DocScrutinizer05 changed the topic of #neo900 to: | conversations are logged to and | 2013-11-04 - the day our fundraiser reached its goal | 2014-05-01 360 devices 75k€| 0712 183 ~30k | 0810 300 ~49k | 0914 346 ~56k
<wpwrak> btw, in case someone feels bored or needs to kill time until the gifts arrive (getting a little late for that for those in .eu, though), here's a new block diagram:
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<wpwrak> content should be pretty much as before, but i changed/fixed some subtle bugs in the scripts generating all this, so if anything looks suspicious, please holler
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<Oksana> Quuiiieeeettttt......
<wpwrak> oy
<wpwrak> grr
<Oksana> ? Hello
<wpwrak> it's friggin' xmas eve on almost half of the planet. what do you expect it to be ? wild orgies ? ;-)
<Oksana> Well, I would expect that people free from work would double their efforts on open-source front ;-) But they are more likely to run away from computers altogether, so... Almost-silence in many places.
<wpwrak> in german, there's even a song, about the most famous for xmas, going "quiet night, holy night ..." :)
<Oksana> Why does N950-flasher require sudo? Work-Linux is protected against sudo-attempts, so reflashing N950 (to latest-Nemo-Mobile) can be done only at home (fortunately, I have already downloaded image and such, so slow Internet is not going to be a problem).
<wpwrak> you should make friends with the people who can free you from that sort of straight-jackets :)
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<Oksana> Heh... I know the admin, but I doubt he would make an exception for me, because it would set a dangerous precedent, and greatly increase number of problems he has to solve. As it is, handling proprietary=buggy software is no easy task. Mysterious problems come and go; log-off-log-on is the most common cure, but it does not always help.
<wpwrak> you just have to come up with a good excuse for him to give you the necessary "privileges". then he's covered. and at universities, people rarely get hanged for screwing up, so even if you did cause some damage, he probably wouldn't worry too much.
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<DocScrutinizer51> chowm /dev/usb
<Oksana> chown?
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<trench> new command to take over hardware ;)
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<Pali> fuck, my raspberrypi with debian *wheezy* wants to install new package called init-system-helpers
<Pali> Maintainer: pkg-systemd-maintainers <>
<wpwrak> do you feel the cold fingers of evil gripping your shoulder ? :)
<Pali> lennarts wants also embeded world or what?
<Pali> package fake-hwclock now depends on that systemd shit
<Pali> are they idiots or what?
<wpwrak> soon, /bin/true will require it ...
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<Pali> script in cron which read current timestamp and store it to disk depends on that?
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<Pali> my rpi has only 500MHz processor and only 256MB of RAM... I cannot install systemd because I do not have enough memory for it
<Pali> so no thanks!
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<bencoh> 256mo isnt enough for systemd ? :]
<DocScrutinizer51> xactly my point since over a year. Lennart ~poettering nuking linux for everything other than desktop PC workstation usecase
<DocScrutinizer51> ~poettering
<infobot> 'sth is poettering' means it acts invasive, possessive, destructive, and generally in an egocentric exacerbating negative way. ``this cancer is extremely poettering'', or you look here for Linus' notion on what's poettering:, or, or see ~systemd cabal
<SylvieLorxu> Wow, Linus is friendly in those posts
<bencoh> :)
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<mvaenskae> Pali: systemd will make great friends in the embedded world of uclibc and musl ;) ohhh wait... it is designed to run with glibc
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<mvaenskae> DocScrutinizer51: i am getting weird looks if i say i am anti-systemd "awww come on, it's just an init system, it won't kill you to use it"... yup, maybe not now but in 5 years even a stupid text editor will depend on some interface it offers and oh boy will kdbus give a field day for exploits to run in kernel level as opposed to userspace
<SylvieLorxu> "It's only one of the most important parts of a system"
<bencoh> mvaenskae: they hardcoded glibc-specific stuff as well ?
<bencoh> seriously now .... when you thought it couldnt get worst ...
<bencoh> (it will)
<bencoh> -t+e
<MonkeyofDoom> "oh boy will kdbus give a field day for exploits to run in kernel level as opposed to userspace" the other part is true but this is nonsense
<DocScrutinizer51> yup
<MonkeyofDoom> there's no reason kdbus will be more exploity than any other IPC service the kernel provides, and the kernel side of kdbus solves some problems that weren't well-solved previously which will benefit things like Wayland's use of SHM
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<Openbot> Kaboom kaboom
<Openbot> kabooom kabo...
<Openbot> drunk chrismas and a jolly new year to all ;) docscrutinizer05 excluded .
<Openbot> Happy new year and merry chrimas to doc and neoteam ;)
<Openbot> C ya ll later lots of cakes and stuff to gobble shamelessly ...
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<phre4k> I posted about the neo900 in a German tech forum, response was rather negative. Noobs :D
<Humpelstilzchen> not for everyone
<phre4k> ^
<phre4k> I thought IT pros would know what's great about the neo900 and what it is not.
<Humpelstilzchen> "pros"
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<mvaenskae> hm, those people seem to be interested in IT, but not in linux and security
<mvaenskae> reading in the forums people also seem to think only samsung/apple have planned obsolence... very naive :)
<Humpelstilzchen> neo900 will also feature planned obsolence?
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<kerio> it's already obsolete! :D
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<DocScrutinizer51> obsolte like a Porsche911
<DocScrutinizer51> s/porsche911/Delorian/
<mvaenskae> kerio: well, according to the people in the thread it will be
<mvaenskae> DocScrutinizer51: btw, why are you not listening to those smart guys in the thread? they can supply everything for 100 bucks per device!
<kerio> LOL
<kerio> DocScrutinizer51: "obsolete like a delorean" is a really nice analogy
<kerio> especially cuz there is a company selling "new" deloreans using old parts and compatible parts
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<bencoh> :-)
<sixwheeledbeast> and the fact deloreans were cleverly engineered
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<gottosortoutanic> ot: gta04 2G or 3G?
<gottosortoutanic> arr ok 3g
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<Oksana> Merry Yule and Happy New Year! Moin
<kerio> moin
<ReqGame> :)
<Oksana> :-)
<ReqGame> I can't wait to see a fully built proto. :P
<DocScrutinizer51> ((delorian, clever analogy)) I know :-D
<DocScrutinizer51> back to the future, Doc! ;)
<DocScrutinizer51> Just lemme find the right flux compensor
<ReqGame> just ask Emmett, he should know :P
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<sixwheeledbeast> Capacitor?
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<sixwheeledbeast> oh yeah, only 10 months until hover boards are released. Where can I pre-order...
<gottosortoutanic> Mic in with ECI? whats ECI
<gottosortoutanic> ?
<gottosortoutanic> how does the line-in the gta04 compare to the line-in of the neo900?
* Oksana looking it up
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<Oksana> Neo900: Stereo line-in, and Mic in with ECI (Enhancement Control Interface);
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<DocScrutinizer51> Oksana: ta
<Oksana> Moin
<Oksana> How are you?
<DocScrutinizer51> btw ECI is a non-warranted feature. I.E. a feature we try to implement / support but we cannot guarantee it
<DocScrutinizer51> thanks, I'm fine! and you?
<wpwrak> gottosortoutanic: all you ever wanted to forget about ECI:
<wpwrak> (this link is somewhat misleadingly called "web page" in the block diagram pop-up on ECI)
<Oksana> ((off-topic)) Does anybody know where gta04 schematics are? Like, what's the line-in in the gta04?
<wpwrak> they's in the system manual:
* Oksana yawns sleepily, and thinks on cooking the forgotten cookies
<gottosortoutanic> gta04 1.3mp optional cam (if i can get one) or 5.3mp auto focus neo900 cam... ooooow what a dilemma
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<DocScrutinizer51> so a new "problem". Neo900 doesn't know DAB
<nox-> what phone does anyway?
<nox-> fm sure but dab...
<wpwrak> and where's two-way shortwave, e.g., when you're on oceanic flight 815 ?