[commit] Werner Almesberger: m1rc3/norruption: moved material of 1st series tests to 1/, 2nd to 2/ (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/5037afb
[commit] Werner Almesberger: m1rc3/norruption/2/: new loop and tools, with auto-reporting and auto-recovery (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/d433f73
[commit] Werner Almesberger: m1rc3/norruption/2/aloop: corrections and put cycle number at beginning of file name (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/f1ebf74
viric: the newsbeuter thing is getting really slow when it is 15000+ articles in a cache. It also uses around 250 Mb of RAM at this point -\ Have you tested offrss in such harsh conditions?
wolfspra1l: yes the ones I have listed are freely licensed AFAIK
all of these have been written from the late nineties and have been either submitted to a competition or are declared free by the authors
wolfspra1l: although the following ifarchive disclaimer applies: The archive makes no blanket claim about the copyright status of the
archive files. Unless a file, its included license, or its description
explicitly states that it is in the public domain, then the file's
sure sure
copyright rests with its author and the file is only available on the
I saw that
archive for personal use.
wpwrak: you there? .. some pm says about mmc cmd  :  Each command token is preceded by a start bit (0)
start bit is 0.
and succeeded by an end bi
t 1.
(sorry the bad paste)
well, if the clock is enought slow like you suggested
I should check the CMD for any bit 1 right? (in order to know when to stop the controller)
wpwrak: and no just waiting for the final bit 1. I mean, we just want to have cmd = 1, so I guess that
wpwrak: any bit = 1 in CMD bit is okey right? (I ask because I understood firstly to wait for the final bit 1, but I think now that you meant any cmd bit = 1)
you can set the command index and the argument to anything you want. so you could just make them all 0 or all 1 and then try to catch the right clock level. either by polling the i/o or by predicting the time from the start of the command to the middle of the corresponding clock phase.
well, you probably don't even need to worry about command and value. there are both fixed 1 and 0 bits in the structure, so you can just use one of these
wpwrak: hey
MMC has a bit more low-level details. lemme see if there's a good description of the clock
wpwrak: first bit is 0 and last bit is 1 in a cmd command, but if I catch any bit 1 in CMD in the middle of a transmision that would be oeky for our plans right?
you shouldn't need anything but the first two bits. see page 8 of the SD physical layer spec. start bit is 0, transmitter (direction) bit is 1
wolfspraul: i wrote him yes, dunno if kristoffer did it too
so if you set the clock to frequency f, you'll have CMD = 0, CLK = 0 around t = X (but you don't know for how long), CMD = 0, CLK = 1 around t = X+1/4f, CMD = 0, CLK = 0 around t = X+3/4f, CMD = 1, CLK = 1 around t = X+5/4f, and CMD = 1, CLK = 0 around t = X+7/4f
wolfspraul: his words "I had not thought about licensing."
"i was too busy killing AGPS" ;-)
but i asked again, about what he think about other people re-using its work, and i introduce him this irc and qi-hw
no reply yet, that mail was from yday
zrafa: e.g., if you set the MMC bus clock to 250 kHz, you should see the following pattern: (CMD, CLK) = (0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 0)
zrafa: each of these four values should be stable for about 2 us
zrafa: now, if you want to be sure you hit the right combination, you would wait 1 us until after the value has been set. that way, you can err by about (-1 us, +1 us) and still get the desired setting
so this would be X+0*2+1 us, X+1*2+1 us, X+2*2+1 us, X+3*2+1 us
X is the time between telling the MMC controller to send the command and the beginning of the transmission
kristianpaul: (now I need ten days more to understand that werner just wrote  ;-) )
MSC_CMDAT.INIT controls whether 80 clocks are added before the command or not. you don't want that ;-)
bah, it's easy :)
wpwrak: saved. I just read the page 8 and I see those first two bits. Then
zrafa: ;)
haha, low level fun? :-)
zrafa: have you been able to requisition a scope ? seeing what actually happens will help a lot :)
wpwrak: sorry, I do not understand yet why CLK changes, because I have not read well about clk. Let me a while (I di not found that at 4740 pm)
kristianpaul, sweet :) It appeals to my nerdy side. Looks like a cheap design also
seems that there are at least two FPGA boards he didn't show :)
(but then, with, say, M1, we have a big fat FPGA that should be more than sufficient for the rest of the processing)
It would be worth alot to have that as an open design so can see what you are all excited about.
it would be even better to get him interested in joining kristianpaul's little project. he visibly knows his signal processing incredibly well.
if he "just" opens the design, that may still be too difficult for mere mortals to understand ...
wpwrak: yes i already asked that too :)
i find it particularly interesting that he just eliminated AGPS with a little FFT. some companies are building whole subcultures around the "A" in AGPS ...
and talk about milkymist, etc, same history :)
wpwrak: how you get that relation between fft and agps?
look in section "Search": "A "warm start" using almanac data to predict positions and velocities still requires a code search."
and then "This GPS receiver uses an FFT-based algorithm that tests all code phases in parallel. From cold, it takes 2.5 seconds on a 1.7 GHz Pentium to measure signal strength, Doppler shift and code phase of every visible satellite."
so, as i understand it, no almanac needed
ah, i see you point, so you think GPS receiver are lasy now becaue relay on AGPS for fasttest fixes when they could just do more things in parallel?
i'm not quite sure what the story is. maybe he discovered something new. maybe i'm just not up to date. maybe his approach has drawbacks. maybe i completely misunderstand.
but i'm curious what the truth is :)
for me is not new :-)
i mean i had read like 3 books all pointed almost same technquies for signal tracking
ah, you knew about this ? okay, maybe i just missed that then. i just remember that AGPS was all the rage some five years ago
heh, okay :)
actually fft is ideal for software based processing
i dont expect tosee that on hw, i think PLL is better aprouch in that side
or something like namuru like a correlator and a baseband processor
(baseband processor) did not exits at least in open/free way yet :)
wpwrak: but yes i already asked him to about why did not add processing stuff on the fpga
hm memstat needs rework on 3.x
kyak: offrss may take ~1MB of RAM for the amount of posts you said
hm maybe I'm exagerating even.
500KB? :)
viric: i already shut down newsbeuter for good :) it is the first step towards offrss
kyak: all the ram offrss takes is to load a file with 15000 lines.
(for 15000 articles)
viric: actually, my requirements are quite bigger.. I have around 3500 new items every day
viric: is there "mark all as read"?
can't seem to find it..
heh, the pdf looks really cute :) it's adapted for the small screen
hm, having spaces in feed's name is not allowed?
ah, it's a pity -\
in printable ASCII we trust :)
the PDF has no pictures, so you are probably right :)
kyak: what would that mean? mark all as read? do you plan to lie? ;)
kyak: why would you want to get 3500 posts every day, and mark all as read, storing them forever?
kyak: maybe you should visit a specialist :)
kyak: I've not programmed anything to allow removing data, because I've not needed it. But it looks like you will need it
viric: i think with 3500 posts a day, the only way to survive is by just marking them read - without actually reading them ;-)
wpwrak: looks like so :)
maybe it's me who makes a weird use of the reader, having hundreds of articles "still pending read"
kyak: put offrss under stress :)
viric: it's just that we have different uses for rss.. i use it primarily to track torrents. and i'm really good at going through the list and spotting what i need, and then marking the rest as read :)
especially when i have a list of regexpes to higlight it for me :)
3500 torrents per day. man, i want your bandwidth !
then, even on a news site rss you wouldn't click 'mark read' on each article, but rather read the articles that caught your eye and then mark the rest as read
wpwrak: it's the hard disk space that's important :)
(no mark as read feature) nice trick :-)
but i really dont't download much. I just dont' miss what i'm looking for..
kyak: I think that you need something made more specifically for the task
kyak: I thought of having some kind of mark, other than 'read'... but as long as I'll not need it, it's fine for me. :)
wpwrak: rodolfo found between all his old stuff almos forgotten a scope :) He will bring it to uni tomorrow
zrafa: whee ! did he tell you which brand/model it is ?
wpwrak: nope, and i guess that it could be an old one :)
perhaps the one, his family, when then came to argentina before the war, remember their grandparents considering a precious family heirloom. you should feel honored that he would let you touch it :)