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<piano7> Has there been any significant research on stable coins? I already know of Maker.
<sipa> stable coins?
<piano7> cryptocurrencies that are less prone to volatility
<sipa> that purely depend on how they're used
<sipa> value comes from usage, not from the definition of the currency itself
<piano7> There are ideas of desiging protocols that can approach tagging the value to a determined amount
<piano7> for example, Maker uses collateral to try to absorb the volatility
<sipa> that relies on a trusted party
<piano7> well some do yeah, like tether is a good example of a stable coin that relies on central trusted party
<sipa> but there is nothing interesting about tether
<maaku> piano7: what you are looking at is called a synthetic asset. that might get you some google results
<maaku> it's kinda off-topic here though because there isn't really any interesting crypto or theory that goes into it
<sipa> it's just a digitized token for which an issuer guarantees an exchange rate with the dollar
<mryandao> there's freicoin that bakes dumurrage
<sipa> there is no reason why tether even needs to be a blockchain
<piano7> I agree about tether
<mryandao> *demurrage.
<sipa> piano7: same is true for anything
<piano7> I'm more interested in research about decentralized stable coins
<sipa> you can't define value within the system itself
<sipa> that's just nonsense
<piano7> look into Maker it's what their whole project is trying to do
<mryandao> i believe at some point there was some discussion on UTXO expiration/evaporation for bitcoin?
<maaku> not for everything.. there are synthetic asset constructs which attempt to peg to external values without actually having a single third party guarantee the peg
<mryandao> so lost coins can be recovered eventually by miners
<sipa> piano7: looks like total ICO scammyness to me
<sipa> mryandao: terrible incentives
<mryandao> sipa: i suppose miners can just refuse to confirm then wait for your UTXO to evaporate
<mryandao> lol
<sipa> yup.
<maaku> they do so by constructs similar to a prediction market -- you buy/sell futures in a market, which informs inflation. only works if you assume most participants are honest and no one tries to corner the market
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<maaku> also has the same incentive problems -- if inflation is controlled by what's visible on chain, then block txs to make the market one-sided, resulting in inflation to miners
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<bsm117532> "stability" is a red herring that for some reason finance types buy into. No assets are stable. Even fiat currencies have wonky swings.
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<bsm117532> Instead of achieving stability by pegging (which has a failure condition where collateral runs out), it should be achieved by having a robust derivatives market.
<bsm117532> The ability to place orders on *both* sides of the market allows more effective arbitrage and damps price swings.
<bsm117532> On another topic...
<bsm117532> I'm very excited by the bulletproofs paper. But, they focused mostly on proof size rather than speed. Has anyone done any benchmarks comparing to zkSNARKS or other ZKP systems?
<bsm117532> Also what's the status of the code, is it available yet? (andytoshi, gmaxwell, sipa)
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<bsm117532> Answering my own question
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<maaku> bsm117532: see citation number on in the paper
<maaku> *number 1
<maaku> for the code, see #secp256k1
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<bsm117532> Is this proof system specific to the secp256k1 curve?
<sipa> no
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<bsm117532> piano7: that's funny...I actually put an interest rate into the satoshi code a while back. But this manipulation only affects *perception* not any of the economic in/outputs, and therefore will only affect price stability for irrational market participants.
<bsm117532> The divisibility in bitcoin is sufficient though. This is just an overall normalization factor.
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<sipa> bsm117532: bulletproofs just need a DLP hard group
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<yoleaux> [Lightning-dev] General question on routing difficulties
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