<wolfspraul> wpwrak: recovered from the party?
<wolfspraul> :-)
<wolfspraul> you asked for more usage of the shorter qi-hw.com domain once, which was duly noted but not much happened since
<wolfspraul> now I'm wondering whether we should start to use the shorter qi-hw.com more and redirect from the longer one to it, basically making qi-hw.com the main one. What do you think?
<wpwrak> (recovered) yeah ;-) dishwasher and fridge are still busy with the aftermath, though :)
<wpwrak> qi-hw/qi-hardware. dunno. you'll want to keep both anyway. would you also change the logo and such ?
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: ah ... you had some site where one can find music under cc-by/cc-by-sa, right ? where was that again ? i need more soundbites for videos :)
<wolfspraul> ccmixter.org
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: yes I would probably (slowly) move to Jon's new logo
<wolfspraul> unless there is major opposition
<wpwrak> as long as the old urls to list archives, downloads, wiki still work, i don't see any problem. informally, we probably use qi-hw most of the time already ;-)
<wolfspraul> I'm always careful about fixing links, or redirecting properly
<wpwrak> hehe, i know :)
<wpwrak> (ccmixter) great site. thanks !