<whitequark> wow
<whitequark> I just caught a race condition in my logger
<whitequark> you won't believe how
<whitequark> I opened the log at almost precisely 00:00 UTC. so the server thought it was 2013-03-21, but the client, that it is already 2013-03-22
<Aria> Oh?
<whitequark> Aria: irclog.whitequark.org
<Aria> Nice!
<whitequark> or actually it was vice-versa!
<whitequark> a very weird effect happened when the client proceeded to download every message in a `live-logging' mode, and they scrolled all over my screen
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<elliottcable> Cool, that totally works.
<elliottcable> Real code that I'm shipping in a library:
<elliottcable> > {Q:Q,Q:{nfcall:QQ}} = {Q:require 'q'}
<elliottcable> It's entirely possible that I'm a terrible person.
<whitequark> I have no fucking clue what that could ever mean
<alexgordon> elliottcable is doing coffeescript?
<alexgordon> that's like if lance armstrong did drugs!
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* alexgordon is simulating a brain
<alexgordon> so after 86 days it stops forgetting things
<alexgordon> not bad
<alexgordon> omg just had an idea
<elliottcable> an idea? no way.
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<purrr> [System] elliottcable pushed 1 new commit to Master: https://github.com/elliottcable/System/commit/c4dda2f9db22b63b258ecd17a5338c4589af448e
<purrr> System/Master c4dda2f elliottcable: (- new) Improving bye() to prompt for consent before killing
<alexgordon> this is logarithmic genius
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<incomprehensibly> Nuck: was it you who told me about Robert DeLong a long time ago?
<elliottcable> xlook it's an incomprehensibly
<incomprehensibly> hi elliottcable
<incomprehensibly> <3
<incomprehensibly> yesterday I fell asleep at 7pm
<incomprehensibly> because I'd had 2 hours of sleep for the past 48 hours
<incomprehensibly> finishing a vidjagame with friends for competition
<incomprehensibly> lol
<purr> lol
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<elliottcable> Fucking OVERWERK is so excellent
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<incomprehensibly> elliottcable: some good music I just found:
<incomprehensibly> robert delong, global concepts
<incomprehensibly> and shabazz palaces
<elliottcable> what sort?
<incomprehensibly> the later is fucking awesome jazz-rap-wtfever
<incomprehensibly> there's a good chance you'll like it
<incomprehensibly> the first is slightly dancey electropop stuff reminiscent of two door cinema club
<elliottcable> oooo okay
<elliottcable> spotify queue me?
<incomprehensibly> ok coo
<elliottcable> rocking out to OVERWERK right now, and very busy
<elliottcable> learning OAuth2, Google's APIs, IMAP, and ALL OF THE OTHER THINGS at once
<elliottcable> Are you familiar with these guys? I can inbox you a couple things too, if you like
<elliottcable> vil ⑊ Spotify! Spotify! Spotify!
<incomprehensibly> unfamiliar, that'd be cool
<incomprehensibly> oh this is a fun fact
<incomprehensibly> shabazz palaces are the first hip hop group signed to sub pop
<incomprehensibly> iow they are indie rap jazz stuff
<incomprehensibly> really glitchy and deep
<incomprehensibly> trying to find my favorite track
<incomprehensibly> oh btw
<incomprehensibly> a long time ago
<elliottcable> Spotify is just so ungodly fucking ugly on Retina
<incomprehensibly> did you ever listen to Frank Ocean?
<elliottcable> never heard of 'im
<incomprehensibly> ok
<incomprehensibly> I queued you some a while back
<incomprehensibly> in response to you saying R&B sucks because alicia keys sucks
<incomprehensibly> :P
<incomprehensibly> because frank ocean fucking rocks
<elliottcable> lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> will look soon
<elliottcable> god, OVERWERK is rocking me right now
<incomprehensibly> ok cool
<elliottcable> subssssss
<elliottcable> doing dirty things with Iced CoffeeScript and OAuth2
<incomprehensibly> I drank some iced coffee today
<incomprehensibly> lol
<incomprehensibly> oh by the way, listen to "are you... can you... were you..." first of the three I sent you perhaps
<incomprehensibly> or any order idk
<incomprehensibly> it's weird shit but so awesome
<incomprehensibly> elliottcable: noticed how much my programming skills have improved in the past couple years
<incomprehensibly> barely used C++ in the past but over the last couple weeks programmed in it like a fucking boss
<incomprehensibly> like, fixed bugs way fast, implemented new features really fast, kept organized codebase conducive to new additions and restructuring
<incomprehensibly> to the point that I didn't suffer *too* much from its inherent suckiness
<incomprehensibly> :P
<elliottcable> crazy
<elliottcable> sorry that distracted
<elliottcable> fucking iced coffeescript
<elliottcable> and coffeescript as a whole
<elliottcable> fork a buggy, fragile project without any parsing rigour or inherent logic to it,
<elliottcable> and then add *less* rigours and *less* logical features to it,
<elliottcable> then don't track bugfixes in the upstream.
<elliottcable> smart, guys, real smart.
<elliottcable> the idea is great, the execution is terrible.
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<incomprehensibly> haha wow
<incomprehensibly> yeah people need to understand parsing
<incomprehensibly> so sad
incomprehensibly is now known as micahjohnston
<micahjohnston> ahh
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<elliottcable> hi micahjohnston
<micahjohnston> hi elliottcable
<micahjohnston> how is real life
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<elliottcable> heh
<elliottcable> it's okay
<elliottcable> I have an extremely attractive girlfriend; and I'm doing productive things that I've needed to do for a *very* long time
<elliottcable> at the moment, I'm back in Wilmington temporarily; trying to wrap the place up
<micahjohnston> ah
<elliottcable> getting things closed down, down here; and cleaning up/repariing the place so I can rent it
<elliottcable> at least, that's the idea
<elliottcable> hence why, on the computer for the first time in ages
<elliottcable> away from the all-encroaching girlfriend-timesink.
<devyn> this person, why does she take a selfie with every single fucking post
<devyn> and they're always kind of creepy
<elliottcable> who?
<devyn> someone I used to know, apparently
<devyn> facebook.
<elliottcable> Speaking of attractive best-friend,
<elliottcable> some recent photos.
<elliottcable> Sharing the love, and all that. (=
<elliottcable> I'm basically dating her for her hair. #trufact
<micahjohnston> haha
<micahjohnston> pretty
<elliottcable> thankssssss
<elliottcable> hiiii
<micahjohnston> yeah that is nice hair
<elliottcable> talk to me while I make code
<elliottcable> I suck at this
<micahjohnston> aight
<elliottcable> oh her hair's ungodly weird
<elliottcable> it makes random spines that do really weird shit
<micahjohnston> haha
<micahjohnston> but I like how thick it is
<elliottcable> I've seen spirals that completely defy gravity just hanging out
<micahjohnston> idk
<micahjohnston> :P
<elliottcable> I have a collection of photos I've snuck of her
<elliottcable> when her hair's insane
<elliottcable> just to document that it exists in the real world.
<elliottcable> got this one where approximately three strands are just ... sticking out to the right. all by themselves. no support. it makes no sense.
<elliottcable> like, a full foot and a half off to the right.
<elliottcable> some combination of insane static, natural oils, and really really thick strands, I guess? or something?
<elliottcable> fuck if I know, it's mystifying
<micahjohnston> hahaa
<elliottcable> `man twerk`
<micahjohnston> my girlfriend got her hair dyed yesterday
<micahjohnston> said she wanted a different shade of blonde so they dyed it brown lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> please tell me it was to a natural shade?
<micahjohnston> and that's the story
<elliottcable> oh good lol
<micahjohnston> but yeah pretty natural
<micahjohnston> she wanted a more natural blonde because the last time they fucked it up too
<elliottcable> do you like The M Machine?
<micahjohnston> haven't heard of
<micahjohnston> will try
<micahjohnston> ooh on OWSLA
<micahjohnston> some good stuff on there
<elliottcable> shared
<micahjohnston> cool thanks
<elliottcable> seriously
<elliottcable> the song I just shared
<elliottcable> drop everything,
<elliottcable> headphones,
<elliottcable> listen.
<elliottcable> all eight minutes.
<micahjohnston> I think the only photograph of my girlfriend with her current short hair is like a blurry tiny one
<elliottcable> it's ... beautiful. amazing. trippy.
<micahjohnston> except like yearbook pictures :P
<micahjohnston> listening now
<micahjohnston> elliottcable: this is good stuff
<elliottcable> bonobo <3
<micahjohnston> (not on spotify yet)
<micahjohnston> yeah :D
<elliottcable> hiiiiiiiii
<micahjohnston> hi
<purr> micahjohnston: hi!
<micahjohnston> 1am now
<elliottcable> micahjohnston ⑊ Luna?
<micahjohnston> elliottcable: good
<micahjohnston> currently obsessing over bonobo song
<micahjohnston> but yeah I like luna
<elliottcable> Bonobo <3
<elliottcable> try the rest of the M Machine's latest album
<elliottcable> it's bar-none, excellent.
<elliottcable> infinite repeat for like a week when it came out, srsly.
<micahjohnston> man this is awesome
<micahjohnston> the endindg
<micahjohnston> I fucking love synths like htat
<micahjohnston> buzzy thick chords
<elliottcable> what, the end of Luna, or Bonobo?
<elliottcable> Blue Sky Black Death “And Stars, Ringed” <http://open.spotify.com/track/0SSNEa1F2sa4YBkpv0YX7W> is really excellent too.
<elliottcable> If you like nasty drops like that, this is one of my favourite drops of all time:
<elliottcable> Zedd “Clarity - Brillz Remix” <http://open.spotify.com/track/1vwvwT2NxGIc4O3pDQ0tUN>
<elliottcable> Zedd is always guaranteed to be excellent, but this mix is just fucking *sick*. And I say that with full conception of the stereotype that word draws.
<elliottcable> you need subs, honestly.
<elliottcable> but it's a little before 2:00 in
<elliottcable> it feels a little like your house is being dropped on you.
<micahjohnston> end of luna
<micahjohnston> ooh I like the original
<micahjohnston> will check out mix
<micahjohnston> I have headhpones
<micahjohnston> which don't give feeling of subs but do reproduce very low bass well
<micahjohnston> just not tactile :P
<micahjohnston> IF OOUUR LOOOVE
<micahjohnston> IF OOUUUR LOOVE
<micahjohnston> oooh man
<micahjohnston> anticipating
<micahjohnston> hm I need subs
<micahjohnston> ok now it's getting badass
<micahjohnston> so crunkey
<micahjohnston> dirty south
<micahjohnston> and that fucking amen break
<micahjohnston> all my friends are offline/no longer texting
<micahjohnston> :(
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<micahjohnston> I took 38th place in a local 5K last saturday
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<micahjohnston> 4th in age&gender division
<micahjohnston> :D
<micahjohnston> brother took 6th, 2nd in age&gender divison
<micahjohnston> division
<Nuck> Okay this is just sad to watch
<Nuck> micahjohnston: stop being all ronery in this chat
<Nuck> It's just sad
<micahjohnston> yeah well i was responding to ec at first
<micahjohnston> and then he stopped :(
<micahjohnston> Nuck: did you tell me about robert delong
<Nuck> micahjohnston: Possibly.
<Nuck> Did he make you fucking dance?
<Nuck> Good ol' Fusion Dubstep
<micahjohnston> yeah
<micahjohnston> he did
<micahjohnston> heard it on the radio today, liked the voice and thought it sounded like two door cinema club singer, looked it up and realized you'd sent me it
<Nuck> micahjohnston: haha I heard on the radio first too
<Nuck> They played it on Sirius' satellite radio on Alt Nation
<micahjohnston> cool
<elliottcable> fuck me
<elliottcable> I want a one-line try/catch in CoffeeScript
<elliottcable> I WANTS ITTTT
<Nuck> I want less coffeescript in my coffeescript
<devyn> Quantum shitting through the nth dimension.
<devyn> love it.
<Nuck> Oh god
<Nuck> Can't stop laughing
* whitequark tries to get his linux notebook to consume less
<whitequark> killing skype: -0.2W
<whitequark> killing chrome: -0.4W
<whitequark> killing backlight: -0.4W per the first two steps
<whitequark> so the minimum with no cpu hogs, minimum backlight and conservative cpu governor seems to be 7.9W idle
<whitequark> with estimated 5+ battery runtime
<whitequark> hours
<whitequark> meh it's like with no alcohol and smoking
<whitequark> *like life
<devyn> loling at idiots thinking that their CPU must be why they're getting worse FPS, and not the massive difference between their GPUs
<purr> lol
<devyn> that reminds me I still need to get this VM working… VirtualBox keeps crashing randomly
<devyn> and I can't figure out why
<whitequark> devyn: it's virtualbox
* whitequark vaguely recalls some story about linux kernel devs forcibly tainting the kernel if any of the vbox* modules are ever loaded
<whitequark> because they're that shitty
<devyn> I don't have any vbox* modules loaded though; it's on the livecd still
<devyn> :p
<devyn> and honestly it's probably the best software to run a linux guest on a windows host
<whitequark> use fucking xen</rant>
<devyn> whitequark: and since when can I run xen on a windows host
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
<devyn> it could be windows 8, I suppose
<whitequark> devyn: since never
<whitequark> don't need the windows host you
* whitequark is writing a lexer for ruby
<whitequark> it's insane
<whitequark> overload count for symbols: ( 2, { 3, [ 2, / 2, [+-] 2, % 2, << 3, ? 2, : 3, . 2
<whitequark> and this is just ambiguity. i.e. the same symbol in same place, depending on prior context
<whitequark> also there is this
<whitequark> a===b parses as a === b
<whitequark> but :a===b is :a == b
<whitequark> or actually it isn't, fuck
<whitequark> this is THE WHOLE POINT
<whitequark> it's :a === b. but :a===>b is :a= => b
<whitequark> aaaaaarrrrrgh
<whitequark> kill me
<whitequark> also you cannot lex ruby without parsing it
<devyn> yes, ruby's syntax is stupidly complex
<devyn> which makes it both pretty nice to work with and awful to work with
<whitequark> well not exactly "stupidly"
<whitequark> C++ syntax is/was both more complex and harder to work with
<whitequark> and it's, liek, industry standard
<devyn> I guess
<whitequark> still
<whitequark> the amount of stuff on { amazes me
<whitequark> it can be a hash
<whitequark> and it can signify two different kinds of block passing, depending on whether you have a ) prior to {
<whitequark> also it's fun how keywords may be method names
<whitequark> but this is actually simple & very cool
<whitequark> self.class FTW
<elliottcable> >> "elliottcable".split('') .filter(function(e,i,a){return a.indexOf(e)===i})
<purr> elliottcable: ['e', 'l', 'i', 'o', 't', 'c', 'a', 'b']
<elliottcable> lol, who's working with Ruby syntax?
<purr> lol
* elliottcable grins evilly
<whitequark> elliottcable: me.
<devyn> is it bad that I have the kernel.org archlinux mirror url memorized
<devyn> whitequark: so apparently it was just crashing because the VHD was bad. who knew.
<devyn> I tried to clone an existing installation from a hard drive but I guess the vhd creation tool didn't do a great job
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> awrlahotuaeotuesoihrdptj;mgh;lhj,/,kn/,kn˚µ.LM">?<?<?,?LM/.ML>?l<>LM>/m>/ML./M<.
<elliottcable> well, that sprawled off the alphabet
<elliottcable> man, I'm fuckin' hungry
<whitequark> arrrrgh
<whitequark> ruby lexer has an incredibly evil hack
<whitequark> and you know why? because `do` is overloaded FOUR times
<whitequark> and you can have `while cond do end`, and in `cond` you would also have `while cond do end`
<whitequark> oh and you can also have nested heredocs
<whitequark> and you can have this nested overloaded do in nested heredocs
<whitequark> that is literally an exponential explosion of features
* whitequark bangs his head on his desk
<whitequark> there are also two other stack states
<whitequark> one has to do something with ternary, which is overloaded wrt/ ?a character literal
<elliottcable> nested HEREDOCs are fucking excellent
<elliottcable> but yes, the nesting can get a bit insane
<elliottcable> I've got real-world code that's got heredocs-in-evaluated-blocks-inside-another-heredoc
<elliottcable> (and the “heredocs” in that case are more code to be parsed and evaluated, so it's even more ridiculous)
<devyn> <<-EOF
<devyn> hi I think I'm a template
<devyn> #{format <<-EOF
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
<devyn> EOF}
<devyn> hah.
<devyn> EOF
<devyn> yay I'm going to get 4 hours of sleep
<fwg> win 26
<fwg> faaaaail
<whitequark> elliottcable: I'm trying to write a lexer/parser which could report correct column numbers for any token
<whitequark> officially, fuck you :/
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<vil> elliottcable: Spotify?
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<alexgordon> factor chains!
<alexgordon> lol supermemo iterated his algorithm over decades, I'm iterating this algorithm over weeks
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> so each item gets a "factor chain", which is the factors that have to be multiplied to get its interval
<alexgordon> e.g. an item that has only been shown once, will have an empty factor chain: [], and you take the product of that to get 1
<alexgordon> if we then repeat that after 5 days, then the second entry gets a factor chain of [5]
<alexgordon> then if we repeat that with a factor of 2.3, the third entry will get a factor chain of [5, 2.3] which corresponds to an interval of 5*2.3 = 11.5
<alexgordon> anyway this means we can calculate the interval something *should* have been repeated at, by recomputing the factor chain
<alexgordon> making the algorithm more stable
<alexgordon> problem I have right now is that errors are accumulating, so it diverges in either direction (albeit quite slowly)
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<FireFly> alexgordon: creating a substitute for Anki?
<alexgordon> yeah
<FireFly> Or what is the factor chain stuff for?
<alexgordon> but think bigger
<alexgordon> FireFly: I'm creating my own memorization algorithm, a la supermemo
<whitequark> oh actually { has not three but four meanings in ruby
<whitequark> or maybe five, depending on how you count
<whitequark> {a=>b}, m {}, m() {}, %{}, "#{}"
* Determinist yells at the sky