<sanitypassing> GAH I HATE SYMBOLISM
<alexgordon> sanitypassing: the tumblr?
<sanitypassing> tumblr?
<sanitypassing> what is this tumblr nonsense
<alexgordon> * alexgordon tries to think of a joke involving kleene stars
<alexgordon> <+incomprehensibly> oh, that reminds me of a great joke involving kleene stars
* sanitypassing just realized waht you meant by tumblr.
<sanitypassing> No, I mean symbolism. I have to write an essay on symbols from a short story.
PragCypher has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<alexgordon> who the fuck is notalexgordon
<alexgordon> notalexgordon has userhost uid1544@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ltspgjfyqisoywmz and real name "Elliott Cable"
<alexgordon> I… see?
<alexgordon> no I don't
<alexgordon> I don't see at all
PragCypher has joined #elliottcable
<sanitypassing> wat
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<Nuck> devyn: Oh don't get me wrong, I know it's not bad, I actually think it's fucking creative, but it mindfucks so many developers that the name can be split up
<purr> <micahjohnston> somebody should get a large corpus of english text in IPA and markov-chain it to a text-to-speech
<sanitypassing> ... shit
<sanitypassing> I lost my vimrc
<Nuck> sanitypassing: Don't you keep it in a repo like the rest of us?
<sanitypassing> you'd think I would.
<sanitypassing> it's a pain in the ass to do that on Windows though
<sanitypassing> I'm getting a new laptop in a week or two though. Once I do, I'm going to put Linux on this one and use it as a dev machine.
<Nuck> haha yeah it would be a pain in the ass, it's Windows
<sanitypassing> :/
* Nuck is watching Evangelion 1.1: You Are (not) Alone side-by-side with the first episode of Neon Genesis Evangelion
<sanitypassing> lolwhy
<purr> lol
<Nuck> sanitypassing: I'm trying to see differences. It is *SHOT FOR SHOT* exact
<sanitypassing> yeah, up until a point.
<Nuck> It's actually pretty badass
<sanitypassing> forget when that point is, but whatever
<sanitypassing> quality on Rebuild is a hell of a lot better than the original
<sanitypassing> cell animation is cool, but the newer stuff just looks cleaner to me.
<Nuck> The amount of detail on You Are (not) alone is pretty badass
<sanitypassing> hmm. Now I kinda want to rewatch the original series.
<Nuck> sanitypassing: I'm gonna be rewatching it to gather a good pic of MAGI, so I can build a case based on it
<sanitypassing> heh.
<sanitypassing> well
<Nuck> Holy shit even the *wire* that snaps in this scene is exactly the same
<Nuck> Even the shading on it
<sanitypassing> they really went all out on the Rebuild movies.
<Nuck> They even got the ripples on Shinji's shirt the same
<Nuck> They had to have studied every single shot of the original for this
<sanitypassing> SHIT
<sanitypassing> oh god
<sanitypassing> what is in C:\Users\username\NetHood?
<sanitypassing> oh god tell me it's not important
<Nuck> sanitypassing: That's the ghetto district of the internet
<sanitypassing> because I just rmdir'd it.
<Nuck> sanitypassing: Are you just accidentally deleting EVERYTHING?
<sanitypassing> I meant to delete a different folder
<sanitypassing> but it "autocorrected" to that.
<Nuck> Jesus christ, sanitypassing. Don't go to Linux, you'll `sudo rm -rf /`
<sanitypassing> I know not to do that.
<sanitypassing> and I ran linux for two years. >_>
<sanitypassing> it looks like it's Network Places.
<Nuck> Oooh this shot is flipped horizontally
<sanitypassing> which shot?
<Nuck> It's one of the shots of the jets firing their guns at the third angel
<sanitypassing> ah.
<sanitypassing> have you ever watched the Rebuild series?
<Nuck> sanitypassing: Don't think so?
<Nuck> I just watched 1.0 the other night
<sanitypassing> I see.
<Nuck> That's the only evangelion film I've seen, but I grabbed a few others (End of Evangelion and 2.0)
<sanitypassing> watch the End of Evangelion first.
<sanitypassing> the Rebuild movies are retellings.
<sanitypassing> "retellings:
<sanitypassing> s/\:/\"/
<Nuck> sanitypassing: Which ones are the rebuild films?
<Nuck> the 1.0 and 2.0?
<sanitypassing> 1.0/1.1 and 2.0/2.2
<Nuck> sanitypassing: What's even the difference between 1.0 and 1.1?
<sanitypassing> as far as I know, 1.1 is the BD version
<Nuck> I've been trying to figure that out, the files seem to be the same in this
<sanitypassing> perhaps extended.
<Nuck> ahhhh that explains it
<Nuck> Yeah I got the .1 versions
<Nuck> 1080p <3
<sanitypassing> 720p. :(
<sanitypassing> computer can't decode fast enough for 1080p. D:
<Nuck> ouch
<sanitypassing> new computer will though!
<sanitypassing> in any case
<Nuck> Mine can handle 1080p 10-bit H.264
<Nuck> Hi10P is fucking awesome.
<sanitypassing> I'd suggest watching End of Evangelion first; it's an ending to the anime series.
<Nuck> I wish they had these in it
<sanitypassing> and the Rebuild movies are "retellings" of the series.
<sanitypassing> 1.1 follows the first half of the series pretty closely, but 2.2 is mostly new story.
<sanitypassing> and I haven't seen 3 yet as I refuse to watch a shitty cam rip, and would rather wait for 4-5 months for the BD to be released and subbed.
<Nuck> haha
<Nuck> sanitypassing: I've seen some great camrips
<sanitypassing> this one is legitimately terrible.
<sanitypassing> I tried to watch it, but I couldn't do it.
<Nuck> I saw a camrip of Kick-Ass, where the camripper is apparently an ex-video engineer who uses multiple cameras combined to form a perfect image
<Nuck> Easily as good as the DVD versions
<sanitypassing> yeah, this rip was just some guy in Japan filming with what seemed like a potato.
<Nuck> "with what seemed like a potato"
<sanitypassing> it was bad.
<sanitypassing> very bad.
<sanitypassing> I'm not entirely sure he used a camera. Hence, potato.
<sanitypassing> the BD is going to be released in a few months though, and I'm patient enough to wait for it.
<Nuck> sanitypassing: Cell phone cameras, VGA resolution?
<sanitypassing> hmm?
<Nuck> Isn't VGA resolution like... 128 tall?
<sanitypassing> no idea.
<Nuck> I dunno, but it's worse than 240p
<Nuck> http://cl.ly/image/2f2j1e250H2g This shot REALLY remade beautifully
<sanitypassing> yeah
<sanitypassing> so much more detail
<Nuck> Just realized NERV has branded ashtrays.
<sanitypassing> Haha.
<Nuck> Interesting.
<Nuck> Most of the closeup shots of half of a machine (a car or airplane) are flipped
<Nuck> Oh great I get to create my own pile of shit GUI toolkit in this fucking class
<Nuck> ... "and for JavaDoc, the easiest shortcut to doing formatting is to just wrap it in <pre>"
<sanitypassing> woo gui toolkits
<sanitypassing> CompSci class I assume?
<micahjohnston_> Nuck: 0.1
<micahjohnston_> whoops, was scrolled up and replied to an old message lol
<purr> lol
<Nuck> Giving a depressed kid with daddy issues a giant robot seems like a terrible decision on NERV's part, looking back
<Nuck> "I have three X's... hint hint hint"
<sanitypassing> Nuck: http://i.imgur.com/Z4PEz1v.jpg
<Nuck> sanitypassing: lmao
<Nuck> #1 dad, def.
<Nuck> I still don't get how the fuck they get that much sunlight in the biodome thingy
<sanitypassing> Anime logic.
<Nuck> Oooh the LCL looks less tang-ey and more coffee-ey in the 1.1
<Nuck> They definitely toned down the scifi and made it look more industrial
<Nuck> ... They misspell "CAUTION" as "CAUNTION" on this door
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<Nuck> Now we're making a class to add numbers. Nope, not some odd type of numbers
<Nuck> It's just plain old ints, and #add just does num1 + num2
<Nuck> "I want to write this method. What do I do before I start?"
<Nuck> ".... turn on your computer?"
upgrayeddd is now known as abumirqaan
<sanitypassing> Forgot to do reading for class tomorrow. Solution? Wikipedia!
<sanitypassing> Nuck: lol what class is it?
<purr> lol
<Nuck> sanitypassing: Java :<
<Nuck> My only gripe with Steins;gate is that the characters are a tad clichéd and there are definite remnants of its history as a VN showing up
<Nuck> The events-when-you-reach-a-certain-location stuff is very VN-ey
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* gqbrielle yawns
<Nuck> what
<gqbrielle> no u
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<devyn> guys this is amazing
<purr> <banisterfiend> you just struck me as a naruto kind of guy
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<Nuck> 7 episodes from finishing Steins;gate, I think it's guaranteed that I'll finish tomorrow
<alexgordon> Nuck: but there's still the spinoff: Steinsgate Atlantis
<alexgordon> wow it actually has a semicolon in its name
<Nuck> Yes it does.
<Nuck> Punctuation in names seems to be a thing in Japan
<Nuck> They also have the Fate/Stay Night series
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cloudhead is now known as Guest60566
Guest60566 is now known as cloudhead
cloudhead is now known as Guest53174
<purr> <incomprehensibly> BUT ELEPHANT REMAINED INSIDE
<Nuck> Just 1 episode of steins;gate left. I think this makes it about 24 hours
<Nuck> 25 episoddes, 24 hours. I've done better, but this still isn't bad.
alexgordon has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<Nuck> Aaaaand done~
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<purr> <akshatj> Knuth++;
<elliottcable> Hi!
<alexgordon> hi elliottcable!
<alexgordon> elliottcable: what crazy shit have you been up to?
<elliottcable> Trying to get a job.
<elliottcable> Depressingly normal.
<alexgordon> elliottcable: AHAHA
<elliottcable> I'm extremely anxious.
<alexgordon> elliottcable: as a millionaire?
<elliottcable> I've got an audition later this week.
<alexgordon> elliottcable: ...audition?
<alexgordon> for shark tank?
<elliottcable> I've got to pair. I've never paired before. Hell, I've never collaborated successfully before, except with insane people (cloudhead, micahjohnston.)
<elliottcable> audition, as in, “pair-programming interview”
<alexgordon> elliottcable: you've never paired before? well don't forget to use a condom!
<alexgordon> elliottcable: where are you interviewing at?
<alexgordon> you know you're really quite smart if you tone down the whole genius complex
<elliottcable> Yeah.
<alexgordon> is it JS?
<elliottcable> I've heard pair-programming as an interview process is basically *designed* to filter against “rockstars.”
<alexgordon> or ruby?
<elliottcable> And there's no rockstar more rockstar-y than me.
<elliottcable> I order puppies on the concierge line and demand *brand-name* water-bottles.
<alexgordon> this is hilarious
<alexgordon> elliottcable: as an exercise, try writing some code that looks vaguely like it was written by a human
<elliottcable> So. I've got to apply my genius towards defeating a system designed to defeat genius.
<alexgordon> you should get a job writing python, it's *impossible* to format that weirdly
<elliottcable> Lies.
<elliottcable> I successfully wrote CoffeeScript that looks like it was written by elliottcable.
<alexgordon> elliottcable: oh I know! wear a big coat and stand on micahjohnston's shoulders. He can operate the keyboard
* elliottcable laughs
<elliottcable> I somehow doubt micahjohnston would pair well.
<elliottcable> I'd totally pair with anybody in this room, though. It sounds exciting.
<alexgordon> if you wink right now, it would be weird
<elliottcable> I don't know how to express this such that any of you will understand; but for me, writing “normal” code (or disgusting my own approaches as “normal” code) is just as much of an exciting and intriguing adventure as reading *mine* must be for some of you.
<alexgordon> nope, don't understand
<alexgordon> it's just a case of putting the braces in the right place
<alexgordon> and stuf
<alexgordon> and having one statement per line
<elliottcable> ... lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> Not really.
<elliottcable> If you think that all there is to my code is removing a couple lines here and there, and putting brackets in the “wrong place,” then you're not a very intelligent programer.
<elliottcable> Skilled and capable, yes; but intelligent, no.
<elliottcable> In any case: I'm extremely excited about *some* of this.
<alexgordon> lol
<elliottcable> Writing what you call “human” code is part of the excitement.
<alexgordon> well I mean that's mostly what prevents me from reading it
<elliottcable> But passing myself off as being good at working in a team ... pairing for the first time, ever, without mentioning it's my first time, ever ... very scary.
<elliottcable> Didn't you once write a sanitizer to re-format my code, and *still* say you couldn't understand it?
<alexgordon> well yeah but it was better at least!
<alexgordon> that was C though
<alexgordon> your C is batfaceses
<elliottcable> bat faces?
<elliottcable> -g bat faces
<elliottcable> BATS Magazine. Really.
<alexgordon> bat faeces
<elliottcable> Oh.
<elliottcable> And it's mostly JS, fat-client stuff. They're heavily invested in git, modular design / interoperable but independant apps, and they broker everything through a message queue.
<elliottcable> The environment sounds almost *perfect* for me. Only eight developers, but a ridiculously oversize budget; and they *just* (like, two months ago or something) switched to JavaScript from Ruby.
<elliottcable> They've really only got one true JS-competent on staff; and I'm overly confident that I'm beyond anything they've got in-house, including him. They need me, they can afford me, they want me.
<elliottcable> All I have to do is handle a pairing interview.
<alexgordon> elliottcable: what are you going to do if they ask for a code sample? lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> Which, of course, is the snag.
<elliottcable> >> (1,($='constructor')[$][$])('return eval')('this)
<purr> elliottcable: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
<elliottcable> >> (1,($='constructor')[$][$])('return eval')('this')
<purr> elliottcable: (function) eval
<elliottcable> >> (1,($='constructor')[$][$])('return eval')()('this')
<purr> elliottcable: {$: 'constructor', Array: (function) Array, ArrayBuffer: (function) ArrayBuffer, Base64: {alphabet: (object) <41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 2b 2f>, decode: function (base64) { "use strict"; var len = base64.length , buffer = new Uint8Array(len
<elliottcable> lolunnecessary
<elliottcable> oh, I never figured out how to solve that mapping-over-parseInt thing without wrapping it in another function, which disappointed me.
<elliottcable> Hi!
<elliottcable> I lol'd. http://ell.io/icBy
<purr> lol
* elliottcable installs the Leap Motion SDK
<whitequark> elliottcable: do you write code on contract like you write it in your OSS projects?
<elliottcable> not unless I have reason to.
<elliottcable> I've a very very staunch position that code needs to be *designed*, just as much as a text document might need to be
<elliottcable> and that that design, just as with any other design process, needs to be tailored to the use-case.
<elliottcable> you might compare some of the code you've seen from me to insane WebKit/Chrome experimental examples that fully exploit the possibilities of those browsers' CSS engines for interesting or exotic results
<elliottcable> the existence of such doesn't imply that the creator thereof isn't capable of producing an excellent design for your little league team's landing page, though;
<elliottcable> nor, however, does *that* mean that your little league team's landing page wouldn't benefit from exploitation of those CSS3 features in certain circumstances.
<elliottcable> Does that analogy make sense?
<elliottcable> Just as I might take the insane backflips I preform with text-shadow in an experimental document I wrote for fun one night, and distill them down to a quite subtle and well-thought-out shadow on a “real” document's title,
<purr> <Nexxy> I have a personal rule ... don't feel bad for people that name themselves after final fantasy characters.
<elliottcable> so might I distill some of the insane architectural and stylistic backflips in some of the experimental code you've seen down to a clarifying indentation here, or a self-overwriting recursive function there, when such makes sense in the context.
<elliottcable> (thanks, purr. always relevant.)
<elliottcable> %< ------ %< ------
<elliottcable> soooo, I'm playing with my Leap Motion. Holy crap, niggah.
<alexgordon> hey elliottcable
<alexgordon> been talking to yourself?
<whitequark> elliottcable: totally makes sense
<elliottcable> That concept (the dynamic design of *implementation*, as opposed to *product* ... syntax, architecture, API ...), and micahjohnston's Oases / the drive to move *outwards* from this Rut, are the two things I really *believe* in when it comes to computers.
<vil> elliottcable: hey, around?
<elliottcable> vil ⑊ indeed.
<vil> hi!
<elliottcable> 'sup
<elliottcable> trying to learn RabbitMQ
<vil> so I derped installing my new dotfiles on your server and deleted my pubkey :3
<elliottcable> wat
<vil> I'm really good at computers
<vil> can you re-add it please? http://cl.ly/231N1n1f0B23
<elliottcable> what'm I doing?
<elliottcable> oh. pubkey, ssh. got it.
<elliottcable> what's your username?
<vil> vil
<vil> I think .ssh is currently a dead symlink, you can replace it with a normal directory if you want for now
<vil> didn't get around to cleaning everything up before I locked myself out
<elliottcable> I like your prompt, btw
<vil> thanks! me too
<vil> I still need to integrate git
<elliottcable> waaaaaaat
<elliottcable> wtf
<elliottcable> why is dotfiles lowercase
<elliottcable> so confus
<vil> what?
<vil> oh
<vil> I replaced everything, built my own repo from scratch
* elliottcable eyebrow
<elliottcable> you fucked this up royally somehow
<elliottcable> okay.
<vil> whaddaya mean>
<vil> ?
<elliottcable> well every single one of your dotfiles for *anything*, points at a non-existent file.
<vil> hmmm
<vil> my script should've overwritten the ones that I actuall have in System/dotfiles
<elliottcable> I'll let you fix it.
<vil> yeah
<vil> I'll take a look at it
<elliottcable> just deleting .ssh for the moment. Don't close your connection next time.
<vil> kk
<vil> thanks
<vil> I've tested that installation script a grand total of once prior to this, so I'm not surprised that it got confused
<vil> ok so how do I get in for the moment?
<vil> ah good, it's working
<elliottcable> you're in? good. that worked, then
<vil> yep
<vil> everything appears to be pointing at the right thing
<vil> just need to clean up the dead symlinks
<vil> actually
<vil> assuming the script works, I could just remove all of them and run the link bit again
<vil> this could be interesting
<elliottcable> er
<elliottcable> change the rakefile
<vil> not using the rakefile anymore
<vil> built a bash script
<vil> check out System/sys-manage if you wish
<elliottcable> ew.
<elliottcable> ;)
<vil> I needed the practice :D
<vil> currently working on one that will automatically upload and submit my assigned programs
<vil> because doing it manually is a pain
<elliottcable> why shell?
<elliottcable> ruby's excellent for shit like that
<vil> for sys-manage, or the new one?
<vil> well, a) I don't know Ruby
<elliottcable> both
<vil> I'll get around to it at some point
<elliottcable> Ruby scripts are an excellent way to do anything shell/system related
<elliottcable> don't really need to know much about it
<vil> b) the school servers only have python, which makes me sad
<elliottcable> `system "curl somethijngsomethingsomething"` or similar
<vil> about to wipe out symlinks, crossing fingers
<elliottcable> woo
<vil> hey cool, it worked
<vil> `find . -maxdepth 1 -type l -exec rm -f {} \;`
<vil> adding that to my log of useful commands
<vil> elliottcable: so I'm safe to log out now, right?
<elliottcable> maybe?
<elliottcable> try it, see if you can re-connect
<vil> cool, works
<vil> elliottcable: thanks for your help, sir
<vil> your server needs a hostname, localhost is boring
<elliottcable> everyone cross your fingers
<elliottcable> time for a rolling update
<vil> woo!
<elliottcable> Total Installed Size: 1700.29 MiB
<elliottcable> Net Upgrade Size: 161.50 MiB
<elliottcable> Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
<elliottcable> ... YOLO, bitch.
<vil> and you made fun of me for using yolo
<vil> tsk, tsk
<vil> anyway, I'm off for dinner, good luck elliottcable
<elliottcable> o7
<vil> nom
<elliottcable> vil ⑊ hostname, set.
<purr> <Nuck> With gqbe as the dictator \ Because all democracies need a dictator.
<vil> elliottcable: ooh sweet
<vil> was just about to add a thing to my config to let me override it, but that's even better
PragCypher has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<vil> probably will still add the thing because bored
cloudbender has joined #elliottcable
<cloudbender> did you write purr ?
vil has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
<elliottcable> lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> he's a codebase originally started by eboy; it's iterated by devyn and myself.
<elliottcable> he's ancient and basically sentient now.
cloudbender has left #elliottcable [#elliottcable]
vil has joined #elliottcable
<vil> well, that was fun
<vil> accidentally murdered tmux
<elliottcable> wat
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ <3
<alexgordon> elliottcable: someone just showed me this http://cloud.rpowell.me/NAmS/o
<sanitypassing> someone make the essay assignments go away. >_<
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ ... oh my god, lol
<purr> lol
<elliottcable> what the fuck
<alexgordon> the tmbundle is fucked
<elliottcable> no, really
<alexgordon> apparently you're the only person who considered division vs regex :P
<alexgordon> the ONLY person
<vil> elliottcable: I was trying to add a bit to my .profile to auto-start a shell if ~/.force-shell exists
<alexgordon> even matz didn't give a fuck, as evidenced by the design
<vil> elliottcable: because I can't chsh on the school server
<vil> but it went horribly wrong
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ that's me.
<alexgordon> what's you?
<elliottcable> vil ⑊ what?
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ considering shit like that.
<alexgordon> oh. yes. but seriously what the FUCK is up with ruby's syntax?
<vil> elliottcable: The school server won't let me change my default shell, so I'm trying to work around that
<elliottcable> GitHub parses it just fine, by the way
<elliottcable> looks like
<elliottcable> vil ⑊ lol.
<purr> lol
<vil> yeah
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ Ruby's syntax is what turned me into who I am.
<vil> also tcsh sucks
<elliottcable> alexgordon ⑊ stay away from trying to understand or deterministically and accurately parse it.
<alexgordon> :D