<kyak> xiangfu: might be interesting for you :)
<viric> kristianpaul: trabajas en Loongson2f ahora? :)
<viric> xiangfu: did you commit that 'nerase' change?
<viric> xiangfu: (I'm lazy to erase the flash... Do you know how should I backup my ubifs for a later nprog ?
<viric> )
<viric> xiangfu: ni hao ma?
<xiangfu> viric: mount the root to another folder. then use mkfs.ubifs to create an ubi file base on this folder. :)
<viric> hmmm is it 'the way'? :)
<xiangfu> viric: that is come out first in my mind. :)
<viric> ah ok
<xiangfu> viric: I am not commit that change.
<viric> xiangfu: why don't you commit it?
<viric> xiangfu: don't you think it is better than now?
<xiangfu> viric: I am not well test that change.
<xiangfu> viric: recently I always working on the openwrt image.
<xiangfu> viric: and u-boot, a little slow on nerase. :(
<viric> ok
<kristianpaul> viric: hace un tiempo tengo uno
<kristianpaul> viric: y ciertas cosas no ejecutan bien, por falta del SIMD :S
<kristianpaul> viric: tambien queria comparar el simd del loonsoon con el del xbusrt a ver que puedo esperar de ambos
<viric> kristianpaul: yo tengo un par de minipc
<viric> kristianpaul: qué no "ejecuta bien"?
<kristianpaul> viric: gps-sdr.com
<viric> no carga
<kristianpaul> no :(
<kristianpaul> me hace falta, no se que paso no se a quien contactar para preguntas
<kristianpaul> almenos tengo el codigo
<kristianpaul> hmm espera
<kristianpaul> viric: http://www.ctae.org/sdr/ (mirror del codigo)
<viric> hey the USRP gnu radio is super expensive :)
<kristianpaul> yes , but i plan get one any time next year i hope
<kristianpaul> is relly usefull for debugging
<kristianpaul> rellay*
<viric> it looks very ogod
<viric> good
<viric> a radio laboratory should have one
<kristianpaul> viric: less espensive that buying separate radio stuff
<viric> I agre
<viric> e
<kristianpaul> also you add it a ITX board and you're done
<kristianpaul> i saw openBTS shop and they sell it with on, is good idea
<viric> can it do CDMA?
<kristianpaul> i dont know
<viric> kristianpaul: how you test the speed on the minipc for the gps code'
<kristianpaul> correlation time, but first i need pass the simd-like self test  :)
<viric> kristianpaul: cómo lo pruebas?
<viric> can't you test it without simd?
<kristianpaul> hehe , no i think , simd is heart for acquisition step
<viric> does the loongson2f have simd instructions for floating point?
<viric> or your calculations don't involve floating point?
<kristianpaul> i dont know yet, i need read manual first
<kristianpaul> float point dont know either, is just FFT from data-like -1,0,1
<viric> for what I read...
<viric> it only has integer SIMD instructions
<viric> so, they can work as fixed point.
<kristianpaul> damn mocp dint fit on nanonote screen :/
<wpwrak_> kristianpaul: (simd) you mean the correlation ?
<kristianpaul> nope
<kristianpaul> MMX like instructions
<wpwrak_> kristianpaul: yes, but for what kind of operation ?
<kristianpaul> wpwrak_: fft
<wpwrak_> ah yes, fft should be happier with that
<viric> are you using fftw3?
<kristianpaul> i will for first test, but i want to try re-use gps-sdr code later
<qi-bot> [commit] Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas: Sync signal to mcu is taken from SiGE as result removed non needed code and fixed identation http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-gps-sdr/f7203fa
<qi-bot> [commit] Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas: Updated simulation, reset trigger removed http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-gps-sdr/f0ae342
<qi-bot> [commit] Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas: Pin asigment is completed http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-gps-sdr/c379297
<qi-bot> [commit] Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas: Added README with basic description and spected behavior http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-gps-sdr/31ad2b4
<qi-bot> [commit] Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas: Updated makefile to be more friendly and removed non required features http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-gps-sdr/4e57bf8
<kristianpaul> he
<kristianpaul> something really weird happen after load bistream to fpga, screen just got crazy :/ and i lost ssh conection
<lekernel> on sie?
<kristianpaul> yes
<kristianpaul> hmm is my bitstream
<kristianpaul> what's wrong with port A :/
<kristianpaul> In theory i just send a 4bits data plus a clock signal at 2.048Mhz
<Madridman> hi
<Madridman> please anybody could recommend the best book to learn about gpu's? basics
<Madridman> I would like to learn the typical GPU's architectures, theorical things
<Madridman> not interested in programming GL and such
<Madridman> everybody's sleeping?
<viric> are you more interested in the power supply and clock of the GPU?
<lekernel> Madridman: if you're interested in how GPUs are made, have a look at my thesis (on milkymist), and specifically the chapter on the texture mapping unit (tmu)
<lekernel> the tmu implements several fundamental features of GPUs
<lekernel> but if you have no prior experience with opengl, I'd recommend playing around a bit with it for starters
<lekernel> it will really help you understand what is going on
<Madridman> lekernel I would like to check your thesis, where is milymist?
<Madridman> not interested in opengl, just electronic architecture theorics
<lekernel> milkymist.org
<Madridman> i do not pretend to program
<lekernel> well, opengl understanding will really come handy
<lekernel> and opengl is already pretty low-level itself
<Madridman> sure but before it could be good to know how the memory etc. are placed
<Madridman> all the buses and rest of components
<viric> lekernel: is the milkymist source available?
<lekernel> yes, of course
<viric> (to me, I mean, for example :)
<Madridman> I know plastation and xbox have nothing to do one each other
<viric> lekernel: is it in vhdl?
<lekernel> no, verilog
<viric> ouch. Bad luck I had. :)
<lekernel> verilog is little more than a less verbose vhdl, so if you already know VHDL well enough you'll have little trouble with verilog
<Madridman> lekernel sorry, I accessed the web page http://milkymist.org/ but I don't know where is the theorical part of your thesis
<viric> I never tried verilog.
<Madridman> there is a part about architecture?
<Madridman> (teoric=
<Madridman> )
<lekernel> is it so hard to find that link? http://www.milkymist.org/thesis/thesis.pdf
<viric> I'll steal it too
<Madridman> lekernel that fpga can compete with a commercial architecture?
<Madridman> I mean is slower?
<lekernel> having seen a demo of ARM Mali on a FPGA, I think it does :)
<lekernel> at least performance-wise
<lekernel> but it lacks some features (that I didn't need for my application) to make a complete GPU that supports all OpenGL application
<viric> lekernel: do you use any floating point there?
<Madridman> a fpga can be as fast as a commercial video card as ati or nvidia?
<lekernel> the texturing unit is fixed point, but the pfpu (roughly, a vertex shader) uses 32-bit ieee 754
<lekernel> floating point
<lekernel> Madridman: generally no
<lekernel> at least for GPU operations
<Madridman> so fpga's are not as useful as they say
<Madridman> they has limitations
<Madridman> (it)
<lekernel> everything has limitations
<lekernel> the fpga is however a lot more flexible than a gpu
<Madridman> ok, do you know a book or web or resource which speaks about fpga's so I could know better them?
<viric> lekernel: aren't Floating Point operations taking lots of logic in the fpga?
<Madridman> just general theory
<lekernel> so if your particular application doesn't map nicely to, say, CUDA code, the FPGA can still deliver there
<lekernel> viric: no, I'm not using the Opencores FPU ;)
<viric> lekernel: where did you get the FPU operations from then?
<lekernel> I wrote some code...
<viric> ah
<Madridman> lekernel do you know a book or web or resource which speaks about fpga's so I could learn and know better them?
<lekernel> it's not 100% IEEE 754 compliant btw
<viric> ahh.
<lekernel> the number format and a lot of things are the same
<viric> Madridman: get a manual from an FPGA seller
<lekernel> but I don't totally respect details of the standard such as the way of rounding numbers
<viric> Madridman: get the manual for the spartan3 fpga for example.
<lekernel> or how to deal with numbers like NaN or infinites
<Madridman> viric but I want to know the general common basics, not a concrete seller
<lekernel> again - I don't need those for graphics processing
<viric> clear.
<Madridman> Eg. which kind of transistors or biestables are used generically, etc
<viric> Madridman: that thing you call "generic fpga" does not exist. There are only concrete FPGAs :)
<Madridman> ok, imagine I'm new (what is absolutelly true), I never heard about a thing called FPGA. You can't give a manual of a concrete implementation because I don't know even what technology we are speaking about
<viric> Madridman: look for the "Spartan 3 User Guide"
<Madridman> ok
<Madridman> that looks as a board to do circuits
<lekernel> http://lekernel.net/presentations/FPGA_Workshops/091108_tmplab/scenes_draft.pdf will generally explain you how they work internally, but you may want to have some practical experience before
<viric> Madridman: I call FPGA a chip that can be programmed *by software* to mimic a logic circuit. Software allows you to rearrange whatever is there inside to get as if you had made a circuit concerning whatever FPGA pins you want.
<Madridman> ok, but later what you get is a physical circuit isn't it?
<Madridman> i mean, logical gates interconnected
<viric> yes.
<Madridman> ok, that pdf's seems to have theorical information too, that's what I need for starters
<viric> The circuits there come at some limitations, of maximum clock frequency, maximum number of clock signals, maximum number of flip flops...
<viric> the more you pay, higher the limits
<Madridman> I understand
<Madridman> the scenes draft looks nice
<viric> there are hardware description languages, and most FPGA sellers offer 'compilers' for those common languages to whatever their FPGA needs.
<Madridman> yes, as vhdl which I hates
<viric> So you can describe your circuit in a common way, and expect it to work among different FPGA vendors.
<viric> Madridman: there is also verilog
<Madridman> for sure is much better
<viric> no idea.
<viric> and how you have such an opinion about that? Some minutes ago you did not know anything about FPGA
<Madridman> sure
<Madridman> that's because I need theorical resources, to avoid bugging you
<Madridman> is reallistic to pretend have a fpga's hardware which competes against commercial circuits (performance, fabrication costs)?
<viric> no
<Madridman> so it'sr just experimental things oriented?
<lekernel> by "commercial circuit", you mean full customs ICs?
<Madridman> well, a microprocessor yes
<viric> FPGAs can compete only in the sense that they can be 'reprogrammed'
<lekernel> in a typical design 90% of the FPGA transistors are wasted
<viric> lekernel: hey, talk for your designs
<viric> ;)
<Madridman> my university research for multiexecution architectures specific for some tasks, so there are just experiments
<lekernel> but if you compare that to the NRE of spinning an ASIC, sometimes it makes economic sense to keep an FPGA in a product where the FPGA design remains static
<viric> FPGA over ASICs may have advantages on a) reprogrammability and b) cheaper for small productions
<Madridman> thank you so much, you both provided me a lot of information
<buggus> hi
<kristianpaul> Hello
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: First shot at an Emacs package.  Experimental! http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/bea9c01
<kristianpaul> Emacs??
<kristianpaul> wow
<kristianpaul> :)
<viric> kristianpaul: using that will require more than thumbs
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: do you have a signal generator at home?
<wpwrak> yup
<wpwrak> a Picotest G5100A
<kristianpaul> I'm testing fpga bistream for the serial to parallel stuff on SIE
<kristianpaul> as soon i get loaded the bitstream the LCM got odd interfereance and i lost ssh link
<kristianpaul> i'm not sure if is mestastabillity or something ii'm forgoting to set in port A
<wpwrak> hmm. so the FPGA is crashing the CPU ?
<kristianpaul> seems
<kristianpaul> i need dig more, i'll do try and error as i lack scopemeter and signal generators at home
<wpwrak> maybe you're mis-initializing some of the pins ?
<kristianpaul> i think
<kristianpaul> checking that righ now
<wpwrak> do you have any other program for the fpga that works ?
<kristianpaul> sure
<kristianpaul> and it worked as usual
<wpwrak> odd then
<wpwrak> well, you can try translating the one that works step by step to the one that doesn't :)
<kristianpaul> hehe
<kristianpaul> well i could i just wanted do do it before this ;=
<kristianpaul> is just too elaborated for what i wanted to do
<wpwrak> what is too elaborated ? the debugging process ?
<kristianpaul> no
<wpwrak> or the "good" one ?
<kristianpaul> yup
<kristianpaul> well is NOT so much, it just was intended to drive FPGA as a memory
<kristianpaul> so you have a buffer to write and read, thats the general idea
<wpwrak> ah. a bit complex indeed. probably more complex than the serial to parallel converter
<kristianpaul> yup