Apparently the Selective Service System got my address wrong, in sending my registration acknowledgement card
So the envelope with my draft confirmation has been sitting in the abandoned house next door for, oh, 6 months, at least?
Not to mention the fact that I've had to register no less than 3 times, because their system lost the registration the first two times
This is fucking pathetic
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<alexgordon> elliottcable: 1. seduce isaacs, 2. change the name
Nuck: what's with that anyway?
why does the US still have a "draft"?
<elliottcable> I think John Mulaney is turning me gay.
alexgordon: Because.... I honestly don't know
We don't use it, it just sorta... sits there
Last time it was used was Vietnam
you think they would have learnt from that eh?
Using the draft to fight a war that doesn't affect your nation = bad idea
Thus Vietnam failed miserably
tbh "fight a war that doesn't affect your nation = bad idea"
*cough* iraq
Yeah, but that was voluntary
At least the people fighting in Iraq signed up for it.
The people fighting in Vietnam didn't even sign up for this shit :P
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How did I live before vim?
Nuck: I've been wondering the same thing
vim is like a drug
you were doing fine before, but now you're addicted
Reasons why I can't use anything but vim now: (1) nesting it in tmux, allowing splitscreen between running and writing (2) :r! (3) dd (4) Gundo
:r! pbpaste <3
I mean, it's Cmd+V in most things, but this works just as well :P
Nuck: not hardcore enough. Try writing your own editor
Why write an editor when you could just configure Vim to make your own :D
Or use emacs' write-my-own-editor command.
Nuck: you haven't written an editor until you've written a syntax highlighter!
Well, a syntax highlighter is basically just a configurable tokenizer, right?
lol Nuck
Nuck: yes, and one that has to run in real time
if it takes more than 1/30 of a second, you're dead
alexgordon: True, but you should be able to know the diff between last and current run and then be able to narrow the tokenization based on that
Why not?
How can a token 500 chars in affect a token 100 chars in?
it can't but a token 100 chars in can affect a token 500 chars in
which means if you type at the top of the document, you're doomed to reparsing the whole thing
which works for documents under say 1000 chars
after that, it's a losing battle
to do it in under 1/30 of a second, anyway
And technically
of course, there's a way around that
It doesn't matter
it doesn't?
If it takes 1/2 a second, as long as you do it in a separate thread and retain the current stuff
sure, as long as you don't have a twitter client
otherwise prepare for complaints
*twitter account
It's just highlighting. You can be looser
lol, you haven't met your average programmer
As long as you're not freezing up (*cough* Chocolate *cough*)
Chocolate? what's that
Er, Chocolat
Fucking French
also chocolat doesn't freeze up
It did when I used it.
It did *a lot*
when was that?
Like, 6 months ago
what were you editing?
Some JS I think
Nothing big
Every time I'd type it'd lock up
well it's not a common problem I've heard of
I was giving it a chance to replace Sublime
Didn't work out
was maybe 18 months ago
but not now
Ended up back to Sublime, but nowadays I just use MacVim for a GUI editor, and Vim for a terminal editor
And VSVim or GVim for a Windows editorD
Oh, also, vim.
oh well, it's tough enough making it work for me, if it works for other people it's a nice bonus
At least you dogfood it :P
at some point it just becomes easier to drive more people to your site than to fix the non-reproducible bugs people get
there's a certain opportunity cost (to use HN's favourite phrase) in fixing bugs
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