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<adlai> sipa: what distinguishes operations as cryptographic or non-cryptographic? re: your earlier "very cheap but large non-..." comment
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<sipa> adlai: xorshift, lsfr, ... are non-cryptograohic
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<Taek> If anyone is interested in seriously designing a cryptographic PoW function that is designed to minimize non-trivial optimizations, I'd love to help with regards to pointing out what things are annoying to put to hardware
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<CubicEarth> Taek: Assuming that is possible, what do you see the benefit as being?
<Taek> CubicEarth: definitely possible to do better than Sha256d at the very least. The benefit is that it becomes a lot easier to design a competing ASIC
<Taek> And cheaper
<CubicEarth> I'm confused, I thought you were saying you want to make a PoW function that is ASIC resistant?
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<Taek> No, a PoW that is as ASIC-trivial as possible, meaning you design an algorithm such that the optimal ASIC is as low-cost and low-expertise as possible
<CubicEarth> Ahhh, I see.
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<tromp> Definition 4 of Bulletproof paper has some typos. x0 r0 x1 r1 vs x x' r r'
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<tromp> also, it's missing an x0!=x1 condition
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