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<waxwing> so for the inner product proof, let's say c = <a,b>, prover needs to send the Ls and Rs so like log (n) times (L, R) and also c ... is that it or am i missing something?
<waxwing> oh and also P right
<waxwing> ah but of course you have to send the a' and b' values for the final step right. so is it just [L], [R] (lists) and a', b' (single values) .. but also P ?
<waxwing> ok i think i get it, "P" is external to the proof, so that's why it's 2*log(n) points, for the L and R vals, + 2 scalars (a', b')
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<d4de> reading through that
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<jl2012> jnewbery: so the bug is in IsWitnessSeasoned() ?
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<d4de> I was reding this, and in there's the expression `H = to_point(SHA256(ENCODE(G)))` to obtain a new generator for use in the Pedersen commitment scheme
<d4de> How do we know if `H` is an irreducible polynomial?
<waxwing> d4de, H is a point on the elliptic curve (secp256k1)
<sipa> H is a point, not a polynomial
<sipa> and we know it is a generator because every point in secp256k1 is a generator
<sipa> (its cofactor is 1)
<d4de> I'm confused, but G is the generating polynomial of the finite field of which addition is carried on
<d4de> right?
<sipa> no
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<sipa> there is a finite field, which is just Z modulo a big prime
<sipa> which is used for the _coordinates_ of points
<sipa> then there is an elliptic curve with equation y^2 = x^3 + 7 over that field
<sipa> that elliptic curve defines a mathematical cyclic group
<sipa> every point in that group happens to be a generator of the group
<d4de> addition/multiplications are defined modulo p?
<andytoshi> d4de: there is a group whose elements are elliptic curve points (and whose addition is some weird rational function of the coordinates) which is conceptually totally independent of the underlying field that the curve is defined over
<andytoshi> so for the purpose of CT/CA you can think of the curvepoints as just abstract group elements
<andytoshi> and forget about the field and the curve equation entirely
<d4de> ah
<sipa> d4de: addition/multiplication on _coordinates_ is indeed done modulo p
<sipa> d4de: addition of elliptic curve points is weird
<andytoshi> importantly the addition formula is _not_ coordinate-wise addition, it's some rational function (which is indeed computed mod p). you can find the exact formula on wikipedia if you're more comfortable knowing it
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<arubi> if we're on the subject.. what causes this weird thing where the three cube roots of 1 mod p added to each other are equal to n, and same with the three cube roots of 1 mod n, added to each other are equal to p. I can't explain this to myself
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<andytoshi> well, you can just run through the addition formula and see that when a = 0, multiplying x by a cube root of 1 in the field is an automorphism (if A + B = C and you multiply each x-coord by lambda the equation's truth value will be preserved). you can see this in a non-enlightening way by just working out the formula
<andytoshi> oops, beta, not lambda. here beta is a cube root of 1 in the field
<andytoshi> then observe that in a prime-order group, _every_ automorphism needs to be "multiplication by lambda" for some lambda..
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<andytoshi> and this automorphism is the identity if you do it thrice (since multiplying x by beta three times is just multiplying x by 1), so this lambda needs to be a cube root of 1 in the _group_ order as well
<andytoshi> which creates this spooky effect where whenever you have a field with a nontrivial cube root of 1, and an elliptic curve of j-invariant 0 defined over that field, the integers mod the curve's order must also have a cube root of 1
<arubi> okay, suddenly the way endomorphism works is a bit clearer now :), I'll try out some walking through the addition
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<andytoshi> IIRC you need to use the fact that beta^2 = 1/beta and beta = 1/beta^2 to see that the addition works (this is why being a cube root of 1 is special and other numbers don't work)
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<arubi> oh! I guess I was close, previously I tried walking through three equations :
<arubi> k1*lambda + k1 = tweak1
<arubi> k1/lambda + k1 = tweak2
<arubi> tweak1/tweak2 = lambda
<arubi> and tried to figure out how to use beta with the x coordinate for k1G
<kanzure> d4de: still alive?
<d4de> yes
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