<balrog> gruetzkopf: were you around when azonenberg_work was discussing his problems with 10GbaseT?
<gruetzkopf> don't think so, also never used 10GBaseT
<gruetzkopf> all optical for me
<balrog> gruetzkopf: hah, okay
<balrog> btw does anyone here know about MacGDS?
<balrog> apparently it was a GDS II tool from the late 80s / early 90s written entirely in forth
<gruetzkopf> (i tend to use preowned well-used junk, and 10GE optical is much more common there)
<azonenberg_work> gruetzkopf: basically 10gbase-t is nonexistent for one-off hobbyists
<azonenberg_work> the chipsets are impossible to source in qty 1 and all need NDAs
<azonenberg_work> but SFPs are readily available COTS
<gruetzkopf> and dirt cheap
<azonenberg_work> Yep
<gruetzkopf> i mean i have a literal bucket of used SFPs
<gruetzkopf> mostly 1G/2G or 1G/2G/4G for FC and ethernet
<gruetzkopf> (most of the 4G SFPs will just work for pcie2.0 if you get your refclk somewhere else, even if slightly out of spec)
<pie_> TIL electron uncertainties are actually pretty damn big....
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<azonenberg> yeah i have dozens and dozens of 1g sfps
<azonenberg> to the point that i wanted to build a switch with 8+ 1g optic ports just to use it
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<Zorix> those things do go bad too
<Zorix> we lose them all the time at work
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<azonenberg> Zorix: yeah well i got about 50 of them for less than a buck a pop on ebay
<azonenberg> So far, every one i've tried works
<azonenberg> About 1/3 of them have DOM and the rest are too old to support it
<azonenberg> the lasers might be a little wimpy now but they work fine on the 30m run i have
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<Zorix> wow thats awesome
<Zorix> we mostly use singlemode at work for data
<Zorix> and multimode for FC for san storage
<Zorix> you can get ones that have rj45 ethernet too
<Zorix> for some reason those go bad more often
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<azonenberg> probably EMI?
<azonenberg> no idea
<azonenberg> Zorix: I'm wiring my whole house with multimode
<azonenberg> I just bought a place that was owned by a heavy smoker and the wiring hasn't been updated since the '70s
<azonenberg> So i'm gutting it to bare studs and rebuilding it, by the time i'm done it'll pretty much be a new house
<azonenberg> the garage, mudroom, hallway, and office room on the first floor are all being wired with overhead cable tray
<azonenberg> then in-wall from there to the remaining destinations
<azonenberg> Every room is getting four cat5e and four duplex multimode, at minimum
<azonenberg> the office is getting more than that
<azonenberg> every workbench in the garage is getting ethernet and fiber too
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<cr1901_modern> whitequark: Your board is a cool idea. Someone would need to create a driver and config files, but it could also serve as a swiss army chainsaw for openocd
<azonenberg> cr1901_modern: yeah sounds useful
<azonenberg> starshipraider is meant to do a lot more protocol offload than that
<azonenberg> So targeting a totally different use case
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<rqou> argh i'm debating whether i should fight with latex to do my problem sets or continue to do them by hand
<rqou> or to use jupyter instead because i need to write code anyways
<rqou> and latex equations are sane enough, it's just that the rest of latex is unusable
<rqou> azonenberg: thoughts?
<azonenberg> i did all of my homework and thesis in latex
<rqou> and code?
<azonenberg> you can input a source file from disk and have it format nicely with highlighting and line numbers etc
<rqou> that's so much work
<azonenberg> \lstlisting{foo.c}
<azonenberg> sorry i mean lstinputlisting
<azonenberg> lstlisting is for inline code
<rqou> meh, i think i'll use jupyter
<rqou> because i actually like snek-lang :P
<azonenberg> nooo it's a danger noodle
<azonenberg> No snoot boops for you
<rqou> just don't do True = False
<rqou> :P
<azonenberg> o_O
<rqou> fixed in py3
<rqou> wow my basic calculus skills are shit
<rqou> > can do really fancy signals+systems, ML, AI, compilers, etc.
<rqou> > can't do an integral
<rqou> or even worse
<rqou> > can't algebra
<whitequark> cr1901_modern: driver? config files?
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<rqou> azonenberg: why is there always something complicated to handle log2 in verilog?
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<lain> probably because you want ceil(log2(n)) in most cases? or does verilog not have log2? :P
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<q3k> azonenberg: in true protobuf style, you should have a verilog stub generator for your proto
<q3k> azonenberg: (bonus nachos: getting read of the tinfo library)
<q3k> azonenberg: might whip up a prototype for it, sounds like the sort of protobuf perversion I enjoy
<q3k> s,library,table,
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<azonenberg> lain: systemverillog does
<azonenberg> v2005 might?
<azonenberg> v2001 does not which is what ISE supports
<azonenberg> and thats kinda my least common denominator language version right now
<azonenberg> q3k: So, the plan is for this to be the core of the parser
<azonenberg> tinfo will be machine generated so i know what type is what
<azonenberg> I can potentially create verilog stub modules on the output however that would require forcing a maximum size for e.g. arrays
<azonenberg> (since you obviously cant have a dynamic array in hardware)
<azonenberg> Having a streaming output, on the other hand, allows you to easily write array-type data to block ram or similar
<azonenberg> or send out an io interface
<azonenberg> Which is kinda the intended use cases here
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<cr1901_modern> By config files, I mean something like the config file on this page: http://www.xipiter.com/musings/using-the-shikra-to-attack-embedded-systems-getting-started
<cr1901_modern> whitequark: By driver I mean, "you need to tell openocd about your new device/protocol", probably interfacing your device to openocd by libusb (like libftdi is used for FTDI).
<cr1901_modern> "interface whitequarks_new_device"
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<awygle> Sounds like the busblaster, except better
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<kc8apf> sorear: sure
<kc8apf> sorear: I can poke at it and see why the htmlgen isn't deterministic
<rqou> hmm, nitrated skin has a really weird texture :P
<rqou> (cc azonenberg :P :P )
<rqou> protip: don't nitrate your skin :P :P
<gruetzkopf> been there, done that
<rqou> wait, really?
<gruetzkopf> yeah, while nitrating toluene in high school chemistry class
<rqou> wait, they let you do that?!
<gruetzkopf> my teacher was a pyro :D
<qu1j0t3> o_o
<rqou> even here in the land of FREEDOM!!11oneone they usually disapprove of synthesizing "yellow dyes" in chem class
* qu1j0t3 just read enough toxicology on nitric acid to be quite repulsed
<rqou> meh, skin contact isn't _that_ scary
<rqou> don't inhale fumes though
<rqou> gruetzkopf: are there no concerns about "what about terrorists?!" over in germany?
<rqou> although apparently your terrorists seem to prefer TATP, and ours prefer ANFO/RDX, and i don't know of any terrorists that have used "yellow dyes"
<gruetzkopf> buying nitric acid in any useful quantities is really hard over here
<gruetzkopf> acetone i could get a 50l can of without being asked any questions
<gruetzkopf> peroxide is harder, but not impossible (buying 1000l is easier than buying 20)
<rqou> oh yeah, buying nitric acid is tricky here too, but sulfuric acid and KNO3 are both pretty easy
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<rqou> acetone is easy but some places seem to now have a >18 check
<rqou> peroxide is really easy in the US
<rqou> you can order food grade 35% h2o2 off of amazon
<rqou> not sure what its intended use actually is
<qu1j0t3> isn't it used in meat processing or something
<rqou> maybe?
<rqou> KNO3 definitely is
<rqou> but the one i buy is "stump remover"
<rqou> um, i'm just checking up on siliconpr0n, and i find " WARNING: large TMAH exposure can cause sudden death "
<sorear> wp says it's a neurotoxin. fun.
<rqou> wait, Dash etch only takes 10 _seconds_?
<sn00n> :(
<rqou> i really need to set up my lab for delayering/staining
<sn00n> proper fume hood & stuff?
<rqou> meh :P
<rqou> just a respirator
<sn00n> ok, window open style? :)
<rqou> yeah
<rqou> there's a fan
<sn00n> \o/
<rqou> (which is already corroded after only ~3 experiments :P )
<sn00n> lol
<rqou> but i only paid $20 for it, and it still works
<rqou> at least it's not my hotplate
<sn00n> but a proper isolated place would be great, yes
<sn00n> far away from the microscopes & stuff :)
<rqou> yes, it's currently very far
<rqou> because my microscope is still in my apartment but the chem lab is at my parents' house after i was banned from doing it in the apartment
<rqou> :P
<sn00n> hehe
<sn00n> i'm planning to place a fume hood for such corrosive stuff in an extra room
<sn00n> near other not so nice stuff
<sn00n> i'll call it "nasty space"
<rqou> yeah, my parents bought me an extra shed in the backyard for chem stuff
<sn00n> neat
<rqou> because the garage is already occupied by a very fancy and expensive <redacted>
<sn00n> :>
<sn00n> yes, don't talk about your secret nuclear program!
<qu1j0t3> car
<rqou> well, there is also a car
<qu1j0t3> motorbike
<rqou> nope
<sn00n> tank :>
<rqou> lol i'm not digshadow
<qu1j0t3> lathe
<rqou> not yet
<rqou> eventually(TM)
<rqou> ENOSPC
<digshadow> I can't tell whether you are talking tanks or nuclear, program, but in that order: 1) no longer have 2) its a clean energy program I swear
<rqou> lol
<qu1j0t3> seriously why can't we guess what is in rqou 's garage
<qu1j0t3> bitcoin mining rig
<rqou> lol i'm not an idiot
<qu1j0t3> phew
<gruetzkopf> you're not using one megawattsecond per transaction
<qu1j0t3> telescope
<qu1j0t3> don't make me trawl your tweets
<rqou> i don't do astronomy
<sorear> what is the point of this
<rqou> apparently people want to guess what fun things i have in the garage
<qu1j0t3> i'm over it. sorry sorear
<q3k> azonenberg: I was only (partially) joking about that verilog stub generation from .proto files
<q3k> azonenberg: i guess whether you want streaming or parallel depend on your usecase. i'm sure whatever you're doing warrants doing it the way you're doing it.
<sorear> qu1j0t3: I'm not who you've been harrassing
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<cyrozap> cr1901_modern: As I understand it, whitequark's new device uses the FTDI MPSSE protocol, so it could be used with OpenOCD with just a simple config to set the "FTDI" GPIO settings--no new driver required.
<cyrozap> whitequark: Have you seen this? Your project reminds me of it: http://dangerousprototypes.com/docs/Bus_Blaster
<cyrozap> Oh, lol, awygle already mentioned that
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<awygle> wooo I'm relevant
<rqou> you'd be more relevant if you stopped getting overrun by life(tm) :P
<awygle> broken foot + concussion is so demoralizing
<awygle> I can't do anything
<awygle> rqou: I got overrun by a small motorcycle actually
<rqou> oh :(
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<rqou> azonenberg: we need an open-hardware cheap-enough fume hood design
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<q3k> close your lungs!~
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<q3k> but yeah it would be nice to have one based on bosch-profile aluminium extrusions (or something similarly accessible to the average hacker)