ELLIOTTCABLE changed the topic of #elliottcable to: a _better_ cult || topics += 'gamedev'
<joelteon> ok i'm back
<gq> k
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: hi! awake?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> fine! meowrobot: or you? :D
<whitequark> oh meowrobot is here too
<meowrobot> elliottcable: hiii I'm actually about to eat xP
<meowrobot> oh hey whitequark!
<whitequark> hi
<purr> whitequark: hi!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: you know each other? :P
<meowrobot> from another irc network yes :p
<ELLIOTTCABLE> meowrobot: weiiiiird
<whitequark> not really, I bet you met via twitter
<whitequark> and twitter's "who to follow" encourages formation of rather insular social groups
<gq> whitequark: i agree. i met ELLIOTTCABLE when i was bitching to Bluebie about how much i hated male republicans xD
<gq> whitequark: he was like, "excuse me, but why? i'm a male republican and i'm not so bad?"
<gq> which...lulz.jpg
<whitequark> lol
<purr> lol
<gq> lulz.jpg forever
<gq> xD
<joelteon> EC is a republican?
<joelteon> ayyy lmao
<gq> joelteon: ayyyy lol
<whitequark> gq: well twitter by and large offers nice people for me to follow
<whitequark> this may or may not say something about you
<gq> whitequark: no, it never recc'd i followed EC. he saw my replies @bluebie somehow & stuck his little aryan nose in
<gq> whitequark: so, you know, standard :P
<whitequark> ... I'm especially abrasive today am I not?
<gq> whitequark: i like it. be this way all the time :>
<ELLIOTTCABLE> joelteon: nope
<whitequark> gq: piss off
<gq> joelteon: yes. he lies.
<gq> whitequark: you first
* gq pats whitequark
<whitequark> lol
<purr> lol
<gq> -mix @ whitequark
<purr> whitequark: shut up you fuckers i'm awesome and like elliott but better 'cos tits
<joelteon> nice 1
gq is now known as Martini|Mix
<whitequark> so purr is she now?
<purr> whitequark: ... is *he* now?
<Martini|Mix> ^_^
<whitequark> so manboobs
<Martini|Mix> just kidding i'm not drunk
<Martini|Mix> ...yet
Martini|Mix is now known as gq
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: you do realize purr is better than you because of large manboobs don't you?
<whitequark> this should give you some direction in life that you so sorely lack
<gq> whitequark: don't be silly, ELLIOTTCABLE's manboobs are very fine. all dat lifting makes for some nice pex
<whitequark> "very fine", as in, "a transition between two hyperfine levels of the hydrogen 1s ground state", or what
<gq> whitequark: i mean he works out all the time.
<gq> whitequark: so they're objectively really really really nice mantits. amirite ELLIOTTCABLE?
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: what? you've let your tits go?
* gq starts crying
* gq sobs into a hankie
* gq gets over it
<whitequark> gq: five stages in five seconds
<gq> whitequark: wat
<whitequark> of grief.
<gq> oh
<gq> yeah
<gq> lol
<purr> lol
* gq kills purr with a piece of broken glass
* purr rr
<gq> heh.
* gq revives purr
* purr rrrrrr
<gq> purr: ohai
<gq> -welcome @ purr
<purr> purr: Welcome back! Here, have some welcome-back penises. http://youtu.be/RvkWhGVNky4
<gq> hehehehehehe
<whitequark> gq: http://oglaf.com/justice/
<gq> whitequark: fucking lol i love that comic
<nuck> gq, whitequark: OGLAF is great. http://oglaf.com/pillowtalk/
<gq> nuck: mhm
<nuck> "You have nice pelicans, can I gut your love salmon"
<gq> nuck: only if you use a very very very sharp knife ;x
<nuck> kinky
<nuck> So, Modesto Pride happened today
<gq> oh? how did that go?
<nuck> All of the 7 LGBT people in the city were there
<nuck> Seriously it took up a third of our largest park, kind of sad. Apparently it just changed organizers this year though
<nuck> They... didn't promote it at all
<nuck> It was so low-key that they didn't even get protesters
<nuck> Kind of sad really
<gq> nuck: yikes
<nuck> The biggest group was a double-size booth from Amazon Fulfillment. I guess they really like gay people
<gq> nuck: no, they really like gay MONEY. that's different :P
<nuck> Nah this was Fulfillment
<nuck> These are the poor saps who ship your shit
<nuck> They sent a whole delegation of LGBT people who work in the local warehouse
<gq> nuck: like i said. they like gay money.
<nuck> haha
<nuck> probably true. But it's more likely to work against you in this area
<nuck> There was all of one church there
<nuck> Our one LGBT-friendly church
<gq> nuck: in my town pride is so srs business they get bomb threats
<gq> x_x;
<nuck> Literally, we have like 30-40 churches in town and only one is LGBT-friendly
<gq> nuck: i believe you.
<nuck> I bet we *would* get bomb threats if anyone knew it was happening
<whitequark> nuck: yes i like that one
<nuck> This year I think the local PFLAG ran it
<nuck> Whereas previously it was organized by a separate org
<nuck> But perhaps they went bankrupt or something last year, I hear they got rained out
<gq> nuck: ouch
<nuck> It was basically like 10 booths, a small stage, and a sad-looking beer garden
<nuck> Hell, all the local GSAs at the various schools had just pooled into a single booth
<gq> yikes
<nuck> One booth, 5 schools' GSAs
<gq> yeesh.
<nuck> Except my school, MJC. We didn't even have a booth
<nuck> I actually tried to find "modesto pride" last night online and failed. There's no real web presence
<gq> nuck: could be worse - my school expels gay kids
<gq> nuck: AND it's legal
<nuck> The previous runners' website just says "we're gone"
<gq> nuck: because private religious academy. :[
<nuck> Yowch
<gq> well, i mean, high school
<gq> not university.
<nuck> We're legally mandated to respect transpeople
* gq nods
<nuck> Which is pretty cool
<nuck> They can use their chosen bathroom
<nuck> By state law
<gq> good.
<nuck> Funny thing, it was a super-conservative hardcore-christian bush-loving NRA member teacher in high school who taught me some of the most progressive things in LGBT stuff
<nuck> Like, he was the one who told all students that gender =/= sex
<gq> nuck: i was that kid in HS.
<gq> nuck: in HS i didn't know trans/intersex people were a thing, i thought they were just confused gay people.
<gq> nuck: isn't that so so so fucking sad?
<gq> x_x;
<nuck> lolllll
<purr> lolllll
<nuck> I didn't really know transpeople fully until I was... 18ish
<nuck> Met a whole floatilla of them on IRC
<gq> nuck: i'm possibly not genetically female and uh yeah.
<whitequark> possibly?
<gq> nuck: i believe my parents may have given consent to nonconsensual genital surgery on me when i was a child
<gq> whitequark: there is evidence i have a chromosomal disorder that presents oddly.
<whitequark> why not just get tested?
<gq> whitequark: expensive.
<whitequark> oh, right, USA
<nuck> Just suck ELLIOTTCABLE's dick until he pays for you to get 23andme
<whitequark> 23andme does it for like thirty bucks
<gq> whitequark: testing for chromosomes is usually a spinal tap & insurances don't like to pay for it. me saying BUT DOCTOR I HAVE SUICIDAL GENITAL DYSPHORIA WHENEVER I GET MY PERIOD wouldn't stand up to my insurance.
<gq> whitequark: really? oh shit
* gq googles immediately
<whitequark> spinal tap? sounds extreme
<nuck> Yeah I heard that test goes to 11
<gq> whitequark: i might be a chimera or something
<whitequark> well
<whitequark> *shrug*
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<whitequark> get it checked
<nuck> gq: I'd be unsurprised to find you're not entirely human
<nuck> It just... "fits"
<whitequark> iirc there is a cheap-ish way to check for chimerism as well
<gq> nuck: lol online sometimes i tell people i'm half Faerie/djinn on my father's side ;)
<purr> lol
<gq> whitequark: oh, i'm sure there is :)
<nuck> looool
<whitequark> gq: ever been pregnant?
<nuck> I know somebody on another IRC net who identifies as a faerie
<gq> nuck: i'm actually genetically related to the French royal family.
<gq> whitequark: i had a miscarriage in August.
<nuck> gq: Damn yo
<whitequark> gq: ah, so that won't work
<gq> nuck: google Boisverts and then Huguenots
<whitequark> well, not reliably
<nuck> I know Huguenots
<gq> nuck: kk.
<gq> nuck: without travelling, the relatives i can reliably trace on paper are the Boisverts from France, otherwise known as the GREENWOODS which is hilarious because ROBIN HOOD YO
<gq> 8D
<gq> wheeeeeee
<whitequark> gq: https://www.23andme.com/
<gq> whitequark: yeah i'm registering an acct right now :D
<whitequark> so it's $100, but, yo, still really cheap
<whitequark> tbh
<whitequark> for a typical person their results aren't really useful in almost all cases
<whitequark> because SNPs do not have *that* much impact
<gq> whitequark: well...i'm not typical. google Edwards syndrome. my brother died of that. then look how rare it is.
<nuck> Stupid Naked Persons
<whitequark> there are few isolated cases (like Huntington) where it really does matter, but overall... no
<whitequark> gq: oh not saying anything about you
<whitequark> it's just
<gq> i really hope i don't have huntingdons
<gq> with my luck i'd send in the kit
<gq> then get a note in the mail
<gq> "you have cancer yo"
<gq> x_x;
<whitequark> they can't detect cancer like that
<gq> whitequark: through blood? yes they can
<whitequark> it's a mouth swab
<gq> whitequark: my grandfather died of blood cancer in march.
<gq> whitequark: ah, saliva, yes.
<gq> well
<gq> i don't think i smoke enough to have MOUTH cancer
<whitequark> not saliva, shed epithelium cells
<gq> unless it 's bone cancer
* gq paranoia
<gq> ah, yeah
<gq> that's pretty good
<whitequark> plus you see, the way they perform the testing
<whitequark> they made a large batch of DNA chips, which means they can only test you for the SNPs they selected
<whitequark> which does not necessarily give any useful results wrt cancer
<gq> whitequark: ah, i see
<whitequark> anyway, I was saying
<whitequark> people get really excited about knowing said SNPs and such, but really... there is little if any known correlation for most of them
<gq> true
<whitequark> there is a reason they got investigated for FTC, because it's kinda close to snake oil in some respects
<whitequark> they now state the claims much more carefully
<whitequark> as they should.
<whitequark> ah, I see, they market themselves now as "ancestry research company"
<whitequark> good move
<nuck> Yeah I hear they're trying to downplay the medical angle and focus more on the "connect genetically" thing
<whitequark> they are forbidden by law to provide medical data until the end of FDA (not FTC, of course) investigation
<whitequark> you can still get your raw data and get it xrefd against the database of snps, and interpreting the results would be entirely on you
<whitequark> as I've said, smart move
<nuck> "In 2007, scientists at the University of Nevada School of Medicine created a sheep whose blood contained 15% human cells and 85% sheep cells"
<nuck> oh god what
<nuck> Is anyone else imagining a sheep with human arms and legs
<whitequark> no
<gq> nuck: nope
<gq> nuck: i imagine the sheep's body would interpret the cells as junk dna
<gq> nuck: and it might have some weird stuff if you tested it but otherwise meh
<whitequark> gq: .. wat
<whitequark> that's wrong on so many levels
<whitequark> think of the cell as a huge unix system, so, a gene is a shell script
<gq> whitequark: oh, stop, you know what i meant
<gq> whitequark: my phrasing was off, eat me
* gq crabby
<whitequark> when it starts, it executes all scripts that are +x, and the ones which execute can set or remove +x from others
<whitequark> okay
<gq> jesus god.
gq is now known as BaronSamedi
<BaronSamedi> -.-;;;
<BaronSamedi> whitequark++
<purr> Let it be known that BaronSamedi loves whitequark.
* whitequark slaps BaronSamedi around a bit with a large trout
* BaronSamedi eats the trout whole.
* whitequark slaps harder
<whitequark> with another trout
* BaronSamedi stares at you calmly
* BaronSamedi slaps you around with a branch
<whitequark> ouch
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: ^_^
<BaronSamedi> I just noticed I have a huge bruise on my right forearm.
<BaronSamedi> I have no idea how it got there.
<whitequark> possibly an impact
<BaronSamedi> TFW PTSD makes entire body numb & don't notice serious bruises for days x_x
<whitequark> i have this bed and every time I sit on it, my legs press on a sharp corner so hard, they get bruised
<whitequark> i fucking hate this bed
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: x_X
<nuck> BaronSamedi: The bruise on your forearm is probably from slapping whitequark
<BaronSamedi> nuck: no, it's green so it's at least 3 days old.
<nuck> Maybe you slapped him so hard that your arm time travelled
<BaronSamedi> nuck: i really, really, really doubt it but i suppose it's possible, half Faerie ancestry and all :>
<nuck> lol
<purr> lol
<nuck> BaronSamedi: Voudou, man
<nuck> houdou? YOUDOU! Dou what? Remind me of the babe
<nuck> I saw my babaaaay crying hard as they could cry
<nuck> what could I doo
<BaronSamedi> nuck: i have a vidya for you to watch ;x
<nuck> Spontaneous david bowie... might just be the gayest thing I've done in years
<BaronSamedi> 8D
<nuck> that was a good film
<nuck> I should rewatch it
<BaronSamedi> nuck: it really was. racist as shit (only black princess has to WORK for her prince/castle? okay.jpg disney) but still heh
<nuck> I think it was more an unlucky combination of trying out princess-who-worked-for-it at the same time they tried out minority-princess.
<BaronSamedi> nuck: true.
<nuck> Like, two great things
<nuck> But combined it can come off racist
<BaronSamedi> nuck: so true.
<nuck> The end of the golden era brought some wonderful questioning of classic disney
<nuck> Mulan probably the start of that... A girl who can whoop ass, hell yeah
<nuck> (which degraded into romance)
<BaronSamedi> nuck: i consider that one of my top 5 best disney films.
<whitequark> disney, ew.
<nuck> Me too
<BaronSamedi> nuck: and yeah i kind of wish they'd (spoilers!) done a frozen & had no boy follow her home
<whitequark> i wish it never existed
<BaronSamedi> although i guess frozen choked on that too
<BaronSamedi> seeing as elsa technically isn't the hero
<BaronSamedi> which she goddamn well should be
<nuck> Frozen just choked in general
<nuck> Miserable flop of a film
<BaronSamedi> nuck: it really, really, really did.
<nuck> Well
<whitequark> i loathe everything there is about disney's style of storytelling and animation
<BaronSamedi> nuck: i mean, it's like a glass ornament: pretty, but no heart.
<nuck> Financially successful
<nuck> BaronSamedi: Not even that
<nuck> It was poorly animated too
<BaronSamedi> nuck: reminds me of brave, you can tell that the heart was lost around the 3rd rewrite
<BaronSamedi> i mean
<BaronSamedi> at least they didn't set merida up with some man
<BaronSamedi> but still
<BaronSamedi> :/
<nuck> Tangled had that too
<BaronSamedi> GOD yes
<BaronSamedi> thank god they kept the abusive mother figure
<BaronSamedi> and mother gothel dying
<nuck> Tangled looked so promising in early drafts
<BaronSamedi> i was afraid they'd disneyfy that
<nuck> The animation oh my god
<BaronSamedi> lol
<purr> lol
<nuck> The original animation plans involved rotoscoping over CGI
<nuck> Using oil painting style
<nuck> It was *gorgeous*
<BaronSamedi> nuck: i'm kind of glad they've gone the glen keane way again but i also wish they'd wake up & smell the 21st century
<BaronSamedi> nuck: yeah :D
<nuck> It ended up just being boring CGI
<nuck> I mean, sure, it was pretty, but it wasn't *nearly* as pretty as it was supposed to be
<BaronSamedi> nuck: i think it was beautiful CGI but...yeah
<nuck> A lot of recent disney has suffered from this "good but not quite incredible" thing
<nuck> Like, they'd start out with something incredible and then cause it to be just "good"
<BaronSamedi> nuck: like firing Brave's original director/writer?
<nuck> Yeah
<nuck> Lots of mistakes like that
<BaronSamedi> nuck: i've still only been able to watch that film once.
<BaronSamedi> nuck: the parental issues thing hit a little too close to home
<BaronSamedi> nuck: saw it in theatres with D for his 25th birthday
<BaronSamedi> i'm lucky i was in a good frame of mind at the time
<BaronSamedi> i was totally unprepared
<BaronSamedi> emotionally speaking.
<nuck> I've seen it twice. I like it, I think it's one of the best disney films in recent years
<BaronSamedi> i hate it when i end up sobbing uncontrollably in a theatre X_x
<BaronSamedi> nuck: i'm definitely one of those people who takes films "too seriously" or whatever
<BaronSamedi> :/
<nuck> haha
<BaronSamedi> xP
<nuck> Speaking of things disney fucked up massively: the remodel of California Adventure's entrance
<BaronSamedi> no idea
<BaronSamedi> i've only been to cali once and my baptist parents were boycotting disney at the time
<nuck> They recreated the 1920s and 30s
<nuck> Like, to a T
<BaronSamedi> so we went to legoland and the san diego zoo
<nuck> it's incredible
<BaronSamedi> and the jelly belly factory
<BaronSamedi> but that was it.
<nuck> They took a pathetic unthemed area called "Sunshine Plaza"
<nuck> And turned it into a recreation of the area disney studios was in in the 1920s
<BaronSamedi> oh
<BaronSamedi> how
<BaronSamedi> boring
<BaronSamedi> x_x;
<nuck> It's gorgeous, and it feels *real*
<nuck> They put in so much effort to give every storefront a backstory
<nuck> Every single item in a store's display was intentionally chosen for that
<nuck> And then... Disney marketing came in and placed the same disney merch in all these windows
<BaronSamedi> nuck: disney's always been that way
<BaronSamedi> nuck: it's magic because the employees believe in it.
<nuck> Nah, California Adventure was never like that
<BaronSamedi> nuck: but the corporation ruins it.
<nuck> California Adventure was basically "we need a park on short notice"
<nuck> (in fact that's actually the backstory of the park -- they were originally gonna recreate EPCOT in California, but that fell through and they had to come up with a new park in a month)
<nuck> CA had no magic
<nuck> Literally, people only went to California Adventure for about 4 attractions: California Screamin' (which was broken 90% of the time), Soarin' over California, and Grizzly River Run.
<BaronSamedi> nuck: interesting
<nuck> Most just the latter 3, in fact. It was a disaster. They moved parades and everything over to it because they needed people to go there
<nuck> They made a smart move and put a starbucks in the park a year or two ago, which helped a lot too :D
<BaronSamedi> nuck: man, the parades are so great. i have rips of the parade songs live
<nuck> I have recordings of every single ride in the park :p
<BaronSamedi> nuck: same haha
<nuck> Space Mountain music? Hell yeah
<BaronSamedi> nuck: what i wanna do for like...our 15th anniversay or something? is reserve like a honeymoon suite at one of the affiliated parks, and take D there. he's never even BEEN to cali :D
<nuck> hahaha
<whitequark> wow 15th
<BaronSamedi> nuck: i mean i'll do it sooner if i can afford it but i want like a weeklong trip. take every ride multiple times, get all the merch we both want
<BaronSamedi> nuck: you know, that kind of thing
<nuck> hahaha
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: we've been together 4 years! 2 year anniversary tomorrow
<nuck> Yes I know that
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: going to silverwood. we got free tix :D
<nuck> I bet you can get it earlier
<BaronSamedi> nuck: probably :)
<whitequark> BaronSamedi: oh.
<nuck> A week would probably be 1-2k
<nuck> Including hotel and food
<BaronSamedi> nuck: yeah and that's like...our tax return
<nuck> Maybe a bit more
<BaronSamedi> nuck: so, we could do that in like 2 years if i pushed him into it :)
<nuck> doooooitttttt
<BaronSamedi> nuck :D
<nuck> Protip though: get there at opening, RUN to space mountain and get a fastpass
<BaronSamedi> nuck: i actually have family in Vacaville, CA
<nuck> Or one of the other fastpass rides
<BaronSamedi> nuck: so if i need to i can always get like
<BaronSamedi> nuck: beg them for a spare room
<BaronSamedi> yanno
<BaronSamedi> family shit :P
<nuck> haha
<nuck> It's usually cheaper to just stay nearby
<BaronSamedi> nuck: my aunt fucking loves me and she's met D in person like, once, at the wedding
<nuck> Parking is expensive
<BaronSamedi> nuck yeah
<whitequark> BaronSamedi: ... wedding
<nuck> Last time we went that (in December) we stayed at some travelodge under an overpass
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: ...yes?
<whitequark> holy crap people still do them?
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: my parents paid for that. they spent ONE THOUSAND FUCKING DOLLARS on a white dress
<nuck> It was so dirt cheap and we walked to the parking structure and took the tram into the park
<whitequark> ...
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: O_O;
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: i wanted to buy like
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: a black dress
<BaronSamedi> becuase virginity?
<BaronSamedi> LOLNOPE.JPG
<purr> LOLNOPE
<BaronSamedi> xD
<nuck> lol
<nuck> BaronSamedi: Buy a red dress and call it the "red wedding"
<BaronSamedi> nuck: oh jesus
<BaronSamedi> nuck: fuck that
<BaronSamedi> nuck: you KNOW karma would come to get me and like
<nuck> I don't even know GoT
<whitequark> no, buy a white dress
<BaronSamedi> nuck: one of my relatives would be like
<whitequark> and murder everyone
<nuck> And I can reference that
<BaronSamedi> nuck: HELLO, I'M THE NEW TED BUNDY
<BaronSamedi> nuck: and murderrape erryone to death at the reception
<whitequark> that's the PROPER way to do a red wedding
<BaronSamedi> x_X;
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: well i wasn't paying for it so we didn't even have alcohol or dancing :( stupid baptists
<nuck> BaronSamedi: You could invite George R.R. Martin to your wedding, to kill people
<BaronSamedi> nuck: lel
<BaronSamedi> please
<BaronSamedi> i'd rather do a Daenerys wedding
<whitequark> nuck: pen is mightier than sword, and all that
<nuck> penis mightier than a sword
<BaronSamedi> IT AIN'T LUCKY
<nuck> yep
* BaronSamedi cackles
<BaronSamedi> BLOOD AND FIRE.
* whitequark pours blood over gq
* whitequark sets gq on fire
* BaronSamedi slashes her wrist open & sets the resulting blood on fire with a little gas & a match
* whitequark dances around
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: bitch i ain't gq, i'm the BaronSamedi
<whitequark> ohhh setting blood on fire
<whitequark> that reminds me
* BaronSamedi sets the fire out with a rain of blood
<nuck> HOUDONI
* BaronSamedi sets whitequark on fire
<whitequark> BaronSamedi: have you ever read Zelazny's books?
* BaronSamedi slashes whitequark's throat open
<whitequark> The Nine Princes of Amber
* BaronSamedi drinks the result
* BaronSamedi laughs with bloody teeth and lips
<nuck> "The Great Houdoni" -- like some knockoff houdini
* BaronSamedi fixes whitequark up & sends him on his way
<BaronSamedi> nice nuck xD
<whitequark> it's a pretty great series
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: nope :) i hear good things tho
<whitequark> do it
<whitequark> go read it nao
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: my book list is taller than you are mate
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: i'll get to it in time :P
<whitequark> i said nao.
<nuck> iktf
* BaronSamedi slaps white
<BaronSamedi> jaysus
<BaronSamedi> :P
* whitequark adds Zelazny to the head of BaronSamedi's book list
<nuck> I've told my mom that if she wants me to read Game of Thrones she's gotta buy them for my kindle
<whitequark> BaronSamedi: I don't tell you what to do
* BaronSamedi burns the paper the list is on
<whitequark> I make you do whatever I want
* BaronSamedi pins whitequark down
* BaronSamedi uses cold iron to nail his balls to the floor
<whitequark> as if that's gonna stop me
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: no 1, don't you ever tell me what to do
<whitequark> pff, balls. never needed them anyway
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: no 2, don't you EVER tell me what to do
<nuck> Balls suck
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: no 3, we don't fucking talk about fight club
<nuck> Miserable little things
* whitequark laughs
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: no 4: I'M NOT TYLER DURDEN, I'M MARLA SINGER
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: no 5, sit down, keep your hands & arms inside the cart, and
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: rule 6, ENJOY THE RUDE MUDDAFUCKA
* BaronSamedi laughs wildly
<whitequark> BaronSamedi: no
<whitequark> as in
<whitequark> simply, no.
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: yes, as in yes
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: as in FUCK YOU, SHUT UP, I'M RUNNIN' THIS, LET'S GO
<BaronSamedi> 8D
<nuck> whitequark: Rule 7: permanecer sentados, por favor
<whitequark> your confidence is adorable
<whitequark> not that it changes anything
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: i'm not Gabrielle. Gabrielle is gone. there is only Samedi.
<whitequark> sure, whatever
* BaronSamedi grabs whitequark by the throat
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: listen to me
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: i'm telling you stories
<nuck> BaronSemitic
<BaronSamedi> whitequark: :)
<BaronSamedi> nuck: shhhhh
<BaronSamedi> nuck: i only got jew hair, but i ain' really jewish.
* BaronSamedi smiles
<nuck> with your magic jew powers
<BaronSamedi> PFF
<BaronSamedi> all the powers i got i got in 2009
<whitequark> BaronSamedi: listening
<BaronSamedi> when i had my first psychotic break
<BaronSamedi> and i broke up with my rapist.
<nuck> (except they don't work on the sabbath, because that'd be unorthodox)
<BaronSamedi> my 3rd eye was opened by force.
<BaronSamedi> that's all you need ta know, whitequark. same spring i met ELLIOTTCABLE.
* BaronSamedi grins
<BaronSamedi> as they say, THAT'S ALL SHE WROTE, NICKAS
* BaronSamedi slams the book closed & laughs wildly
BaronSamedi is now known as gq
<gq> right enough of that
<gq> :P
<gq> ^_^
<gq> all of that i said was true as i breathe.
<gq> meh, i hate claw machines. i'm terrible at'em.
<whitequark> watch on
<gq> anyway whitequark dis where D & i are going tomorrow http://www.silverwoodthemepark.com/ nuck <---
<nuck> gq: Can they really call it a theme park when it doesn't have a theme?
<whitequark> never seen a theme park in my life
<gq> nuck: the theme is OMG OMG OMG WE HAVE THE LICENSE FOR GARFIELD OMG OMG OMG ask ELLIOTTCABLE we took him there when he visited :)
<gq> nuck: he spent like $300 in the candy shop alone :D
<nuck> oh god
<gq> lol
<purr> lol
<nuck> that sounds terrifying. Elliott is already weird enough without candy
<whitequark> elliottcandy
<gq> nuck: also he ran my sisterinlaw's wheelchair into my ankle and made me say FUCK YOU in front of like 300 kids
<gq> nuck: i'm lucky some idaho dad didn't punch me out ^_^;
<whitequark> ... people seriously avoid swearing in front of kids?
<gq> whitequark: yes lol
<whitequark> surely they realize their kids are probably better at it than they themselves
<nuck> Welome to America
<nuck> We're prudes
<nuck> We're not hard russian folks like you
<nuck> Drinking vodka from the age of three
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gq: and the baseball cap
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wasn't it silver or something?
<gq> also nuck, whitequark, TRUE STORY: ELLIOTTCABLE bought a CHOCOLATES OF THE WORLD at costco? left them at our apartment? ONE MONTH AFTER HE LEFT, I ATE ONE, AND HAD TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL. I ALMOST DIED. $500 E.R. BILL
<whitequark> gq: theobromine poisoning?
<gq> lol
<gq> whitequark: no, hazelnuts.
<whitequark> ah
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: yes you idiot, lel
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: how many times you killer her ... a little
<whitequark> killed*
<gq> whitequark: at least that one time.
<gq> whitequark: i threw up like 3 times and the allergy meds weren't working
<gq> whitequark: so i went to the hospital and got like 3 IVs
<whitequark> gq: no it was a lewd joke based on english-french wordplay
<gq> whitequark: i was high for days
<gq> whitequark: i know ;x
<gq> whitequark: and the answer is.........................................at least six little deaths
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: idk how many times did i tell you i came when we were cybering in 2009?
<whitequark> did you TELL him or did you really
<gq> whitequark: oh no, i really.
<gq> whitequark: this was when ELLIOTTCABLE was still a virgin and not the manslut we know & love today.
<gq> :3
<whitequark> sure, but nothing is as enjoyable as piling more and more crippling self-doubt on top of ec
<gq> whitequark: lol i love you when you're mean~
<purr> lol
<gq> whitequark: wat.
<purr> beep.
<nuck> ahahahaha
<gq> there we go
<gq> lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> he tried to hold my hand.
<whitequark> w .. what
<whitequark> who is caleb
<whitequark> is he a ghost
<whitequark> he's totally a ghost.
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: protip: caleb is alex these days. she's a trans woman.
<gq> whitequark: no alex is my sister in law :D
<whitequark> k
<whitequark> so she is a ghost
<whitequark> i see.
<gq> whitequark: no, she's alive
<whitequark> not mutually exclusive
<gq> whitequark: she just turned 22? this year, i think
<gq> whitequark: oh, well in that case, yes, she taught me everything i know about being a Witch/pagan
<gq> whitequark: so yes. totally a ghost.
<gq> ^_^
alexgordon has quit [Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
joelteon has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
joelteon has joined #elliottcable
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: hi!
<gq> -welcome @ ELLIOTTCABLE
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Welcome back! Here, have some welcome-back penises. http://youtu.be/RvkWhGVNky4
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ‘wall-e’ wtf
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: like the film, i assume. idk context
<gq> -search wall-e
<gq> -find wall-e
<purr> gq: Could not find `wall-e`.
<gq> ah
<gq> -what
<purr> <vil> I don't actually wear my rug much anymore
<nuck> Nobody knows what that video means
<nuck> Naked russian juggaloes
<nuck> >n the Chinese character 媽 mā "mother", the left part is the radical 女 nǚ "female". In this case the radical is also a semantic classifier, while the right part, 馬 mǎ "horse", is a phonetic component.
<nuck> I love the Chinese language
<nuck> The only language where "mother" could sanely be derived from "female" and "horse"
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: hey, I'll try it in a bit
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: oh! hi!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: no need, I'm awake. let's use any time you want to spend on me, talking paws instead
<nuck> oh god paws talk
* nuck flees and hides behind gq
<nuck> ELLIOTTCABLE: Call me when paws is a mature language I can promote as "the next fad after node.js"
<nuck> Wait no that's already taken by Go and Rust... okay, the next next fad
<devyn> … after Ruby, after Java, after C++
<purr> lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> not gonna happen >:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: Paws is largely dead. and although NLP is interesting-and-promising, I don't think I have the fortitude to start and then finish *another* giant language-project, so that'll likely go nowhere.
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: not with that attitude
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's just an idle hobby at this point
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: if you hire me as your PR person i will get Paws into the right hands
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: otherwise, nope.jpg
<ELLIOTTCABLE> or, more accurately, quickly becoming a portfolio piece :P
<gq> ah
<gq> that's fair i suppose
<nuck> I wouldn't put that in your portfolio
* gq cuddles nuck
<nuck> You'll scare recruiters off
<nuck> They'll be like "oh god what have you done"
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I have an extra copy of Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
<nuck> And then burn your resume
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: okay, so, the main issue is that it's important for executions to be able to do whatever they need to do and prevent other things from trying to call them while they're doing it
<ELLIOTTCABLE> if somebody wants that o_O
<nuck> ooooh the album?
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: this is impossible right now.
<nuck> Wasnt that phoenix's debut >_>
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: so, your primarily Paws-is-broken argument is the resumption-chain interruption stuff?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: think so, yes
<nuck> Oh no their fourth, hah
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh okay >,>
<nuck> Good album though, I have it in FLAC :D
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: pretty much. a big thing is even if we were to try to do this with responsibility, we would have to be able to remove ownership on ourselves while simultaneously unstaging and moving to a point where we could accept the next argument
* ELLIOTTCABLE reads that twice
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that sounds trivial, if I read it right; but I don't see how it helps
<ELLIOTTCABLE> could have a native to do that
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but. hold on a sec.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so, regarding that problem, in general.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> first off, it looks to me like a *general* solution to that, a refactoring of the language to … basically make calls more first-class and stable as a whole, is totally do-able. Not that big a deal.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> while still staying less radical than NLP.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> stuff like idk ‘holes.’
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but, second … even more importantly, I don't believe it's as world-shatteringly bad as you think it is.
<gq> i agree with ELLIOTTCABLE
<gq> the lang isn't bad
<gq> it's not bad at all
<gq> i find Paws beautiful, in fact
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Even if none of the vague fixes that're fluttering around my head now that we're talking about it were to work out at all, I'm not convinced it's a problem that makes Paws completely non-viable
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and here's why:
<gq> i've read all the github commits & etc
<ELLIOTTCABLE> except in specific, relatively uncommon/strange calling-patterns, it's a non-issue.
<gq> the lang is just DIFFERENT
<gq> and that in programming communities is death
<ELLIOTTCABLE> *because* there's so much clone-and-calling everywhere, instead of direct-calling, it's relatively rare that A) two people will have a handle on the *same execution* (instead of having two different clones of it in the first place), **and** will want to advance it *without cloning*.
<gq> because programmers value tradition & conformity.
<gq> this is bad.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so, those two said:
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE, the proglang community NEEDS Paws desperately.
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: please keep it up.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gq: am listening to you, btw, just finishing up a train of thought @devyn
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: i believe in you <3
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so, those two said,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I do want to say, I don't *like* the second. Because, as much as we can ‘avoid’ the problem by avoiding direct-resumption … that also *avoids* some subset of Paws' beauty / power.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> clone-and-call may actually be the most common and useful pattern, and it may not have that problem, but it's also just damn boring.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> as evidenced by the fact that *all the other* approaches are the ones I show off when somebody asks what Paws is :P
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: agreed. boredom is death to a lang.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: so. just wanted to share my thoughts there.
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: i can always tell when i'm learning a new lang when the dev got bored & just copied something
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: it's boring as fuq & usually sends me RIGHT to sleep.
<nuck> Do you even program gq
<gq> nuck: yes.
<nuck> newstome
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: agreed, or do you think I'm missing something? do you see what I mean about the problem being easy to avoid? and secondly, do you see the actual solutions I see — stuff like first-classing resumptions/holes, or first-classing call-patterns themselves?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: really?
<gq> nuck: i've done 6 exploits that could get me thrown in jail for 50 years in america.
<gq> nuck: *removes black hat*
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: she's … a Sometimes Programmer™, afaik
<gq> nuck: i mean uh, no
<gq> nuck: i never program
<nuck> lol
<purr> lol
<gq> nuck: i heard on fox news that programmers are all criminals >.>;
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and bash is a bug
<nuck> I've seen worse. I know a guy on another network who DDOSed girls on Twitch.tv until they sent him nudes
<nuck> He got raided by the FBI and we all laughed our asses off
<nuck> Best of all he had stolen CC card info on his laptop
<nuck> Unencrypted
<nuck> So totally getting buttfucked in prison
<gq> nuck: good. i hope they don't use any lube & he has to learn the ins & outs of anal sex the way i did: quickly.
<gq> :[
<nuck> anal sex is fun :D
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I imagine the ‘in’ was the only quick part.
<nuck> things in butt = a good night
<ELLIOTTCABLE> … that was insensitive. >,>
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: actually the in wasn't because i have a very tight asshole
<gq> nuck: anal rape = bad night
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I truly, truly, truly love programming.
<nuck> Yeah I'd imagine so
<joelteon> classic nuck
<joelteon> oh
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and, honestly, CoffeeScript is so … excellent to use.
<joelteon> gq said that
<gq> nuck: luckily my rapist was too Catholic to make any 'serious' attempts at fucking either my cunt or my ass
<joelteon> classic gq
<gq> nuck: skullfucking though? he was all about that
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's got so much that I love about ruby. I want to hate it so bad, but, it grows on me.
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: well it still needs to be atomic. pseudocode: { disown self; set local "a" to [unstage] }. as soon as that execution disowns itself I'm no longer blocked from call-patterning it but that doesn't mean it's evaluated to the [unstage] part yet, which is where it really must be
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and then I get to do JS stuff.
<gq> etc
<nuck> gq: "What would Jesus do?" "Well, probably skullfuck people."
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: “"What would Jesus do?" "Well, probably skullfuck people."” wat.
<gq> nuck: "what would jesus do?" "probably have the disciples run a train on his ass while eating Mary Magdalene out"
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: “'What would Jesus do?' 'Well, probably skullfuck people.'” wat.
<purr> beep.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: reading that twice, too.
<gq> nuck: i mean uh, "JESUS WAS A STRAIGHT WHITE MAN...*nervous laughter*"
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: there's one other Major Flaw™ that I can remember right now, which has to do with no-return-value routines. they still have to do something, and you still need to be able to be sure that that thing has been done before you do whatever you need to do that depends on it.
<nuck> gq: I'm just imagining the last supper turning into a giant gay orgy, and it's beautiful
<gq> nuck: not gay, i'm sure Mary Magdalene insinuated herself in as a server or something
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: for example, { stage[] [set local "a"] "c"; foo [a] } does not guarantee that "a" has actually been set by the time I get to where I'm now using it
<gq> nuck: so only MOSTLY gay ;)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I love second down on the right
<nuck> gq: Baby jesus buttplugs for everybody
<ELLIOTTCABLE> such a herpyderp jesus
<gq> btw
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: I thought we'd solved that trivially
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gq: is that a phone in your boobs?
<nuck> That bottom right jesus is all shaft-head-tilt jesus http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Il6ZNo0KlF0/TwVH3Z4HUxI/AAAAAAAACII/HTRSfQF8-xE/s1600/SHT01.jpg
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: uh, no.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: better to just implement the solution to that
<nuck> Also 1,3 is a nice shifty-drug-dealer jesus
<nuck> Jesús
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: that's the rape whistle that hangs on my "SCARY THINGS? NO!" necklace :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> for some reason I thought it was a dumbphone
<nuck> gq: Your URL starts with "ass"
<nuck> Did you notice that
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh my god I had the most adorable conversation with this old black professional guy at 4AM in a diner about dumbphones
<gq> nuck: yes, and i lol'd
<purr> lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ♪ Exile Vilify
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE is listening to “Exile Vilify”, by The National
<nuck> I read that as "professional black" and imagined a guy who's like... a pro at being black
<nuck> So basically Samuel L. Jackson
<gq> nuck: that's Tiger Woods.
<gq> i mean
<gq> his name is FUCKING TIGER.
<gq> :D
<nuck> gq: Naaaah, Samuel L. Jackson is the most professionally black person ever
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: better photo http://i.imgur.com/FvSFbAc.jpg
<nuck> He's a mushroom cloud layin' motherfucker motherfucker
<gq> nuck: yes, but Tiger is next in line to the throne imo.
<gq> nuck: also Idris Elba & Lupita Nyongo.
<gq> this conversation is so racist -.-;;;;
<gq> lol
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: the idea was that we could just attach to completion somehow, for example by giving the routine we're calling ownership of us and then disowning ourselves. then when the routine completes it would automatically release us and we could continue
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: but we need to bake that in atomically as well somewhow
<devyn> somehow*
* gq pokes incomprehensibly with a stick -----> http://i.imgur.com/FvSFbAc.jpg
<whitequark> large boobs
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also known as loobs
<ELLIOTTCABLE> what's the meaning of 3|17157? anybody know?
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: but the problem with all of this, I think, is that responsibility is waaay too heavy a system for something so ubiquitous. you were thinking that responsibility would be something that would be held for longer periods of time and cascade and everything like that, and all of that complexity really is going to take a toll
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: if we have to grab and release a bunch of ownership for every coproduction... that's going to get ridiculous
<ELLIOTTCABLE> performance, yeah. ugh.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> dependencies /=
<ELLIOTTCABLE> like, I really like NLP.
<nuck> "giving the routine we're calling ownership of us and then disowning ourselves" -- voluntary procedural slavery? Legasp
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but I'm *terrified* about the amount of work that entails.
<whitequark> NLP?
<nuck> Nazi Little Pony
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: temporary name for another language of mine.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: don't worry about it, you'd hate it :P
<nuck> It's elliott's new idea for a cartoon
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm so burnt-out right now, as it is; being able to dive in and make visible progress on the Paws.js code-base is the only thing that keeps me going.
<whitequark> yes, I already regretted asking
<nuck> Which brainwashes children into being nazis
<ELLIOTTCABLE> visible improvements on the tests; or visibly improved documentation / cleaner code, or … etcetcetc
<nuck> Reminds me brb making commits before midnight
<nuck> muh github streak
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: I think the thing that scares me the most about tires/NLP, is abstraction.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> which I've talked about a little already, so.
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: fair enough. my point is basically, yes, we can get Paws to the point where it is sound and it can be used to make stuff… but it will be pretty much unoptimizable in any meaningful way
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but at a simple, high level … how do you *separate* code, when it's all one big graph of dependencies?
<nuck> イ’m。。。
<ELLIOTTCABLE> there's no seperation of concerns built into the *model*.
<nuck> oh whoops
<nuck> Accidentally forgot to disable hiragana
<nuck> I'm... not doing as well
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that's the diametric opposite of Paws, which is why I don't like calling it non-linear Paws: it's similar in *implementation*, but extremely different in *use*.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the entire fucking point of Paws is abstraction, separation-of-concerns.
<devyn> I don't think there's anything preventing separation of concerns
<devyn> it doesn't exist in the design yet
<devyn> but I think we can do it
<ELLIOTTCABLE> lol nuck whitequark. http://ell.io/i164T2+?.png
<purr> lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I've done fuck-all in the last year. |=
<devyn> yep, literally fuck-all ;)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: agreed, I don't think it's impossible
<nuck> tfw one nuck is two ELLIOTTCABLEs
<joelteon> ayyy lmao
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: bahhah
<nuck> Does this mean I'm twice as awesome too?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: it just scares me that it doesn't *fall out* of the design, naturally.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm still convinced Paws is an excellent design, because of how eerily naturally so many qualities I desire are just … there.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> NLP isn't nearly so exciting, but … maybe with effort. (=
<whitequark> >excellent design
<devyn> I think NLP can still give you everything you want
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: http://yandere.powered.technology/no/
* ELLIOTTCABLE waves haughtily at whitequark
<ELLIOTTCABLE> be constructive or don't. :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: what is that from?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I … think I've seen that …
<ELLIOTTCABLE> then again, a lot of anime looks the same to me
<whitequark> kyouka.png
<whitequark> that's all I know.
<whitequark> there's also http://yangire.powered.technology/no/
<ELLIOTTCABLE> why do modern asian art forms portray all the characters as caucasian? is it some weird culture cross-pollination thing from the last century?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> manga/anime/whatever-else-that-I've-seen-which-isn't-much
<devyn> google says kyouka's from fairy tail
<nuck> It's because they simplify the facial structure
<nuck> If you look at the eye shapes it's usually somewhat asian
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: … what are those websites? o_O
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: not all! for example, parents or grandparents are distinctly asian
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: I mean simply the skin colour, not the shapes :P
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: I think this trend is basically the same as, uh
<nuck> ELLIOTTCABLE: I know. They simplify colors too
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: you mean characters that are older in the show, or, the art of grandparents, or …
<whitequark> you know how all boobs on television are huge? same thing
<nuck> A blue-tinted hair IRL turns into bright fucking blue hair in anime
<nuck> Also, to be fair, American cartoons don't even remotely look caucasian
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: some sort of idealization thing?
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: older in the show
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: yes
<ELLIOTTCABLE> idk that doesn't sound right; that implies caucasian-ish is ideal somehow.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I don't think it'd be seen as ideal in a non-caucasian society, would it? o_O
<nuck> I feel bad for not recognizing any of the characters posted so far
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: apparently it is
<nuck> I run an anime site and I can't even recognize anime characters
<nuck> Taht's embarassing
<ELLIOTTCABLE> woah sudden realization, *everybody talking right now* is an Anime nut
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: I do not entirely understand how or why, but that seems to be the case
<nuck> Well, moderate/whatever
<ELLIOTTCABLE> don't think I've ever seen all three of you active at the same time, without anybody else being active too
<whitequark> nuck: yandere.* is from monogatari
<whitequark> tsundere.* is from golden time
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: what's the name of the thing you wanted me to see?
<nuck> Is she? I recognized shaft's style but the hair suggested a different shaft
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: Jormungand
<nuck> Maybe MCA
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: and what's with the domains?
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: I don't think it's about idealization… the hair and the eyes are most of it; the characters are much more generic when you don't pay attention to those. and those are really just artistic details; it's about expression and uniqueness... purple eyes and purple hair etc.
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: the domains are just fun
<whitequark> there's not really anything complicated behind them
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I mean, why are they separate? was it an anime reference I don't get
<whitequark> different people run them
<whitequark> yangire.* is mine
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ahhhhhhhhhhh
<devyn> tsundere/yandere are like character stereotypes, ELLIOTTCABLE
<ELLIOTTCABLE> awww it's misp's? :D
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: yes
<whitequark> he delegates.
<nuck> My favorite anime domain is definitely http://loli.dance/
<purr> loli
<whitequark> have you seen http://llvm.moe/
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: mispy is he, yes
<devyn> nuck: that's beautiful
<ELLIOTTCABLE> … mind … fucking … blown.
<devyn> whitequark owns that book
<devyn> I was there when he got it
<nuck> I'm kinda pissed we didn't get hummingbird.moe for Hummingbird.me :(
<nuck> I totally wanted to make a .moe our main
<devyn> I still don't understand why LLVM needs a manga book, but hey
<devyn> it's kinda fun
<whitequark> devyn: it's not a manga book
<whitequark> it's just the cover and like five illustrations inside
<nuck> How do you make a manga based around LLVM
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ‘I was there when he got it’
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wait, you two have met irl
<whitequark> although there IS a manga guide to compilers, just not about LLVM
eligrey has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: no, internet-there
<nuck> Is it like, LLVM as a magical girl saving the world from richard stallman
<ELLIOTTCABLE> phew, my world is only slightly less shattered
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: he's in russia, how the fuck would that work
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: lol no, I bought it on amazon.co.jp
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: wat.
<purr> beep.
<devyn> :p
<whitequark> and then it was a ... complicated ... process of getting it inside RU
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: I thought maybe you'd met at a conf or something. idk, I was as confused as you are now. :P
<nuck> haha really?
<nuck> I've been thinking of ordering some manga off amazon.co.jp
<nuck> But the shipping holy shit
<nuck> And it doesn't go down with bulk
<whitequark> so, there's a manga guide to compilers: http://manga.animea.net/compiler.html#.VCeyaHVd5hE
<nuck> :(
<ELLIOTTCABLE> do I misunderstand the term ‘manga?’
<devyn> oh my god
<ELLIOTTCABLE> or is this as joke-ey / silly as it sounds to me, given my understanding of that term?
<nuck> ahahaha what
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: it just means comic book in japanese basically, but manga is also kinda just the style generally
<whitequark> a manga guide to calculus (lost the link)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also, the character on that cover is *literally* white
<ELLIOTTCABLE> not caucasian, white
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so, I'm relieved :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> talk about generalization of phenotypes
<whitequark> generally, there is a LOT of these things, especially if you don't look for translations
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: okay, that I knew, but,
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: no, it's not jokey
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: they're still normally comic-book-y content, right?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: people don't normally do manuals in comic-book form over there, or do they?
<whitequark> as in, it is a seriously made work
<ELLIOTTCABLE> well, that doesn't mean it's not jokey-y
<whitequark> it might have a somewhat lighthearted style, but that's about it
<ELLIOTTCABLE> not what I mean, exactly. bad choice of words on my part.
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: not usually, but it's a very popular thing... much more than here
<ELLIOTTCABLE> like, _why's guide.
<whitequark> it *is* designed to properly teach you
<nuck> ELLIOTTCABLE: Let's not forget _why's guide to ruby
<nuck> yeah
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: yes, _why's guide is a good analogue
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so, the answer to my question is half-and-half
<nuck> comic book guides to programming/databases/whatever
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's still not completely normal, but it's more common than over here
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but ‘manga’ in the general sense still specifically refers to graphic fiction
<devyn> yep
<nuck> I still have no idea how I actually learned anything reading why's guide. I was reading it as a joke, I never thought I'd actually pick up parts of ruby
<purr> LOL
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: I watched a fifty-episode anime exclusively about different kinds of bread
<ELLIOTTCABLE> iirc, that was the first time I understood the flip-flop
<nuck> Like, I came out of the book going "what the fuck how did I learn things"
<whitequark> and they did their fucking homework on that topic
<nuck> And then I downloaded the OST
<devyn> nuck: honestly that book was brilliant. best way to learn things
<nuck> whitequark: YAKITATE JAPAN
<whitequark> nuck: yes.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ♪ Tristam, Undercat'
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE is listening to “Undercat feat. Zealot”, by Tristam
<nuck> Oh my god I loved that one, it was *amazing*
<ELLIOTTCABLE> is LYAH any good?
<nuck> I personally despise the Learn You A series
<devyn> nuck: you make it enjoyable enough that they want to read it just because it's entertaining but then you throw stuff at them kind of subversively and they end up learning it
<whitequark> devyn: I dunno, best way to learn things for me is dry manuals basically
<nuck> devyn: Yeah that pretty much sums it up
<katlogic_> are we trying to infect ELLIOTTCABLE with animu/mango again?
<whitequark> up to and including ISO standards and such, although I generally prefer slightly more relaxed style
<ELLIOTTCABLE> lol it's katlogic_
* katlogic_ has his doubts
<nuck> Hell yes let's give ELLIOTTCABLE the anime herpes
<devyn> whitequark: I can never get myself to read the whole thing though. it's just not interesting. I look through them for the parts I need, but with a book like _why's guide I actually want to read every single detail of it and that means I get *everything*
<nuck> mangaids
<nuck> aidsmine
<nuck> devyn: I can honestly say I never read whole dry manuals
<whitequark> devyn: I read Jeffrey Richter's Windows programming book from cover to cover so many times, I still remember very well how Windows kernel objects work
<nuck> I read about 2 chapters and bail
<whitequark> and that was a fucking decade ago
<whitequark> also, really good book, A++ will read again
<katlogic_> Some people cant get past the "its so weird" stage. I suppose its more like scat fetish for some.
<katlogic_> and that goes both for NT internals, and anime.
<devyn> hahaha
<devyn> ++ katlogic
<purr> Let it be known that devyn loves katlogic.
<whitequark> katlogic_: NT internals are *great*.
<whitequark> posix is a fucking shithole compared to them.
<devyn> I actually agree
<devyn> NT is awesome, and then the Win32 compat layer is ugh
<whitequark> everything piled above NT, *especially* win32k, needs to be burned down
<whitequark> and forgotten forever
<nuck> Well, I find it hard to imagine that something could be worse than POSIX
<whitequark> nuck: the things that were before POSIX.
<whitequark> I mean, POSIX was a great improvement.
<nuck> I've had people ask me to design things "in the posix philosophy"
<nuck> And then I just laugh in their face, tell them no, and do it in a sane way
<whitequark> oh god "unix philosophy"
<devyn> I had indian food for dinner
<whitequark> the good parts of unix are, basically, good design
<whitequark> the rest should die
<nuck> Yeah sometimes they mix the two up which is scary
<katlogic_> Nah, unix is perfectly fine.
<whitequark> there is no "unix philosophy"
<nuck> whitequark: One guy got pissed at me for not writing my web hosting stuff in bash
<whitequark> like, it simply does not exist.
<nuck> I can't even make this shit up
<devyn> shahi paneer
<devyn> it was very good
<devyn> kinda sweet
<katlogic_> Problem with posix is "let's take an ugly piggy and try to make pony farting rainbows out of it".
<devyn> almonds
<katlogic_> I like the unix piggy.
<devyn> and paneer
<devyn> and onions
<devyn> and cream
<devyn> and tomato
<katlogic_> Not as much the pony.
<nuck> He *seriously* thought the right way to write a file storage site was to use BASH
<whitequark> katlogic_: ignored. go troll someone else
<nuck> I told him no and switched to Node.js for lazy stream handling
<katlogic_> whitequark: go win32 fanboy somewhere else *g*
* whitequark twitches
<nuck> Aside: I have had loli.dance looping for like 20 minutes now
<purr> loli
<devyn> lol guys
<ELLIOTTCABLE> maybe I should just have a no-eastern-europeans rule. :P
<nuck> I should probably turn it off but I just can't
<ELLIOTTCABLE> leekspin~
<nuck> ELLIOTTCABLE: Except naked russian juggaloes
<devyn> leekspin
<devyn> holy shit
<whitequark> devyn: there's also http://loli.farm/
<devyn> I have to watch leekspin
<nuck> Naked russian juggaloes are allowed
<ELLIOTTCABLE> they've started moving in all the medical stuff across the courtyard here
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and it's all lit up in the middle of the night. wtf.
<nuck> Where the fuck are you
<devyn> I love leekspin
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: welcome to nginx
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: yeah
<nuck> leek.spin when
<whitequark> nothing interesting there
<whitequark> but the domain is owned by someone i know so
<nuck> They should set up a child brothel obviously
<nuck> Most logical usage of that domain
<devyn> I love Finnish
<nuck> leekspin isn't finnish
<nuck> It's gibberish
<devyn> my linguistics instructor is finnish
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “I love Finnish” “leekspin isn't Finnish” “my linguistics instructor is Finnish”
<devyn> nuck: "traditional Finnish folk song 'Ievan Polkka'"
<devyn> nuck: → not gibberish
<nuck> devyn: Yeah. But that portion of the song is gibberish
<devyn> nuck: → is finnish
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whaaaaaat https://i.imgur.com/BX45luS.jpg
<whitequark> devyn: hahahah loituma girl (locally known as "yaktsuptsop") was a huge hit in RU a few years ago
<ELLIOTTCABLE> holy shit what
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oieths9p8aowrji!!!!!
<whitequark> well
<whitequark> a lot of years ago
<ELLIOTTCABLE> IRCcloud integrates with iOS 8 sharing.
<nuck> devyn: To quote further in the article: "The music used consists of the second half of the fifth stanza (four lines) and the complete sixth stanza (eight lines) from "Ievan Polkka". Unlike the rest of the song, these two stanzas have no meaning, consisting mostly of phonetically-inspired Finnish words that vary from performance to performance and are usually made up on the spot by the singer"
<katlogic_> ELLIOTTCABLE: Thats why it was offline for 10 hours yesterday? :)
<nuck> :p
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I can now take photos and send them at you faggots without even opening IRCcloud on my phone. One tap. :P
<devyn> nuck: okay, well that's true, but it's finnish-accented gibberish :)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> katlogic_: hm?
<nuck> Where are you now, ELLIOTTCABLE?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> katlogic_: one of the freenode servers auto-K-lined irccloud 'cuz a troll tricked one IRCcloud user into joining a honeypot channel
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: so does that mean Apple finally made an open sharing API instead of having specific deals with Twitter and Facebook? :p
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: (something Android has had foreeeevvver)
<nuck> devyn: Yep, iOS has extensions API now
<nuck> They have sharing and keyboards
<nuck> And widgets
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: ‘Android had it first, therefore Android is better.’
<ELLIOTTCABLE> fallacious. :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: oh, yeah. it's a Big Effing Deal
<devyn> :p
<ELLIOTTCABLE> extensions are *finally* here, and they're *super*-well done.
<nuck> It would be a Big Effing Deal if it weren't buggy as trash
<nuck> Everything is broken
<nuck> Everything is terrible
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: you on the GM or something? nothing's buggy for me.
<katlogic_> ELLIOTTCABLE: yeah, that too.
<nuck> But it'll be nice in a year
<ELLIOTTCABLE> specifically avoided betas this time around on the phone.
<nuck> ELLIOTTCABLE: 8.0.2
* whitequark ← has no smartphone anymore at all
<whitequark> because fuck these things
<nuck> I didn't use GM
<nuck> I upgraded the day it came out
<devyn> whitequark: pff I know the real reason
<katlogic_> whitequark: WP8 runs NT kernel :)
<katlogic_> whitequark: all down to CSRSS clusterfuck bugs being used to jailbreak it.
<nuck> Speaking of gibberish songs, enjoy this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcUi6UEQh00
<whitequark> devyn: yeah?
<nuck> This is what some italian dud thinks english sounds like :D
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: oh, I remember that
<nuck> With cultists or something
<devyn> whitequark: I remember you saying something about throwing phones :p
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: oh my god I died lol'ing
<purr> lol
<purr> <alexgordon> though not as much as Nuck beats Nuck
<whitequark> devyn: nah, I still do use dumbphones, same problem wrt throwing
<nuck> I throw phones
<nuck> A lot
<ELLIOTTCABLE> rock, paper, scissors, lizard, nuck?
<nuck> I still have no idea how my iPhone 4 survived
<nuck> Like, 4 years without a case, me throwing it constantly
<nuck> And it never even cracked
<whitequark> devyn: basically, I realized I don't need one at all
<nuck> That shit was MAGIC
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: the only thing I see reading about iOS 8 extensions that Android doesn't do *exactly the same way* is the whole action extensions thing, which is actually pretty neat. everything else works exactly the same way... in fact I'd argue better, because it's more present
<whitequark> the only thing I used a touchscreen device for was GPS navigation, and I specifically *avoided* having GSM, because that forces me to properly find offline maps beforehand rather than being stranded in some random country without any maps whatsoever
<whitequark> used my (old) nexus 7 for that (it's complete shit. absolutely unusable device.) but the screen cracked in last airport
<nuck> I use my phone to read Quora, Medium, Twitter, etc.
<devyn> lol Europeans "some random country"
<nuck> It's also great for IRC-ing while you shit
<nuck> Speaking of which, brb... or not brb
<nuck> :]
<whitequark> nuck: yeah none of that is useful
<nuck> I disagree. I'm pooping right now. Very useful
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: what's wrong with the 7?
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: it's incredibly slow. immensely, absurdly, inhumanely slow
<whitequark> it reminds me of fucking windows xp on fucking pentium ii
<devyn> whitequark: yeah, fair enough.
<whitequark> the charging randomly doesn't work if i discharge it to zero.
<whitequark> as in, it needs to be plugged in for 12 hours or something before it unshits itself and starts charging properly.
<whitequark> the battery is huge, charges slowly, discharges quickly.
<whitequark> "huge" also means that my external emergency li-ion battery is barely enough to charge it once
<whitequark> GPS on it sucks pretty badly
<whitequark> the case is made of really, really, really shitty plastic that likes to chip
<nuck> Speaking of iOS 8 have you installed any third party keyboards, ELLIOTTCABLE?
<whitequark> have I mentioned it is REALLY SLOW?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> http://t.co/QdGUlJilG8
<nuck> Oh great now SwiftKey thinks I always have to yell your name too
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: o_O
<whitequark> I don't understand how google could ship nexus 7 as its flagship device.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: the nexus 7.
<whitequark> it's a complete disgrace.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: I have one sitting beside me. I don't use it heavily, but I've never seen it be *remotely* laggy …
<ELLIOTTCABLE> maybe you have an earlier model? mine's december 2013?
<nuck> I've heard some great reviews of the nexus 7 from friends
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: there are two nexus 7's at least
<whitequark> mine is the first one ever
<nuck> I kinda want one myself
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ahhhh hm k
<whitequark> I think new one is okayish
<nuck> Maybe they dump all the shitty broken models in Europe
<purr> LOL
<whitequark> nuck: we get shitty broken nexus 7's, you get a shitty broken government
<whitequark> serves you yankees well
<nuck> Consider it punishment for Nokia
<katlogic_> nuck: Nah, they usually dont sell the shit here.
<katlogic_> Closest we can order from is german amazon.
<nuck> whitequark: Last I checked your governments were all broken too...
<nuck> It's hard to find a country today which doesn't have broken government tbh
<nuck> Everything is terrible.
<nuck> Hooray for humans :D
<nuck> So anyways, ELLIOTTCABLE, are you in Shitcago still or what?
<whitequark> O_o
<nuck> Cause I'm gonna be there next summer probably
<whitequark> "IAmA sidewalk pornographer"
<whitequark> that's the weirdest occupation I heard about in a while, and I know about professional dildo testers
<nuck> I was expecting something like bangbus but with curbs
<nuck> Like a lower-budget bangbus
<nuck> "Our bus got towed, so now we just fuck on the curb"
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ‘shitcago’
<ELLIOTTCABLE> despite the smell, I love it here :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: wat.
<purr> beep.
<nuck> ELLIOTTCABLE: It's not just the smell it's the color
<nuck> All the white painted things are yellow
<nuck> Like somebody peed on them
<devyn> old macs <3
<nuck> >someone plunking $20 right down on the table, sitting down on the sidewalk at my feet, and saying "LET'S DO THIS THING."
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “You can see the yellowing that has happened over the years and a few scuff marks.”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> how is this so world-shattering. it should probably have been obvious.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wow, I feel dumb.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I always wondered how they thought that colour would sell, and what was *wrong* with adults in the '80s.
<devyn> well polycarbonate white still isn't terribly attractive
<nuck> As somebody who used an (admittedly later) mac model... they were always kind of beige
<devyn> and the keyboard's keys were still browny
<nuck> I learned to program on a mac which I still haven't tracke the model number on
<nuck> I shold do that
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh my god retr0brite is a thing
<ELLIOTTCABLE> er, Retr0Bright
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: yeah, I grew up with a G3
<nuck> This
<nuck> This is what I learned to program on
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but I still … I dunno, photos nowadays have me retroactively yellowing it in my memory, I think :P
<nuck> Macintosh Color Classic
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's always surprising to me, which people have only been programming for a few years, and those who've been programming for two decades
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I *always* call it wrong.
<whitequark> nuck: you're old
<nuck> I think
<nuck> No I'm not
<nuck> I'm not even 21
<whitequark> O_o
<whitequark> whaaat
<nuck> But I learned programming when I was like... 6-7, and my mom's classroom was equipped with just one of those
<devyn> I've been programming for about ten years, and I'm 18, whitequark
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: you forget that everyone in here except alexgordon is young as fuck
<ELLIOTTCABLE> well, and now you :P
<nuck> lol
<purr> lol
<nuck> Fun fact, I turn 21 in 12 days
<nuck> I think
<nuck> Fuck let me that
<nuck> math
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: A) wtf is that
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: B) ‘downloading car’
<ELLIOTTCABLE> el oh el Tesla
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: idfk what it is, but 'downloading car' :p
<ELLIOTTCABLE> OTA updates to my car's suspension :P
<devyn> yeah I love that idea
<katlogic_> The car is an in-game purchase, not pirated. Oh the irony.
<devyn> yep. yay
<nuck> Yep 12 days
<nuck> I may have just yelled "HEY SIRI: across my room
<nuck> At my charging phone
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: the whole anti-piracy "you wouldn't download a car..."
<katlogic_> ELLIOTTCABLE: "would you download a car"
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -learn you keep using that word = I do not think it means what you think it means.
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Learned `you keep using that word`.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> forgot about that :P
<whitequark> devyn: I never understood that rhetoric
<whitequark> it's thoroughly absurd
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Buy ฿1: $US 399.40 @ Bitstamp, $US 400.29 @ Coinbase
<whitequark> *of course* I would
<ELLIOTTCABLE> holy jesus
<ELLIOTTCABLE> this whole butterfly labs thing ಠ_ಠ
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Buy ฿28: $US 11183.20 @ Bitstamp, $US 11210.92 @ Coinbase
<katlogic_> doubt its bfl
<nuck> Hmm
<nuck> Maybe I actually learned on a Macintosh LC-series computer
<katlogic_> more like btc gini index shifting to less ghastly levels.
<nuck> Damn I don't even know :(
<ELLIOTTCABLE> katlogic_: totes is; dropped from ~550 right about when the news struck
<katlogic_> ELLIOTTCABLE: I applaud your ability to quickly judge, just as I would.
<katlogic_> but nah
<ELLIOTTCABLE> lololol thx
<purr> lololol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> am hungry. microwave pizza, or jump off balcony?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> hashtag #skyblock
<whitequark> hahaha this thing https://vine.co/v/OZOnMZ2xpZZ
<katlogic_> nuck: That thing horrible half-scsi. I still do have nightmares about it.
<nuck> katlogic_: Yeah, the LC series?
<nuck> I'm pretty sure that's it
<nuck> LC500 series
<nuck> Looks almost exactly like I remember, down to the awful SCSI ports we used to hook it up to a ZIP drive
<katlogic_> nuck: Also surprised you've come into contact with it. We've got those in by the late 90s imported and sold for cheap here. That much those things sucked nobody else wanted em.
<nuck> katlogic_: Quite possible. They were awful things, they were out and replaced with fruity imacs after about 3 years iirc
<nuck> And after the imacs oh god
<nuck> They put in 4 of these
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wtf is a new internet computer
<nuck> Ninth worst PC of all time
<gq> beep
<gq> -what
<purr> <Nuck> With gqbe as the dictator \ Because all democracies need a dictator.
<gq> -what
<purr> <ec> pulsating python of looooooove.
<whitequark> "People create programs to direct processes. In effect, we conjure the spirits of the prophets"
<gq> -what
<purr> <alexgordon> ← the maths is strong in this one
<whitequark> so true
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that screen whateven
<nuck> ELLIOTTCABLE: Basically, imagine a giant Java UI with a web browser and some awful Java text editor
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: haha
<nuck> Booting off a CD
<ELLIOTTCABLE> imagined,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> regretted,
<devyn> nuck: oh my god I am so not surprised Larry Ellison was behind that
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and forgotten.
<nuck> You couldn't put a CD in
<nuck> The CD drive was taken... by the OS
<devyn> nuck: fucking Oracle
<nuck> devyn: Yeah. These computers lasted one year before they just scrapped 'em and bought a fleet of HP computers
<nuck> Which (amazingly!) they upgraded to run Windows 7 last year
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: wat
<nuck> And now they have Chrome(!) as the default browser
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the OS ran off a CD permanently?
<whitequark> he wasn't that far off to be honest
<nuck> ELLIOTTCABLE: /yes/
<whitequark> I would even say "ahead of his time"
<nuck> He was ahead of his time and behind his time
<nuck> All of the above
<whitequark> look at a fucking chromebook, it's the same thing, just with beefier tech
<nuck> Dummy terminals are nothing new
<whitequark> indeed
<devyn> dumb terminals*
<nuck> But he just created a shitty model
<nuck> Chromebook created a good model
<devyn> yeah who the fuck runs the OS off a CD
<whitequark> I wish someone made a chromebook with an i7 and 12G of RAM
<whitequark> so I could compile while I compile
<whitequark> that would be great
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
<nuck> And let's not forget that it's 266MHz processor... in 2000
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I am droopy
<nuck> That's worse than our Gateway 2000 which ran Win95
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but want to program ;_;
<devyn> -ovoids @ ELLIOTTCABLE
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: http://pastebin.com/RP1hWBHP
<ELLIOTTCABLE> many sad such sad
* ELLIOTTCABLE dreeps @ devyn
* devyn collects it in his strema
<nuck> Oh my god I missed you guys
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -find addentnas
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Found: and there were the
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -me grins huge
<nuck> -and there were the
<purr> nuck: robot addentnas helping
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the city of my covers
<nuck> what
<ELLIOTTCABLE> attendants*
<nuck> city... of your covers?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 21:40 <+elliottcable> I was all, hanging out in a city
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 21:40 <+elliottcable> and there were the = robot addentnas helping
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 21:40 <+elliottcable> oif my covers
<devyn> you were tripping hard, man
<nuck> ^
<nuck> Bad trip bad trip abort abort
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 21:41 <+elliottcable> wosombody tother than eboyjr tak to me
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I thought sephr was eboyjr
<devyn> lol
<devyn> that's a pretty extreme mistake
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I keep remembering falling over
<ELLIOTTCABLE> like, twice
<devyn> yes, ELLIOTTCABLE, you fell on the ground with your keyboard and hugged it and then told us about it without seeing the screen
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and kind of rolling around on my side, on the ground, because I couldn't rotate myself correctly to stand back up
<nuck> Imagine if everybody was eboyjr
<ELLIOTTCABLE> (I didn't realize that standing up was in a *different axis* than rolling around on the floor)
<devyn> hahahaha
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: wat.
<purr> beep.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> (I kept thinking I just needed to roll correctly, and I'd end up upright)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: wat.
<purr> beep.
<katlogic_> ELLIOTTCABLE: In opengl programming, we call that gimbal lock.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> katlogic_: wat.
<purr> beep.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> can't breathe, laughing too hard.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> good times. ('=
<ELLIOTTCABLE> against *all probability*, I spelled hiccoughs correctly.
<nuck> hiccups?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> in fact, it's likely that I simply misspelt it *so badly*, that it went full-circle and came out correct.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -find bad bad
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Could not find `bad bad`.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -find covers
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Could not find `covers`.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 21:43 <+elliottcable> I mae a cave out of my covers and populated it with bad bad things
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 21:43 <+elliottcable> nathr they”re coi ing to meget me
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gq: you're bad at this :P
<devyn> oh the baloons
<purr> beep.
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: no, your bot is just dumb. MAKE IT DO THE THING
<nuck> gq: It's a quote from scrubs
<nuck> Watch scrubs.
<gq> nuck: that's fair lol
<purr> lol
<gq> nuck: i have!
<gq> nuck: just...not enough, lol
<nuck> Abort the balloons! Abort the surprise! Abort the baby!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> bluebie ('=
<gq> heh
<ELLIOTTCABLE> jennnaaaaaaaaa
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: i, too, miss jenna
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: make jenna come back! make her forgive you dammit!
* gq beats ELLIOTTCABLE up with a pillow
<whitequark> hum, what happened?
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: this is all your stupid fault!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ./alphabet dbee1aedf BUGFIX: add spiral
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gq: she did, long ago; we're just not close anymore
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: still your fault damn you
<nuck> I miss locks
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gq: when she found out about ovoids (yeaaaaars after it happened, she read the log)
<nuck> Bring locks back
* gq beats ELLIOTTCABLE up witha pillow filled with large rocks
<ELLIOTTCABLE> she made me die with adorables
<ELLIOTTCABLE> by bugfixing the alphabet to include a spiral
<gq> nuck: he's in #bbbattle
<nuck> gq: Sounds bad
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: please do
<gq> nuck: you'd enjoy it
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: I still don't know why he has me ignored.
<gq> nuck: the subtitle for chan is "where we go to get away from ELLIOTTCABLE"
<nuck> gq: If it's anything like #bears I don't want in
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: because you're a stupid twat
<ELLIOTTCABLE> he seems to hate me more than anything else in the world, and I didn't even do anything that I know of o_O
<gq> nuck: nope.jpg
<nuck> ahahahahahaha
<nuck> gq: oh god you know #bears don't you
<nuck> Now that you rizon
<devyn> locks is just locks
<gq> nuck: never been
<devyn> cocksilocks
<gq> nuck: but i will put it on my List
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I live in Chicago,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I've seen the bears twice.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> in alleys.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> unsettling.
<whitequark> what kind of bears?
<katlogic_> Homeless.
<nuck> I'm just imagining wlaking down a street in chicago and then a fucking bear comes out of an alley and mauls ELLIOTTCABLE to death
<nuck> I like this thought
<ELLIOTTCABLE> lol in the middle of that whole thing
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 21:46 < cnf> any suggestions for mac OCR software?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: ಠ_ಠ
<nuck> :3
<purr> Let it be known that ELLIOTTCABLE disapproves of nuck.
<nuck> ELLIOTTCABLE: Hey maybe it's a gay bear
<nuck> And he'll maul you to death
<nuck> With his dick
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: “Hey maybe it's a gay bear / And he'll maul you to death / With his dick” wat.
<purr> beep.
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: google bear/twink
<nuck> You'll think that's a knife under his shirt and that he's about to mug you, then suddenly it comes out and BAM, PENIS
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 21:49 <+elliottcable> dsay waht?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 21:49 <+elliottcable> hehehe hthehthose words look like a valley
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: you are without a doubt the worst gay ELLIOTTCABLE i've ever heard of.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> for some reason that part always makes me think of incomprehensibly
<ELLIOTTCABLE> maybe micahjohnston looks like a valley
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gq: I know what a bear is.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's literally one of three fetishes that I can't handle.
<gq> no, i've seen pictures incomprehensibly these days looks like a very young Donald and i want to take his virginity with my tongue.
<nuck> Bear Grylls is my fetish
<ELLIOTTCABLE> idk ‘fetishes.’ desires? styles?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: wat.
<purr> beep.
<gq> incomprehensibly: luff you <3
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gq: yeah, he looks very good
<nuck> Nothing turns me on like a hairy dude drinking his own piss
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: very very very good
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: wat.
<purr> beep.
<gq> nuck: i just choked on my root beer
<ELLIOTTCABLE> okay three very's is pushing it.
<gq> nuck: xD xD xD
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: i'll push youuuuuuuuuuuu
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: what are other two
* nuck pushes gq to github
<nuck> gqithub
<gq> :D
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -learn valley = and valley looks like am ountainn!
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Learned `valley`.
gq is now known as gqithub
<gqithub> ^_^
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: other two what?
<whitequark> 07:59 <+ELLIOTTCABLE> it's literally one of three fetishes that I can't handle.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gqithub, I'd use that
<nuck> Presumably scat is one of them
<nuck> Watersports?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: snuff and gore
<gqithub> watersports++
<purr> Let it be known that gqithub loves watersports.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nope, those don't bother me
gqithub is now known as gq
<gq> watersports++
<purr> Let it be known that gq loves watersports.
<gq> ;)
<nuck> Do you like scat, ELLIOTTCABLE
<gq> nuck: no, he doesn't
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm pretty mellow about basically everything, except bears and the obvious two.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> … I love that gq knows this off the top of her head
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh, beat me to it
* gq stares at nuck with haunted eyes
<nuck> gq: So basically you pooped on ELLIOTTCABLE?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: wat.
<purr> beep.
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: one time i made D guess which fetishes you had tried but didn't like
<devyn> that's the best
<purr> beep.
<purr> <alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE actually has only one sperm, but it is very effective
<ELLIOTTCABLE> thank you, alexgordon.
<nuck> oh god are you telling me ELLIOTT HAS TRIED SCAT
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: it so is
<gq> nuck: YES
<gq> nuck: HE TASTED IR
<gq> *it
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -find i.ell.io
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Could not find `i.ell.io`.
<whitequark> the fuck
<gq> i'm laughing so hard irl i'm about to literally white out
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -find ell.io
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Found: micahjohnston, logs, :d, mumble, and fuck you
<nuck> Oh my god I'm basically dying of laughter
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -find ell.io/i
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Found: micahjohnston, whitequark, erika, she, and i can't
<nuck> gq: same
<nuck> oh my god
<nuck> Please tell me he's not seeking an image of poop on his face
<gq> oh god i have to calm down
<gq> please god
<gq> if i faint i'll fall on my cookies
<whitequark> -i can't
<purr> whitequark: <http://ell.io/igDZG>
<devyn> gq: that sounds like a good dream
<nuck> Pass out on your desk laughing at Elliott
<gq> devyn: fucking shut up hahahahahaha
<nuck> gq: Just remember to poop on your desk first for maximum dream effect
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ‘fall on my cookies’ sounds like a euphemism.
<nuck> cookies = vagina
<nuck> Note
<devyn> don't fall on my cookies
<katlogic_> The plural aspect of it makes it all scary.
<nuck> There is that one chick with two vaginas
<nuck> -:d
<purr> nuck: http://ell.io/qyy6
<katlogic_> Yeah, it does not align well with my xenophobic worldview.
<nuck> Can we get a photo of ELLIOTTCABLE *actually* in that dress
<nuck> whitequark: Oh god his newer photo on Twitter makes his dicks look like saxophones
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: *That's* what I was looking for :D
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: wat.
<purr> beep.
<devyn> > My higher self is taunting me, saying, "Anything you can do, I can do meta."
<joelteon> ayyyyy
<nuck> Anything you can do, I can do beta
* nuck dons fedora
gq has left #elliottcable ["bye"]
<ELLIOTTCABLE> not fucking okay.
<joelteon> Anything you can do, I can do betta
* joelteon buys a fish tank
Elphaba is now known as gqbrielle
gqbrielle has left #elliottcable [#elliottcable]
<nuck> Anything you can do I can do buddha
<nuck> I can do him real good
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: what... happened
ELLIOTTCABLE has left #elliottcable [#elliottcable]
<devyn> …
<whitequark> wat
<nuck> I don't think he appreciated us discussing people pooping on his face
<katlogic_> Meh, this is the internet. People really shouldnt be this uptight.
<nuck> tbh I think him licking poop is towards the normal end of the ec scale
<nuck> Crying of laughter.
<devyn> nuck: I'm pretty sure that's not what that was about
<devyn> something else happened...
<devyn> probably.
<nuck> From the query with gq... I'm pretty sure that's at least part of it
* nuck shrugs
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<nuck> Apparently he did not like her revealing his fetish exploration
<katlogic_> You think like they were like
<katlogic_> "LETS DO THIS. RIGHT. NOW." on /q ?
<nuck> I have no clue. I don't understand gq at all
<nuck> She pretty much always PMs me and I don't understand half of it, but I *think* maybe she pooped on him or something
<nuck> I have no idea
<katlogic_> Yeah, makes you think about the whole business of telling someone to "Eat shit.", huh. What if they understand it as making advances.
<nuck> So guys
<nuck> Now that ec is gone, that means it's time for ANARCHY
<katlogic_> meh, i dont know. hes still showing robot addentnas on #node.js. i think its a farce.
<nuck> Okay good night ##hat
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<incomprehensibly> undelimited continuations are just a bad abstraction
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<nuck> RIP #elliottcable
<vigs> RIP
<nuck> I say we just ditch elliottcable and set up ##hat again
<vigs> you can go on a head
* vigs chuckles softly about that pun
<nuck> oh god
<nuck> You... are a terrible person for that pun
<vigs> I bet you wanna pop a CAP in my ass for that
<nuck> I can't pop all of a CAP theorem, I'll have to sacrifice in at least one department
<joelteon> 2/10
<vigs> heh, I chuckled
<whitequark> something something usual formulation of CAP is terribly wrong something something
<whitequark> (a better one is: "in case of a parition, you can lose either consistency or availability. choose.")
<nuck> CAP is catchier
<whitequark> it's still CAP
<vigs> what have I done
<nuck> Yeah but you make me use words
<whitequark> it's just that people say "we have a CA system!"
<nuck> fuc words
<whitequark> which makes just zero sense
<nuck> Certificate Authority?
<vigs> California?
<whitequark> CA out of CAP.
<nuck> (fuck programmers for all these acronyms)
<vigs> * FPFATA, you mean
<whitequark> as in, a distributed system that works fine when and only when there's no partitions
<whitequark> an oxymoron
<whitequark> and/or mongodb
<joelteon> .
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