DocScrutinizer05 changed the topic of #neo900 to: | conversations are logged to and | 2013-11-04 - the day our fundraiser reached its goal | 2014-05-01 360 devices 75k€| 0712 183 ~30k | 0810 300 ~49k | 0914 346 ~56k
<DocScrutinizer05> nah, maemo woes
<astr> life woes
<astr> ohh
<astr> don't tell me yours has RIP'ed?
<DocScrutinizer05> some guys have a really crippled idea of what makes a community
<astr> forum?
<DocScrutinizer05> :nod:
<astr> humans and there ways of socialising...
<DocScrutinizer05> I been silly enough to *again* post there
<nox-> .oO(why do webforums keep reminding me of fidonet...)
<DocScrutinizer05> hehe
<nox-> (not that i read maemo's much :)
<astr> time for to have a browse and err see...
<astr> hmm while on the subject, a project thats on my promotion list is a raver good way of running spaces from online forums to tall ship sailing maybe food for thought and something positive for ya?
<DocScrutinizer05> 404
<astr> opps bad spelling
<DocScrutinizer05> +n?
<astr> DocScrutinizer05,
<astr> yep
<astr> not just spaces, a way of socialising autonomously
<DocScrutinizer05> that sounds sensible, on first glance
<astr> have a read of the books
<DocScrutinizer05> I'll do :-9
<DocScrutinizer05> :-)
* DocScrutinizer05 notes that kbd needs a cleaning
<astr> have a think mull it over and ask me questions or even better email jhon :)
<DocScrutinizer05> all the tobacco crumbs collecting under shift key
<astr> arrr
<astr> feel free to be nice and sceptic :)
<astr> hehe
<astr> or just ask questions now if ya like
<astr> i can voice chat via mumble
<DocScrutinizer05> sorry, I'm not really "online", iow mostly afk
<astr> np, just wanted to say it was a option if it was the case you couldn't face typing ;)
<bencoh> 01:01 < nox-> .oO(why do webforums keep reminding me of fidonet...)
<bencoh> haha
<nox-> t'is true :)
<nox-> somehow i have better memories of usenet
<nox-> (which is mostly dead now too, yeah)
<astr> ohh btw I'm being tourchered between neo or gta04. gta04 ok is cheeper and i can get it now but oohhh neo it's got X,X,X and X. BT4=secure unlike bt2.0 :( (if only gta04 it was bt2.1) and a 5mp camera but on the other hand gta04 would help me even though its usb host is only 100ma :/ = small usb pwr bank arr well, it would do the job but then for not much more.. well additional +€200 i could wait and get neo900 but then i can get gta04
<astr> now if i get on with it and well the idea thing it to have both :D buy gta04 now and get to work make moneys and pre-order neo900 with non-existing errning for upgrade :D. you cus me pain in making the neo900 so great hehe
<astr> but then I don't have anymore £££ so i shall have to make doo with lovly gta04 :)
<astr> i've been going in circles for days over this
<jake42> astr: what do you want to use gta04 for?
<astr> jake42, gps nav around citys, towns. bus jouny planing, music player, pro audio record with usb mic/audio interface, phone, email,
<astr> notes
<astr> alarms, and anything else I can do with it
<astr> qrcode zapper
<astr> if camera
<jake42> astr: as a headsup, its not fully read get, still needs work
<jake42> like powersaving
<jake42> s/get/yet/
<astr> arr noo
<astr> how bad is the battery life
<jake42> you would need to do some kernelhacking first
<astr> eek out of my depth
<jake42> a few hours
<astr> suspend?
<Oksana> What can gta04 do that neo900 cannot do? And vice versa?
<jake42> iirc suspend current is somewhere at 50mA?
<astr> neo900 can does what gta04 does and more
<astr> but I can get a gta04 now 2rd hand
<jake42> I can only say that with current kernels your battery will be empty in no time
<astr> eek
<astr> just when I thought I had come to a decision.... aghh
<jake42> replicant works quite nicely, though also not mature for everyday use I'd say
<astr> I can live with non perfection
<jake42> astr: I don't want you to be disappointed :-)
<astr> i know
<astr> put it this way I currently use my wonderfull nano note dayto day
<astr> and I don't have "smartphone"
<astr> only a black and while screen thing to make calls when i need too
<jake42> I'm back to my gta02 after I dropped my n900 and the eMMC got loose :-/
<astr> ouch
<nox-> :(
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<jake42> using gta02 for 6 years now as only phone apart from a few weeks of n900 use
<jake42> (dropped n900) I will try to fix it next year :D
<astr> well a few hours is good is that on a bran new battery or a not so new battery
<astr> bran=brand
<astr> I don't need it to be on all the time, so if i can supsend it with out much/any :) pain then i could make it last all day
<jake42> haven't done any real live tests
<bencoh> dont you want to be able to receive calls ?
<bencoh> nox-: I still run a usenet node :)
<jake42> it supports suspend, yes and will wake for a call
<jake42> astr: which OS would you want to run on it?
<nox-> bencoh, i only run inn for mailinglists here :)
<astr> jake42, err gnu/linux preferably
<astr> i forget the names of the distos
<astr> moko the err enlightenment DE one looks good
<jake42> SHR, qtmoko and replicant
<jake42> SHR
<jake42> shr is the least working one for gta04 of the three
<jake42> need some work :-)
<jake42> s/need/needs/
<astr> thx
<astr> then yea qtmoko i guess
<Oksana> ((dropped n900)) What's the problem with it?
<astr> bencoh, I most of the time i don't need to receive calls. when I do it's for a small period
<jake42> Oksana: the toshiba flash chip can't be detected anymore
<Oksana> ((wake for a call)) Waking from suspend on incoming call? That would be a killing feature on Maemo 5...
<jake42> looks like that happend to more ppl
<jake42> Oksana: maemo uses a different way to save power, doesn't it?
<jake42> no suspend needed
<jake42> ((dropped n900)) but it looks like with some flux and hotair it might be possible to fix the issue
<bencoh> cpu goes idle afaik
<bencoh> (maemo/n900)
<bencoh> and there is a sleep on idle in pmconfig
<astr> wake on call is useful
<Oksana> Still, it can wake up (from shutdown) for an alarm, without bringing up whole system. Optional wake-on-incoming-call would be great, too. And optional wake-on-camera-cover-open...
<astr> can it wake on time for a alarm?
<astr> at a time
<jake42> n900 or gta04?
<Oksana> If you shut down N900, then yes, it wakes up for an alarm on time. Unless it's completely drained battery.
<astr> gta04
<jake42> never tried it, lets see if it works on replicant.. if I find out how to set an alarm :-)
<astr> :)
<astr> I guess neo900 will have a more refunded kernel with better power management
<bencoh> let's hope so
<jake42> kernel work on gta04 is still very active
<astr> ohh
<jake42> theirs still in the process of upstreaming drivers etc
<jake42> powersaving isn't a high priority until everything else works
<astr> I thought it was more waiting for them to be upsteamed by the kernel linux lords
<astr> yea
<jake42> there're patches every few days on the ml
<Oksana> gta04? Since it can wake from suspend for a call, then it should be able to wake from suspend on alarm... What is rtcwake?
<Oksana> :-)
<astr> I would hope so :)
<astr> ...anyone got any bitcoins for sale and there in the uk?
<jake42> ok, wake-from-suspend after alarm works in replicant
<astr> yahoo
<astr> thx for the info
<astr> so what are the woes you have with replicant?
<jake42> audio was stuttering on a call, though I only tested once
<jake42> I will do some more tests
<astr> oh and compared to qtmoko?
<jake42> haven't tryied a qtmoko recently
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<jake42> will go catch some sleep now, battery of gta04 is at 74%, lets see if it wakes me up in the morning
<jake42> (no sim card inserted)
<jake42> gn8
<astr> jake42, thanks have a good sleep
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<ds2> p
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<astr> DocScrutinizer05, poor ya this looks like the source of your woes but what does e.v mean?
<wpwrak> must be "einstweilige Verfuegung", provisional injunction
<astr> wpwrak, thx
<wpwrak> (that was sarcastic, by the way :) but i was hoping for someone to chime in quickly. no, it really means - in this context - "eingetragener Verein", sort of "registered association"
<astr> oh, clue less, for i be vulnerable
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<wpwrak> heh :)
<Oksana> Fishing mail! Hooray! It's rare like a dodo here. New Year Present. Entertainment, in short. Pulling the full headers out of it was a small challenge. IT will get back about it, probably, a week later - after the holidays.
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<Oksana> Ok, that's the first time I notice that MicroB browser sounds like micro-B usb port within N900?
<Oksana> Why does battery charging dock DT-33 blink with red LED?
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<fling> astr: Hello.
<astr> fling, hehe ello, wonderd if you might be reading
<fling> astr: why? haha
<astr> have a look at me questions in the log hehe
<fling> astr: have you seen the photos?
<astr> the ones on the website
<fling> astr: when are you about to buy gta04?
<astr> see private irc msgs for little updates
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<Oksana> Bonan Novjaron!
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<wpwrak> Oksana: you're still a day early :)
<wpwrak> (at least)
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<Wizzup> and they don't mention the neo900
<jake42> astr: so after a good nights sleep here comes the report
<jake42> gta04 suspended for 7.25h and went down 60% on the charge, bq27000 driver reports the battery with 898mAh
<jake42> that would equal about 74mA/h in suspend
<kerio> when you say suspended
<kerio> you mean the cpu
<kerio> ?
<kerio> Wizzup: so... mention it
<jake42> kerio: yea
<jake42> OS is suspended to ram
<Wizzup> kerio: no account:)
<jake42> Wizzup: it trivial to make one, just username and password needed :)
<Wizzup> uf... :)
<jake42> Wizzup: did 2 posts
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<bencoh> talk about battery drain ....
<kerio> "how does that work out performance-wise?" - some dude, about the "usb baseband" thing of the neo900
<kerio> how do i answer
<jake42> kerio: performance will be limited by usb2.0 ofc
<bencoh> usb2, you mean .... 480mbps ? :p
<jake42> well that would result in something like 20-30MiB/s?
<bencoh> that's far more than what umts can deliver, and still more than current lte implementations in any case
<kerio> he's apparently worried about the performance overhead
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<bencoh> and ... you'll have other issues before reaching it anyway
<jake42> kerio: like usb protocoll overhead in general?
<kerio> jake42: yeah, literally the extra cpu time used by the usb protocol
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<jake42> of course there will be some, compared to DMA
<jake42> how that impacts battery life or such, no clue
<freemangordon> doesn't USB use DMA as well?
<kerio> cpu->device maybe, not viceversa
<kerio> i REALLY hope not viceversa
<freemangordon> hmm, why not, as long as DMA is done by USB controller itself
<freemangordon> not the device
<kerio> ah yes
<kerio> well, same thing
<jake42> what's the same thing?
<kerio> a "trusted" component
<kerio> and not the usb device itslef
<kerio> itself
<jake42> ah, yes
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<DocScrutinizer05> it's not the question who *does* the DMA but who *initiates* it
<DocScrutinizer05> USB cannot initiate a DMA
<DocScrutinizer05> the DMA controllers are basicaly under sole control of the CPU
<DocScrutinizer05> as long as it's CPU to determine start addr and length of DMA transfer, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that
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<DocScrutinizer05> USB DMA is in no way similar to the DMA used to communicate via shared RAM
<DocScrutinizer05> the USB controller is an IP block in SoC, and it's up to CPU to initialize all the registers that control that block
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<kerio> ayy lmao
<DocScrutinizer05> ??
<DocScrutinizer05> kerio: "trusted component"??
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<DocScrutinizer05> please check EHCI 'standard' implementation
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<astr> jake42, thx
<jake42> astr: yw
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<jake42> on replicant text messages also don't seem to work yet
<DocScrutinizer05> ((gta04)) I'm not sure about SHR (nor about any of the other distros actually) current status, particularly the N900 version thereof. But originally (for 'root' platform GTA02) the design been based on concept of suspend to RAM, which is pretty much a NoGo - or at least not reasonable - for an OMAP platform which is designed in hardware to do ZeroClock
<kerio> why unreasonable?
<kerio> more like useless
<jake42> DocScrutinizer05: SHR, qtmoko and replicant do suspend to RAM on gta04
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<DocScrutinizer05> kerio: unreasonable since it puts requirements regarding clean suspend and resume in as short as possible time on drivers of all peripherals, that are prone to spoil energy management and user experience. Useless since those wouldn't be needed at all when the OS would generally and rigorously follow the ZeroClock approach
<DocScrutinizer05> jake42: ta
<jake42> hu?
<DocScrutinizer05> for info
<jake42> oh.. "thanks"
<jake42> (OT) have there been any n900 sold with simlock?
<DocScrutinizer05> power management - based on proper system wide application of zeroclock concept - is the reason why I insisted in maemo for the primary OS which we base our hw design on
<DocScrutinizer05> ((simlock)) yes, evidently
<DocScrutinizer05> IIRC "3" provider in UK
<DocScrutinizer05> maybe also vodafone
<DocScrutinizer05> there must have been others too
<jake42> tnx
<DocScrutinizer05> I never seen a N900 with SIMlock, but heard several reports
<DocScrutinizer05> plus there's a function to unlock SIMlocked device, in maemo
<DocScrutinizer05> iirc in menu of "settings"
<jake42> so it's no trouble unlocking one?
<jake42> classic XY question, sry
<DocScrutinizer05> it's no trouble entering an unlock code, so you get one
<DocScrutinizer05> it's probably also possible to "crack" the N900 BB5 SIMlock in a somewhat similar way like for other BB5 based Nokia phones
<DocScrutinizer05> (not saying that it's actually possible for other BB5 phones - I have no info about that)
<DocScrutinizer05> ask openbot, he seems expert for that topic :-)
<jake42> thanks, it's just a hypothetical question for now :-)
<DocScrutinizer05> anyway I can promise that no Neo900 with SIMlock (or carrierlock) will give you any headache for the next 3 years at least ;-)
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<jake42> and after that it will automagically enable a SIMlock? :-P
<DocScrutinizer05> (3 years) who knows what the future will be like ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> maybe T-Mobile buys Neo900 UG for EUR 6 Billion
<DocScrutinizer05> ;-P
<x29a> pls no
<DocScrutinizer05> I'd fund a Teo900 UG the very next day :-)
<x29a> palm tungsten t?
<DocScrutinizer05> T-Mobile Erred Oncemore
<DocScrutinizer05> imagine what we could do with 6 billion! :D
<wpwrak> paaarty ! :)
<DocScrutinizer05> everybody owning a Neo900 would get a new Teo911 for free
<bencoh> :]
<jake42> hate to crash the party, but I don't see why T-mobile might be interessted at all ;-)
<bencoh> neither do we, but shhh
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah, I knew there's a fly in the ointment
<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: ta for draft. It's great so far (first ~3 pages)
<drathir> lkol
<drathir> lol*
<wpwrak> kewl :)
<drathir> moore neo900 not only party ;p
<wpwrak> jake42: has lack of reason ever be an impediment for acquisitions ? :)
<bencoh> we just need to bring together a community of a few million people
<bencoh> and bingo
<jake42> I'd guess there are always reasons but maybe not so comprehensible ones
* drathir wonder when orange will distribute neo900 ;p
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<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: also 53??? dang!! you been busy
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<wpwrak> and that's just the low-level stuff :)
<DocScrutinizer05> freemangordon: ping
<wpwrak> (53pages) and i hope you also like the 99 footnotes :)
<DocScrutinizer05> hehe
<wpwrak> the citations per page ratio is also quite good: in my thesis it was a bit less than 0.5, here it's almost 1.
<DocScrutinizer05> "thesis" is actually what I instantly thought :-)
<wpwrak> naw, too short. thesis had almost 200 pages. i would have to add higher-layer protocols and some experiments to get to that size :)
<kerio> not to mention a bigger line spacing!
<wpwrak> but this is a new personal record for the use of latex extensions ("packages"). normally i have maybe 1-4. here it's 15. i specially enjoyed discovering "fp". that's a proper calculator, much nicer than the spreadsheet i had found before.
<bencoh> latex calculator ?
<wpwrak> oh, and of course "hyperref". now my PDFs can finally have PDF tables of contents (that side bar).
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<wpwrak> bencoh: example: \FPeval{rshmin}{(vh+voff)/0.000290-ron}
<wpwrak> this sets \rshmin to (vh+voff)/0.000290-ron (where \vh, \voff, and \ron are variables defined before)
<wpwrak> almost as nice as writing rshmin = (vh+voff)/0.000290-ron
<bencoh> :)
<DocScrutinizer05> ~seen freemangordon
<DocScrutinizer05> *cough*
<bencoh> info<tab><tab>gnii
<DocScrutinizer05> oh sh.... seems Tim's server is down
<DocScrutinizer05> LOL!
<freemangordon> DocScrutinizer05: hmm?
<DocScrutinizer05> ^C
<DocScrutinizer05> Warning: Program '/usr/bin/ssh' crashed.
<DocScrutinizer05> oh hi freemangordon :-)
<DocScrutinizer05> >> The kernel-based Linux NFC project clearly looks like the future and we can probably safely ignore the other projects.<< \o/
<kerio> how does that help us with the infobot situation
<DocScrutinizer05> not at all, completely unrelated
<DocScrutinizer05> I actually suspect a general network issue in "Qwest Communications Company Llc" in the area Salt Lake City (or maybe New York)
<DocScrutinizer05> internet doesn't look too healthy, looking in that general direction
<DocScrutinizer05> mtr reports quite a nomber of alternative paths, long RTT (150ms), and up to 10% packet loss, on several hops
<DocScrutinizer05> dunno if that's "normal" for US networks
<DocScrutinizer05> Tim been online yesterday, so odds are he's not on winter holiday
<DocScrutinizer05> I sent a mail
<DocScrutinizer05> hmm
<DocScrutinizer05> not helping
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<Openbot> Unlocking n900 is nasty buisness i think the only bb5 untamed .
<bencoh> DocScrutinizer05: 150ms for germany<->saltlake isnt that uncommon
<Openbot> Got one to unlock (o2) didnt manage to
<Openbot> Even user code unlock requires a reflash
<Openbot> The problem is backing up rpl
<DocScrutinizer05> Openbot: :-) thanks for expert info
<DocScrutinizer05> bencoh: hmm, yeah. Quite possible
<Openbot> I.e cmt 308 so even if it was possible i didnt dare to fiddle without rpl backup furthermore online rpl request is a nightmare
<Openbot> Docscrutinizer i didnt manage to unlock it so not expert then
<DocScrutinizer05> ooh, I think that's qualifying for "expert" perfectly
<DocScrutinizer05> obviously for unlocking BB5 in N900 you need to use a testpoint connector for under battery, since the USB is not connected to BB5 at all
<DocScrutinizer05> even then it's still questionable if it really works, or BB5 firmware in N900 is slightly special
<Openbot> And worst is all blocks b1 to b7 were open as seen on emmited los wheres some blocks should be closed in sim wonky device i.e things like contact service , pm corruption , simlock
<DocScrutinizer05> beyond me :-)
<DocScrutinizer05> no expert here
<Openbot> I got a fbus cable ;) and it does acces mordem as the logs say
<Openbot> I got a fbus cable ;) and it does acces mordem as the logs say
<DocScrutinizer05> I guess b1 to b7 are filesystem blocks?
<Openbot> I dont know i ll provide you logs later tell me then ;)
<Openbot> Worst yet mxkey is dead this is the fourth one
<DocScrutinizer05> nevermind thanks. Not on my todo list of stuff to learn, right now
<Openbot> Great i will not have to borrow a box then :p
<Openbot> Actually concentrating on studies solely now enough of poket money buisness :D
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<Openbot> Lexik|m ???
<lexik|m> Hm?
<Openbot> Lexik|m: good night ;)
<lexik|m> Woot
<Openbot> Lexik|m: its ok ;
<lexik|m> What the fsck is going on over here
<Openbot> I am out ;
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<DocScrutinizer05> WOW wb infobot!
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<DocScrutinizer05> infobot: wb
<infobot> thx
<DocScrutinizer05> [2014-12-30 Tue 20:04:02] [Notice] -NickServ- Metadata entry cloak-alternative has been deleted.
<DocScrutinizer05> \o/
<kerio> ?
<DocScrutinizer05> nm
<DocScrutinizer05> cleaned my irc account
<DocScrutinizer05> it had references to council
<bencoh> :]
<kerio> rofl
<DocScrutinizer05> ohnoes
<DocScrutinizer05> bot goes offline again
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<DocScrutinizer05> let's see if I can resurrect her
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<DocScrutinizer05> hmm
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<DocScrutinizer05> ohmy
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<DocScrutinizer05> >><TimRiker> ISP dropped DSL line from 6:30 to 11:30 or so. bot was offline for that time.<<
<DocScrutinizer05> >><TimRiker> yep. looks like the line is still flakey.<<
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