ELLIOTTCABLE changed the topic of #elliottcable to: a _better_ cult ˙ ͜ʟ˙ embrace, extend, extinguish.
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<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wirth%27s_law (aka Paws)
<devyn> ;)
<gq> heh
<gq> -what
<purr> <elliottcable> HARRY PIOTR
<gq> -what
<purr> <yrashk> super async MMORPG
<gq> -what
<purr> <felixjet> where i said method i meant action
<devyn> -what
<purr> <elliottcable> sometimes I feel like the gqbrielle of programmers.
<devyn> -what
<purr> <alexgordon> nuck: elliottcable was going to bloody my anus, but then he refused because he didn't want to explain time travel again
<devyn> -what
<purr> <whitequark> back in 80s or 90s though you had electronics that died if you looked angry at it.
<devyn> -what
<devyn> -what
<purr> <alexgordon> (that was an enema joke, my first ever)
<purr> <prophile> GO TO BED PIGFUCKER
<devyn> -what
<purr> <whitequark> sephr-uni: you are indeed the hardware equivalent of a mongodb fanboy
<devyn> -what
<purr> <elliottcable> !nautical themed pashmima afghan
<devyn> -what
<purr> <gqbrielle> Nuck: lol darkf thinks he's the new you
<gq> -what
<purr> <Nuck> gqbrielle: What's ladyprison, hobbits?
<gq> -what
<devyn> -what
<purr> <Nuck> Imagine if all porn everywhere just had dolphins over the tits
<gq> -what
<purr> <Nuck> On the bright side, incomprehensibly, you can still write Objective C
<gq> -what
<purr> <mcc> glowcoil: the way universal nullability works in Java is that null is of a special type which technically inherits from every object type D: D: D:
<gq> -what
<purr> <elliottcable> I'm racist as all fuck when it comes to sex
<gq> -what
<purr> <gqbrielle> devyn: yeah well then i got manic and suicidally depressed and now everything sucks.
<gq> -what
<purr> <alexgordon> currently problem: two while loops
<gq> -what
<purr> <felixjet> where i said method i meant action
<gq> -what
<purr> <Nuck> I'm exceptionally skilled at writing trashy things: I spent years of my life on deviantART
<gq> -what
<purr> <devyn> yes, dad, I am paws
<gq> -what
<purr> <Nuck> elliottcable: You train your dogs to bark at the sight of a buttplug or what?
<gq> -what
<purr> <elliottcable> brb macrowave. … microwave.
<gq> lol manti-senpai
<purr> lol
<gq> hahaha
<nuck> mantis-enpai
<devyn> wwwww
<devyn> just sign the contract
<devyn> /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
* gq giggles
<gq> devyn: omg NOOOO
* gq laughs
<devyn> onee-chan, something's coming out!
<devyn> aaaahghgghhg
<gq> lol
<nuck> devyn: not sure if poop or cum
<gq> nuck: whynotboth.jpg
<nuck> D:
<gq> 8D
<nuck> Just firing out all orifices at once
<nuck> pooping, cumming, and vomiting
<nuck> Simultaneously
<gq> pissing too
<devyn> and earwaxing
<devyn> ;)
<gq> gotta get em all ewwww devyn lol
<purr> lol
<nuck> And their nose is running
<gq> and crying
<nuck> Yes
<devyn> most beautiful orgasm ever
<nuck> how long would it take a person to get dehydrated from this
<nuck> I should ask Randall Munroe
<devyn> hahaha
<gq> nuck: lol
<nuck> "If a person were pooping, peeing, vomiting, sweating, crying, and had a runny nose, how long would it take before they got dehydrated?"
<gq> "i'm asking for a friend"
<nuck> brb emailing randall munroe
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<nuck> -34 starbucks
<purr> nuck: Here. <http://bit.ly/1mOSMO7?.jpg> [NSFW]
<purr> nuck: ... if you had any sense, you wouldn't have asked.
<devyn> watching Michiko to Hatchin
<devyn> it's really good o.o
<devyn> very latin american
<devyn> influenced
<devyn> lotsa stuff in portugese
<devyn> and strippers, apparently
<nuck> devyn: That's a pretty good anime
<nuck> I'm just... disappointed by the anticlimactic ending :X
<nuck> I am having way too much fun with this... I'm doing this project using nothing but the most modern features
<nuck> ES6, Web Components, etc.
<nuck> flexbox, vw/vh units
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<nuck> Or not using Web Components :( tfw no full unprefixed firefox support
<vigs> flexbox is fun, though
<vigs> okay, maybe not fun, but interesting
<nuck> flexbox is definitely fun
<nuck> There's nothing more fun than deleting all your <div> tags
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<nuck> I convinced the lead dev at hummingbird.me to try flexboxes for his chat app mockup, after he tried to wrestle with floats for hours
<nuck> He redid it in flexbox in 20 minutes, and all the display errors were gone
<nuck> And it worked perfect
<nuck> Flexbox is also perfect for navbars (since you usually have logo at left, links at right)
<nuck> Hmm. I'm gonna add platform.js so I can play with Web Components I think
<nuck> All I want is a fucking circular progress indicator but SVG is such a pile of shit that their arc is base on CARTESIAN coordinates
<nuck> What idiot went "well we're drawing circles, we should work on cartesian coordinates instead of polar"
<nuck> They call it "more powerful" but the truth is that it's only more powerful for drawing lumpy lines
<joelteon> oh, flexbox is a css thing
<nuck> Aye
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<incomprehensibly> HARRY PIOTR
<incomprehensibly> ooh i'll use flexboxes next time
<incomprehensibly> what's the compatibility like
<incomprehensibly> http://caniuse.com/#feat=flexbox cool
<nuck> Yeah great compat
<nuck> And a lot of the time you can just fallback on float
<nuck> And lose a bit of ordering magic
<nuck> Fun fact: never use lodash in AMD form
<nuck> It's split into 180 modules
<nuck> And it'll load them all in development
<whitequark> nuck: polar coordinates have a singularity though
<nuck> Not sure what you mean by that, all I know is that <canvas> does the stuff way better
<nuck> And the Inkscape way is honestly better too, though it applies more to the <circle>
<nuck> I think it's easy enough to say that SVG should have provided a means for building semicircles similar to what Inkscape provides, simply based on the fact that practically everyone builds that abstraction on it
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<incomprehensibly> whitequark: is this better http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N-vector
<whitequark> incomprehensibly: in fact, yes
<purr\Paws> [System] ELLIOTTCABLE pushed 1 new commit to Master: https://github.com/ELLIOTTCABLE/System/commit/28b3308272e65e2567c459d64781b5448da0aed9
<purr\Paws> System/Master 28b3308 elliottcable: (new vim) pegjs syntax hilighting
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<nuck> :( web components are too young. Maybe I'll just do a <canvas> and three lines of code instead of this
<nuck> Feeling lazy
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ooo, an incomprehensibly
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and a whitequark
<incomprehensibly> hi ELLIOTTCABLE
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 3:23 AM <nuck> Fun fact: never use anything in AMD form
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 3:23 AM <nuck> It's split into 180 modules
<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly: hello
<nuck> ELLIOTTCABLE: AMD is shit, but I'm compiling all my code from ES6 modules into AMD
<ELLIOTTCABLE> trying to work on Paws and Non-Linear Paws at the same time is breaking my brain. /=
<nuck> Since no browsers natively have ES6 modules yet
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: why into AMD? https://github.com/ModuleLoader/es6-module-loader
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also heard really good things about http://jspm.io
<ELLIOTTCABLE> was probably four different talks about ES6-module and loading related stuff at JSconf this spring
<ELLIOTTCABLE> not to mention, like, three separate hallway-track discussions on the topic
<ELLIOTTCABLE> actually, watched a hilariously tense ‘friendly discussion’ between two competing module-loader scions
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Guy and, errrr,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> some other guy I forgot but whom I knew was famous at the time?
<nuck> I'm just using the es6-module-transpiler from square
<nuck> It's effective
<nuck> And there's more things which support AMD right now, which means less dependency on legacy loading
<nuck> I opted not to use the es6-module-loader. Too runtime-heavy, and makes debugging a pain
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 17 tests in to a replacement PEG parser, so I feel good about that.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> really liked PEG, not sure why it gets so much hate.
<purr\Paws> [Paws.js] ELLIOTTCABLE pushed 6 new commits to peg-parser+: https://github.com/ELLIOTTCABLE/Paws.js/compare/aa0e336c95ee...3b252fa43a09
<purr\Paws> Paws.js/peg-parser+ 30a9a87 elliottcable: + realized HasSource won't work, changing to Context
<purr\Paws> Paws.js/peg-parser+ 7e092b8 elliottcable: + off-by-one error. ego much?
<purr\Paws> Paws.js/peg-parser+ 12b10c3 elliottcable: + specifying Expression
<whitequark> I recently had the mispleasure of talking with B***dan E*ch
<whitequark> I kind of wonder now
<whitequark> wat what?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and, ‘talking with?’
<ELLIOTTCABLE> as in, arguing on Twitter, or met him in person?
<whitequark> over Twitter
<ELLIOTTCABLE> respectfully disagree :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> talking with someone over the Internet is just … it's so different from meeting them in person.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> vaguely relevant: whitequark, had you already left here when I went to JSconf this spring?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> do you remember the whole fiasco with Contra? :P
<whitequark> the thing I wonder about, why exactly does an ex-CTO who is like forty and invented half of modern web trolls everyone like I did when I was seventeen?
<whitequark> really, at first, I thought it was a parody account.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> line between strong opinions and satire, and all that~
<whitequark> Contra? no clue
<whitequark> >Asynchronous flow control with a functional taste
<whitequark> you can stop talking now *shrug*
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<ELLIOTTCABLE> well, I cursed this guy out on Twitter
<whitequark> not interested
<ELLIOTTCABLE> was at JSconf, and a guy walks up to a conversation I'm having to talk to the person I'm talking to,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and the guy I'm talking to goes … ‘Do you realize who this is?’
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ‘This is Elliott Cable. That guy. The one who called you out as an asshole on Twitter last week.’
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it was suuuuuuper-awks for the rest of the conference every time I saw him. :P
<nuck> ahahahaha
<nuck> And that is why we don't curse people out over twitter
<whitequark> sigh
<ELLIOTTCABLE> no, fuck that
<ELLIOTTCABLE> too much fun :D
<nuck> yep :D
<ELLIOTTCABLE> got over it, introduced myself, made what I could of the situation. He wasn't as bad IRL.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> which is kinda my point.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ‘meeting someone’ over the Internet just … isn't.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> none of you would *believe* what gqbrielle is like in real life.
<nuck> Crazier or saner?
<nuck> Because I'd believe crazier
<nuck> So I'm guessing saner
<nuck> How is she saner irl
<ELLIOTTCABLE> like, not even the most insane person I know in real life.
<nuck> Well... you do know yourself
<nuck> so
<ELLIOTTCABLE> which leads me to wonder what some of the truly unbalanced people I know well, would be like if I knew them over the Internet. o_o
<ELLIOTTCABLE> you think I'm less sane than gqbrielle? ouch :P
<nuck> Only when you're on ovoids
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: the thing is, it doesn't matter
<ELLIOTTCABLE> well, true
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: by and large, I don't give a fuck who you are IRL
<ELLIOTTCABLE> drugs'll do that to a dude
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I want to practice bro-hood.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gonna go conduct native studies on bro culture.
<whitequark> because I'm not going to ever meet you, and because it is extremely likely that all useful work will be done over the net.
<nuck> In Brenden Eich's defense, I troll a lot too, but when I need to be professional I can be professional
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: wat.
<purr> beep.
<whitequark> "trolling" is not an excuse for being an asshole
<ELLIOTTCABLE> just for ‘in Brendan Eich's defense.’
<whitequark> in fact, it makes that worse
<nuck> ELLIOTTCABLE: lolwat
<purr> lolwat
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: isn't that *exactly* what it is?
<whitequark> because it means that you know very well what you are doing
<ELLIOTTCABLE> perhaps not a *valid* excuse,
<whitequark> semantics. you understand what I meant
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but ‘trolling’ is, rather by definition, an excuse for being an asshole.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> well, I also take issue with the discussion of whether it's valid, since we're at it
<nuck> I only troll really remarkably stupid people. And people I know well.
<whitequark> as in, if you're trolling or merely an asshole, I'm going to write you off all the like
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I don't enjoy people who can't turn it the fuck *off* (read: locks and, no particular offense intended, but you, nuck),
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but in moderation, I believe it to be a perfectly valid form of humour.
<nuck> ELLIOTTCABLE: I can turn it off lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's like … sarcasm, or punning.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: do you write off every developer who makes a sarcastic joke about PHP?
<nuck> You just don't see it in here because, quite frankly, most of your non-trolling discussion is more theoretical than my work
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: and if not, then why do you write off every developer who trolls over-sensitive Rails developers?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: I'd pay money to see theoretical nuck. :D
<nuck> I'm not even remotely good at theoretical programming nonsense.
<nuck> Part of why I'm uninterested in going to uni
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: I don't think trolling is like sarcasm, to begin with
<nuck> Too much theoretics, not enough practicality
<ELLIOTTCABLE> an important interlude here, if I'm going to be defending trolling:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I *don't* believe the validity of trolling as a form of humour, to be an excuse for bigotry.
<whitequark> *sigh*
<whitequark> you know what, I have work to do
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the same. enough of this, I suppose.
<nuck> I'm staying up late tonight, so that I can get minimal sleep. I guess I should use that time to program.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wait, minimal? wat why
<nuck> Because my sleep schedule is fucked, I've been going to bed at 2AM
<nuck> I need to get it back to my proper waking-between-6-and-8 schedule
<ELLIOTTCABLE> interesting.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I, too; but my resets are not based on sleeping little (because I have too much trouble wakening), they're based on staying awake
<nuck> I have trouble waking too
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I was awake until around 6 PM last night, and now I'm awake at 2. For the next few days, I should be awake early, tired early, and asleep early.
<nuck> But as long as I don't let myself fall asleep for more than 30 minutes I'm okay
<nuck> I apparently slept through the house next door getting raided by cops last night
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so you are awake all day, take a 30 minute nap, and then awake all the next day?
<nuck> at 4AM
<nuck> Pretty much
<ELLIOTTCABLE> … missed the ‘next door’ part, and was about to start swapping “My house got raided by the police and I slept through it” stories with you
<nuck> I set alarms for 15 minute intervals during the 4-8AM block
<nuck> hahahahaha
<nuck> Has this actually happened to you
<purr> Alaskalol
<nuck> Did the cops just come into your room and see you sleeping and go "wat"?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also, an alcoholic homeless dude waltzed in my front-door and fell asleep on the couch in my den, while I was asleep, once.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> roommate walked in on him and started a screamfest.
<nuck> ahahaha
<ELLIOTTCABLE> (didn't come in my room.)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> (I probably would have shot one of them, and then gotten shot myself. 'murica.)
<nuck> I've slept through our house alarm going off
<nuck> Multiple times
<nuck> Like, double-digits times
<nuck> Even worse, the smoke detector in my room doesn't even work
<nuck> So if there's a fire, I'm definitely dying
<nuck> Well actually, more accurately there's no smoke detector in my room anymore
<nuck> Just a couple wires sticking out of the ceiling
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wait what the fuck
<ELLIOTTCABLE> this line appears twice, sequentially, in my code
<ELLIOTTCABLE> constructor: constructify(return:@) (@position)->
<nuck> Is that... coffeescript
<ELLIOTTCABLE> no idea how it got duplicated; and simultaneously amused that the code all kept working unnoticed.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yep, I started the ‘clean rewrite’ of Paws in CoffeeScript.
<nuck> ew
<ELLIOTTCABLE> huuuuuuuuuuuge jump from “ELLIOTTCABLE JavaScript” toidiomatic CoffeeScript.
<nuck> Meanwhile I spent a few weeks porting an entire codebase of coffeescript to javascript
<ELLIOTTCABLE> in fact, those are almost as polar opposites as are possible, while working on top of the same runtime.
<nuck> I can't read coffeescript. Like, at all
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: A) https://github.com/ELLIOTTCABLE/upaws.js/blob/Master/µpaws.js#L179-L202
<ELLIOTTCABLE> like, night and day difference.
<nuck> Now that is more reasonable coffeescript than I had to deal with
<nuck> We were looking at huge jumps from 6-nested to 1-nested
<nuck> Just this horrifying tree structure with too many empty lines
<ELLIOTTCABLE> well, I still sometimes manage to bend CoffeeScript to my twisted bidding
<nuck> I thin the empty lines were there just to throw you off
<ELLIOTTCABLE> for instance, the CS implementation of the first link really is only mildly improved:
<nuck> Those are some huge comments
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so, instead of clarifying the code, because I'm a horrible person, I just wrote *dozens* of lines of detailed commentary and walk-through.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yeah. Back when I wrote Ruby, my projects tended to something like a six-to-one ratio of commentary to code.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I've gotten out of that habit with JavaScript, and I regret it. /=
<nuck> I generally follow the rule of "if it makes sense in the first pass reading it, don't document it"
<nuck> Which I imagine for you is pretty much never the case
<ELLIOTTCABLE> holy crap, september 2009
<ELLIOTTCABLE> didn't realize I was writing any Ruby that recently
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also, if you happen to write any Ruby, that file will probably melt your brain.
<nuck> Making fairly solid sense to me?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> start there and read down.
<nuck> But... I haven't struggled at all with Ruby's metaprogramming or anything
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also, grain of salt; all that only applied to MRI in 2009, who knows how much of it works or is relevant anymore.
<nuck> 1.8?
<nuck> mmm
<nuck> From what I can tell not much has changed since 1.9.x
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but really let's mention the *fucking part where class-variables are scoped to the fucking environment of the **call to instance_eval***
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ಠ_ಠ, Ruby. ಠ_ಠ.
<nuck> That does sound like a bug
<nuck> >_>
<nuck> Even with my head buried up Ruby's metaprogrammy ass I never ran into something that nonsensical
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ♪ Down The Road - C2C
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE is listening to “Down the Road”, by C2C
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: that's actually far from the most insane Ruby shit I ever did.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I've mentioned this several times in here, but never found the code.
<nuck> Oh I'm sure. There's tons of really terrible things you can do in Ruby
<ELLIOTTCABLE> which is hugely disappointing, because I'd love to have it, even if only for my own personal reference and nostalgia,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but I worked on-and-off for a year for a tiny little, but insanely fucking difficult, project
<ELLIOTTCABLE> called ‘Refinery.’
<ELLIOTTCABLE> end goal:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> basically, refine(Object, 'method') { … block … }
<ELLIOTTCABLE> or the more idiomatic Ruby equivalent thereof
<nuck> One of the first things I did when I was playing with Ruby initially was nesting multiple strings. Literally, first week of Ruby, and I decided to nest strings like some kind of russian doll
<ELLIOTTCABLE> after such a call, until the end of time, that block of code would be called when that method-name was invoked. **no exceptions**.
<nuck> ... But isn't that extremely easy to do?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Code ‘refined’ into an object would survive re-definitions/overloading of the method; inheritance; and, most messily, *further refinement* of that method.
<nuck> okay now *that* is a bit more impressive
<ELLIOTTCABLE> basically, attaching silent, and *truly* persistent, functionality to an object.
<nuck> Just hooking it like that I'm like... yeah I've done that in JS millions of times
<ELLIOTTCABLE> there were a few more nuances, if I recall correctly … but this was more than half a decade ago, so … /=
<ELLIOTTCABLE> put it this way.
<nuck> (literally that was the only way you could develop for deviantART chat, was silently replacing internal methods which call the originals)
<nuck> (it's miserable and shitty)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I had to actually deal with, and understand the nuances of, fucking ‘metasingleton eigenclasses.”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> when I was barely a newbie programmer.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I think that experience has done more to shape my professional self, than any other computer-related memories I have.
<nuck> I'm pretty sure that's the programming equivalent of a drunk violent father
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yerp probably
<ELLIOTTCABLE> all I have left.
<nuck> "He–hic–Hey, elliott. Come, like... fuckin... holy shit, fuckin metasingleton–hic– eigenclasses."
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh cool there's specifications in that repository
<ELLIOTTCABLE> never noticed that
<nuck> I think I actually read the scariest ruby earlier today
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I should read them and try to fulfil them now, in 2014. See if it's actually a trivial problem that only made an impression on me because I was new. (=
<nuck> duckinator tweeted something about an OS written in Ruby and also in C
<nuck> Literally, it's both
<nuck> C and Ruby are completely not-compatible
<ELLIOTTCABLE> as in, polyglot Ruby/C code? or Ruby with C extensions, which is kind of a given if you're naïve enough to try to write ‘an OS’ in code.
<nuck> As in code which can be compiled as C or run as Ruby
<purr> LOL
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so, polyglot
<nuck> It was brilliant
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that's thoroughly insane, but in a good way
<ELLIOTTCABLE> just like writing an OS is thoroughly insane, but in a good way
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but if you take two helpings of ‘thoroughly insane, but in a good way’ and try to do them *together*,
<nuck> I wouldn't call it polyglot. It wasn't like combining them, it was a bunch of #defines
<ELLIOTTCABLE> pretty sure you end up with a Batshit Roast in the oven.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that sounds like some of my C.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that's so ridiculous.
<nuck> It's the most absurd thing I've seen in all my years programming
<nuck> and I love it
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's a kernel, but,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> this is adorable
<nuck> It's evil
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the #/* #*/ trick is meh
<ELLIOTTCABLE> everybody knows true polyglot programs exploit syntax *without comments*.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that's where the real challenge is. :P
* ELLIOTTCABLE talks down to this man's puny achievement
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “With six fucking lines of boilerplate to accomplish that.”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> fucking love it
<incomprehensibly> goodnight
<incomprehensibly> saying it as one word is cuter
<nuck> cutest is "nainai"
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: duckinator wrote an uhhhh I think it was an OS kernel that is simultaneously valid Ruby and C
<whitequark> oh you just discussed it
<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly: nini
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: hahaha yah
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<Cheery> it is incredibly hard for me to understand all the focus around these kind of things
<Cheery> I just don't understand why they're fancy, compared to algorithms
<whitequark> Cheery: what do you mean "compared to algorithms"?
<nuck> When you say "algorithms" so generally all I can think of is the Vuse website: "Vapor Delivery Processor that uses algorithms in the same way a computer does"
<nuck> (yes, they legit say "uses algorithms" --- https://vusevapor.com/modules/Security/Landing.aspx)
<Cheery> whitequark: well the problems they seem to solve seem to rise from strict immutability.
<Cheery> but say traditional path search. It is kind of a problem that doesn't change it's nature when you switch a language
<whitequark> waitwaitwait
<whitequark> I'm not sure how it's related at all
<whitequark> what I see here is a requirement to achieve consistency in a distributed system, which is generally hard, and a way to organize your data structures that makes it simpler for some subset of useful cases
<Cheery> still not exactly understanding why there's the value. and why does it appear under my nose?
<Cheery> surely true academist might value new ideas even if they're not applicable to anything yet.
<whitequark> well, for example, is it clear to you how structured control flow is better than a code that only has labels and gotos?
<whitequark> it's essentially same case
<Cheery> actually it wasn't entirely clear the time I started.
<Cheery> and it required to study compilers to understand lot of that.
<whitequark> sure
<Cheery> in structured control flow, the dominators and dominance frontiers are trivial.
<whitequark> no, it's not about compilers at all
<Cheery> basically, before the block is reached, the stuff before it must have executed
<Cheery> it makes it easier to reason about the behavior of the program
<whitequark> yes.
<whitequark> although compilers don't really care about structured flow. you'd have to break critical edges and be done with it
<Cheery> actually compiler writer can care. every compiler isn't optimized or finished compiler when it must run
<Cheery> and knowing that the code has easily inferrable structure is meaningful.
<whitequark> as a user of the language, I am thoroughly uninterested in the struggles of compiler writers
<whitequark> for that matter, computers could not exist at all, and structured control flow would still be a better way of describing processes
<Cheery> exactly so. like many people are. But why am I then receiving stuff about distributed systems, at the time when we still got 8-core desktop CPUs and alternatively GPUs?
<whitequark> ... what?
<whitequark> are you trolling or what?
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<Cheery> do you find this offending?
<whitequark> I find this inconsequental
<whitequark> I don't know why are you reading stuff about distributed systems if you aren't interested in it. I also don't know what is the relationship between lack (or abundance) of powerful CPUs and distributed systems
<Cheery> reading about them because they're popping up in the sites I'm following
<Cheery> And I'm not interested in. Makes me confused what's the thing here.
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<Cheery> and surely the hardware matters here. Will there be ever systems that require such tricks to be efective?
<Cheery> do people meet them?
<Cheery> I'm looking at stuff that has reached potentially millions of noobs. and my question is what's the thing here. what's the beef
<whitequark> (ever be systems) you mean, for example, Google's index?
<Cheery> very special case. not seeing consumer products doing that.
<whitequark> whatever
<Cheery> for example this link makes sense
<Cheery> also this is quite interesting
<Cheery> if the Valve/Khronos wouldn't be doing that, we might be heading towards yet another API war.
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: awake? =)
<purr\Paws> [System] ELLIOTTCABLE pushed 1 new commit to Master: https://github.com/ELLIOTTCABLE/System/commit/6f8261f11ec84d59c038b0421ee1327d2daa5808
<purr\Paws> System/Master 6f8261f elliottcable: (new vim) silver searcher, and unimpaired for the quickfix list
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: ya
<gq> -what
<purr> <vil> "and ellio said LET THERE BE IRC"
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<vigs> And on the tenth day, he Rusted
<gq> -what
<purr> <vil> I don't actually wear my rug much anymore
<gq> -what
<purr> <elliottcable> This is Red Primary; shit's gone recursive down here on the ground. Can we get some garbage-collector support in here?
<gq> -whta
<gq> derp
<gq> ~
<whitequark> -gq
<purr> whitequark: genderqueer
<gq> -whitequark @ whitequark
<purr> whitequark: he is actually redquark. http://ell.io/iZi8J
<gq> -mix @ whitequark
<purr> whitequark: shut up you fuckers i'm awesome and like elliott but better 'cos tits
<gq> ;)
<gq> hmmm
<gq> -gqbrielle
<purr> gq: she is not devyn (I think.)
<gq> damn rite
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<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pz7jOry30f4 (use ensubs)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: waaath.
<whitequark> ooo yeah my girlfriend was crushed by a spacemarine
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<alexgordon> is purr back?
<gq> purr: yes
<gq> alexgordon: see?
<gq> -what
<purr> <Cheery> should debug my cat
<gq> -what
<purr> <ELLIOTTCABLE> dicks are pretty resilient.
<gq> -what
<purr> <katlogic> Well, if you're trying to create answer to the meaning of life the universe and everything, obviously tracing gc then
<gq> -what
<purr> <incomprehensibly> BUT ELEPHANT REMAINED INSIDE
<gq> lel
<gq> -alexgordon @ alexgordon
<purr> alexgordon: Could not find `khaleesi`.
<alexgordon> yeah yeah
<gq> -mix @ alexgordon
<purr> alexgordon: shut up you fuckers i'm awesome and like elliott but better 'cos tits
<gq> ;x
<alexgordon> -34 mormon
<gq> -34 alex gordon
<gq> damn.
<alexgordon> -34 piers morgan
<alexgordon> -34 sex
<alexgordon> damn this thing is so slow
<gq> lol
<purr> lol
<gq> purr: are you slow?
* gq skritches purr
* purr rrrrrrr
<gq> hehe
<alexgordon> purr: what is java?
<alexgordon> I think purr hates me
<alexgordon> -what
<purr> <yorick> well, that's gay
<gq> lol
<gq> -what
<purr> <locks> paws = portal the programming language
<gq> -what
<purr> <whitequark> why are all countries gay dudes
<gq> -what
<purr> <alexgordon> ikr
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<gq> dskuza: ...lol
<purr> lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wtf a dskuza
<purr> <alexgordon> why, we lispers spend half as much time writing code as normal programmers, leaving the other half of our time for writing smug essays!
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: idk lol
<purr> beep.
<dskuza> Right?
<gq> oops
<gq> heh
<purr> <alexgordon> I mainly follow ELLIOTTCABLE for his profile pics
<dskuza> Need to test irccloud betas so…why not
<gq> oh
<gq> who are you really then? :D
<purr> <alexgordon> impotence implies idempotence
<gq> David Skuza
<gq> i see
<purr> <gqbrielle> damn.
<gq> -what
<purr> <glowcoil> nanosleep wins the award for cutest function name of the year
<gq> -what
<purr> <prophile> FORTRAAAAN
<gq> -what
<purr> <devyn> elliottcable: eboyjr's boobs
<gq> -what
<purr> <ec> lung disturber.
<gq> -what
<purr> <prophile> nrocinu a m'I <elbacttoille>
<gq> -what
<purr> <alexgordon> perl is like a good shit. it's been flushed ages ago but the smell still hangs around.
<gq> -what
<gq> -what
<purr> <purr> elliottcable: you is loved by no one :(
<gq> -what
<purr> <devyn> yes, dad, I am paws
<gq> -what
<purr> <prophile> to be honest i think it's all downhill after kidney cracker
<gq> -what
<purr> <elliottcable> I’mma name my first child SIGWINCH.
<gq> -what
<purr> <ELLIOTTCABLE> glowcoil: do you drink poop
<gq> -what
<purr> <alexteabaggordon> honors dorms ski wax room
<gq> im done nao
<gq> :D
<dskuza> What just happened
<ELLIOTTCABLE> why can't you just do one at a time like a normal person
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: i'm not a normal person
<gq> -mix @ ELLIOTTCABLE
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: shut up you fuckers i'm awesome and like elliott but better 'cos tits
<gq> :3
<ELLIOTTCABLE> dskuza: the bot's primary; even identifying, feature, is non-sequitur.
<gq> dskuza: it's a basic AI bot designed to mimic human interaction
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 5:49 PM <purr> <devyn> yes, dad, I am paws
<dskuza> I know that part
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -find dad
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Found: are you paws?, my dad, and are you caps?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -are you paws?
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: yes, dad, I am paws.
<dskuza> You scared me more thah purr, gq
<gq> dskuza: o okay. the -what command dumps from a large collection of quotes from this very channel or its predecessors ##paws or #hat/##hat
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -are you caps?
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: yes, dad, I am caps.
<gq> -my dad
<purr> gq: < eboy> your dad is jesus
<gq> hahahahaha
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -factid caps
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -factoid caps
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Popularity: 8, last changed by: eboy, 991ſ 687mſ ago
<dskuza> -__-
<gq> -factoid gq
<purr> gq: Popularity: 14, last changed by: remy, 758ſ 104mſ ago
<gq> -factoid gqbrielle
<purr> gq: Popularity: 26, last changed by: devyn, 761ſ 616mſ ago
<gq> hmmmm
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also a rare eboy factoid!
gq is now known as BaronSamedi
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 996 days. wow.
<BaronSamedi> :3
<dskuza> Nein
<BaronSamedi> -dskuza
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: :D
dskuza has quit [Quit: Updating details, brb]
<BaronSamedi> damn
<BaronSamedi> lol
<purr> lol
dskuza has joined #elliottcable
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -learn dskuza=he's updating his details, and will be right back
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Learned `dskuza`.
<dskuza> Yeah, irccloud. haha
<dskuza> Magic.
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: i'm Elphaba on there :)
<Elphaba> dskuza: yo :P
<Elphaba> hmm
Elphaba is now known as Martini|Mix
<ELLIOTTCABLE> "on there" what
BaronSamedi is now known as gq
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: i use irccloud as a logger/bouncer client :)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> irccloud provides bouncing? huh? and how can you be something "on there", it's a client
<ELLIOTTCABLE> am many confus
<dskuza> I just use the app lolok
<dskuza> Lolol*
<dskuza> I'm good at iOS 8 keyboards
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: i just mean i'm on freenode on there and i'm nicked as, now, Martini|Mix. don't be /deliberately/ obtuse P
<gq> *:P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm so confused
<dskuza> Yeah be acute
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but it does not matter
<dskuza> Damn, is that too much to ask for
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: dear god. how stupid are you? i swear sometimes you're my dumbest ex, even more than Taylor the Rapist Racist
<gq> -.-;
<gq> i'm sorry.
<gq> that was mean.
<gq> :3
<Martini|Mix> o.o
<Martini|Mix> >.>
Martini|Mix is now known as gqbrielle
gq is now known as BaronSamedi
gqbrielle is now known as Elphaba
<BaronSamedi> -.-
<BaronSamedi> ELLIOTTCABLE: hallo
<BaronSamedi> ELLIOTTCABLE: are you dead
<BaronSamedi> -ovoids @ ELLIOTTCABLE
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: http://pastebin.com/RP1hWBHP
<ELLIOTTCABLE> such dogbed
<BaronSamedi> ELLIOTTCABLE: wat.
<purr> beep.
<BaronSamedi> DAMMIT
<BaronSamedi> ALWAYS
* BaronSamedi hits ELLIOTTCABLE over the head 6 times with the NO stick
<purr> lol
<BaronSamedi> D:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> dskuza: I love u
<BaronSamedi> sigh
* BaronSamedi hits ELLIOTTCABLE with the NO, STOP stick
<dskuza> Who doesn't?
<BaronSamedi> sigh
<BaronSamedi> i don't
<BaronSamedi> yes, the past can hurt
<BaronSamedi> but you can either, run from it
<BaronSamedi> or
<BaronSamedi> learn from it!
<BaronSamedi> ^.^
<dskuza> You don't know it but you do
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: darlin', i'm the Haitian lord of de dead. once you die, there is nothing to run from anymore. it's all there in yo face.
<dskuza> That's OK
<Elphaba> dskuza: Listen to the Loa Lord, David.
<Elphaba> ;3
Elphaba is now known as gq
<gq> :D
gq has left #elliottcable [#elliottcable]
<dskuza> I'm Polish lord of de lazy. Once you lie down, there is nothing to do except Netflix and YouTube.
<BaronSamedi> polish?
<BaronSamedi> i knew i liked you for a reason!
<dskuza> Haha
<dskuza> Success!
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: ever had a girlfriend give you black cemetery roses? i gotta man online from Rizon right now who thinks tis romantic to write me 1000 word polish poems saying he wants to kill my German husband and steal flowers off my dead sister's grave for me :P
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: yer culture is weird, yo.
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: notsaying jussayin ;x
<dskuza> What's a girlfriend
<dskuza> Also yes
<dskuza> Polish people are scary
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: apparently it's when a man loves a woman and they make vit day babymakin but if lucky is no baby, iz just pleaseure. and if she come back on de 3rd day, she yo girlfrien, mebbe.
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: das my unnerstanin' anywayz. ;x
<dskuza> ELLIOTTCABLE: your friends are fun
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: if you luff a girl, you let her go, like in de Frozen song, an' if she cum back instead of doin a Hans, den she is your true luff and you should strive to keep her vit ya
<dskuza> "doin a Hans"
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: i ain' his frien' im his exlover, da gq who gottaway
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: ;x
<dskuza> Brb joining #awks
<katlogic> why does this channel suddenly read as /int/
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: lelz
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<BaronSamedi> katlogic: i cain' say ;x
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<dskuza> Baron von chickenpants
<katlogic> nah, this aint krautchan eunglish dialect
<katlogic> its umm
<ELLIOTTCABLE> katlogic: wats /int/
<BaronSamedi> Baron von Samedi, Haitian lord of de dead & husband to Maman Brigid, haitian saint of Fyre
<katlogic> ELLIOTTCABLE: 'rupean chantards
<BaronSamedi> katlogic: i ain' no /b/etafag, darlin' ;x
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -dskuza @ katlogic
<purr> katlogic: he's updating his details, and will be right back
<dskuza> Wat
<dskuza> No im right here
<BaronSamedi> heh
<BaronSamedi> -mix @ dskuza
<purr> dskuza: shut up you fuckers i'm awesome and like elliott but better 'cos tits
<BaronSamedi> ;x
<dskuza> Dont make me try and be angry
<dskuza> Im really good at trying for like 3 seconds at a time
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: Who wants you to be angry? Chillax, my little Polish frien'.
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: Now, I'll ask ya again...do you have an alt? Or are you new here?
<dskuza> I was polishdemon like 4 years ago then i left for three years
<dskuza> Then came back and left again
<dskuza> So no alts i'm just in and out
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: Understandable. I don't recall as we've spoken before. I'm gq or gqbrielle normally.
<katlogic> lies, gq is a murrifag
<BaronSamedi> Nobody said I wasn't.
<katlogic> having german ancestry does makes you not real nazi person.
<BaronSamedi> Who said I was a nazi?
<BaronSamedi> Calm your tits, katlogic, or whatever bits y'all got on yer ches' instead o' tits.
<BaronSamedi> -katlogic
<purr> BaronSamedi: http://d.pr/i/sPKf -> The key to a good relationship is knowing when the fucking you are getting is worth the fucking you are getting.
<BaronSamedi> hehehehe indeeeeeeeeeeed
<katlogic> we use it a as a shorthand for anyone german over here :)
<BaronSamedi> katlogic: where, poland?
<katlogic> yeah, all german neighbors
<BaronSamedi> katlogic: das fine. germany SAY they don' like their nazi history but facism is risin' in Europe again and who will speak against it? not germany, dey too busy cryin' bout all da Rromanis inside deir bordres
<katlogic> well, yeah
<BaronSamedi> it's an #elliottcable rule not to discuss politics
<BaronSamedi> so i won't argue further
<katlogic> i noticed we tend to hate jews, muslamists and gypsies some more past few years. not sure its really fascism though.
<BaronSamedi> suffice to remind you all: french/german/welsh.
<katlogic> more like good ol xenophobia.
<BaronSamedi> and that's all my ancestry and the rest is just good old american mutt.
<katlogic> yeah; fuck politics
<katlogic> love & peace; http://i.imgur.com/3KqENR5.jpg
<dskuza> BaronSamedi: well then HULLO NEW PERSON
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: i been in ELLIOTTCABLE's irc rooms since 2009. hello new person, yourself, lol
<purr> lol
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE:
<dskuza> Youre new to me so it counts
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: i spose.
<BaronSamedi> incomprehensibly: hey ;x
<BaronSamedi> incomprehensibly: hello
<BaronSamedi> incomprehensibly: did you die
<BaronSamedi> D:
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly: hi
<ELLIOTTCABLE> dskuza: I've known Gabrielle approximately … four times as long as I've known you?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> dskuza: and my only advice is to run away screaming immediately
<BaronSamedi> HAHAHAHAHA
<dskuza> I cant do that
<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly: what *is* Eli
* BaronSamedi laughs
<dskuza> Im too busy doing nothing
<BaronSamedi> ELLIOTTCABLE: mean! i'm hardly dangerous at all! i'm not an Eagle Scout like you!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> dskuza: destiny with us?
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: you i like. you can stay.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Eagle Scout Stranger Danger
<BaronSamedi> i'm not a stranger!
<BaronSamedi> :>
<dskuza> I dont own destiny nor do i own a current gen console better than the wiiu
<dskuza> I'm a PC gamer at heart :X
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: same :D
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: do you have a Steam account? :D
<BaronSamedi> mine is gqbrielle ^_^
<dskuza> Indeed: polish_demon
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: polish demon! i'm no diabel but i am a cythraul sometimes ;x
<dskuza> TIL: words
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: cythraul is welsh for Prince/King of Hell.
<BaronSamedi> :}
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: it implies an office that can be abdicated or abandoned/a title, not necessarily a person.
<dskuza> Ah
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: i am learning Welsh. it's a wild ride. the accent sounds like something i can't remember, which i find odd in the extreme since none of my living relatives speak it.
<BaronSamedi> dskuza: do you speak Polish fluently, then? forgive if that's an offensive question; most of the Poles i meet online speak a variety of languages.
<BaronSamedi> also, i'm sure you're aware, 'dskuza' sounds like 'yakuza' which i find amusing~
<dskuza> "fluently". I used to go to polish school; i'm a first generation American. Still speak it with family, but not as well as i used to. I can completely converse when necessary, though, so I'd say fluent, yes.
<dskuza> Lolok
<purr> Lolok
<dskuza> Lolol*