purr changed the topic of #elliottcable to: this is CLEARLY a cult.YEP
<alexgordon> there's a maximum of how much parallelism a system can take before you have "too much" and it gets slower because of all the overhead
<glowcoil> idk i guess this is not the lowest level language
<glowcoil> and also there'd probably be hooks to control that
<whitequark> it doesn't really make sense implicitly
<alexgordon> see, I think it's better to make it easy to pick off the low hanging fruit
<whitequark> you'd need a "sufficiently smart compiler"
<alexgordon> glowcoil: anyway we were talking about generators lol
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> I forgot where we got to before we started talking about parallelism
<glowcoil> even without parallelism generators are great
<alexgordon> ok so if you take a function like map
<glowcoil> and the more flexible they are and thus the more places you can use them, the better
<alexgordon> you can have a parallel map
<alexgordon> and you can have a generator map
<alexgordon> parallel map is what it says: it splits the computation over multiple threads
<whitequark> or both at the same time
<alexgordon> whitequark: yes
<whitequark> let the language transform map with cps
<whitequark> if it's needed
<whitequark> scala can do that
<alexgordon> generator map is like in python: (f(x) for x in xs)
<alexgordon> this is making my head hurt already
<alexgordon> generators are mostly about memory rather than time
<whitequark> what
<whitequark> generators are about suspending control flow
<alexgordon> normal map requires O(n) extra space, whereas generator map does not
<alexgordon> whitequark: not to me
<whitequark> it's a special case of coroutines
<glowcoil> whitequark: or providing more neat places for it to flow to
<glowcoil> not really "suspending"
<whitequark> welp, then you have a different notion of generators than... everyone else? :]
<alexgordon> whitequark: I use generators to avoid allocating large chunks of space
<glowcoil> alexgordon: right, to interpolate two algorithms
<alexgordon> whitequark: e.g. you can have a generator that iterates recursively over a directory
<glowcoil> if one can start before the other is done
<whitequark> glowcoil: well, you suspend currently executing function and start executing something completely different
<whitequark> alexgordon: you can just make a language with external iterators
<alexgordon> whitequark: without requiring space for however many children and grandchildren that directory has
<whitequark> or, more like. what you describe is external iterators
<whitequark> generators can be used for conveniently implementing external iterators.
<alexgordon> whitequark: but when they're first class you can do cool shit like itertools
<alexgordon> e.g. chaining two generators together
<alexgordon> or filtering over a generator
<whitequark> can do that with just external iterators
<alexgordon> what's the difference then?
<whitequark> I mean, the external interface of a generator is that of an external iterator. what you describe all concerns external iterators only.
<glowcoil> i feel like this whole conversation has been unnecessarily hostile
<alexgordon> LOL
<purr> LOL
<whitequark> the difference in the internals. external iterators maintain state explicitly
<whitequark> whereas generators maintain state explicitly by mimicking a closure
<joelteon> god, ruby fucking sucks
<whitequark> so external iterator is: class Foo; def init; @state = 1; end; def next; @state += 1; @state; end; end
<alexgordon> oh I see
<whitequark> and generator is: def generate; state = 1; loop { state += 1; yield state }; end
<glowcoil> i really like using scope for things
<whitequark> assuming yield doesn't work like it works in ruby but is a true generator keyword.
<glowcoil> ruby's yield is a little silly
<alexgordon> whitequark: "external iterators" is basically NSFastEnumeration in objc
<whitequark> I fully agree that external iterators is a wholly good pattern
<whitequark> glowcoil: I should have written that in python
<whitequark> to avoid confusion
<alexgordon> I mean they're pretty much equivalent in a sufficiently high level language
<whitequark> who are?
<glowcoil> whitequark: yeah was just making a semirelevant comment
<glowcoil> :p
<alexgordon> external iterators and generators
<whitequark> also "sufficiently high level" is a weasel phrase, don't use it
<alexgordon> :P
<alexgordon> "in the limit"
<whitequark> alexgordon: generators present an interface of an external iterator
<whitequark> they can't be equivalent
<alexgordon> so we can define the operations on a generator...
<whitequark> it's comparing apples and oranges
<alexgordon> 1. yielding from a function
<alexgordon> 2. yield froming from a function
<alexgordon> 3. iterating over a generator
<whitequark> are you drunk?
<alexgordon> 4. applying combinators to a generator
<whitequark> that doesn't make sense
<alexgordon> whitequark: -_-
<alexgordon> it makes sense in my head, which is a marvellous place
<whitequark> 2. and 3. is "having a function next() which returns the values sequentially"
<whitequark> and 4. can be built around 2.
<whitequark> well, I'm assuming you're trying to make a minimal list of operations here
<alexgordon> I think the difference between us is that I always look at things from the perspective of a user...
<glowcoil> well if you want to define "the operations on a generator"
<glowcoil> that usually means like, inductively
<glowcoil> or w/e
<whitequark> alexgordon: same here
<whitequark> it's easier to grok a language concept if it's defined in minimal possible terms
<glowcoil> necessary & sufficient
<whitequark> easier to build abstractions based on it
<alexgordon> whitequark: but next() is an implementation detail
<glowcoil> ok fuckit i'm going to make hands
<glowcoil> and come back
<alexgordon> glowcoil: make hands?
<whitequark> alexgordon: only if you make it so
<whitequark> I mean, you can define generators like this:
<whitequark> 1. has an interface of external iterator (next() function)
<glowcoil> alexgordon: my not-paws
<alexgordon> ah
<whitequark> 2. maintains state implicitly via local variables and nonlocal control flow
<alexgordon> OH lol
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> I get it glowcoil
<whitequark> you could of course tie these two orthogonal concepts together
<alexgordon> whitequark: your conception of a generator is so completely different to mine
<whitequark> i.e. 1. a thing which can be iterated, and maintains state implicitly via ...
<alexgordon> when I'm using python I don't even know it has a next() funciton, all I see is https://gist.github.com/fileability/1efeec920e0b4cf97635
<glowcoil> also it's going to be a lot easier to learn/write things in
<glowcoil> less of a turing tarpit
<glowcoil> just like hands are
<glowcoil> you *can* pick things up and use them with paws...
<whitequark> alexgordon: as user, I'm interested in, say, writing map()
<alexgordon> whitequark: you use yield and for-in for that
<alexgordon> def map(f, gen):
<alexgordon> for x in gen:
<alexgordon> yield f(x)
<whitequark> okay, so it is exactly how I described: you've tied them together
<alexgordon> yes
<whitequark> I guess you can do so, it's wholly equivalent to my description
<whitequark> although
<whitequark> no, not really
<whitequark> alexgordon: how would you interleave values from gen1() and gen2() with your for..in ?
<alexgordon> you could do
<whitequark> loop { yield gen1.next() ; yield gen2.next() }
<alexgordon> well, it won't be nice :P
<whitequark> so I can write map()
<whitequark> but not zip()
<whitequark> ew.
<alexgordon> def next(gen)
<alexgordon> for x in gen:
<alexgordon> return None
<alexgordon> return x
<alexgordon> I see what you mean though, that requires gen to have state
<whitequark> as I've said: our descriptions are functionally equivalent :)
<alexgordon> which means it has to be a mutable reference
<alexgordon> whitequark: one way to do it (immutably) would be to return a new generator with the rest of it
<whitequark> alexgordon: so then you will have mutable local variables
<whitequark> except they're not mutable or local variables, but something completely different
<alexgordon> yeah but no references
<whitequark> no references ?
<alexgordon> ugh python is the wrong language for this example
<alexgordon> whitequark: awoidjaoiwdjoiawjd you know what I mean
<alexgordon> no mutable generators
<alexgordon> no references to mutable generators?
<alexgordon> something like that
<whitequark> it basically means that each time you enter a generator, you implicitly duplicate its state
<whitequark> and then you return it from next()
<whitequark> newgen, value = gen.next()
<alexgordon> heh yeah
<whitequark> well, this could work, except it completely breaks the way locals work in almost all existing languages
<whitequark> breaks the assumptions
<whitequark> also this would mean things like zip() perform deep copying of state
<whitequark> and this is horrible
<whitequark> each call to zip() would copy three states, which would copy more states maybe
<whitequark> screw that <>() shit
<alexgordon> xD
<alexgordon> it's C++
<whitequark> yes, screw that
<alexgordon> it's C++!
<whitequark> for explanation of functional concepts
<whitequark> screw C++.
<whitequark> absolutely.
<alexgordon> whitequark: anyway I kind lost the thread of what we were actually doing this for
<alexgordon> *kinda
<alexgordon> so you want to implement zip
<alexgordon> [A], [B] -> [(A, B)]
<alexgordon> so if we turn this into CPS
<vigs> ¬______¬
<alexgordon> hi vigs
<vigs> oh whoops wrong channel
<vigs> hi alexgordon :D
<alexgordon> vigs: I thought you just hated cps
<vigs> I'm not judging your cps, promise
<alexgordon> [A], [B], ([(A, B)] -> Void) -> Void
<vigs> okay THAT I'm judging
<vigs> (not really)
<whitequark> -> ⊥ :p
<whitequark> because they don't return
<whitequark> → ⊥ actually
<alexgordon> erm [A], [B], ((A, B) -> Void) -> Void
<whitequark> alexgordon: no that's not cps
<alexgordon> no it isn't
<alexgordon> but it's what we want
<whitequark> that's a regular callback
<alexgordon> for a iterator generator thing
<whitequark> you have just described an internal iterator
<alexgordon> I KNOW
<whitequark> ok, you can't write zip() with internal iterators, kinda
<whitequark> show me next()
<alexgordon> for a list?
<whitequark> oh, wait, the input is not an iterator, it's just a list
<whitequark> so it doesn't compose. boring.
<alexgordon> whitequark: it could be an iterator
<whitequark> not an internal one
<alexgordon> why not
<whitequark> show me the implementation
* alexgordon gets out the C++ again
<whitequark> in C++? now that's interesting
<alexgordon> (ps, I'm glad that you can read furrow!)
<whitequark> eh I'm not a good benchmark. I read all kinds of stuf
<whitequark> *stuff
<whitequark> brb writing postscript by hand
<whitequark> I actually need this for a good practical reason
<alexgordon> man C++ is ugly
<whitequark> omg if this file is being printed on paper less than size it wants, it'll print an angry message instead
<whitequark> magik
<whitequark> whoever came up with US page sizes, fuck you and your shit
<alexgordon> whitequark: ah I get you
<alexgordon> need to make it proper cps
<whitequark> yes, I think that would be sufficient
<alexgordon> can't see how though
* whitequark pukes
<alexgordon> something is VERY wrong LOL
<purr> LOL
<whitequark> alexgordon: the loop
<whitequark> you can't have loops with cps
<whitequark> make it a tail-recursive inner function
* alexgordon pukes
<whitequark> haha
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<whitequark> hey ec
<whitequark> CVE-2014-0044 CVE-2014-0045
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<alexgordon> fuck yeah furrow
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<alexgordon> it's amazing, only TWO ERRORS
<alexgordon> hear that prophile ?
<alexgordon> JUST TWO ERRORS
<prophile> that's incredible
<prophile> just two errors?
<alexgordon> yep
<alexgordon> ...I should really not check in generated code
<alexgordon> haha so many linking errors
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<glowcoil> made it over the past two days
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<alexgordon> glowcoil: I can't log into my laptop :|
<alexgordon> literally I can't click the text field LOL
<purr> LOL
* alexgordon tries logging in as a guest
<joelteon> do underscore and jquery play nice together
<alexgordon> joelteon: yes
<alexgordon> NOTE: a missing vtable usually means the first non-inline virtual member function has no definition.
<alexgordon> "vtable for std::__1::__shared_weak_count", referenced from:
<alexgordon> std::__1::shared_ptr<Literal>::shared_ptr<Literal, void>(Literal*) in parser_generated-MShdYt.o
<alexgordon> std::__1::shared_ptr<LValue>::shared_ptr<LValue, void>(LValue*) in parser_generated-MShdYt.o
<alexgordon> iawjodijawdoijawd
<alexgordon> DIE C++
<joelteon> yay, cool
<joelteon> man it's amazing how many people have worked together to make javascript a little less awtful
<joelteon> awful
<whitequark> not that much, about two hundred
<whitequark> brendan eich once described the cost of implementing all the modern js engines, it's surprisingly low
<joelteon> what is it?
<prophile> $49.99
<prophile> in australian dollars
<joelteon> so like $44.75
<prophile> something like that
<glowcoil> joelteon: jquery plays nice with everything https://medium.com/cool-code-pal/b73c06079a2
<aki_> omg do I love jenn schieffer
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<alexgordon> IAJWDOJAWD
<joelteon> ok, I don't get it
<joelteon> is that a jab at jquery, at web developers, or at the NSA
<alexgordon> it compiles
<glowcoil> joelteon: read the rest of jenn schiffer's articles on medium
<alexgordon> mmmm string literals
<alexgordon> the thing that no programming language ever gets right
<whitequark> oh fuck you
<whitequark> like, really
<alexgordon> lol whitequark
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> I miss ELLIOTTCABLE
<glowcoil> alexgordon: http://prog21.dadgum.com/76.html
<alexgordon> haha
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I miss alexgordon
<alexgordon> thanks for reminding me
<glowcoil> ELLIOTTCABLE: <3
<glowcoil> ELLIOTTCABLE: did you hear my beat did you hear my beat
<alexgordon> glowcoil: while we're at it, wtf are \a and \b for?
<alexgordon> bell and backspace
<glowcoil> hahaha bell is sweet
<alexgordon> s/sweet/fucking annoying
<glowcoil> well ascii was originally to transfer like,
<glowcoil> every keyboard input over a network
<glowcoil> like, a series of keypress/status things
<glowcoil> like, beps are good for teletypes
<glowcoil> and \b is good for teletypes
<glowcoil> and \v too
<glowcoil> woefully useless now
<alexgordon> lol
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> GONE
<alexgordon> easy to add back escape sequences if people actually want them
<alexgordon> harder to take them away
<joelteon> \a is excellent
<alexgordon> think we can get rid of octal representations too
<whitequark> it's nice to imagine a line printer and vi when thinking about ascii
<whitequark> because that's exactly what it was developed for
<whitequark> anyway, it could be worse. we could still use ebcdic
<alexgordon> glowcoil: how about \^H
<glowcoil> alexgordon: haha what's that
<alexgordon> control code escape
<alexgordon> \^ then a letter
<alexgordon> \^H would be delete
* alexgordon waits for whitequark to find a problem with it
<whitequark> alexgordon: ruby has \cH
<whitequark> or \C-H
<whitequark> or \C-\M-H for example
<whitequark> it's kinda obscure and rarely used gimmick which has strange implications for e.g. pretty printing and parsing
<whitequark> I personally would prefer to have two sequences: \xHH for hex anx \uNNNNNN for hex unicode codepoint
<whitequark> simple and efficient
<alexgordon> there's either too many or too few N's there
<whitequark> no, last codepoint ix 0x10ffff
<whitequark> hand in your unicode cred
<whitequark> to get it back, explain the difference between code unit, code point, character and grapheme
<alexgordon> I dunno I was just reading the python docs
<alexgordon> \uxxxxCharacter with 16-bit hex value xxxx (Unicode only)
<alexgordon> \UxxxxxxxxCharacter with 32-bit hex value xxxxxxxx (Unicode only)
<whitequark> >>> "\U10000000"
<whitequark> '\\U10000000'
<purr> whitequark: (string) 'U10000000'
<whitequark> wtf?!
<whitequark> wait, what
<whitequark> purr: why did you just reply
<alexgordon> purr does python?
<alexgordon> >>> print "hello world"
<purr> alexgordon: SyntaxError: Unexpected string
<alexgordon> >>> print("hello world")
<purr> alexgordon: undefined; Console: 'hello world'
<alexgordon> well that could mean anyting
<whitequark> >>> PYTHON_VERSION
<purr> whitequark: ReferenceError: PYTHON_VERSION is not defined
<whitequark> >>> VERSION
<purr> whitequark: ReferenceError: VERSION is not defined
<whitequark> *shrug*
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<alexgordon> >> undefined
<purr> alexgordon: undefined
<whitequark> >>> shrug()
<purr> whitequark: ReferenceError: shrug is not defined
<alexgordon> >>> undefined
<purr> alexgordon: undefined
<whitequark> >>> undefined()
<purr> whitequark: TypeError: Property 'undefined' of object #<Object> is not a function
<alexgordon> I think it's javascript :P
<alexgordon> pity
<joelteon> >>> typeof typeof
<purr> joelteon: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input
<joelteon> huehue
<joelteon> >>> typeof typeof undefined
<purr> joelteon: (string) 'string'
<alexgordon> whitequark: the real python says '\\U10000000'
<whitequark> yes, see above
<whitequark> oh, I was using 2.x
<whitequark> >>> u"\U10000000" File "<stdin>", line 1
<whitequark> SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 0-9: illegal Unicode character
<purr> whitequark: SyntaxError: Unexpected string
<whitequark> purr: fuck off
<whitequark> anyway. there are only so many codepoints
<whitequark> I wonder why they even did UTF-32, UTF-24 is much more storage efficient
<whitequark> alignment likely
<joelteon> should've done UTF-18
<whitequark> they did
<joelteon> did they?
<whitequark> rfc4042
<joelteon> is that in python
<alexgordon> whitequark: so apparently in python you HAVE to have all 8 digits
<alexgordon> for \U
<alexgordon> but \u is more lax
<whitequark> alexgordon: yeah, usual python silliness
<alexgordon> oh wait, no \u has the same thing but with 4
<alexgordon> whitequark: I guess it would be strange if you typed in \U00000001
<alexgordon> and you got \001
<whitequark> they really should have dropped the first two zeroes
<whitequark> because they're *always* 00
<alexgordon> whitequark: anyway, just type the code symbol into the file :D
<alexgordon> gostyle
<whitequark> that doesn't fly
<alexgordon> tell that to rob pike
<whitequark> editors may well want to transform the text. turn it from NFKC to NFD for example
<whitequark> I think apple text widgets do so
<whitequark> rob pike made a ton of silly decisions in go, and I'm saying this being fully aware who he is
<whitequark> I guess he just doesn't really care about unicode support that much
<joelteon> well go is for embedded systems isn't it
<joelteon> or is that another language I'm forgetting
<whitequark> wat
<alexgordon> whitequark: LOL
<purr> LOL
<whitequark> go is a dsl for io-bound servers. not even a general-purpose language
<whitequark> alexgordon: at what?
<joelteon> must be another language then
<alexgordon> whitequark: rob pike not caring about unicode :P
<whitequark> yes, that is funny
<whitequark> I don't know how else to explain the fact you can't distinguish – and — in go source by looking at them
<alexgordon> erm anyway
<alexgordon> so what does ruby do for 32-bit unicode?
<whitequark> exception
<alexgordon> it breaks?
<whitequark> um? define "32-bit unicode"
<alexgordon> code points beyond ffff
<whitequark> no, it supports the entire range till 10ffff
<whitequark> it's only javascript that breaks
<alexgordon> but does it have \u and \U like python?
<whitequark> ruby's \u accepts any number of digits
<alexgordon> ah I see
<alexgordon> at the risk of http://xkcd.com/927/
<alexgordon> maybe the best way to do it would be to have \u take exactly 4, and \U take any number
<alexgordon> otherwise how do you type a unicode character followed by a literal digit?
<whitequark> "\u1234" + "123"
* alexgordon chuckles
<whitequark> actually
<whitequark> in ruby
<whitequark> "\u{1234}"
<whitequark> I'd say just go with ruby's \u{} notation and make it the only one
<alexgordon> or have that and \u1234
<alexgordon> people kind of expect \u1234 to work
<whitequark> that'll do
<whitequark> stop obsessing over irrelevant minutae ;)
<whitequark> also who is glowcoil, I forgot it again
<whitequark> oh right, micah
<alexgordon> whitequark: lol I'm not obsessing, I was writing the lexer
<purr> lol
<whitequark> I was kinda joking
<joelteon> ok guys, how does "a" "æ" "ag" sort
<whitequark> a æ ag
<whitequark> if you do the proper normalization dance of course
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> that's what I'm trying to do
<whitequark> here you'd need... NFD
<joelteon> NFC or NFD?
<whitequark> NFD, you need to decompose them
<joelteon> ok
<whitequark> hrm
<joelteon> postgres doesn't support that
<joelteon> of course
<whitequark> actually, æ won't split to a and e
<whitequark> but Å would, for example
<joelteon> ok
<joelteon> yeah, that's what I want
<joelteon> ugh, calling out to perl
<joelteon> that's gross
<alexgordon> woot it parsed
<alexgordon> :D
<alexgordon> I got hello world to parse in furrow
<alexgordon> this is a glorious day
<whitequark> "we took about 90 meters... and then blew all them up"