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<whitequark> wow, EMS has really impressed me
<whitequark> five business days fron NY to Moscow
<wpwrak> how is the CNC mill doing ? still blocked ?
<whitequark> it's the CNC mill. I'm getting it today
<wpwrak> wheee ! party time !
<whitequark> yeah, just need to get a machine with LPT off craigslist
<wpwrak> or make a USB dongle :)
<wpwrak> there could be quite a market for a USB-to-parallel gerber dongle
<whitequark> there already exists one, we've found it
<whitequark> but it is actually cheaper for me to buy a used PC complete with IO devices, not to mention faster
<wpwrak> make a competitor then :)
<whitequark> but what I would make a prototype with? :D
<whitequark> also, this actually may be a great idea to test it on something. a moderately complex board
<whitequark> needs to be two-sided due to the LPT socket
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<whitequark> hm, UV LED strip also arrived... but not power supply :(
<whitequark> or photoresist for that matter
<wpwrak> if you don't mind having a few level shifters, pretty much any usb-capable mcu would do
<wpwrak> depends a bit on how much processing you want to have. i guess it could be relatively simple, just a handful of commands. lines, arcs, a few administrative commands, that's about it. you can always blink a LED if you receive something the firmware doesn't understand :)
<whitequark> just make it understand gcode
<wpwrak> well, gcode has tons of obscure things. you probably don't care to support all of them.
<whitequark> hrm... on the other hand I wanted to redo its controller, since it's really dumb. you can't control spindle via lpt, for example
<whitequark> well, may as well do both. or the best option will become clear after I play with it
<wpwrak> while you're at it, add a little display so you can display diagnostics and the obiquitous X=xxx Y=yyy Z=zzz situation :)
<whitequark> (gcode) just need to support what openscad and say inkscape emit
<whitequark> and kicad/eagle
<whitequark> they use like three commands
<wpwrak> considering how many mills needs their dedicated pc, this could be a rather sought-after product. i see $$$ kickstarter potential :)
<wpwrak> yes, they use three ... out of something like 300 ;-)
<whitequark> well
<whitequark> you sure make sense here. and we couldn't really find where to buy an adapter when we needed it.
<whitequark> actually that sounds like an excellent idea.
<wpwrak> :)
<wpwrak> phase 1: seed planted. phase 2: wait until i find a way to get a mill through customs. phase 3: have some good use for the critter you'll make as well ;-)
<whitequark> oh, you want this mill as well?
<wpwrak> would be nice to have a more solid mill than the one i have
<whitequark> neat!
<whitequark> we could share modifications, too
<whitequark> I want to try out so many things
<wpwrak> i can imagine ;-)
<whitequark> hadn't have a physical project to tickle my brain in a while :)
<whitequark> *haven't
<whitequark> argh, english
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<nicksydney> not a good night for me in terms of breadboarding.....tried out a 555 timer for my PCB on a breadboard thinking of creating a LED flasher but it didn't work..the LED just turn ON all the time no matter what component i remove it keeps on lighting ON :(
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<whitequark> nicksydney: do yoy u have a scope?
<nicksydney> whitequark: that's the problem...still saving up for one :(
<nicksydney> whitequark: my trusted debugging tool now is my multimeter :)
<whitequark> mm yeah, can be a pain
<nicksydney> feels like throwing it to a brick wall !
<nicksydney> 2.5 hours spent for a frinkin' 555 timer debugging
<wpwrak> sometimes that helps ;-)
<nicksydney> at least in software i use git and revert back and put debugging :)
<nicksydney> i think this is the reason why most software people don't go to's hard to debug !
<larsc> also the reason why most hardware people don't go to software, it's hard to debug ;)
<nicksydney> larsc: i guess it comes to takes time to switch from one to the other
<nicksydney> being a software person i can have a fast turnaround but hardware is different
<nicksydney> perhaps software people brain want to move quick and get quick result :)
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<nicksydney> wpwrak: my component stock is low at the moment so not going to throw anything at the brick wall :)
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<CYB3R_> whitequark: could you please tell which toolchain were you using to build software for ingenic mips?
<whitequark> CYB3R_: I think I built my own
<whitequark> --target=mipsel-linux-gnu
<CYB3R_> whitequark: did you apply ingenic patches?
<whitequark> nope
<CYB3R_> Okay, thank you.
<whitequark> CYB3R_: why are you asking me?
<CYB3R_> I remember you hacking xz0032 board
<whitequark> thought so, heh
<whitequark> do you have one?
<whitequark> I actually have three lying around, collecting dust. now that I'm no longer a broke student I don't have very much use for them
<CYB3R_> Mine was collecting dust for a long time and now I just remembered about it
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<whitequark> how to detect a german: "Bikeparkinglot"
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<larsc> Bierparkinglot?
<DocScrutinizer05> whitequark: hardly any exist, I think
<DocScrutinizer05> what sort of "bike"?
<DocScrutinizer05> motorbike is supposed to park like a car - officially
<DocScrutinizer05> nevertheless usually motorbikes are parked on the pavement
<roh> DocScrutinizer05: depends on which city. in berlin you are allowed to park on the sidewalk even. as long as you dont block it
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah, sidewalk is the better word than pavement, I guess
<DocScrutinizer05> but those are really rare
<DocScrutinizer05> seems this one is Japan:
<DocScrutinizer05> whitequark: please define "detect" :-)
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