<wolfspraul> server should be back
<wolfspraul> was down for 5 hours, oh well
<wolfspraul> at least I slept good :-)
<qi-bot> [commit] Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas: SPI like (4bit I/Q) to Nibble (4Bit) module http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-gps-sdr/9c1cbfe
<wpwrak_> kristianpaul hmm, does that really work ?
<kristianpaul> i'm about simulate
<kristianpaul> wait for that commit ;-)
<wpwrak_> ah :)
<wpwrak_> i think there'll be a few changes :) e.g., i think you're suppressing the clock while sync is set.
<kristianpaul> hmm
<wpwrak_> also, 2 isn't handled in the "case", "count" will never have the value 0 in the "case", etc.
<kristianpaul> i'll check
<kristianpaul> (you're suppressing the clock while sync is set) but the whole core is synced with sige clock
<kristianpaul> thats why if(sync)
<wpwrak_> is sync guaranteed to be high at only one edge of clock ?
<wpwrak_> hmm, looking at the diagrams, i guess it is. okay, then that works.
<wpwrak_> i think you want an "end" before the "case". and remove the "end" before "endmodule"
<wpwrak_> then the counter would really go from 0 to 3
<kristianpaul> yeah i was thinking that
<kristianpaul> well not sure as you suguested
<kristianpaul> lete me see
<kristianpaul> s/lete/let
<Skater0guy> i have a pc hardware question if someone would be willing to give me some insight
<Skater0guy> well heres the thing
<Skater0guy> i have a pc an imac and soon a server pc. I dont want to have many mice or keyboards. if i were to get a usb splitter and hook the keyboard to the part the the pc would go and hook the outgoing ports to the other computers
<Skater0guy> would it work
<mth> it would, but this is not really the right channel
<mth> Qi Hardware is a project to create hardware
<wpwrak_> mth: (it would) are you sure ? "usb splitter" seems to be synonymous to "usb hub'. there's no way a hub could "reverse direction"
<mth> there are USB splitters that are like KVM splitters without VGA
<mth> a USB hub wouldn't work indeed
<Skater0guy> how much would something like that run
<Skater0guy> ok
<Skater0guy> well
<mth> I don't know what it would cost
<qi-bot> [commit] Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas: added simulation clkd,data and sync http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-gps-sdr/31b9fc9
<viric> xiangfu: nii hao
<viric> xiangfu: I've still not tried the fix for 'nerase'. I've kept the nanonot busy. :)
<xiangfu> viric: Ni Hao, take your time. :)
<viric> xiangfu: it's suspicious the openssl speed test had some "0.00s" time counters.
<kristianpaul> argg i cant trust too much in gplver or iverlog :S
<kristianpaul> hmm even trying this code (http://ur1.ca/2id86) i cant get  a good simulation in iverilog :S
<kristianpaul> what i'm missing ..
<kristianpaul> ahh it works
<kristianpaul> hmm shift registers could save me time and several lines of code :D
<kristianpaul> ahh conncatena even more
<kristianpaul> and the comma saves the day :)
<kristianpaul> gn8