sipa changed the topic of #bitcoin-wizards to: This channel is for discussing theoretical ideas with regard to cryptocurrencies, not about short-term Bitcoin development | | This channel is logged. | For logs and more information, visit
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<dongcarl> w/re #9195, would it make sense to write out a BNF representation of the RPC-console language for documentation? (starting with single RPC commands first then describing things that are in #7783 (nested commands and simple value queries))?
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<instagibbs> dongcarl, #bitcoin-core-dev ;)
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<JackH> kanzure, is there somewhere we can see all the talks in writing you usually make from this years scaling bitcoin?
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<JackH> thanks sipa
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<aj> andytoshi: i'm confused how scriptless scripts actually work with signature aggregation? don't you need the raw unaggregated sig to make the various protocols work, and isn't that lost during sig aggregation and therefore possibly not recoverable if you just follow the chain? (for mimblewimble or bitcoin + sigagg)
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<andytoshi> aj: no, the two participants do a multisig (which maybe is part of an aggregate, but it's not too important) and they share their partial sigs with each other
<aj> andytoshi: maybe i just need to look at it more; but for HTLCs, the system works because even if comms are lost, R is published to one of the blockchains when the tx is posted and the other participant can recover R from that... not seeing how things could still work without that
<aj> andytoshi: is there a worked example of an HTLC or similar in mimblewimble i can look at?
<andytoshi> aj: you can't do a schnorr multisig unless both parties are online for the duration of the signing. if one drops then the signature doesn't happen
<aj> andytoshi: "as soon as this signature gets out" -- if that signature is on a mimblewimble tx, and i fail to follow the mimblewimble blockchain for a while, can't that signature get lost in a way that i can't recover it?
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<andytoshi> no
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<kanzure> aj: ultimately the signature is still valid but you weren't evaluating the script contents remember?
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<aj> kanzure: yeah, that's not what i'm thinking about. probably what i'm thinking about makes no sense but i need to work through the details to figure out why not
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