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<damnDirtyApe> !la
<damnDirtyApe> !ls
<damnDirtyApe> anyone know off hand if you can get the cubie to pass network packets promiscuously up the stack with a quick config change, or if its something down in the driver?
<damnDirtyApe> logs say its entering promisicuous mode..but damn thing only passes up broadcasts, and packet addressed to it
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<lunra> ...
<lunra> well, for anyone wondering, routers don't send packets along wires that they don't need to be on
<lunra> So, you only get packets addressed to your ethernet address
<lunra> If you're on WiFi it's another story, but that's because effectively you're sharing the same 'wire'
<rm> lunra, switches
<lunra> hm?
<rm> -> <lunra> well, for anyone wondering, switches don't send packets along wires that they don't need to be on
<lunra> yeah
<lunra> however hubs send everything, because they do nothing
<rm> yes
<rm> and the point is there are no new hubs made in perhaps 15 years or so
<lunra> they're good for one-to-many networks though, where everyone is recieving the same stuff
<lunra> certain cluster topologies would probably do okay with an impromptu hub
<lunra> idk if gigabit can even be hubbed though
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<Vostok> i once had to connect three machines together, so i just soldered three ethernet cables parallel :)
<Vostok> the network dropped once in a while, but worked
<Hukka> pics or didn't happen ;)
<Vostok> i actually took pics. wonder where they are.
<Vostok> that was 12 years ago
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<bagnz0r> Hi guys -- I need to build custom android here, and what I see on the website...
<bagnz0r> ?is the entire AOSP source tree.
<bagnz0r> Could anyone here provide ONLY the device tree, vendor and kernel?
<bagnz0r> Thanks
<atsampson> there are various bits for sunxi platforms here:
<bagnz0r> Yeah I've seen that. Took a look at Cubieboard device tree repo? But it was empty.
<bagnz0r> Guess I will have to screw around from scratch then.
<bagnz0r> See, I'm trying to make Cubieboard support touch input from? rather unusual panel.
<bagnz0r> Ordinary Android image seems to have "some" support, because it seems to detect the input device.
<bagnz0r> But doesn't work at all.
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<popolon> mnemoc, looking at what you said yesterday, the linaro ppa doesn't work anymore, but the toolchain is instead already included in default ubuntu (perhaps in partners part ?)
<popolon> Category : Développement (universe)
<popolon> on Saucy
<popolon> about the same on raring
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<popolon> universe is : free software developed by the community
<popolon> oh !
<bagnz0r> I hope any changes to frameworks or kernel won't cause the build to vomit on OS X...
<popolon> didn't see linaro-boot-utils:
<popolon> This package contains utilities useful for booting development boards
<popolon> with corrupt or no boot media over a USB or serial connection to a
<popolon> development host.
<popolon> usbboot !
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<popolon> usage: usbboot u-boot-spl.bin u-boot.bin
<popolon> no man page
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<bagnz0r> It seems that the sync fails at local manifest
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<lumprich> Hi, I will buy me a cubieboard2 and use it as a media center. Is the quality from line-out better as from raspberry pi? Sorry for my bad english.
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<bagnz0r> Yes.
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<lumprich> bagnz0r: thanks
<ttmrichter> OK, I'm a little unclear on how to get things to actually boot from an SD card. I've got a 4GB SD card with lubuntu 12.04 burned into it. The card is in the slot when I power up the board. Nothing boots up. Which vital step am I missing?
<ttmrichter> Sorry, to be clear, I mean the OS doesn't boot up.
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<ttmrichter> Eventually some kind of test mode boots up and tests IR, NETWORK, SATA, UDISK, MMC in sequence.
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<Turl> ttmrichter: what image did you burn to your card?
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<ttmrichter> Turl: Turns out I burnt the NAND image. :) When I burnt the SD image it worked fine.
<popolon> do you mean you fill the card by dd ?
<popolon> burn is more related to cd
<popolon> flashing for nand
<popolon> :)
<lunra> There's a Chinese term for it as well which isn't obvious when translated to English, IIRC
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<popolon> luka, for what ?
<popolon> for sd, flash or cd ?
<lunra> do you mean me? I mean for flashing
<popolon> in french we say 'graver' => meaning engraving for cd
<popolon> like disks
<lunra> then again, 'flashing' doesn't make much sense either, only when you know how the cells are erased
<lunra> That makes more sense, popolon
<lunra> I think the term used is 'brushing'
<lunra> don't quote me on that, may have just been a bad translation
<popolon> oh, traditionnal engraving printing in chinese, is called yingshua
<popolon> meaning brushing picture
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<lunra> Interesting
<popolon> because in chinises engraving method, the picture is duplicated by brushing the paper
<popolon> as, as far I know, they use chinese (indian for english) ink
<popolon> that's water diluated ink
<popolon> in europe we use oil diluated ink for printing
<popolon> so need more pressure
<popolon> that's probably related too
<popolon> but flash is adapted to NAND flash memory after allo
<popolon> all
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<popolon> so only english terminology adapted to CD technology, where laser burn the disk
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<focus> popolon: i stay in China Guangzhou province for 2 years - know Guangzho and Shenzhen well
<focus> :)
<popolon> focus, nice :)
<focus> They got biggest electronics markets i ever see - especially shenzhen
<popolon> I will propably leave there when I'm retired :)
<popolon> I will be
<popolon> I mean when I will be retired...
<focus> shenzen best - very big on electronics
<focus> takes 7 days to go through just the markets in seg
<focus> shop in seg market
<popolon> see lot of article about this area, I go 1 or 2 street away from here several times, but didn't know
<focus> don't miss - just ask taxi driver from train station - they all know
<popolon> I seen several little electronics market in Guangzhou, first time I gone to china (~2001,2002)
<popolon> focus, I know where is it now, I believe I can find by myself by feet or subway :)
<focus> when i were there (about same time) there were 3 markets i believe - the modern, old and second hand markets
<focus> a lot smaller than shenzhen
<focus> second hand market brilliant - bought a box of speakers for $10
<focus> bought 10,000 springs for $20
<focus> bought 10,000 switches for about $20
<popolon> the 'antique' printing brushs, are often sold as painting brushes in france :)
<popolon> on markets
<popolon> focus, I seen one, near the baishan airport (former one), and another near the pearl river and some parks
<popolon> a park, with some aquariums
<focus> i went to a park high up - spend most time working :(
<popolon> Near Haizhu square or wenhuagongyuan zhan
<focus> that park had a walkway down a long hill with cobbled stones. everyone walk bare feet to massage their feet
<popolon> oh ! That was really for that
<popolon> I already walk in some parks in china with such stones, and feel this property :D
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<focus> :)
<ki9a> !ls
<popolon> walk nude feets on grass is good too
<popolon> but hope there is not some bottle glass remains
<ki9a> !explpm usb-power
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<focus> uk a bit risky - toxicara worm infects eye by tunneling through skin
<ki9a> Presuming I feed the cubie 2A via usb or the power connection, can it power a ~1A usb hdd?
<popolon> oh, didn't read well => engraving calligraphy brush means calligraphy brush engraved (i feel stupid sometimes)
<popolon> 印刷 <= yinshua, not yingshua
<popolon> <= perhaps brush is for apply ink, and the kind of roll to press paper ?
<popolon> <= a longuer tool (flat brush ?) to apply the ink on the paper
<popolon> and the wide vertical brush is for ink (the brush is in the ink cup here)
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<lunra> has anyone used SPI on the cubieboard? I just wired up a '595 shift register to SPI0
<ttmrichter> Does anybody have a Cubieboard (A10) FreeBSD prebuilt image available somewhere?
<lunra> interestingly outputs 0 and 1 keep blinking every now and then...
<lunra> ttmrichter, I'd be surprised if there's a FreeBSD on Cortex-A8 at all, I went looking for one last time someone mentioned FreeBSD in here which was about a week ago
<lunra> (sorry that that isn't helpful)
<ttmrichter> lunra: (Or you could just look at ganbold_'s thing...)
<ttmrichter> It's apparently possible to build it, but it relies, it seems, on someone already running FreeBSD which I'm not.
<lunra> woah, how did I not find that -_-. Sorry
<lunra> interestingly it's saying ARMv6
<ttmrichter> I'm just interested in the fact that they've got instructions for hoop-jumping, but nobody thought of, you know, just supplying a binary image. :)
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<B3RN0UT> hi, could someone help me? i'm a totally a beginner in linux & cubieboard :D
<lunra> well, it sucks to upload a multi-gigabyte SD image, but a prebuilt kernel and userland would have been nice...
<lunra> B3RN0UT: What's up?
<ttmrichter> lunra: It's a preposition. It denotes a position or direction of superior altitude.
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<lunra> Why is the attitude superior? I quite like it down here.
<lunra> *altitude
<ttmrichter> Just the way the language works, unfortunately.
<B3RN0UT> lunra: i've set up my cubie and installed the cubiez image on a 2,5 hdd via Win32DiskImager, why see i a android os an not he cubieez image? ^^
<lunra> ttmrichter: The language also allows for "What's up?" to mean something other than "What is in-position-above?"
<B3RN0UT> first time i've started the cubie2, what do i need or what do i make wrong here?
<ttmrichter> Yes, but it's not funny to interpret things that way.
* ttmrichter clarifies: funny to me.
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<lunra> B3RN0UT: Cubieboards cannot boot over SATA. Also, what image did you use?
<B3RN0UT> cubieez kernel 3.4.43
<B3RN0UT> i don't have a external sd, do i have to install something directly on the onboard flash? and how do i do that? :D
<lunra> have you got a cubieboard1 or a cubieboard2?
<B3RN0UT> 2
<lunra> Unlike regular computers, different cubieboards and other ARM boards are not quite compatible
<B3RN0UT> i would like to use this yes, that's what i want to do
<lunra> Have you got a Linux livecd or something that you can run on your regular computer?
<lunra> Using Linux to do the disk copy -greatly- reduces possibility of problems, from what I've seen
<B3RN0UT> currently not, but i can create one that's not the problem
<lunra> basically that image has to go onto microSD card
<lunra> it can't go right onto a HDD
<lunra> The NAND (flash) install script seems to need to be run from a running cubieboard
<lunra> so you need to boot the cubieboard from a microSD card, then run the install script (or leave it on microSD), then you can move some stuff onto HDD
<B3RN0UT> maybe we should go the other way if that's easier... :D for me it doesn't matter which OS i use, all what i want to do is to set up owncloud :D
<lunra> unfortunately these devices are not suited to people who haven't got a good Linux background, but we can try to help
<lunra> especially since some things are frustrating even for people who have been doing this for ages, and not everything is documented well...
<B3RN0UT> haha ^^ i've found a good instruction how ot set up owncloud but it's based on a raspberry
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<B3RN0UT> so he introduce the set up on raspbian
<lunra> raspbian and debian are similar, just that raspbian is optimised for Raspberry Pi (and won't run elsewhere afaik, certainly not without modification)
<lunra> so, you're on the right track
<lunra> but you'll need a microSD card
<lunra> sorry if I'm not quite making sense, I'm a little bit sleep deprived
<B3RN0UT> that's what i thought, i've trouble at the first steps the rest should go on it's own
<B3RN0UT> but the cubieboard has some space directly on the board or?
<ttmrichter> lunra: You can flash the NAND from the USB, no?
<ttmrichter> It's just finicky and bad for your sanity. :)
<lunra> yes, but IIRC it's hard to make those images
<lunra> like REALLY hard
<ttmrichter> Oh, I see. Making a custom NAND image strikes me as black magic indeed.
<B3RN0UT> isn't it possible to install some kind of bootloader directly on the board or do i miss understood anything here ^^
<lunra> B3RN0UT: It does have some NAND flash, but it's difficult to program it from another computer
<lunra> u-boot bootloader runs from microSD or NAND but noone has used it to boot from SATA afaik and either way modification is needed
<B3RN0UT> it must be similiar to my android smartphone where i've installed cyanogen mod doesn't it?
<lunra> kind of
<lunra> Do you have a microSD card?
<B3RN0UT> only in my smartphone
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<B3RN0UT> which size should be necessary?
<lunra> according to the forum post, 2GB
<B3RN0UT> mby a microsd is at my house xD
<lunra> ?
<lunra> the card will be completely erased when you put the image on it
<B3RN0UT> maybe i can find one in a old device ;)
<B3RN0UT> yeah i know
<lunra> so you'll have to back up everything on it
<lunra> okay, just making sure, people sometimes don't realise until after they do it ...
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<B3RN0UT> @lunra do i also need a card reader or can i put it directly into the cubie?
<B3RN0UT> and can it handle a 8gb one?
<ttmrichter> B3RN0UT: There's a MicroSD reader in the board that can cope, supposedly, with 64GB cards.
<B3RN0UT> sound gr8 :D
<B3RN0UT> btw do u have time to help me setting up? i wouldn't steal your freetime
<ttmrichter> I've only tested it with a 4GB one myself, and indeed that only today.
<ttmrichter> Setting you up how?
<ttmrichter> I'm competent to help you get a pre-built distro on an SD card and beyond that no farther. :)
<lunra> B3RN0UT: The microSD card can be put directly in the cubieboard but you will have to use a card reader with your regular computer to put the image on
<ttmrichter> ('Cause that's all I got done today.)
<lunra> (the cubieboard can't work as a really big card reading device for your computer)
<B3RN0UT> thanks a lot for now :D have to transfer 1,7gb away from the sd card ;)
<B3RN0UT> ok what do i have to do now?
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<cubieboard2> hallo
<cubieboard2> !ls
<B3RN0UT> the sd card is pluged in to the cardreader at my pc
<B3RN0UT> btw it mustn't be cubieez if u say another distribution would work quiet better
<cubieboard2> any1 there?
<lunra> B3RN0UT: cubieez will do, unless you want a different one
<lunra> are you still on Windows?
<B3RN0UT> i'm on windows yes
<lunra> okay, I'm just reading about that tool you mentioned earlier, Win32DiskImager
<B3RN0UT> yes
<B3RN0UT> should i use it again the same way?
<lunra> okay, yeah, write the cubieez image to the microSD card
<B3RN0UT> k mom
<lunra> did you verify the md5 sum?
<B3RN0UT> md5 sum?
<lunra> it's used to make sure that the download wasn't corrupted
<lunra> Download Cubieez 1.0 (A20 version) (441 MB, md5: 1a124552cbe88fec4cb82c6e942b38b9)\
<lunra> I don't know how you'd obtain the md5 in Windows though
<lunra> you can try and do it without checking, but if the download was corrupted then it might not work
<B3RN0UT> k we'll see ^^
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<cubieboard2> did the same thing today. really easy. @b3rn0ut: i can help you.
<lunra> alright, basically, you write the image to the microSD card, then put the card into the cubie and turn it on, you should get output on HDMI
<lunra> depending on this guy's kernel config, which I have no idea about, your SATA HDD should be usable already but you might have to partition it
<cubieboard2> open up win32diskimager, select the cubieez image file and click write. :D that's basically it
<lunra> (fwiw I'm running my cubieboard1 with Arch Linux on NAND flash with /home on a 1TB SATA HDD)
<cubieboard2> just make sure, that you select the correct device to write
<B3RN0UT> haha yes thx :D
<lunra> yes, this is important, it's easy to destroy data with these kind of tools
<B3RN0UT> i guess the cardreade is usb 1.0 WTF
<B3RN0UT> 2% :/ we'll wait ^_^
<cubieboard2> and btw the user is root and the password is cubieboard
<B3RN0UT> yes I've read it before on another site/tutorial
<lunra> probably not a good idea to run owncloud as root, B3RN0UT
<B3RN0UT> @cubieboard2 my problem is/was i've tried it directly on the hdd which wont work... ^^
<lunra> so you might want to make a note to read about creating a new user
<lunra> oh, I assumed you were using a SATA HDD, is it actually USB?
<lunra> (it doesn't really matter either way, I'm just curious)
<B3RN0UT> ok a normal user with no write rights yes? and configure under the new user owncloud as root like at win7 am i right? :D
<B3RN0UT> the hdd is attached directly on the sata port
<lunra> I'm sorry, I don't understand what you said about users
<cubieboard2> i'm not sure but did you try to write the image on the hdd?
<cubieboard2> and it didn't work?
<B3RN0UT> you've said i should use another user to set up owncloud
<lunra> as for the HDD, good, I hope that SATA is enabled in the cubieez kernel image (people who upload images ought to list their kernel config!)
<B3RN0UT> a user without any root rights yes?
<lunra> B3RN0UT: Yes, but they'll need write permissions for the files that owncloud will work with
<lunra> I'm not familiar with owncloud so I can't help with that prt
<lunra> *part
<B3RN0UT> ah that's the point yes ^^
<B3RN0UT> no problem
<lunra> but you should be fine once you get this running on your cubieboard
<B3RN0UT> cubieboard2: lunra told that the board can't boot from the hdd directly
<B3RN0UT> 7% done -.-'''
<lunra> oh what the hell, to use GPIOs you have to tell the board in the fex file?! Not worth losing my uptime-prestige :>
<B3RN0UT> i cancel it and put the micro sd into my phone this should work faster xD
<lunra> uhh
<lunra> not a good idea
<B3RN0UT> why?
<lunra> the card reader is less likely to modify the data
<B3RN0UT> you see the sd in the explorer as one
<lunra> well, I wouldn't risk it, but if you want...
<lunra> my cubieboard1 has been up 125 days, 12:02.
<lunra> That's one stable embedded platform. My beagleboard-xM lasted only 34 days before suddenly deciding to fail, and it doesn't seem that the PSU was at fault...
<B3RN0UT> do u also have a raspberry?
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<lunra> I _did_, but I applied the wrong polarity to the power rails when trying to make it portable... and I blew it up. oops.
<B3RN0UT> xDD what do u think is the best one so far?
<cubieboard2> hey b3rn0ut do you speak german?
<lunra> cubieboard1, but I've only had: beagleboard-xM, Raspberry Pi, MK802 clone (AK802), and cubieboard1
<lunra> the raspberry pi used to lock up randomly as well
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<jelly> one wonders how reversing the polarity always seems to work in star trek
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<Bushmills> i reckon it was his subconciousness, compelling him to connect the pi with reverse polarity, because he wanted to get rid of it
<popolon> there is cubian
<popolon> for cubieboard
<popolon> a little like raspbian
<lunra> Bushmills: Quite plausable, the bloody thing pissed me off very often
<lunra> with its abysmal USB, random lockups, poor performance... the RPi is terrible, IMO
<lunra> (USB packets are dropped often, in addition to the polyfuse problems on earlier boards)
<popolon> B3RN0UT, you can only boot on µSD (using the cubieboard2 integrated reader) or integrated flash nand
<popolon> but after that, you can flash an uboot version that boot on SATA or USB disk
<popolon> oh, I forgot you can also use netboot with default uboot, if I m not wrong
<B3RN0UT> thx for the information but i'll use now the µSD to boot ;)
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<popolon> B3RN0UT, this one woked well for me
<popolon> (boot on SATA from µSD
<popolon> on a linaro distro
<popolon> most work, but graphics (2D/3D) acceleration
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<popolon> so that's slower and SoC heat a little (you can put your finger only during 2~3second on SoC before starting to feel the hot temperature of the SoC
<popolon> xscreensaver is more a cpuwaster without graphics acceledation
<popolon> s/acceledation/acceleration/
<infobot> popolon meant: xscreensaver is more a cpuwaster without graphics acceleration
<popolon> and can use 1,5 CPU power all the time
<popolon> 1.5 (there is 2 cpu on the cubieboard)
<popolon> 2
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<TopperDEL> !ls
<TopperDEL> !ls 3.5mm-jacks
<TopperDEL> !explpm 3.5mm-jacks
<TopperDEL> Hi! Can anybody tell me if I can use the line-in on the cubieboard 2 with the built-in android? Can I plug in a simple mic or what ist meant with "additional hardware" in the 3.5mm-jacks-FAQ?
<TopperDEL> Or will Android use a USB-Microphone from a headset?
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<TopperDEL> Anybody there?
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<rm> people using Android (1%)
<rm> * people using/needing Line-In (1%)
<rm> =0.01%
<rm> that's why you probably shouldn't expect a quick reply :)
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<Baronawesome> Guys I need some halp regarding SATA
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<Baronawesome> ugh, my internet borked
<Baronawesome> I mounted a NTFS disk on /mnt but i'm having poor write speeds
<Baronawesome> read speeds seems to be okay according to hdparm
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<wooy> well TopperDEL was impatient, but thats his problem since the answer is no, no mic will work well if at all in line-in
<wooy> Baronawesome: ntfs is really bad choice in linux; you would probably get better results teaching your window speak ext3 or something
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<popolon> ntfs => harly keep good timedate, sucks lot of cpu, very slow
<popolon> no user rights management !
<popolon> and usefull rights
<popolon> & flags
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<GargantuaSauce> yeah ntfs performs "ok" on a desktop platform where you have a few gigabytes of memory to throw at buffering
<popolon> <= translated the most part of using Focus images to boot on SATA with working linaro (hw graphic acceleration still missing)
<GargantuaSauce> but for a platform liek this it would be advisable to avoid ntfs for sure
<popolon> in any case it is far slower
<popolon> on linux
<popolon> and you will not be able to keep most of unix files rights and flags
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<popolon> good enough for some not precious data files
<Baronawesome> I thought it was because of some sort of hardware bottleneck cubieboard had
<Baronawesome> well, i'll try formating it to ext4
<GargantuaSauce> ext4 is also preferable because it uses journaling for data instead of just metadata, and if you're anything like me you knock out the power to the damn thing twice a day
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<froy> Baronawesome, my spinning sata drive is noticeably faster than my 10x (30MB/s) uSD card.
<froy> on my cubieboard
<Baronawesome> so it is really not a bottleneck
<Baronawesome> should've known that using NTFS from start was a bad idea
<GargantuaSauce> yeah the limiting factor is really fuse/ntfs-3g
<GargantuaSauce> or rather, the above running on a relatively wussy SoC
<froy> fuse ntfs-3g is slow even on fast computers
<popolon> even on a corei3
<popolon> ntfs-3g is slow
<popolon> I mean really slow, and has high cpu usage
<popolon> I use it for data on my wife notebook thinking she will perhaps use preinstalled windows a day, but as, she doesn't use it at all, and work easily with xubuntu
<popolon> I today think to reformat it to ext4
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<popolon> hope there will be quickly nice netbook, with arm SoCs => throw x86 and it's preinstalled windows
<popolon> s/netbook/notebook/
<infobot> popolon meant: hope there will be quickly nice notebook, with arm SoCs => throw x86 and it's preinstalled windows
<popolon> else large tablet with keyboard
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<wickwire> Hi guys, does anyone know if cubieboard 2 only works with linaro ALIP? no other linaro ubuntu variants (like server, developer, desktop)?