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rqou: the script only seems to work on the old blob format; it fails on the current format (the new format are probably two blobs of the old format glued together and some header is added)
er, the ath10k lz script?
i tested it on this file: $ sha256sum firmware-5.bin_10.4.1.00030-1
haven't trid it on an old blob; only saw that it fails on a current one
why does ath10k have like a bazillion different firmware versions anyways?
i tried firmware-5.bin_10. (848fb3480b19c3aee781a4222d6511ba2977e6bdf66c978647b880f37b0c5fd6)
also get the same error with the file you used :/
oh huh
or is Python 3.5.2 too old?
i cheated and there's a bug in the script
the firmware files have a header that i manually removed with a hex editor
you have to manually delete the bytes until "SGMT" is at the beginning :P
i also tried that and then the script failed after extracting the first few section
yeah your file does have two SGMT blobs
the one i was working on doesn't
feel free to fix it :P
thats the new format
the old one probably could support multiple SGMT blobs too
i just didn't implement that part
will try that when i'm fit again; still having a bad cold, so i shouldn't try to code ;)
yeah, it works if you manually split the SGMT chunks and remove the trailing garbage
apparently the file you were using has the otp and firmware in the same file
sounds good
why is "10.2" newer than "10.4"?
also, the file you are using has more debug strings than the file i was using
hm, weird
i just grabbed the file which was the newest on github
ok, i think qca99x0 is ac wave 2
qca988x is ac wave 1 only
99x0 has mu-mimo and is intended for AP usage i believe
so it's probably better to work off of your file
i used the qca988x hw2.0 file
because it has more debug strings and more readily available hw
i'm pretty sure the card i have is 9880
i haven't been able to buy 99x0 hw at all
"### Unvalid txChainMask!"
i don't think that's the word you're looking for :P
* felix_
is still trying to get a qca9880 card; only found one ebay auction and no normal seller
oh and intel wifi has btw. likely an arc embedded microcontroller; they use a lot of synopsys stuff in their products (e.g. their xhci controller, which is the synopsys core with iirc some intel wrapper)
i don't know if you can buy one easily there
yep, i'm from germany
will you be at ccc?
worst case i can buy you one and give it to you at ccc
i'll try to win the ebay auction; if not, i'd happily accept that offer
rah, re: risc-v, im guessing thats a good thing? :) such a tiring article to read though
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cant remember off the top of my head who i was talking to about ltspice, someone said they like it someone else said it barely works, are there any better such tools that are free?
there's basically no free as in speech tools that I know of other than clones of the original ucb code
ltspice is one of the best free as in beer tools
i see
pie__: whitequark was one person who ventured an opinion iirc