sipa changed the topic of #bitcoin-wizards to: This channel is for discussing theoretical ideas with regard to cryptocurrencies, not about short-term Bitcoin development | | This channel is logged. | For logs and more information, visit
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<yoleaux> fluffypony: Sorry, that doesn't appear to be an HTML page.
<fluffypony> yoleaux: upgrade yourself to read PDFs
<fluffypony> "On the linkability of Zcash transactions"
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<AndyS2> I would love to have some software that does that for mixing services. i.e. 1 bitcoin was sent to a mixer, where did it end up? (with likelyhoods if they split it up to different addresses. and looking at later recombination that yield about one bitcoin. and potential recombinations if there is no connection between an output that spends 0.5 and another output that spends 0.5 other than having
<AndyS2> used the mixer
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<AndyS2> maybe some parameters like mixer fee and whatnot would be nice. does anybody know what those services cost in the past? 1%? 2%? 10%? (100% if they were evil ;) )
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<kabaum> Does anyone here know why the sequence of other inputs are zeroed when signing with SIGHASH_NONE or SIGHASH_SINGLE?
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