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<danrobinson> contrapumpkin: Should work now on the playground (you'll want to refresh and hit Reset in the upper right corner to load the new example).
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<maaku> wouldn't you need to compare data to a hash just to do the P2PKH script?
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<danrobinson> maaku: are you referring to this Ivy contract: ? It is initialized with a value that is declared to be a Sha256(PublicKey), and thus can be compared to another one
<danrobinson> if you're referring to the fact that compiles to a P2WPKH address (and the rest of the contracts compile to P2WSH addresses), all that is done under the hood; it doesn't touch the user-facing type system
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<Sentineo> maaku: ah ok thanks (regarding the hash singularities). Are those hashes checked, e.g. when there is a p2sh is core checking is the hash hashes to itself again? Perhaps as a sanity check to rule out the possibility? Well for a p2pkh one would need a signiture, so it is fine (imho) from singularities. What about p2sh? A simple data push is considered a valid script, is it not? So finding a
<Sentineo> ripmed160 singularity could allow me to spend those funds, right?
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<abomb> Sentineo, the neat part about that would be if the wallet had a previous transaction and after its accepted you can show you broke ripemod160 because of the two different public keys on the blockchain
<abomb> and there is 256 bits worth of private keys, and 160 bits of ripemod.... around 79228162514264337593543950336 times smaller of a search space.....
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<Chris_Stewart_5> Is anyone familiar with the difference between 'SKIP' and 'VERIFY' in BIP98?
<Chris_Stewart_5> It seems to me that a hash is just provided in both cases?
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<Chris_Stewart_5> and that hash is used to calculate the hash of the parent node?
<sipa> Chris_Stewart_5: VERIFY means it's a node you want to prove inclusion over
<sipa> SKIP means you just need to provide the hash to make the root validate
<Chris_Stewart_5> ahhhhhh
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<instagibbs> "SKIP means the branch contains a hash of an elided subtree or element, and the fast-SHA256 root hash of this subtree or double-SHA256 hash of the element is included in the proof structure; and VERIFY means the branch contains an externally provided hash that is needed as witness for the verification of the proof"
<instagibbs> from the text
<Chris_Stewart_5> i think the VERIFY wording is confusing
<instagibbs> i just skimmed for the definition, haven't spent any time digesting
<Chris_Stewart_5> "means the branch contains and externally provided hash" -> "means the node should match a hash we are trying to prove is included in the MT"
<Chris_Stewart_5> IMO
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<maaku> correct. SKIP hashes are serialized inside the proof. VERIFY hashes are taken individually from the stack in MERKLEBRANCHVERIFY
<maaku> you need both the proof object (containing the tree structure and all of the SKIP hashes) and a list of the VERIFY hashes to reconstruct the root
<Chris_Stewart_5> maaku: Ok I get the idea, I just found the VERIFY definition confusing. Might want to change if other people have trouble with it as well
<Chris_Stewart_5> especially the usage of 'branch' as, to me, that implies there is a child tree provided
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<maaku> are hybrid keys illegal in bitcoin?
<abomb> hybrid keys?
<sipa> maaku: nonstandard
<sipa> but consensus valid
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