> and they offer modem firmware for all the carriers I've heard of
<rqou> which i illegally have a datasheet for
<lain> nice
<rqou> some aliexpress seller just gave it to me :P
<lain> :D
<rqou> but the em7455 is lte+umts only
<rqou> not even gsm
<rqou> also its band coverage isn't that great
<lain> hm
<rqou> missing a bunch of apac bands
<lain> well the datasheet for that is actually available
<rqou> it's officially na+emea only
<lain> if you log in to sierra wireless's "the source" website
<lain> (accounts are free, I don't even think they require approval or whatever)
<rqou> oh really?
<lain> yah
<rqou> the one the aliexpress seller gave me is marked confidential
<lain> Rev 10
<lain> Proprietary and Confidential
<rqou> "Product Technical Specification & Customer Design Guidelines" ?
<lain> that? on first page
<lain> yeah
<lain> it's available on that site
<rqou> hmm interesting
<lain> I plan on using the em7355 in my device
<rqou> isn't that outright worse?
<rqou> fewer bands
<lain> hrm
<lain> I thought it had more, let me try to find a comparison thing
<rqou> 7355 says "LTE: B2, B4, B5, B13, B25"
<rqou> 7455 says "LTE-A: B1-B5, B7, B8, B12, B13, B20, B25, B26, B29, B30, B41 "
<lain> huh interesting
<lain> maybe the 7455 didn't exist when I spec'd it
<lain> well as long as it's the same form factor, doesn't make any difference to me
<rqou> 7355 has gsm enabled though
<rqou> i really want to implement a fully-from-scratch baseband at some point just as a learning experience
<rqou> don't really have the time though
<lain> same
<rqou> also know basically nothing about rf
<rqou> i also really want to set up a really trolling bts that pretends to be at&t :P
<rqou> afaik thsi is legal if you're careful
<lain> it's not legal
<rqou> it was even demoed at defcon years ago
<rqou> why not?
<rqou> it's not the bands
<lain> operating a basestation is 100% illegal unless you have a license
<rqou> why?
<lain> becaus that's the law?
<lain> iunno I didn't write the law lol
<lain> if I had to guess though - emergency services
<lain> if I roam to your bts because I'm nearby and then I need to dial 911
<rqou> they actually made a mistake when allocating frequencies such that a tiny sliver of the european gsm band overlaps the us amateur radio band
<lain> and your bts doesn't have 911 service
<lain> and I die
<lain> you're on the hook :P
<rqou> so you should be able to operate a bts on the amateur radio band
<lain> well, I dunno what the legalities are if it's not in a US band, but if it's on US bands, it's illegal unless you have a license
<rqou> unless that's somehow forbidden by an extra law
<rqou> no, not on a US band
<lain> yeah I dunno
<lain> but I wouldn't want to be responsible because again, emergency services
<rqou> iirc the demo claimed that if you set your MCC/MNC to match at&t phones will still connect even though the band is totally wrong
<lain> haha
<rqou> maybe it doesn't work anymore now that lte is more widely deployed
<rqou> anyways, running a bts with MCC/MNC set to 999/999 or whatever the test numbers are should be totally legal as long as you don't encrypt or publish the encryption key
<lain> hmm it does look like I might want the em7455 for more bands
<rqou> btw this only works in the US
<rqou> the other way around doesn't work
<mtp> i have some friends with GSM base station equipment
<rqou> apparently that can be had for pretty cheap in china
<lain> yeah
<lain> you can get them on ebay sometimes too
<lain> and like, test equipment
<rqou> huh i really can get the sierra wireless datasheets
<rqou> tried with a address
<rqou> btw lain you are aware that the em7455 is a dual sim device right?
<lain> rqou: I am now!
<rqou> yeah, it's pretty neat
<rqou> don't know if it's dsda or dsds mode though
<lain> the lack of 2G is a bit annoying but they're probably shutting off all the 2G shit soon anyway :V
<rqou> except gsm-r :P
<rqou> (in europe)
<rqou> the us doesn't care about trains so we don't count :P
<rqou> i wish at&t would stop being retarded and enable volte for non-iphones
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<rqou> hmm apparently they don't tell you what the at command password is
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<rqou> interesting, no obvious signatures on cwe files
<rqou> i wonder if they're actually signed or not
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<rqou> hmm i'm not sure why fpgacraft1/fpgacraft2 keep disconnecting
<rqou> it's literally on the same bnc i'm on right now
<laintoo> well that was exciting
* laintoo attempts to unfuck her usual irc vm
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<lain> all systems nominal
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<mtp> om nom nominal
<mtp> good rDNS
<lain> thanks :3
<lain> speaking of om noms, I should eat
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<pointfree> cydsfit can dump the contents of config.hex to cyfitter_cfg.cfgdump,
<pointfree> The output isn't as nice as it is with mine or cyrozap's tools because it only labels base addresses and lists the empty registers as well, but it's good to know that Cypress clearly provides an unobfuscated option for looking at the contents of config.hex
<pointfree> As for the switching matrices in p3archdump.txt that look kind of like these:
<pointfree> The positions of these 8 switches in each column most likely map to the 8 bits of each routing register.
<pointfree> There are 8 o's (presumably switches) in each column of a switching matrix.
<pointfree> I would like to find a succinct function that maps switches to bytes and bits.
<pointfree> It must be something like a cross-product, but we don't have a nice formula yet.
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<rqou> aargh, gpg pinentry is broken again
<rqou> i swear this is the buggiest piece of shit ever
<rqou> literally all it does is pop up a textbox with an ok button
<rqou> why is this so hard?
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<rqou> i am _this_ close to just writing my own damn ssh-agent
<rqou> why is "send blob to smartcard to sign" such a difficult thing to do?
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<rqou> so i've never actually gotten to the end legitimately in modded mc
<rqou> and i didn't realize that the natura mod makes it look like this
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<rqou> also i really need to add waila to the modpack
<rqou> there's stuff where even i don't know what i'm looking at :P
<pointfree> cyrozap: So the in the switching matrix, the "." (dot) indicates no switch aka wire, the "o" indicates a switch, and an "m" indicates a connected switch.
<pointfree> grep hvswitch xor-gate.route | grep -v seg
<pointfree> ...and I have 6 m's in the p3archdump.txt hvswitch matrices.
<pointfree> I have an XOR gate project with 6 "hvswitch" lines that aren't segments:
<rqou> mcedit doesn't seem to like "dimension 7" very much :P
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<rqou> lain: minefactory reloaded has ridiculously OP energy production
<rqou> also, i don't know if this is a bug or an easter egg, but the mod also things that "fire" is a seed
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<carl0s> pointfree, is there a major time improvement building the PSoC projects with the shell scripts you posted against building the project directly with PSoC Creator?
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