alright, does anybody know how to actually obtain libudev?
somehow all i can find is that somehow it's part of systemd now?
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arrgh i f*cking hate cmake
the library is _right there_
you even printed that you found it
and yet you complain that it's not found
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rqou: soo re the coolrunners
i have literally never had cmake reduce the number of problems i have
They are definitely laser marked
The font width is slightly different on the two
between the two*
One of them has flux residue on underside
There is a ground pour on the bottom that i was going to compare to the actual coolrunner bondout
I suspect they're pulls at best, possible full fakes
But we'll find out
oh they're almost certainly pulls
hence why i wanted you to try to extract bitstreams from them
but if you suspect it's remarked, that's interesting
azonenberg: i bet the speed grade is remarked
So the big thing i noticed is
the toolpath the laser took for the xilinx "X" logo
was not the same on both chips
one was raster and the other was more of a swirly vector
for the 512 or the 384?
One vs the othert
i did notice that the color of the substrate was different for 1 of the 4 chips
both of the same SKU were the same pattern
That was flux residue
I'll take a closer look later, have to clean a bunch of my sar stuff and refill before the next call
woo finally
$ ldd ./iceprog/iceprog
not a dynamic executable
there we go
aargh except icestorm strips CFLAGS
whats SAR?
rqou, pulling bitstreams is so much cooler than buying off ebay
*buying used HDDs off ebay
pie__: search and rescue
got it
is it bad that i thought data recovery for a second
azonenberg: at least make an attempt to retrieve the bitstream before destroying it? :P
$ file iceprog
iceprog: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, not stripped
no qemu-user-static required this time
ugh, i have to touch the "hostile takeover" project again
aaargh pkg-config is yet another "doesn't solve any problems" tool
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rqou: maybe your problems just aren't the ones it's solving?
rqou: what's the problem you're trying to solve?
"find my library file that i built for the target architecture"
without me needing to go in and patch .pc files
You need it to be architecture specific?
Meaning you're doing multiple architectures?
um, yeah?
i'm trying to kill "needs a whole friggin container with qemu-user-static"
Most people do that with custom prefixes. Or use cmake.
cmake also adds problems rather than solving them
and i already have a custom prefix
I don't think pkgconfig was designed for that use case
it actually seems to be working for arm-linux
mingw is broken though
I've generally found it easier to beat a cmake based workflow into submission than an autotools one
quite possibly because mingw has its own set of gratuitous brokenness
mingw is broken? News at 11
i've generally found the opposite
i hate cmake workflows
It took me a bit to get used to them but they are generally more straightforward and flexible
well, earlier cmake was telling me it couldn't find a library that it _printed out as found_
which is pretty brilliant
azonenberg: when is splash going to be done? :P
Probably a broken custom library-find script
somehow cmake users seem so love turning build systems into "find all your shit" systems
which is what i specifically _don't_ want
especially since half of the "find all your shit" systems return the wrong answer half the time
cmake is a special kind of hell
i don't understand why "traverse a DAG" is so hard
for bonus points, cmake can't actually traverse a DAG
it has to fall back on make to do that part
somebody on the #gcc channel recently said something like "every time somebody starts a new project with make, you're a little sad, but you can't actually recommend anything better"
i mean traversing the DAG is the easy part. surely the hard part is building it
cmake still uses make
(Or ninja or something else)
exactly why it's silly
yes yes. the sentiment was comedic rather than literal.
several of my friends swear by scons
i tried using waf for a project
i hated it because despite selling itself as "just traverses a DAG, correctly" waf is very "opinionated"
i worked with a guy at berkeley who went by waf... always wonder if he's responsible for the build system.
i've been meaning to write a "JustADAGDammit" build system but never got around to it
azonenberg's splash might be something like that
I got turned away from scone because it has awful support for multiple architecture projects
cmake does better there
hmm, in my experience cmake is just as bad as everything else
sure, it has an idea about "toolchains"
and then somehow somebody will manage to hardcode in a /usr/lib anyways
wtf my entire gui stack just crashed for some reason
splash is basically a dag build system, yes
plus caching and parallelism
But building build dags right is hard :p
almost all of the bugs i currently have / had in the past were related to incorrectly building the dag
awygle: *definitely* get your cats toy mechanisms
whitequark: will do. i am now intensely curious about my old cat's behavior of fetching a mouse only 50% of the way back to me...
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we cooperate in catching moths.
i can reach the ceiling, but the cat has *far* lower reaction time
these goddamn moths are so fast I can't even turn my eyes quickly enough to track their movement
the cat though, the cat could be ground support for a guided missile
which, incidentally, gives me an idea
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rqou: so, coolrunner update
They might actually be legit xilinx devices (though possibly upmarked)
the ground/vccio pad layout in the middle of the die looks exactly like the real xilinx ftg256
Speed grades marked are -6 and -10 for the 384 and 512 respectively
The 384 is actually offered in -7, -10
as is the 512
one of the 512s has pieces of solder braid and dust stuck to flux on the underside
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Fun fact: The Cypress MiniProg3 uses an FX2LP, a PSoC 1 (!), _and_ an XC3S100E (!!!).
* cyrozap
has been doing some MiniProg3 RE
The FX2LP seems to load its firmware automatically at boot, so the only code that needs to be uploaded is the Spartan-3E bitstream. Thankfully, it's pretty much just shoveling the binary over USB, so that's nbd.
Also, the SWD protocol it uses looks pretty much the same as the one used on the KitProg ("mild shock"), so I'll probably be able to share some code with the OpenOCD KitProg driver.
azonenberg_work: while i'm cleaning up build system stuff, please please test the no-udev PR
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it's so weird testing cross-compiling when you have qemu-user-static installed
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fun fact: gp4prog built for arm works under qemu-user-static while iceprog built for arm doesn't
(er, with my no-udev PR at least)
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Hello I would like to try adding VHDL and later Verilog support in meson build, anyone interested?
The idea would be to integrate toolchains such as Vendor ones or GHDL, Icarus.. in meson and being able to create/maintain projects easily.
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cyrozap: I used one of these https://sigrok.org/wiki/Lcsoft_Mini_Board to program PSoC 5LP's before you, et al, had implemented openocd support for the KitProg.
It's interesting to hear what's inside the FX2LP.
pointfree: it makes sense that Cypress used things from the FX2 in their later chips
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balrog, pointfree: To clarify, there isn't a PSoC 1 inside the FX2LP, and there isn't a PSoC 1 inside the FX2LP--they're separate chips. Also, by "load at boot", I meant it has the firmware stored internally and loads that on every boot--as opposed to loading it over USB on every boot.
rqou: i'll test it when i have time, i'm kinda in the middle of stuff now
cyrozap, thank you, I already know this project, I think they implemented their own system in Python. What I propose is to use an existing build system and add FPGA related features. My goal is to also rely on meson features such as wrapdb, transparent test wrapping, use of ninja and really simple syntax(Not Turing complete).
The other cool stuff would be to be able to mix RTL code and SW for soc projects with the same build system.
cyrozap: I'm aware — what I meant is that sharing design patterns in newer devices does not surprise me
jeandet: if you don't mind poking your head into Verilog, you could do a full open-source iCE40 workflow
This a draft of what it may look like. Any comment or help are welcome!
balrog, Yeah but I'm French... I've never used Verilog :(
unfortunately I'm not aware of any system that can turn VHDL into something that the existing place-and-route tools handle. There have been some attempts to add VHDL support to yosys but none have gone sufficiently far...
I think rqou was working on one and then kinda got lost with the complexity :)
There is a tool that convert all the VHDL sources in one Verilog file, one of my colleague tried it, I don't know if it works well...
a tool like that might work at the netlist level
probably not so well at higher levels
Anyway in a first time, we can support fully free simulation workflow, then for implementation we have to use Vendor tools until situation gets better.
though yosys has its own intermediary-language formats...
what I'm saying is that if you want to try to support a fully free workflow including implementation, you could do so with yosys and arachne-pnr and icestorm
but you'd be stuck with verilog for now
if you have a way to generate a BLIF format technology-mapped netlist from VHDL, you could do that too
In fact I mainly what to bring attention to standard build systems like Meson and start a basic implementation to support FPGA workflows.
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As a GRLIB user, I kind of like their script until I have to read them and worse to edit them.
Their usage of Makefiles is insane
My feeling is that their is many aspects in common between FPGA flow and Software building. Such as dependency tracking, Unit testing and just compiling files.
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well maybe people try to make fpga flow more like software dev