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<Tenacious-Techhu> Just ran into this; might be old news to you guys:
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<rqou> i'd describe that more as "reinventing abel/verilog badly"
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<rqou> vhdl is way way more ridiculously powerful
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<rqou> offtopic: i've been doing some reading about high vacuum systems and they're much less difficult than i thought
<rqou> azonenberg_work: diy rie system?
<rqou> also whitequark i guess?
<whitequark> rqou: yes i want one
<whitequark> but I need to restart my vacuum work
<whitequark> I want to get solvespace into working order first since that's what I use for all my designs
<rqou> why doesn't m-labs already have one? :P
<whitequark> care to contribute there?
<rqou> ENOTIME :P
<whitequark> because m-labs is about quantum physics not silicon RE
<whitequark> pfff -ENOTIME is for losers
<whitequark> sleep less
<rqou> that's not working out for me too well right now
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<rqou> btw azonenberg_work, balrog, whoever else asked about this: today i spent a few hours REing the xc9500 (non-xl) but didn't make very much progress
<rqou> the ordering of _everything_ is permuted in some weird way
<rqou> but i think i know which group of bits controls the PAL, macrocells, and interconnect
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<azonenberg_work> rqou: diy rie is on the TODO after i move
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<azonenberg_work> rqou: i have die shots
<azonenberg_work> if they help any
<azonenberg_work> So far i think just top metal but i could delayer if there was interest
<azonenberg_work> actually no dig has those
<azonenberg_work> Here's the XL series index
<azonenberg_work> And is an XPLA3
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<tnt> yikes, just got my upduino boards and the layout is truly aweful indeed.
<azonenberg_work> tnt: oh?
<azonenberg_work> pic?
<tnt> highlighted trace is GND.
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<azonenberg_work> tnt: not even 4 layers??
<tnt> nope
<azonenberg_work> ...
<azonenberg_work> i mean sure at that speed it proooobably doesnt matter
<azonenberg_work> but my inner RF engineer is screaming
<tnt> Well appanrelty it's causing issue with the PLL inside :p
<azonenberg_work> Surprise surprise
<azonenberg_work> who did this layout?
<tnt> Decoupling caps are also ... either missing or at the board extremity.
<azonenberg_work> honestly thats probably the bigger issue
<tnt> It's from but apparently he just paid a student to do the design ...
<azonenberg_work> i'm used to putting decoupling caps in via-in-pad right on top of BGA pads :p
<azonenberg_work> lool
<azonenberg_work> i mean the layout being done in EAGLE tells me all i need to know in general :P
<tnt> Meh, I use eagle :p
<azonenberg_work> all i can say is, almost all serious high speed board designs i've seen have used either kicad, altium, pads, or cadence
<azonenberg_work> I saw one nice PCIe board done in geda
<tnt> Well I tried kicad (because I don't want any of the new eagle licensing) but the inability to easily do via stiching was just annoying ... but it got fixed a couple month back apparently so I might retry.
<tnt> I do mostly small boards, with speeds ... ~ 200-300 MHz digital or 2-3 GHz RF.
<azonenberg_work> i'm using a couple months old kicad righ tnow
<azonenberg_work> i should check and see if they can do stitching now
<azonenberg_work> i saw discussion on the mailing list
<tnt> Gotta go. I'll need to see if I can fix up the upduino board a bit with rework.
<azonenberg_work> but i forget if they got it working
<tnt> I saw a commit and the bug switched to 'Fixed' but didn't try.
<azonenberg_work> ah o
<azonenberg_work> i see*
<azonenberg_work> i did a kicad design not too long ago doing 10 Gsps analog
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<digshadow> rqou: I have some rie equip if you want to play with it
<rqou> why don't you use that for delayering?
<digshadow> multiple reasons, but the main thing is that I got it and then had to move space
<digshadow> and so got distracted and never played with it
<digshadow> also I had someone that was supposed to get me proper process gas, and he flake dout
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<cr1901_modern> awygle: So sorry I didn't make this clear, but this tweet was mainly meant to be funny ("Easy Bake Fab")
<awygle> Lol I appreciated the sarcasm of it
<cr1901_modern> I would nonironically consider buying an Easy-Bake Fab
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<awygle> First you have to build one
<awygle> Or otherwise cause one to come into existence
<cr1901_modern> It's the next step after building an apple pie from a universe
<jn> let me introduce to you, a fabless baking company :P
<awygle> broke: apple pie from universe. woke: universe from apple pie
<lain> lol
<awygle> cr1901_modern: I engaged on Twitter because I actually think these problems will lead to *more* CPU innovation, just at a higher level. Less "let's pretend that the von Neumann bottleneck doesn't exist", more "let's see if we can actually solve our fundamental problems"
<awygle> Actually on further thought it's not really a von Neumann issue, but still.
<cr1901_modern> awygle: I basically gave up on that when I realized Mill is vaporware, and learned the real reason Lisp Machines failed
<jn> but MCST Elbrus is right around the corner! /s
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<cr1901_modern> (Economies of scale basically ensure that general purpose CPU designers can take the size/money hit from making GPCPUs better Lisp Machines than well... Lisp Machines)
<awygle> My hot take is "novel cpu architectures fail because of the economic climate, and massive security holes are semi-plausible reasons for the economic climate to change
<cr1901_modern> Clouded the future is
<cr1901_modern> But re: your follow up, what do you mean by "pretending everything's a register"
<lain> my 2 cents: novel architectures fail because we're N decades into this game already and write-once-run-everywhere is still a pipedream, so we're heavily tied to specific architectures in general
<lain> I realize this isn't true in ALL industries, but ...
<cr1901_modern> I never once thought that code assumes everything is a register (unless you mean compiler IRs?)
<awygle> cr1901_modern: maybe "pretending everything is L1 cache" is a better way to say it
<lain> though that is slowly changing, like how Win10 on ARM can run x86 apps with what I understand to be a rather sophisticated dynarec, basically doing what Transmeta tried to do forever ago
<lain> it's not *fast*, but it's good enough for most things
<awygle> Memory latency exists - there's no law of nature that says we have to pretend it doesn't
<cr1901_modern> But compilers already know that
<awygle> It was the easiest solution for a long time, and maybe now it isn't
<awygle> I mean sort of. But just look at the effort it takes to write timing independent code
<awygle> A hypothetical system where addresses with the high bit set are cache is easy to imagine
<awygle> And the idea extends to arbitrary hierarchies
<cr1901_modern> MIPS and lm32 do that (well, uncached vs cache anyway)
<cr1901_modern> Though Idk if kseg0/1/2 is meaningful today
<cr1901_modern> *insert MIPS and meaningful jokes here*
<awygle> IIRC that's "this memory is or is not cached", not "by writing to this address you are writing to the L2 cache and not to RAM at all"
<lain> hmm.. did we ever find out if AMD Zen architecture is vuln to the speculative execution attack? iirc it wasn't because it uses separate cache areas for different privilege levels
<cr1901_modern> Ahhh right, that might be doable, but as Jan Gray said, you evicted something to write to that cache
<cr1901_modern> you can still get info about stuff you shouldn't have access to based on what was evicted
<cr1901_modern> Idk _how_ just that you can :P
<awygle> See lain's comment about separate cache areas for different privilege levels (or different processes, or or or). There's a wider design space, is all I'm really saying
<awygle> Anyway. Back to drawing triangles. Good discussion!
<qu1j0t3> mmmm triangles
<cr1901_modern> triangle strips are the best primitive don't @ me
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<rqou> anyone think any of these are exploitable on cortex-m?
<rqou> afaict no because the pipeline on cortex-m isn't deep enough
<kc8apf> rqou: would only matter if you are enabling MPU
<rqou> i was thinking vendor-specific flash read protection
<rqou> (although those have historically had a number of fun logic bugs of their own)
<azonenberg_work> i dont think cortex-m speculates memory loads
<azonenberg_work> cortex-A is probably affected
<rqou> it does for branch targets
<rqou> but afaict it won't speculate anything more than that
<kc8apf> flash read-ahead might cause a similar effect
<kc8apf> it would pollute the icache
<rqou> the thing is that cortex-m afaik doesn't have its own caches
<rqou> vendors added their own
<kc8apf> I only now a few parts that do flash read-ahead
<kc8apf> that would require caching
<rqou> right, but afaik the caching is outside the cortex-m core and is in the vendor-customized part
<kc8apf> it's still speculatively loading from the flash. The question is whether you can determine the content by looking at timing, etc.
<rqou> yeah, but i don't think you can
<rqou> at least not with the exact same technique
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<sorear> lain: meltdown is a rather specific vulnerability and is only known to affect Intel's high end products and Cortex-A75; AMD said they weren't affected. the spectre stuff is much more general and is a problem on zen
<lain> sorear: aah ok, thanks for clarification
<sorear> rqou: none of the Ms do speculative memory loads
<sorear> s/memory/data/