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<contrapumpkin> waxwing, andytoshi: since the discussion on the topic has split between the two channels, someone on the monero side put this together (plus some discussion in #monero-research-lab):
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<drTrololo> morning all
<drTrololo> channel of my dream
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<waxwing> contrapumpkin, i think generally we don't consider schemes where one side has to take the risk of permanent loss if the other side disappears.
<waxwing> also i think it's using a zero knowledge proof of hash preimage, but andytoshi has in mind a scheme where you use adaptor signatures and the secret is a scalar, the private->public key function acting similar to a hash function, and using new crypto to make that work cross chain.
<waxwing> about zkp of preimage of hash function, i think the new bulletproofs/bootle stuff apparently may allow that to be feasible? don't know details but i've always thought that would be a great thing to have in your pocket
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<sipa> waxwing: you can construct hash functions that are easy-ish to prove preimages for using arithmetiv circuits (which would enable using bulletproofs or snarks etc)
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<maaku> sipa: it'd be nice to see a writeup of that. andytoshi tried explaining it to me and it wasn't clear how you feed the state forward into the next round
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<sipa> maaku: i don't know how to do the conversion from arithmetic circuit to bulletproof, but i think i can construct an ec multiplication circuit
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<nsh> oh i hadn't seen this branch before:
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<nsh> incidentally, DLP on the curve can be broken with a QC using Shor's algorithm with at most 224*n^2*log2(n) + 2045*n^2 = 1.26 * 10^11 tiffoli gates (but only 2330 to simulate point addition) with some fun little bonus stuff (inc. a reversible immpl of Montgomery inversion via binary GCD as a quantum circuit)
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<contrapumpkin> waxwing: oh, I missed that part of this one
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