sipa changed the topic of #bitcoin-wizards to: This channel is for discussing theoretical ideas with regard to cryptocurrencies, not about short-term Bitcoin development | | This channel is logged. | For logs and more information, visit
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<nsh> incidentally, how come all the the secp256k1-zkp rangeproof stuff is committed since may/april? is there some kinda secret kabal i should know about....
<nsh> oh, that's the previous non-innerproduct stuff. the PR from andytoshi's mailing list update is only a week or so old. nm
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<nsh> '* Use Shamir's trick to do the multiplication with the public key and the generator simultaneously.'
<sipa> nsh: i started doing a writeup about the multiplication algorithms
<nsh> ah great!
<nsh> is the above referred to as the "fast Shamir method"?
<nsh> nm, enough reference there to figure it out
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<waxwing> may be of interest, proof of solvency stuff, don't know if there's a paper out yet:
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<waxwing> oh i misinterpreted, it's a talk about the existing paper:
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