<whitequark> elliottcable: haha
<elliottcable> whitequark ⑊ it's fucking excellent
<whitequark> sephr-uni: no, but this is: https://bitly.com/9SNrpB+
<purr> <elliottcable> hey dnyy come be a huge faggot with me
<sephr-uni> the plus tells me that bitly will tell me the url first but i'm still not clicking it
<sephr-uni> i should've never mentioned i'm in a classroom
<whitequark> dammit, fucking plus
<whitequark> oh the stats tell I'm not the first one to come up with this ingenious idea
<whitequark> elliottcable: btw have you seen Habit?
<sephr-uni> The Habit?
<sephr-uni> is it a movie?
<whitequark> the haskell dialect for systems programming
<sephr-uni> oh
<elliottcable> heard of it, haven't looked closely yet
<elliottcable> bbl
<elliottcable> shower then dinner
<whitequark> elliottcable: it's kinda neat
<whitequark> except it has absolutely zero relevance to anything embedded/systems programmers will ever need
<whitequark> aka "typical academic approach"
<whitequark> they do have a very sane way to define registers, though, and it's almost exactly what I'm going to do
<elliottcable> whee academia
<elliottcable> hey somebody teach whitequark Paws
<elliottcable> he'll puke
<Nuck> Sigh.
<Nuck> There's gotta be some way I can use .map() in JS to convert an array to an object
* whitequark has recently learned one can't use map(parseInt) in JS
<Nuck> I imagine you probably can't map(eval) either
<Nuck> Not that I've tried
<Nuck> My biggest gripe is that you can't really pass in console.log and expect sane results
<whitequark> and why the fuck [82,108].sort() returns [108,82]
<whitequark> I have NO IDEA
<Nuck> whitequark: Technically still sorted, just in the wrong direction
<whitequark> it's not like 82<108 returns false, though with javascript you can never rule out that possibility
<whitequark> [82,108,567].sort()
<whitequark> [108, 567, 82]
<whitequark> does it... convert them to string prior to comparing?
<whitequark> why was this done? to make the method completely and utterly useless?!
<elliottcable> why nit?
<elliottcable> why not*?
<elliottcable> what're you trying to do, again?
<whitequark> elliottcable: sort an array of numbers?
<Nuck> v8> [82,108,567].sort()
<purr> Nuck: (object) [108, 567, 82]
<elliottcable> not you, Nuck
<Nuck> ... That certainly is odd
<elliottcable> >> ['eval', 'this', '2'].map(eval)
<purr> elliottcable: [(function) eval, {Array: (function) Array, ArrayBuffer: (function) ArrayBuffer, Base64: {alphabet: (object) <41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 2b 2f>, decode: function (base64) { "use strict"; var len = base64.length , buffer = new Uint8Array(len
<elliottcable> eval works fine
<Nuck> Holy shit it does
<elliottcable> why doesn't parseInt?
<elliottcable> of course it works
<elliottcable> it's a function o_O
<whitequark> elliottcable: lemme show
<whitequark> v8> ["1", "2", "3"].map(parseInt)
<purr> whitequark: (object) [1, NaN, NaN]
<elliottcable> lol whitequark
<purr> lol
<Nuck> I assumed that since ou're passing eval around as a variable there, that it won't work. Don't you need to refer to it as "eval" during invocation for security reasons?
<Nuck> I think I know what's happening in that example
<Nuck> The later arguments are fucking it up
<whitequark> Nuck: IIRC you need that in order for it to be able to refer to the context outside of it
<elliottcable> ["1", "2", "3"].map(parseInt, null, 10))
<whitequark> there was a good article...
<elliottcable> >> ["1", "2", "3"].map(parseInt, null, 10))
<purr> elliottcable: SyntaxError: Unexpected token )
<elliottcable> >> ["1", "2", "3"].map(parseInt, null, 10)
<purr> elliottcable: [1, NaN, NaN]
<elliottcable> Nuck ⑊ that doesn't "fuck it up" unless you want to use `this`
<elliottcable> eval is completely sane
<elliottcable> you just have to *know* how it works, which isn't that complex
<elliottcable> anyway
<Nuck> elliottcable: Ah, I see. I thought it was completely blocked by an InvalidSecurityContext error or whatever they're calling it these days
yorick_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<whitequark> elliottcable: it isn't; read that article.
<Nuck> Oh no, it's sane for elliottcable. He's used it in past, abusing all of this list.
<whitequark> ah.
<elliottcable> it's really not that complex o_O
<elliottcable> anyway, parseInt thing.
<Nuck> v8> Function.prototype.curry
<purr> Nuck: undefined
<Nuck> Damn
<whitequark> elliottcable: yea, which you couldn't get right yet.
<whitequark> rofl.
<Nuck> Well, without currying I'm not gonna do shit
<whitequark> that pretty much proves my point ;)
<elliottcable> there was a point?
<Nuck> Though technically it needs to be appended anyways
<whitequark> that parseInt and/or JavaScript as a whole is FUBAR?
<elliottcable> >> ['1', '2', '3'].map(parseInt.bind, parseInt).map(function(f){ return f() })
<purr> elliottcable: [0, 1, 2]
<elliottcable> even more wat.
<elliottcable> oh.
<elliottcable> >> ['1', '2', '3'].map(parseInt.bind, parseInt).map(function(_,f){ return f() })
<purr> elliottcable: TypeError: number is not a function
<elliottcable> ick.
<elliottcable> that's what it was.
<whitequark> three futile attempts
<elliottcable> okay, solved.
<elliottcable> shush, you
<whitequark> %w(1 2 3).map(&:to_i)
<elliottcable> yes, very familiar
<elliottcable> love me some Ruby, but beside the point
<elliottcable> mmmm.
<Nuck> How does Ruby's mentally-handicapped cousin, CoffeeScript, do it?
<Nuck> If they can't solve that, what good are they?
<elliottcable> got it!
<whitequark> Nuck: parseInt s for s in ["1","2","3"]
<whitequark> array comprehensions.
<whitequark> not an ideal way but at least sensible
<Nuck> Ah that's reasonable-ish
<Nuck> Easiest way in JS is just to wrap parseInt in a small anonymous function. Hacking around it like elliottcable's doing is pointless
<whitequark> they unfortunately can't be chained and you have to use Array.reduce, which is weirdish
<elliottcable> pointless but fun
<elliottcable> never said this was practical
<elliottcable> buti t
<elliottcable> is fucn as fuck
<whitequark> elliottcable: so where's the solution?
<Nuck> It is quite enjoyable, yes.
* whitequark will never understand people who willingly use a crappy language+runtime
<elliottcable> JavaScript is far from a crappy language. ಠ_ಠ
<whitequark> elliottcable: ruby can't use multiple cores, but js can't sort an array. next
<whitequark> much less can I understand people who pour hundreds of hours of work into 'evolving' them. like the one who ported js to microcontrollers
<whitequark> I mean, the guy who wrote an OS in JS was clear in that it was a joke.
<whitequark> but the former one seems to be entirely serious
<whitequark> "interpreter" and "low-power" are simply contradicting.
<whitequark> argh so much stupidity
* whitequark ragequits
<Nuck> whitequark: Technically even an interpreter can't send the computer over its max power consumption. So it can still be low-power! Just also slow-power.
<Nuck> And personally I think JS could be good, if they were willing to actively break things instead of just masturbating apathetically.
<Nuck> But alas, the ES Harmony guys are busy just creating dumb shit that nobody wants.
<whitequark> Nuck: um, no
<whitequark> this is not about immediate power but integral
<whitequark> think "how much batteries will my device eat through if it runs for X hours."
<whitequark> everything *duino is simply a toy, because arduino "IDE" does not provide a means to hook up interrupts
<Nuck> whitequark: But if it's running at a max kWh that the device can handle, then it should top out at a point?
<whitequark> Nuck: this is not the use case for low-power mircocontrollers
<Nuck> Darn.
<whitequark> besides, their power usage measures in hundreds of milliamps even in max frequencies.
<Nuck> Well I can't honestly say I'm a hardware guy. I program, I do not solder.
<whitequark> I guess that top-notch Cortex-A15 could eat, I dunno, an ampere? At 1.8V
<Nuck> If you
<whitequark> according, so far, to roughly two watts of power.
<Nuck> If you see me with a soldering iron, run like hell.
<Nuck> Cause me working on hardware means probable explosions
<whitequark> soldering is less about iron and more about hot air gun lately...
<whitequark> explosions. meh. everyone loves explosions (except your boss)
<Nuck> Nukeduino.
<Nuck> Somebody should make a nuke controller with Arduino.
<Nuck> In Ruby.
<Nuck> Sell it to the North Koreans, can't be worse than their current nukes
<Nuck> It just takes 3 hours to explode, during which time it's already been disarmed.
<elliottcable> fucking fuck, I'm halfway there
<elliottcable> I
<whitequark> elliottcable: halfway where?
<whitequark> ah
<Nuck> To Mexico
<Nuck> (I assume)
<Nuck> Okay, what the fuck, Chrome
<devyn> elliottcable: endofunctors, you say?
<Nuck> I've never seen such terrible redrawing in my life
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
<devyn> you must be doing something wrong o.o
<devyn> that's so weird
<Nuck> I genuinely think I've stumbled on a bug in WebKit.
<devyn> let me see if the same thing happens on windows
<elliottcable> I've* solved the first half of this shit, damnit
<elliottcable> MIND. BENDING.
<Nuck> devyn: Interestingly, it doesn't happen if I adjust the background-position. Presumably that forces a full redraw
<elliottcable> I think you broke me, Nuck
<Nuck> elliottcable: Huh?
<Nuck> elliottcable: You're not webkit. GTFO
<devyn> Nuck: yeah it happens on windows too
<Nuck> devyn: Might it be the hardware?
<Nuck> I... don't have a non-Mac to test that on
<devyn> what'cha mean?
<devyn> I tested it on both a Mac and a Windows machine
<Nuck> Well shit
<devyn> with pretty different specs from what you have
<elliottcable> >> ['123','456','789'].map(eval.bind.bind(parseInt))
<purr> elliottcable: [function () { [native code] }, function () { [native code] }, function () { [native code] }]
<alexgordon> hey it's elliottcable
<devyn> the Mac is NVidia, and the Windows machine is AMD
<Nuck> Yeah, I think I found a bug in Webkit. Le sigh. Time to make a testcase I think
<devyn> graphics-wise
<whitequark> elliottcable: fourth one
<elliottcable> happens on my Retina laptop too
<elliottcable> >> ['123','456','789'].map(eval.bind.bind(Array))
<purr> elliottcable: [function () { [native code] }, function () { [native code] }, function () { [native code] }]
<Nuck> .bind.bind
<Nuck> That's something I never wanna see again.
<elliottcable> don't worry, my current approach has eval.bind.bind(eval.bind.bind(Array))...
<Nuck> When in doubt, add more binds
<Nuck> Also the BDSM motto
<devyn> s/binds/blinds/
<devyn> hey I'm about to run a processor on a stock cooler with stock voltage at +1.0 GHz from factory clock speed (3.1 → 4.1 GHz)
<devyn> wish me luck
<devyn> xD
<alexgordon> devyn: you're an idiot?
<devyn> nope, because it's worked in the past :)
<Nuck> Oh god
<Nuck> devyn: WHY
<alexgordon> even worse
<alexgordon> devyn: you're a nuck
<Nuck> "worked in the past" is never a good reason
<devyn> hahahaha
<Nuck> Hey, I'm not an idiot. Just unlearned.
<alexgordon> result of Super PI: π = 4.8293
<Nuck> Does WebKit have an IRC on here where I could go to get confirmation and see if this is a known bug?
<elliottcable> Nuck ⑊ #WebKit
<Nuck> Well that's rather conveniently-named.
<whitequark> devyn: I've ran a PIII Coppermine with a faux-passive heatsink which was quite obviously meant to be used with a fan
<whitequark> for more than IIRC two years, it went to gzip backups each night
<whitequark> and then it would promptly heat up to 110°C and be that way for two hours or so
<whitequark> I've had uptimes of 200+ days
<whitequark> that thing is *indestructible*.
<Nuck> haha
<devyn> bizarrely, this seems to be perfectly stable
<devyn> I think I got a better than average FX-8120
<devyn> yeah air coming off the CPU is fine
<devyn> it's the GPU that's hot
<sephr-uni> what gpus?
<sephr-uni> you shouldve bought ivy bridge devyn
<whitequark> haswell
<whitequark> STM FTW
<sephr-uni> more perf per dollar and watt
<whitequark> er HTM
<sephr-uni> whitequark: you'll be buying dual socket haswell-ep vr boxes in the near future
<devyn> sephr-uni: not perf per dollar, but per watt, sure
<devyn> FX series actually does better in total even if it's worse per core
<whitequark> sephr-uni: I'm fine without any kind of vr, kthxbye
<devyn> and I need the parallelism
<devyn> this isn't just for gaming
<sephr-uni> you realize that its really only 4 "full" cores
<devyn> of course, but it's sharing strategy is much smarter than hyperthreading
<devyn> its*
<sephr-uni> not as much for single-threaded stuff
<devyn> and as I said, single-threaded stuff is less commonly what I run
<sephr-uni> whereas HT doesnt have much loss in either situation
<devyn> I do a lot of highly parallel things
<devyn> Bulldozer definitely does much much better for very parallel things
<sephr-uni> whenever someone says highly parallel i imagine something that needs a lot more than 8 cores
<devyn> haha
<devyn> true
<devyn> and that would help :p
<devyn> plus the processor only cost me $170
<sephr-uni> are you computing embarrassingly parallel problems?
<whitequark> on 8+ cores bus contention becomes the prevalent issue
<sephr-uni> if so, why not offload to your gpu?
<devyn> because what I'm running doesn't support OpenCL
<sephr-uni> theoretically can the problem be fitted for opencl?
<devyn> not in this particular implementation, really
<sephr-uni> what are you computing exactly?
<devyn> blender classic engine (not cycles)
<sephr-uni> oh
<devyn> and cycles' GPU rendering was broken last time I checked anyway
<sephr-uni> are you good with blender modeling/animating?
<sephr-uni> oftn labs will actually pay you real money for your talent
<devyn> I wouldn't say I'm great but I hope to get better and I enjoy it
<sephr-uni> when i get back from school get on the irc channel i just pmed you
<whitequark> devyn: don't.
<sephr-uni> whitequark: he's already on the oftn board
<sephr-uni> now he has a chance to get paid for oftning
<devyn> whitequark: yeah I'm a pretty senior board member, lol
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> devyn: ONLY?!
<devyn> alexgordon: it's cheaper than intel in that tier
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<elliottcable> Goddamnit, I can't figure it out.
<alexgordon> elliottcable: got yourself in a bind?
<devyn> lol I just added someone on facebook with whom I apparently have 111 mutual friends
<purr> lol
<whitequark> elliottcable: I dunno. Maybe I should travel to the US, after all. It's just that the best excuse I could think of is to go to some conference, and I'm horrified at the mere thought of doing it.
<devyn> nah, best thing to do obviously is to go backpacking through vegas
<whitequark> Which is even worse given that my work on Foundry pretty much means that I'll have to give a talk. Or *gasp* several ones. Le sigh.
<whitequark> devyn: for some reason I don't have much temporal memory. So anything done for the sake of experience isn't really for me.
<alexgordon> elliottcable refuses to go outside the US because it's too socialist, but he does fancy denmark
<devyn> that seems odd
<devyn> denmark is pretty socialized
<devyn> also there are plenty of countries in Asia that are capitalist heaven™
<alexgordon> devyn: you appear to have missed the first word of the sentence
<devyn> right, elliottcable is odd
<whitequark> nondeterministic
<alexgordon> or the middle east
<devyn> nah, elliottcable doesn't want to chill with dem terrists
<alexgordon> elliottcable convert to islam and build a harem to rival micahjohnston's
<devyn> yes yes do it
<devyn> I want to see you two compete over number of hoes
<elliottcable> whitequark ⑊ horrified, why?
<whitequark> elliottcable: people. lots of them around. it's hard to concentrate for some reason.
<elliottcable> pfffff
<elliottcable> do it for fun
<elliottcable> anyway
<elliottcable> nah, I'm staying in the U.S. for a while, then going somewhere else.
<whitequark> going as in finally?
<elliottcable> and it's not about socialism/capitalism; it's about the combination of quality-of-living, and self-defense-friendliness.
<elliottcable> I could move to, say, Iceland ... somewhere beautiful, and neat ... but they'll have political values I hate, and not allow for my ownership of firearms
<devyn> you see, I don't give a shit about self-defense, and I don't see any reason for any rational person to
<whitequark> devyn: you mean firearms for self-defense?
<whitequark> because otherwise your statement is kinda funny
<elliottcable> ... or I could move to a non-U.S. country where I could get away from that, but I value my own life / liberty / quality-of-life
<devyn> whitequark: mostly, but I think in general too… it's good to know how to defend yourself if it's absolutely necessary, I guess, but we really should just be trying to fix the problems with society and humanity that cause us to need to defend ourselves in the first place
<elliottcable> devyn ⑊ ... and protecting myself from rabid mobs of those *like you*, is much more the purpose than protecting myself from what you *assume* I'm protecting myself from.
<elliottcable> let's say my government went full-retard and turned Canada-socialist.
<elliottcable> The entire point of the right to keep and bear arms is to *bear them against the government*.
<elliottcable> Everyone assumes it's to bear them against some coked-up nigger from Southside.
<elliottcable> It's not.
* whitequark will at some point move his ass to Australia
<devyn> and I'd rather not consider that I'd ever need to bear arms against my government
<devyn> just sayin'
<elliottcable> whitequark ⑊ in all probability, I will as well. I'll just be unhappy with it.
<elliottcable> devyn ⑊ yes, I understand completely.
<whitequark> elliottcable: it depends on where you're going *from*
<elliottcable> devyn ⑊ I don't bear in the assumption that some day I'll actually *need* go all southern-freaky-militaristic against some perverted National Guard ...
<elliottcable> instead, I bear in *solidarity*.
<elliottcable> “I carry arms. I know how to use them. Don't fuck with me, or my people. Our vote counts, and more than just because it buys you corporate fuckers a new jet.” (if you want to get all 99% about it)
<devyn> are you sure that's why though? are you sure it's not just because you enjoy shooting things? because, honestly, I find that much more acceptable
<elliottcable> It's a very American viewpoint, and not one most of you would understand. I hope I've enlightened you a little bit, though.
<elliottcable> oh, I definitely enjoy shooting things.
<elliottcable> but we're not talking about *why I like guns*
<elliottcable> we're talking about *why I live in a gun-friendly country*.
<elliottcable> I like cupcakes, too.
<elliottcable> But I'd definitely move to Iceland if they banned cupcakes, even if I had to give them up; because Iceland rocks in every other way.
<devyn> I'm okay with having firing ranges around, and we definitely have those here
<devyn> haha
<devyn> yeah, Iceland is beautiful
<devyn> I've been there
<devyn> I love it
<elliottcable> But that's very, very different from being able to *walk around with a cupcake on my hip*, and remind all of the police officers, every day, that *they serve me*. Not the other way around.
<elliottcable> Or I'll fuckin' frost them.
<devyn> haha
<elliottcable> I think I mixed my analogies there.
<devyn> I think you're still bi :3
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<elliottcable> An open-carry state is a state in which an individual's rights are *truly* respected, not simply paid lip-service. Does that make a little bit of sense?
<whitequark> no
<devyn> elliottcable: it makes sense to me, if you believe that being able to carry weapons is a fundamental right
<devyn> I don't
* elliottcable nods
<elliottcable> *if* we assume that it's a fundamental right (I understand you feel different about that, but for the sake of what i'm about to say, take it as an axiom),
<elliottcable> *then* it's expident to leverage that ‘right’ to protect your other liberties, and to enforce the standards of life and respect that you expect.
<devyn> I suppose, but yes, only if you see things that way
<elliottcable> bbl
<devyn> I'm not arguing that it's not rational, I guess, but more that it just shouldn't be necessary in the first place
<elliottcable> fuck this bind shit
<devyn> haha
<devyn> :D
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<Nuck> Is elliott talking about bondaage?
* Nuck scrolls back futher, realizes it's JavaScript again
<Nuck> Still on that bind thing, eh?
<alexgordon> elliottcable: israel?
<alexgordon> lots of guns there!
<Nuck> alexgordon: Also lots of Jews, and they did 9/11
<alexgordon> in the same vein, there's LOADS of self-defence opportunities in afghanistan
<Nuck> And he could program SCADA systems for nuclear reactors in Iraq
<Nuck> I'm sure Paws would be great for nukes
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<micahjohnston_> elliottcable:
<micahjohnston_> elliottcable:
<micahjohnston_> ooh, who is whitequark
<Nuck> New guy.
<micahjohnston_> cool
<Nuck> He seems awesome enough
<micahjohnston_> elliottcable: yeah Iceland is cool
<micahjohnston_> welcome, whitequark
<micahjohnston_> enjoy your stay :p
<micahjohnston_> tell me about yourself
<Nuck> Yeah, let's do an AMA: First question I have is "fold or crumple" RE: toilet paper
<devyn> Nuck: both
<Nuck> devyn: See, I just let a dog lick the feces out of my asshole
<Nuck> Occasionally I'll get a hobo to do it instead
<devyn> wat, a big mac costs $6.81 USD in switzerland
<devyn> and $1.62 USD in India
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
<Nuck> devyn: And that's why PPP > Exchange rates
<alexgordon> <micahjohnston_> elliottcable: yeah Iceland is cool
<alexgordon> wonderful insight, micahjohnston_
<Nuck> Actually
<Nuck> iceland isn't icy
<micahjohnston_> Nuck: PPP?
<Nuck> It's fairly temperate I hear
<devyn> lol
<Nuck> micahjohnston_: Price Purchasing Parity
<alexgordon> lol, not really
<Nuck> It's an index based on the relative prices of various commodities in countries
<micahjohnston_> oh so like the equivalent of inflation-adjusted
<micahjohnston_> but spatial instead of temporal
<Nuck> Yeah, basically
<devyn> micahjohnston_, you have an odd way of visualizing these things
<Nuck> Also, this is weird
<Nuck> http://3j75.localtunnel.com/~plejeck/plejeck.com/resume/ WebKit still does it, even without JS
<devyn> Nuck: 404
<Nuck> It's less noticeable because you have to force a partial redraw, but the background is fixed
<Nuck> Ugh hold on let me restart localtunnel
<Nuck> I just 404'd my JS file to see what happens
<Nuck> And it still doesn't redraw the background
<Nuck> ooooh I hink I might know the cause
<Nuck> I left some CSS to trigger 3D mode in there
<Nuck> Haha yep that's it
<Nuck> Interesting, so it's 3D mode interacting with background-attachment: fixed
<devyn> Nuck: I'm pushing this at 4.1 GHz and it's still 64°C
<devyn> on the stock cooler
<devyn> stable
<devyn> w
<devyn> t
<devyn> f
<Nuck> Not bad.
<Nuck> devyn: How's the power consumption?
<devyn> not sure what the best way to check that is
<Nuck> I honestly don't know either. sephr mentioned something a while back IIRC
<Nuck> Was it sephr? IDK
<Nuck> It was somebody
<sephr> if you have a question involving sephr the answer is always sephr
<devyn> I mean I can get the voltages from speedfan
<alexgordon> devyn: compile webkit with LTO then look at your energy bill
<devyn> alexgordon: lol
<purr> lol
<devyn> I wanna see if I can push this much past 4.1 GHz
<devyn> I'll monitor speedfan just in case
<devyn> but
<devyn> I think it could go further than this
<devyn> AMD's drivers actually have a nice way to test frequencies
<devyn> it maxes out the CPU perfectly, stepping +100 GHz each time for about a minute or so
<devyn> lol
<devyn> I mean
<devyn> +100 MHz
<devyn> hahahahahaha
<devyn> more case fans would probably help
<devyn> I only have one exhaust at the moment
<Nuck> +100GHz sounds like a bad idea
<devyn> yeah, no shit
<devyn> lol
<Nuck> I don't think your computer could handle that
<purr> lol
<Nuck> But go ahead and try!
<devyn> I'm pretty sure it can't even get the clock that high
<Nuck> In other news, downloading WebKit nightly to test this
<Nuck> devyn: DO IT ANYWAYS
<Nuck> Eww SVN
<Nuck> Just seeing that in the DMG's filename makes me sad inside
<devyn> myself, I just can't wait until google switches to git
<devyn> it's annoying that they haven't yet :/
<Nuck> nstead of mercurial?
<devyn> since when do they use Hg
<Nuck> Google Code uses Hg largely
<Nuck> I assumed they also used it internally
<devyn> I know that google code supports it, but most google projects I've seen have been svn
<devyn> though hg is probably a better fit for google's architecture
<devyn> they have a lot of python hackers and use Windows machines sometimes
<devyn> not that git is all that bad on windows anymore
<gkatsev> google code was originally svn
<gkatsev> svn-only
<devyn> I gotta say, LED fans look pretty hot
<devyn> I want more of 'em
<Nuck> I wouldn't want "hot" fans in my computer
<devyn> Nuck: so far this is only rising by about 1°C per frequency
<devyn> er, 100 MHz step
<devyn> so, pretty good
<Nuck> Not half bad
<devyn> watch though, it'll hit a wall and suddenly spike at some point
<devyn> :p
<Nuck> Well, there's not just temp, right?
<Nuck> I thought there were other factors to watch out for
<devyn> this tool handles voltage as well
<Nuck> I'm not an overclocker though, so I can't honestly say I know shit
<devyn> stock cooler came with pretty nicely applied thermal paste, too
<devyn> I've applied thermal paste on aftermarket coolers before
<devyn> I always find it stressful
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
<devyn> The CPU's fan is working really hard though. I wish I could figure out how to increase my case fan's speed to make it take some of the work away
<devyn> right now it's running 5921 RPM
<devyn> which is loud.
<Nuck> Wooooo, got a reduction finished for this
<Nuck> I was right about the cause, it's definitely the 3D mode
<devyn> Nuck: you mean, like, the perspective property?
<Nuck> devyn: yep
<devyn> yeah, I find that it causes a shitton of problems
<Nuck> Combining perspective mode and background-attachment: fixed causes redraw problems
<Nuck> As you saw
<devyn> well, bug report it
<Nuck> Workin' on it
<devyn> report that shit, foo'
<Nuck> I kinda don't have a Webkit Bugzilla account. Or any bugzilla account.
<Nuck> In all honesty, I've never reported a bug to a browser vendor before
<Nuck> Oh thanks Bugzilla, limiting password length to 16 characters BUT NOT FUCKING TELLING ME
<micahjohnston_> Nuck: but people will *never* use a password longer than that
<Nuck> I do.
<devyn> I find that when there are restrictions like that, sometimes it's because the website's storing them plaintext in a fixed size column
<devyn> :/
<micahjohnston_> Nuck: was sarcasting
<Nuck> But it's Bugzilla, devyn
<Nuck> I can't imagine bugzilla would do something that dumb
<devyn> well, it is old
<devyn> Nuck: 4.4 GHz now and still okay, albeit loud
<micahjohnston_> Nuck: yeah a lot of my passwords approach 16 chars :p
<devyn> that and I feel like I need to open a window
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
<devyn> I might go with a little watercooling system
<devyn> maybe
<devyn> idk
<Nuck> micahjohnston_: I use 1password
<Nuck> So I just generate long-ass passwords
<micahjohnston_> :p yeah I've been wanting to get around to using that
<micahjohnston_> but the thing is I use like 3-4 different computers regularly etc.
<micahjohnston_> idk
<Nuck> micahjohnston_: It was on sale a little while ago
<micahjohnston_> would be annoying to set up
<Nuck> And it works GREAT for that
<micahjohnston_> and also yeah I am poor :P
<Nuck> micahjohnston_: Not really
<Nuck> micahjohnston_: Was like... $20?
<Nuck> It was *VERY* on sale
<Nuck> And it has Dropbox and this thing they call "1password anywhere" which is just a page which handles decryption of things in-browser. Not as secure, but useful as hell
<Nuck> Ah damn, the deal's over. Ye missed out
<Nuck> In all honesty, the UX on 1password 3 is kinda shitty, but if the iPhone app is any indicator of 1password 4, that looks damn promising (and I get a free upgrade)
<micahjohnston_> Nuck: $20 is a lot for me
<micahjohnston_> lol
<purr> lol
<Nuck> micahjohnston_: I debated buying for 2 days before giving in.
<Nuck> It's a lot to me too :P
<Nuck> I had the money, but I wasn't sure if it was worth it. In the end, I'm happy with my purchase.
<micahjohnston_> well I mean like I can make 5 or so purchases of $20 or so a year
<micahjohnston_> lol
<Nuck> Yeah that's basically me too.
<Nuck> Though I'm about to get an infusion of $250 :3
<Nuck> Can't wait for that money, man
<audy> This is the most active channel on freenode
<audy> So, can I pirate RubyMotion? I want to try it out before I spend 10% of my annual grad. stipend.
<audy> nothing on piratebay :(
<elliottcable> lol money
<purr> lol
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<Nuck> I need a relatively compact image to use to demonstrate this issue
<Nuck> Any suggestions?
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<devyn> A friend of mine gets the most retarded ask.fm questions ever.
<Nuck> Srsly this image is way too big
<Nuck> Come up with something which demonstrates the tearing effect properly
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<Nuck> Hey devyn, what's your Chrome version & Windows version you tested on?
<Nuck> I want to note it in the bug report as confirmed cross-platform
<devyn> Nuck: Windows 8, Chrome 25.0.1364.97 (channel m)
<devyn> I don't run dev on my Windows machine
<Nuck> I think my final choice of background for this worked well
<devyn> Nuck: show me now
<Nuck> https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=110552 See the two attachments (screenshot & testcase)
<devyn> yeah that's a good choice
<Nuck> Yeah, and it compresses *really* well
<devyn> well of course it does
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
<Nuck> I probably shoulda used PNG-8 looking back, maybe gotten it down to 80 chars of base64 but oh well
<Nuck> I just ran it through ImageOptim.app, which is fucking amazin
<purr> <elliottcable> the alohabet doiesnt even have spiral
<devyn> YES
<devyn> BEST WAT
<devyn> Nuck: gibe alohabet
<devyn> r u hwaai
<Nuck> alohabet
<Nuck> alohabet sounds like an internet casino startup
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<whitequark> micahjohnston_: re
<whitequark> tell about myself? http://github.com/whitequark http://whitequark.org :)
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<purr> <elliottcable> fuck YES
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<Nuck> Thinking of setting up an email of the@plejeck.com. Cause I'm *THE* P. Lejeck, motherfucker
<Nuck> Once I buy the domain, that is
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<purr> <micahjohnston> lel Nuck u funy
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<vil> that was interesting
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<purr> <micahjohnston> well, I don't usually incorporate dicks into my typeclasses
<whitequark> oh, typeclasses
<purr> <alexgordon> only elliottcable could unwittingly name something after bloody anuses
<micahjohnston_> whitequark: you made irclogger?
<micahjohnston_> is that different from irclogger.com
<alexgordon> micahjohnston_: you know that cool debugger I wanted to make last year? I think I've *finally* figured out how to make it
<micahjohnston_> alexgordon: what was the concept?
<alexgordon> micahjohnston_: like this but for C/C++/ObjC: http://chrononsystems.com/
<micahjohnston_> oh nice
<alexgordon> basically log EVERYTHING that happens
<alexgordon> then visualize it
<micahjohnston_> cool
<micahjohnston_> that would be amazing
<alexgordon> yeah
<micahjohnston_> and literally make everything so much faster to fix
<micahjohnston_> like
<alexgordon> ikr
<micahjohnston_> 90% of programming activity is unnecessary probing
<alexgordon> yes.
<alexgordon> and all of it can be done automatically
<micahjohnston_> for real
<micahjohnston_> I love when alexgordon and I agree
<alexgordon> :D
<micahjohnston_> :D
<alexgordon> if it takes me a month to make, I'll probably save like a year on it
<alexgordon> anyway
<alexgordon> so I've been trying to figure out how to get clang to do it
<micahjohnston_> haha yeah it will pay off a lot
<micahjohnston_> that would be really nice for making my game too
<micahjohnston_> ooh yeah clang is extensible right?
<alexgordon> yeah
<alexgordon> wouldn't have been possible until very recently
<alexgordon> basically the trick is to use clang's built in refactoring library (librewrite)
<alexgordon> so
<alexgordon> intercept the invocation of clang
<micahjohnston_> alexgordon, saving literal millions of man-hours
<alexgordon> :D
<alexgordon> refactor the source code, to add the traces
<alexgordon> then pass it along like normal, but with the modified sources
<micahjohnston_> oh cool
<alexgordon> obviously it'll totally break any errors/warnings, so you'd have to compile it "normally" first, I suppose
<alexgordon> but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it :P
<micahjohnston_> hm interesting yeah
<alexgordon> anyway clang has a new thing called "libtooling" which is very cool
<alexgordon> it also has a plugin api
<micahjohnston_> clang is so classy
<alexgordon> ikr
<micahjohnston_> it's like
<micahjohnston_> gcc is literal puke
<micahjohnston_> like, what
<micahjohnston_> have we been doing for decades
<alexgordon> if I can get this working though I have so many great ideas
<micahjohnston_> I'm excited
<alexgordon> like I want to do a heatmap of which lines (and subexpressions) get hit
<micahjohnston_> that would be hardcore
<alexgordon> and show like a history of what each return statement returns
<alexgordon> I was thinking of stealing whatever the clang static analyzer uses to display stuff
<micahjohnston_> that looks amazing
<alexgordon> yeah I definitely think librewrite is the tool for this
<micahjohnston_> lol only append to lines
<purr> lol
<micahjohnston_> so that errors happen on the same lines and chars
<alexgordon> haha but I want to log expressions too
<alexgordon> like if you have (x + y) I want to turn that into (({ __typeof(x) _v1 = x; trace(_v1); _v1; }) + ({ __typeof(x) _v1 = y; trace(_v1); _v1; }))
<alexgordon> then you can say expand a line to see an expression tree and which values it takes
<micahjohnston_> ah ok
<alexgordon> I mean, probably not at first :P
<alexgordon> I'll be happy with statements even if I just get that to work
<micahjohnston_> is ({}) a thing?
<micahjohnston_> I thought comma operator
<alexgordon> yeah, statement expression
<alexgordon> could do comma, but then how do you get the value?