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<fluffypony> eck: it's the major part needed for Lightning support, which will give us cross-chain swaps
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<Worc> Everybody btc is goind down
<contrapumpkin> fluffypony: using the scheme I linked to earlier or something else? is there a way to do monero-bitcoin swaps without ZKCP on the bitcoin side?
<contrapumpkin> Worc: wrong channel
<Worc> just kidding
<Worc> checking if channel is active
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<contrapumpkin> fluffypony: or if not that scheme, is there any other writing on it?
<fluffypony> there should be something linked there
<contrapumpkin> I know the general scheme across coins, but because monero has no script, it has to be different, right?
<contrapumpkin> I'll look
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<contrapumpkin> this was the scheme I was asking about:
<contrapumpkin> which uses multisig on the monero side and ZKCP on the bitcoin side
<fluffypony> contrapumpkin: best place to ask about that is #monero-research-lab, they may have strong feelings on that
<contrapumpkin> oh okay, didn't know about that one :) thanks
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<waxwing> i don't know details, but i'm wondering, if monero transaction signatures are on ed25519, and if that is essentially schnorr-like (is it? i'd have to look it up), then could you exploit the linearity as per scriptless scripts to do atomic swaps? (adaptor signatures)
<waxwing> oh that reminds me about the question of doing that across different curves ...
<contrapumpkin> interesting. Maybe folks in #monero-research-lab can help with that too?
<waxwing> even if that were possible, it would only imply ability to do it on own blockchain, or another with schnorr anyway
<contrapumpkin> could be very cool :)
<contrapumpkin> plus, schnorr is just so much fun to pronounce
<contrapumpkin> so the more opportunities the better
<waxwing> andytoshi, is the most likely to be able to comment on ^ (and, the monero guys of course)
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<waxwing> hmm yes brief scan of eddsa page on wikipedia suggests it's basically exactly schnorr in structure.
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<contrapumpkin> random stackexchange comment says they already use schnorrish stuff in some places:
<contrapumpkin> QED
<waxwing> yeah good point of course the ring sig is not the same as the pure eddsa sig itself, so .. don't know.
<waxwing> contrapumpkin, in case you don't know about the scriptless script atomic swap idea, see and my fleshing out of atomic swap specifically here:
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