<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: setfont2: remove autostart by it's package http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/5adb5f3
<kyak> kristianpaul: yes, the error in gettext
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: files: disable atd, telnet, led in nanonote http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/20637c4
<qi-bot> [commit] werner: The box coordinates were not properly initialized in gui_draw_pad_text http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/177fe9c
<qi-bot> [commit] werner: - test/tsort: "Aborted" doesn't get reported on all platforms, so we just http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/0bfba12
<qi-bot> [commit] werner: The box coordinates were not properly initialized in gui_draw_pad_text http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/177fe9c
<qi-bot> [commit] werner: - test/tsort: "Aborted" doesn't get reported on all platforms, so we just http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/0bfba12
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: add debian package stuff http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/680e64d
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: clean up the Build-Depends. http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/28af3a5
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: use the new version rules. http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/911f66a
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: add debian/fped.manpages  for install manpage http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/d75afd9
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: update to svn rev 5982, enable dh_auto_test http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/6ebf43a
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: use usual name for orig tarball top-level directory http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/9d2da9f
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: update take svn rev: 5983 http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/e1a04fa
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: remove the Build-Depends ttf-liberation http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/d1ec140
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: update to svn rev 5986 http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/badfbe0
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: override dh_auto_clean, use make spotless instread http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/df1b45e
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: add ghostscript to Build-Depends http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/edf47c5
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: update the homepage to help webpage http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/8821d96
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: update to r5997 http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/8b80410
<kyak> xiangfu: regarding gettext, this patch http://downloads.qi-hardware.com/people/kyak/tmp/160-uclibc.patch seems to make it work for me..
<kyak> kristianpaul: could help you, too
<xiangfu> kyak: there is another one. which is the same :) http://fidelio.qi-hardware.com/~xiangfu/tmp/200-fix-localename.c:2619-error.patch
<xiangfu> kyak: I have reported a bug in openwrt.org : https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/8413
<kyak> xiangfu: this is great, thanks :)
<zrafa> wolfspraul: all: please.. use the current nn to make a simple game console (without qwerty keyboard).. just few buttons around screen as gamepad. I will buy one.. So... when will it be ready? I want to compete against pandora/other closed hw fans
<zrafa> kristianpaul : you are the guy.. :) I need a gamepad on top of the current qwerty screen... I can donate ... beer?
<wpwrak_> zrafa: how about a different keyboard layout ? more "game-friendly" ? :)
<wpwrak_> zrafa: your options are: 1) put different functions to keys, 2) not place keys where there currently are some, e.g., the function keys, 3) make keys span more than one button position, 4) write/paint whatever you want on it.
<wpwrak_> zrafa: what you'd have to do is make the buttons, then glue them together with a sheet of silicone
<zrafa> wpwrak_: it is hard.. it should have really strong buttons for gamers .. remember that gamers often : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMnN17tQ_-0
<wpwrak_> zrafa: good. so wolfgang sells more bens :)
<zrafa> wpwrak_: haha :D
<wpwrak_> zrafa: you could perhaps add a nice analog joystick :)
<zrafa> wpwrak_: I would like yes :).. we need 8 keys for games.. like super nintendo game pad had
<wpwrak_> well, you could make a game controller. and design a little board for the uSD slot that communicates with it
<wpwrak_> kinda like the "serial port" idea tuxbrain brought up some time ago
<kristianpaul> (ame controller. and design a little board for the uSD slot that communicates with it) sounds reasonable, *but* it suguest the screen may be separate from new game controller, so it dint look good considering its resolution and ben portability (you want hold it meanwhile playing)
<kristianpaul> kyak: (patch)good, so i just need copy it on openwrt-xburst/feeds/packages/libs/gettext/patches/ and  make again?
<kyak> kristianpaul: yes
<zrafa> kristianpaul: then that brings me to the original idea.. a gamepad on qwerty keyboard.. like this : http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/USB_Gamepad_%28NeoPlay%29
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: mathomatic: add DEPENDS libncurses http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/6b6a194
<zrafa> tuxbrain: we need your serial port idea
<zrafa> for that
<tuxbrain> zrafa: I have to "suspend" a lot of I+D projects for a while , but sure you can go ahead and do one yourself :P
<zrafa> tuxbrain: no skills for hardware.. well, just a little learned from werner
<tuxbrain> zrafa:me neither, so what is the problem? :P
<zrafa> tuxbrain: and no much free time.. let me finish jlime on qi servers first, because it is ready to use.. just need a little of tasks and docs
<tuxbrain> zrafa: sure :)
<zrafa> tuxbrain: you have.. i read your blog
<zrafa> dont hide!
<wpwrak_> zrafa: it's easy: at hw_skills(t = X) = 0. hw_skills(t = Y) = HUGE_VAL. for some Y > X.
<wpwrak_> zrafa: but yes, i agree with your priorities. jlime first ;-))
<tuxbrain> zrafa: jejeje I'm just good in make people thing I know about something you know, a marketing guy
<zrafa> tuxbrain: marketing is my second name
<viric> tuxbrain: you disappeared for some days, is it?
<tuxbrain> I must too ;(
<tuxbrain> but I'm in listening mode
<wpwrak_> zrafa: nice :) and indeed, no surprise either :)
<kristianpaul> (x11 benchmark) i'm surprised
<lekernel> kristianpaul: what x11 benchmark?
<lekernel> ah
<kristianpaul> zrafa: buttons i may need source that first, what you think about this one http://ur1.ca/2k4vb ?
<lekernel> who cares about benchmarks. take Android, iOS, Mac OS X, and a typical Linux desktop. which ones provide the best and smoothest user experiences? which ones use X?
<zrafa> kristianpaul: I have no idea :) .. something like a good game pad has
<kristianpaul> zrafa: no idea... me either i'm not gamer
<zrafa> lekernel: so your question is .. .. should I use linux, mac os or android?
<lekernel> yeah, if you care about usability, maybe linux isn't the best choice
<lekernel> if mac os was just proprietary and not so laden with DRM and other crap like iTunes, I'd seriously consider using it
<zrafa> lekernel: btw, did you really try android?.. it looks no so smooth
<lekernel> yes, i did, it's 100x better than openmoko and the n800/n900 for example
<lekernel> though it's not as smooth as the iphone
<zrafa> lekernel: ah.. you mean some specific device.. no android alone.. for example android on freerunner is 100x slower than any other freerunner distro
<zrafa> maybe 1000x slower
<lekernel> btw, I don't have an iphone because it's so full of restrictions, but at least I recognize it's really good from a technical and design point of view
<zrafa> I need more 000s
<lekernel> also the speed of X isn't the only problem, programming it is just hell
<lekernel> so it pushes programmers to write shitty toolkits
<lekernel> Xlib/xcb is ridiculous
<zrafa> I miss C64
<kristianpaul> ahh those are simple buttons
<kristianpaul> hmm interesting
<lekernel> dreams of a system based on GNU/Hurd-libre with pulseaudio and sound output on a remote machine (because your soundcard isn't supported by the Hurd), X.org, a free clone of CDE and Openmotif
<lekernel> X.org using the vesa driver of course, because there's a BLOB otherwise!
<lekernel> (note that the vesa driver uses ROMed blobs, but since they're in ROM, they don't matter)
<lekernel> and, and iceweasel and gnash for the web, ofc
<wpwrak_> meanwhile, the rest of us are happy and productive with slightly less extreme systems :)
<kristianpaul> whats the point with that? i miss the conversation
<kristianpaul> :D
<kristianpaul> (mac graphs sucess) si not that because the put a GPU in every device they sell?
<kristianpaul> s/siis
<kristianpaul> think, how new are gpu in PC market compated with apple one
<kristianpaul> just my point of view
<lekernel> no, that's because of the software and of the design
<lekernel> the gpu is a normal gpu, and the ops that iOS do are supported on the lowest-end GPUs
<lekernel> even the milkymist tmu could support a significant part of the iOS graphics acceleration
<viric> lekernel: aren't Macintosh drawing on screen with postscript? That's the neXtStep style, isn't it?
<lekernel> yes, Mac OS X does that
<lekernel> and yes, that was inspired by nextstep
<lekernel> though they improved it a lot, while GNUstep barely evolved
<lekernel> actually, I even considered using GNUstep for MM, but since the developers told me I had to use X and they won't support non-X systems, I gave up
<viric> ghostscript is also not the best at speed processing postscript :)
<kristianpaul> is freebsd also planning to replace X as they plan with gcc? ;)
<lekernel> they're using cairo... but maybe there is still the ghostscript layer in the middle
<lekernel> since they told me that X is an absolute requirement, I didn't look much further
<viric> kristianpaul: I imagine they have troubles only with GPL code
<viric> and for what I remember, X.org is not GPL licensed
<kristianpaul> viric: me to just curios
<kristianpaul> curious*
<lekernel> viric: maybe they also have trouble with supposedly-free GPL code that is harder to understand and modify than the average blob
<viric> lekernel: :) I would not be surprised
<viric> ... prevents us from emitting debug/intermediate files ...
<viric> impressive.
<viric> Nice link you gave!
<viric> I'll bother some GNU folks with it.
<lekernel> ah, BTDT, their defense is "it's an old policy that's being changed, but it's (slowly) happening"
<lekernel> but given the fuss they make for simple changes like http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=46692 or http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=46261, I guess it won't happen anytime soon
<kristianpaul> get fancy is not good, indeed
<kristianpaul> you waste time with posible bugs when you dont need then ;)