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<waxwing> seeing this on twatter, may interest some here:
<yoleaux> Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2017/1132
<waxwing> oh heh that doesn't work
<waxwing> "Doubly-efficient zkSNARKs without trusted setup"
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<yoleaux> @IACR_News @zmanian I haven’t read the paper yet, but I wonder if the trick from bulletproof for log communication can be used to remove the square root communication (@nicolagreco, in reply to tw:935137144594673665)
<waxwing> right, just reading the abstract that thought popped into my head too, but i of course haven't the foggiest whether it applies.
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<hdevalence_> on page 16 of the bulletproof paper, it says that l(X), r(X) are polynomials in Z_p^n[X], but Z_p^n[X] is not a polynomial ring, since Z_p^n is not a ring, so in particular you can't multiply the "coefficients"... is it correct to say that l(X), r(X) are in (Z_p[X])^n, i.e., are vectors of polynomials, or is there an additional structural constraint?
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<andytoshi> correct, they're just vectors. they only interact with ring operations pointwise
<andytoshi> in particular there is an inner-product which is done in the obvious way (multiple pointwise in Z_p[X], add everything together in Z_p[X])
<sipa> yay for abusive of notation
<hdevalence_> is it important that the polynomials in each entry of the vectors l and r have the same shape?
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<andytoshi> no, only that they have the same number of entries
<andytoshi> the polynomials in each entry are both linear (simplest thing that appears to work)
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<andytoshi> oh, to answer your specific question, yes they are vectors of polynomials in (Z_p[X])^n
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