wolfspraul: all: please.. use the current nn to make a simple game console (without qwerty keyboard).. just few buttons around screen as gamepad. I will buy one.. So... when will it be ready? I want to compete against pandora/other closed hw fans
kristianpaul : you are the guy.. :) I need a gamepad on top of the current qwerty screen... I can donate ... beer?
zrafa: how about a different keyboard layout ? more "game-friendly" ? :)
zrafa: your options are: 1) put different functions to keys, 2) not place keys where there currently are some, e.g., the function keys, 3) make keys span more than one button position, 4) write/paint whatever you want on it.
zrafa: what you'd have to do is make the buttons, then glue them together with a sheet of silicone
zrafa: good. so wolfgang sells more bens :)
wpwrak_: haha :D
zrafa: you could perhaps add a nice analog joystick :)
wpwrak_: I would like yes :).. we need 8 keys for games.. like super nintendo game pad had
well, you could make a game controller. and design a little board for the uSD slot that communicates with it
kinda like the "serial port" idea tuxbrain brought up some time ago
(ame controller. and design a little board for the uSD slot that communicates with it) sounds reasonable, *but* it suguest the screen may be separate from new game controller, so it dint look good considering its resolution and ben portability (you want hold it meanwhile playing)
kyak: (patch)good, so i just need copy it on openwrt-xburst/feeds/packages/libs/gettext/patches/ and  make again?
zrafa: nice :) and indeed, no surprise either :)
(x11 benchmark) i'm surprised
kristianpaul: what x11 benchmark?
zrafa: buttons i may need source that first, what you think about this one http://ur1.ca/2k4vb ?
who cares about benchmarks. take Android, iOS, Mac OS X, and a typical Linux desktop. which ones provide the best and smoothest user experiences? which ones use X?
kristianpaul: I have no idea :) .. something like a good game pad has
zrafa: no idea... me either i'm not gamer
lekernel: so your question is .. .. should I use linux, mac os or android?
yeah, if you care about usability, maybe linux isn't the best choice
if mac os was just proprietary and not so laden with DRM and other crap like iTunes, I'd seriously consider using it
lekernel: btw, did you really try android?.. it looks no so smooth
yes, i did, it's 100x better than openmoko and the n800/n900 for example
though it's not as smooth as the iphone
lekernel: ah.. you mean some specific device.. no android alone.. for example android on freerunner is 100x slower than any other freerunner distro
maybe 1000x slower
btw, I don't have an iphone because it's so full of restrictions, but at least I recognize it's really good from a technical and design point of view
I need more 000s
also the speed of X isn't the only problem, programming it is just hell
so it pushes programmers to write shitty toolkits
Xlib/xcb is ridiculous
I miss C64
ahh those are simple buttons
hmm interesting
dreams of a system based on GNU/Hurd-libre with pulseaudio and sound output on a remote machine (because your soundcard isn't supported by the Hurd), X.org, a free clone of CDE and Openmotif
X.org using the vesa driver of course, because there's a BLOB otherwise!
(note that the vesa driver uses ROMed blobs, but since they're in ROM, they don't matter)
and, and iceweasel and gnash for the web, ofc
meanwhile, the rest of us are happy and productive with slightly less extreme systems :)
whats the point with that? i miss the conversation
(mac graphs sucess) si not that because the put a GPU in every device they sell?
think, how new are gpu in PC market compated with apple one
just my point of view
no, that's because of the software and of the design
the gpu is a normal gpu, and the ops that iOS do are supported on the lowest-end GPUs
even the milkymist tmu could support a significant part of the iOS graphics acceleration
lekernel: aren't Macintosh drawing on screen with postscript? That's the neXtStep style, isn't it?
yes, Mac OS X does that
and yes, that was inspired by nextstep
though they improved it a lot, while GNUstep barely evolved
actually, I even considered using GNUstep for MM, but since the developers told me I had to use X and they won't support non-X systems, I gave up
ghostscript is also not the best at speed processing postscript :)
is freebsd also planning to replace X as they plan with gcc? ;)
they're using cairo... but maybe there is still the ghostscript layer in the middle
since they told me that X is an absolute requirement, I didn't look much further
kristianpaul: I imagine they have troubles only with GPL code
and for what I remember, X.org is not GPL licensed
viric: me to just curios
viric: maybe they also have trouble with supposedly-free GPL code that is harder to understand and modify than the average blob