how's my swiss cheese of a power plane look so far? :p
so non-symmetrical
how's the house? :P :P
rqou: We made progress today, bits and pieces of everything from framing the openings around the cable trays to installing the new bathroom exhaust fan and wiring it up
still doesn't sound like you're quite ready for inspection
also lots of miscelleaneous things
labeling junction boxes, removing a few boxes i put in that i no longer need
furring around wiring in the attic
we still have a bunch of stuff on the checklist but the weekend isnt over
So i'm hopeful
are you not optimizing for "inspect asap?"
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We are
But the exhaust fan, for example, is an electrical device
that needs to be wired :p
As is the light fixture over the sink
can you not add those afterwards?
also wtf i seem to be seeing what i'm pretty sure is normally a two-hot mux with just one bit set?!
No i can't
why not?
the old sink light was wired to a circuit that no longer existed
So i had to run a new junction box there (the light fixture itself isn't getting hung until later)
Then the junction box for the exhaust fan is part of the fan housing
you run a cable fitting through a knockout on the fixture itself
So i had to hang the housing, although the duct and fan/light assembly wont get installed until later
in both cases some of the existing sheetrock had to get removed since the new one wasn't quite the same size as the old
(and the bathroom isn't getting fully redone until later)
then any time you have MC cable in an "accessible area" of an attic that runs perpendicular to a ceiling joist, you need wood furring on either side
to protect it from being stepped on
you really should have done more optimizing for "get shit done faster"
The furring on the wiring is a code requirement
they'd fail me at rough-in if it wasn't there
coulda just stapled in some romex
a) Romex can't go in cable tray
b) romex has to be protected the same way in the attic
The old stuff wasn't, of course
But code requires it for new installs
Also having lived in houses with rodent problems i'm not taking any chances
This place had a *bird nest* in the attic
And a wasp nest in the wall
There's no telling what critters might try to nom on the wires
You see why i dont like romex now? :p
Quality is neither cheap nor fast
But yes the only type of wiring that doesn't require protection from stepping in an attic is hard conduit like EMT
or possibly rigid PVC, but i dont know if that's kosher in attics for thermal reasons
ugh, C4 control bits are totally confusing the hell out of me
how many rodents do you have to have living in a house year-round before it's considered a rodent problem
azonenberg: so, at this point in time, do you think the next step should be: 1) Finish up decoding the actual values of the tile input bits (not just the locations)
2) fix up the coordinate system for the visualization which is obviously messed up
3) figure out the coordinate system for wires
4) something else
azonenberg: i think the best next steps will be
1) figure out the LAB input control bit actual values
2) figure out the coordinate system used for wires
3) fuzz IOs actually
sorear: at my old apartment in troy we had no year-round residents but during the winter we'd often have one or two
4) fix coordinate system for visualization
we'd catch one, be good for a couple weeks, then another would show up
5) fuzz R4/C4 controls
what do you think?
and it'd take us a while to figure out his favorite spots and catch him
rqou: sounds plausible
not too many bits left actually
sorear: also things like attics are outside part of the building envelope
and are thus much more susceptible to critters getting in
azonenberg: also, based on exactly which bits are getting set in these visualizations, i can guess that the sparseness of the connectivity is in part related to the physical layout
e.g. when a "right track" mux is set towards the bottom of a tile, the next mux tends to be towards the bottom of the "target" tile too
i guess having wires crisscrossing everywhere isn't really good for layout :P
azonenberg: also, right now i see a "huge gap" that (depending on how i offset stuff) exists past the ends of the io tiles
do you think this is just wasted space?
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but possible?
why unlikely?
I just went to the Silego website for the first time in a while and it redirected to Dialog Semi...
Anyone know when that acquisition happened?
months ago
Oh, lol
azonenberg: another thing that i'm having trouble figuring out: the bitstream has 3 bits every 4 bytes that don't fit into the normal pattern
they appear constant most of the time but do occasionally change
any ideas what might be going on?
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i just discovered pcregrep and it's pretty cool
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ok, my fuzzing technique definitely congested out a lot of routes that should exist
tentative, do not trust: i think LAB input muxes are 4x 4-1 muxes (one-hot, sharing control bits) followed by another 4-1 mux
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nope that's not right
also something weird seems to be happening as lab->neighbor connections only cause one bit to be set
hypothesis: the mux bits controlling LAB lines 0-4 and 13-17 are mirrored
further new hypothesis: the mux structure is 3x 4-1 muxes (one-hot, sharing control bits) followed by another 4-1 mux, where the last input of that second mux is "some special neighbor wire"
but right now it's too late to investigate this in detail
* rqou
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icestorm errata from clifford (cost us a lot of debugging time): "routing" entries in the database are NOT bidrectional transistors as documentation previously suggested. Everything switch in the ice40 should be taken to be a unidirectional tristate buffer/mux from now on, at least pending further research. Online docs are being updated.
(arachne-pnr implemented this already. whether this was a "double bug" that turned out to be correct, or cseed found out and didn't tell anyone, is unknown)
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anyone here got some time to help me debug some stuff?
azonenberg: so i finally decommissioned the giant mess of our network stack in my apartment